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Favorite characters?

Guest sirmethos

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Guest sirmethos

Simple(ish) question :) Who are your favorite characters from comics, and why?


And as a kind of sub-question, I'll also specify, who are your favorite Marvel/DC characters, and why?



To keep kind of a limit on it, let's keep it to a max of 10 characters per question/answer :)(that's 10 comic book characters)

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Guest sirmethos

I'm not really interested in just a list of names.


Hence the addition to the question:

Simple(ish) question Who are your favorite characters from comics, and why?


And as a kind of sub-question, I'll also specify, who are your favorite Marvel/DC characters, and why?



To keep kind of a limit on it, let's keep it to a max of 10 characters per question/answer (that's 10 comic book characters)

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Guest bigballerju

This is my Marvel/DC list.


1. Superman- My favorite character because he is what a superhero should be. Superman represents hope, justice, and embodies everything a true hero should have. Superman always looks for the good in everybody and always believes that even in a dark moment where things look bad their is always hope. Superman is iconic and part of the American culture.


2. Spiderman- Love him because he is somebody people can relate to. Nobody how many times he saves a life he has to worry about his girlfriend, job, friends, and family like the rest of us. I love how he constantly cracks jokes while fighting and his sarastic humor. Whats even more is the fact he is a genius and a nerd on top of it. A nerd mine you who has hot women such as Ms.Marvel, Black Cat, Mary jane, Gwen, Carly, and more who have fallen for him.


3. Rogue- I love me a strong, badass, beautiful, and awesome female hero that is Rogue. She was always one of my favorite X-Men and female heroes. Your talking about someone who has kicked the crap out of the Avengers twice already and has shown she is a heavy hitter when she wants to be.


4. Red Hood (Jason Todd)- My favorite Batman character. I love his story as the one sidekick Batman lost and failed. Love how he has turned into a dangerous and highly skilled antihero. Red Hood who was trained by both Ra's Al Ghul and Batman Pre-Reboot. Current reboot its Batman and some group of assasins whose name I forgot. He is the one Batman family member who went down the dark path Batman always feared for him and his other sons.


5. Superboy- I always felt he was a cooler and younger version of Superman who was a bit more laided back. I also loved him being part Superman and part Lex Luthor. With that he will always be a character who has the potiental to go either way.


6. Ben Reily- He was Spiderman on a whole other level. He was better, smarter, more skilled, a better strategist, more badass, and he surpassed the original Spiderman in my opinion. I loved his costume and liked it more then Peter's.


7. Batman- Who doesn't love Batman? I don't think this one needs a explantion. He is the Dark Knight and the man you don't want to f**k with. End of story.


8. Skaar- He has a excellent story and is better developed as a character then most of the people in Hulk's world. In alot of ways he surpasses his father and is awesome. He wants like a true warrior in battle who has the power of Hulk and his mother's old strong that can destroy the Earth if he wanted to. Heh he is probably the only one who treated Juggernaut like a rag doll and just threw him into the space.


9. Norman Osborn- He is one of the best villains in Marvel. The only villain to truly succeed in defeating his superheroe foe many times and actually killing a loved one as well in Marvel. He is Joker and Lex Luthor put together. When Norman Osborn shows up and is back in the game he is one few villains in Marvel that makes all the heroes go oh shit what is he planning now. He is a genius, master manipulator, excellent strategist, just as insane as Joker, as smart as Luthor, great weapons creator, and so much more.


10. Cyclops- The man who went from being the leader of the X-Men to the Leader of a race who will do whatever it takes to save his people. The best combat strategist in Marvel, the best leader under Captain America, smart, cunning, excellent combat skills, a great story as a character , and so much more.

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Not sure if I can rattle out a Top 10 list on such a short notice, but a few names stand out.


Hal Jordan - For being such a bad@$$. I've only read a small amount of DC comics, but one of the few runs I read when I was young was that era way back when Hal was traveling the country with Green Arrow. Pretty epic stories about people. Corporations were addressed, morality was brought up, etc. And through the whole thing, Hal was the man.


Power Girl - Because this is my Top 10 list and she tests comic book artists' logic to the limit.


