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Rumble 20601 Balto vs. Troodons
Balto: 1
Troodons: 4

Rumble 20600 Elodie vs. The Princess (2022 Film)
Elodie: 4
The Princess (2022 Film): 3

Rumble 20599 Tom Cat vs. Death Angel (A Quiet Place)
Tom Cat: 2
Death Angels (A Quiet Place): 0

Wolverine vs. Multiple Man
Wolverine: 3
Multiple Man: 4

Tournament - Captain James Tiberius Kirk vs. Viceroy Nute Gunray
Captain James Tiberius Kirk: 6
Viceroy Nute Gunray: 3

alternative fantasy league

Guest badpierce

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Guest badpierce

I haven't been on this site much lately but I noticed it has changed a little as of late. I love the Idea of the Fantasy league and I hope to join the next season. I do have an Idea for a different kind of Fantasy league though, or at least a different kinda draft. I don't know about you, but I play a lot of fantasy sports leagues on yahoo and such. Some are a normal draft style like you have in the league here, where you draft one player and that player can not be drafted by any other team. there is another way way to draft though, a point based draft system. Very common in Nascar and some baseball leagues. I think it would work well with The CBUB as well. My idea is each team would have 15 or 20 points to use on there team and could draft as many team members as they wanted as long as they didn't go over the point value. Each approved character would be given a point value. (Worf might be a 1, Nightwing a 3 and Spiderman a 7) the Ranking system would need to be worked out of course and I think it keeping street level characters is a good idea. You could have the same characters as someone else, so everyone could have Batman they wanted. It would be a team match, so no more then 3 characters could be used in each match. Each match could be a predetermined mission. Not unlike FLP. One week I could be a strait up fight an the next it could be a spy type mission or science mission. Or we could keep it simple and just make it a 3 on 3 fight like the current league is. This would take more setup and work because the computer cant auto set up and keep track of the team records like it does in the official fantasy league. Anyone intersted?

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thats sounds interesting but I think it would be above what this server could handle and would require A LOT of time to assign point values to all the characters here.  It would probably be more trouble than its worth to be that detailed and precise.

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Guest badpierce

Well you are right about the ranking system, its a challenge but to start out we could limit it to 100 or 200 so street level characters.

Here are some possible examples.

6. thing, Luke Cage, invisible girl


5. Wolverine, spiderman, death stroke, Mr. Fantastic, quicksilver, venom, predator


4. Batman, Captain America, Bane, gambit, cyclops, T-1000, Batman beyond


3. Beast, Night wing, Angel, Nightcrawler, T-850, harry potter, daredevil


2. Killer croc, dead shot, bullseye, punisher, any member of TMNT, RoboCop


1. Robin, any SG-1 character, Rambo, any game of thrones character, any GI Joe.


Now I admit that I may be way off on the points and would need help with that but I think a limited draft class would be manageable.

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Guest badpierce

So let's say we each get 10 points to pick our teams. So team one could be Deathstroke, Bane and the King slayer vs Nightwing, Harry Potter and gambit.

If the point system is even enough there could be some cool match ups. Having a simple one paragraph setup saying what the mission would be would add an extra element to it too.


You could do a lot of "blanket rankings" too. Any lost character, any starfleet character or any fast and the furious character is worth 1 point. Maybe bundle teams like TMNT or SG-1 for 8 points.


Then if it worked out the next season we could have heavy weights like Superman, Thor, Hulk and Godzilla.

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