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Rumble 13375 Elisa Maza vs. Ellen Yin

Guest Dinsdale Piranha

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Guest Dinsdale Piranha

"Awright," Harvey Bullock said. "All of you are here cause you've been chosen to be on the inter-jurisdictional task force. There;s a lotta bad stuff comin' down between Gotham, Metropolic, and NYC and it's our job to put a stop to it. Now, the first order o' business is to introduce everybody. First, we got Dan Turpin from Metropolis, Renee Montoya from Gotham, Stan Carter and Jean DeWolff from Manhattan, Ellen Yin from Gotham--"



"Detective Bullock," said a voice from the other side of the room, "That's not me. I'm over here."


Bullock did a double-take between the woman he had introduced and the real Ellen Yin."


"I'm Elisa Maza, from Manhattan," the other woman said.



"Hey, I'm sorry about that, "Bullock said, "but you Asian chicks kinda look the same."


"I'm not Asian," Elisa said.


"Yeah, whatever," Bullock said. "Now to the briefing..."




A little later that afternoon, Sgt. Carter was browsing through a thick stack of file folders when Ellen Yin brought him a cup of Starbuck's.


"Thanks, Maza!" he said, then did a double-take. "Detective Yin! I'm sorry, I guess it was just the red jacket… and the black tee… and the jeans."


"I always dress like this," Ellen said.


"Um… yeah."




A little later, Dan Turpin passed Elisa Maza in the corridor.


"Detective Turpin," she said. "I just wanted to let you know that my dad's a cop and he's a real admirer. He's told me a lot of stories about you from back in the day."


"Thanks," Turpin replied. "Which one are you?"




"Okay, this is ridiculous," Ellen Yin said.


"What do you suggest we do about it?" Elisa asked.


"You need to change your outfit," Ellen replied. "Try some different colors, maybe a new haircut."


"I like this look."


"So do I, but I don't like everyone acting like I've suddenly got a twin sister. One of us has to change!"


"Okay, but I don't see why it should be me," Elisa said.


"Tell you what," Ellen said. "I'll meet you at lunch in the stationhouse gym. Loser gets a makeover."




The two cops meet in a boxing ring for a 3 round MMA fight.


…as it happens, they are wearing identical ring gear.

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Hah! I've been noticing the strong resemblance between these two ladies for years! Some have always said Yin's look is directly inspired by Maza, and what may further fuel this is the fact that Greg Weisman did write some episodes for The Batman.


As for who'd win this boxing spar, I can't say since I never really watched The Batman (neither the early eps nor the Ninja Joker/Kung-Fu Penguin/etc. type villain makeovers ever really sparked my interest in following the show). I will say, though, that from watching this vid, Ellen might just also share some of Elisa's guts:



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Guest Dinsdale Piranha

I kind of had the same feeling about The Batman. I watched a little but the early episodes seemed all about gadgets and toy tie-ins. It was a big disappointment after Batman: TAS. Though I've heard it got a lot better as it progressed.

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