Spider Man - For being the hero every kid thinks they'd probably be like. I mean, I know I could never be as moral as Superman, I don't have the focus of Batman, or the sheer manliness of Hal. But Spidey? Yeah, I could be that dude. I'd work as a photographer and I aced my high school tests too. I would love to tell jokes while fighting crime. Also, Spidey villains are super memorable.


Batman - No explanation needed. What every man dreams he could be. Multimillionaire playboy slash superhero.


Iron Man - Same as above but more fun at parties.


Nova - Few comics blow me away (mostly because I stay away from the indie comics that blow people away), but Annihilation was an awesome space epic. If you haven't read it, do so now. Pure joy. Marvel Space is awesome because it's so rich. And Nova emerged from that story as an awesome hero.


Punisher - Yeah yeah. The guy who's movies always suck? I like Frank because of how ridiculously awesome his stories are. Nothing says, "I'm a guy reading comics." like seeing Frank fight superheroes/villains. In real life, a guy would never stand a chance at beating mob bosses, terrorists, AND Wolverine. Even if you gave him a ton of guns, he'd still fail. But Frank doesn't. The dude sees logic and shoots it up with a massive amount of bullets.


Emma Frost - For making people feel embarrassed when buying X-Men comics. I can buy Preacher or Watchmen and no one will act funny or think any less of me. Pick up an X-Men comic where Emma is posing on the cover like she's on Playboy or something (which is every cover Emma has ever been in), and people will judge. Oh, they'll judge.


Deadpool - Because sometimes I just want to sit back and watch someone crank the stupidity in comic books to a whole new level. (Note: Deadpool doesn't have to be mindless fun. Back in the day, in it's first run, Deadpool was funny but it was also smart. It had a real story. Now Deadpool is all joke, which makes me sad...)


Huh. Look at that. That wasn't that hard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This isn't in order, just to give a warning.


Captain Marvel - Superman may be the more popular one, but this guy has all what it takes for an appealing character. Nice character, whacky adventures and crazy villians. Pretty much the Silver Age of comics, and it's awesome.


Batwoman - Ever since Ifirst saw her, I was memorized by everything about her. Her look, her personality her upbringings, everything. And this is coming from a guy that thinks of red as his least favorite character


Mary Marvel - One of my favorites from the start.


Spiderman - What's not there to like about him (pre-One More Day)? He's smart, witty, and takes beatings while dishing out more. He is almost always the underdog, which is what many people love to read about. The best part is that he manages to keep his attitude under massive upbringings. Most people you see who have their parents get killed become Batman. Spidey manages to keep a normal attitude while acknowloging what good he could do for the sake of his parents.


Zatanna - Great personality and unique magic skills. Plus that outfit, wowsers!


Lady Blackhawk - I have Gail Simone to thank to bring this wonderful character to life in Birds of Prey. Easily my favorite character from the cast.


Static - Loved the character from the show, probably due to similarities with Spiderman. Nevertheless, he always manages to bring out the cool side of electromagnetic powers.


The Thing - Now here's a character with a bit of tragidy. Blessed with great powers, while forced to live in as a monster, he nevertheless understands that he can use his powers for good. He may want feel cursed at times, but he also understands his powers are a gift, one that shouldn't be thrown away due to his own needs.


Hellboy - He always seems to be in the thick of great stories, whether it's in comics or in his movies. He may be a demon spawn, but he proves time and again that he's anything but one. RIP man.


Doctor Dinosaur - The only villian on the list because... well it speaks for itself!




... Oh wait. This is a Marvel/DC thread? In that case...


Nightcrawler - The blue elf represents that one shouldn't judge a mutant by his covers. An all around nice guy who was a badass till the end. Hope owes you for his sacrifice.


Squirrel Girl - What. Don't judge me on my picks. She's a funcharacter that can fit in with the serious nature of Marvel.

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Guest Supes Rulez

Superman, because he represents all the ideals and good will we should strive for.

Batman is awesome, but a little over rated.

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Guest sirmethos
... Oh wait. This is a Marvel/DC thread?


Not so much. The main question is "who is your favorite characters from comics.


Favorite characters from Marvel/DC is more of a sub-question, I added that because there are people whose favorite characters are... not quite as well known. Thus, add the Marvel/DC characters to your list as well, so that there is at least some characters on your list that everyone knows. :)

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Guest Pseudonym

Vash the Stampede is my number one. Wolfwood is number two. Vriska Serket is number 3. Lord English is 4. Doc Scratch is five. Karkat Vantas is six. Hannelore is seven. The Joker is eight. Dirk Strider is nine. Batman is ten.

