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Match 13364 Doctor Evazan and Ponda Baba vs. Tommy Oliver

Venom 2009

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Tommy's Awesomeness vs The CBUB - Part 4




"If you're now just joining us. Tommy Oliver as the White Ranger is fighting the Runner Alien." Venom 2009 said.


"But even though Tommy is using the Metallic Armor, it seems that he and the Runner Alien are evenly matched." Spike said.


The Runner Alien roared as it turned around and swung its tail to hit the White Ranger. But the Power Ranger grabbed the tail. "I must admit, you're more of a challenge then Edward Cullen and Evolution Goku. But it's time to put an end to this match. How about I take you out for a spin." The White Ranger said.


As the White Ranger still held onto the Runner Alien's tail, he began to spin the Xenomorph around real fast. The Runner Alien roared as it was feeling sick. Soon the Runner Alien threw up, and the Acid Vomit hit Bella Swan-Cullen and Jacob Black, causing the two to yell in pain as they melted away.


"See you next fall." The White Ranger said as he let go of the Runner Alien's tail, sending the Xenomorph flying out of the stadium.


"With the Runner Alien no longer in the stadium, Tommy is the winner." Venom said.


The audience cheered as Tommy won another match.


The White Ranger powered down the Metallic Armor and his Ranger Form, and was back as Tommy. "Now that I won my third match, is there anyone else that would like to take on my Awesomeness?" Tommy asked.


"We'll take you on." Someone said. Everyone looked and saw Doctor Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba walking down to the arena.


"So Tommy's next opponents are those two background characters from the first Star Wars movie?" Spike asked.


"I'm sure they got big rolls in the Star Wars Expanded Universe." Venom said.


A few of the audience members were cheering for Evazan and Baba.


Soon Evazan and Baba reached the arena. "So you two are my next opponents." Tommy said to them.


Baba was saying something to Tommy, but no one could understand the Aqualish.


"What did he say?" Tommy asked.


"He doesn't like you." Evazan said.


"Funny, a lot of people like me." Tommy said.


"I don't like you either. You just watch yourself. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence on twelve systems." Evazan said.


"So you got the death sentence for robbing 7-Eleven stores?" Tommy said sarcastically.


"That's it!" Evazan yelled as he and Baba each pulled out their Blasters. "As soon as that bell rings to start the fight, You'll be dead!"


"Sorry Pig-Man, but I'm too Awesome to die." Tommy said as his Turbo Morpher appeared on his wrist. "Shift into Turbo!" Tommy yelled as he inserted his Turbo Key into his Morpher. "Red Lightning Turbo Power!" Soon Tommy became the Red Turbo Ranger, and he pulled out his Turbo Blaster. "You two are going down."


Baba was saying something else to the Red Turbo Ranger, but like before the Power Ranger couldn't understand the Aqualish.


"Now what did he say?" The Red Turbo Ranger asked.


"He said "You're good as dead." Evazan said.


"Lets get the fourth match started." Spike said.


Then the bell rings to started the fight.




So there you have it.


It's Tommy as the Red Turbo Ranger vs Doctor Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba.


Who do you think will win?

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Come on AVP, are you going to talk about how much you hate Tommy? :P

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Guest Dinsdale Piranha

Huh... I posted something about the CBUB being the worst hive of scum and villainy you'll ever see, but it got dropped.


Tommy wins, but it's good to see the boys in the bar again.

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Huh... I posted something about the CBUB being the worst hive of scum and villainy you'll ever see, but it got dropped.


Tommy wins, but it's good to see the boys in the bar again.


Thanks for replying.

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I was trying to see if these Star Wars guys did anything, but no, they suck. Tommy is too awsome for them. Might have been better if he didn't have his powers.


Well both Evazan and Baba have Blasters, but I’m not sure if those weapons can hurt or kill Tommy as a Power Ranger.


Also, thanks for replying.



Yet Tommy sill takes this.


Thanks for replying.

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To let everyone know, I’m just going to stopped my Tommy arc right here.


Now I need to make plans for my 100th match. ;)

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