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Looking at that Atomic Robo scan, I never realized how similar Scott Wegener and Rob Guillory's art styles are.

You guys should all read Chew (and Atomic Robo.)



My ten favorite characters from comics (at least today):


10. Any great ensemble book like Astro City, Fables, or Top 10. A lot of what makes a story great is not the individual characters, but the relationships between them.


9. TIE: Blue Devil (Mishkin/Cohn/Cullins, DC) and Jack Knight, Starman (Robinson/Haris, DC) and Renee Montoya, Gotham Central

These are three of my favorite representatives of the "secondary cast" of the DC Universe. See, there isn't always room at DC for the little guy. The Mishkin/Cohn Blue Devil, a goofy romp about a character whose main power was being a "weirdness magnet," was essentially a spinoff of something that happened in one issue of Firestorm. Similarly Starman was about the previously unknown son of a marginally popular original JSA member, and Gotham Central focused on the police officers who appear occasionally in single panels of Batman comics. The higher ups at DC have spent a lot of time and energy over the past couple years trying to reinvent the Justice League, without acknowledging that the best part of the DCU is the depth of the secondary characters. The Justice League needs Blue Beetle and Booster Gold just as much as it needs Superman and Batman. The fact that any of the above-mentioned books got made is a testament to the fact that EICs occasionally DO find their own balls.


8. TIE: Groo, Groo the Wanderer (Sergio Aragonez, Dark Horse) and Miyamoto Usagi, Usagi Yojimbo (Stan Sakai, Dark Horse)

UY has never had a bad issue. Ever. Groo is also consistently awesome. While superficially these series are both about a sword-wielding wanderer, they are tonally very different. I love them equally.


7. Magneto, X Men (Lee/Kirby, Marvel)

A testament to the depth of Chris Claremont's work on the character, (and Grant Morrison's genius,) "Magneto Was Right" has taken the X- Men, a comic about whiny teenagers with wings and laser-eyes, trying to be a metaphor for civil rights, and really built an ongoing philosophical discussion about objective morality within the fan community. Let's see Dr. Doom do THAT.


6. Rick, The Walking Dead (Robert Kirkman, Image)

Making choices is never easy. Kirkman is one of the best writers at letting his characters fail (and fail hard,) and Rick's journey has been one where being the one strong enough to make the hard choice plays against a man's own identity. The series is kept on its feet by exploring this without wallowing in it. Rick has enough downtime to question his decisions, but not enough to ever find any real answers.


5. Spider Jerusalem (Warren Ellis, DC/Vertigo)

Fear and Loathing in the Future. Spider's another one of those hard-line characters who doesn't make compromises, and Transmet is by turns funny, political, weird, and just plain vulgar, largely thanks to the inclusion of the Hunter S. Thompson of comics.


4. The Bone Cousins, Bone (Jeff Smith)

Imagine The Lord of the Rings starring the Marx Brothers, as drawn by Walt Kelly. That's a good starting point for Bone, and the interplay between the three Bone cousins is a big part of what makes the comic work. There aren't a lot of comics I can keep on my coffee table and hand to any adult or child reader, but Bone is at the top of the list.


3. Batman, Detective Comics (Bill Finger/Bob Kane, DC)

The best thing about Batman is that he's incredibly malleable. Whether he's a loner or a leader, a super sleuth or an ass-kicking ninja; whether he's fighting Darkseid or organized crime, he's still recognizably Batman. A lot of characters seem strained when you take them out of their original context, but Batman works in Sci Fi, he works in Horror, in Superheroics, in an Agatha Christie style whodunit; in an exploration of psychology or a story about poisoned fish. He's also, without a doubt, the easiest popular superhero to transition to other mediums. He works in Schumacher's goofy over-the-top campiness just as well as he works in Nolan's dour, mumbling, hype machine. He rocks just as hard in Batman: The Brave and the Bold as he does in Batman The Animated Series. He is just as much fun to play in Lego Batman 2 as he is in Arkham City. Batman just works.


2. The Thing, Fantastic Four (Lee/Kirby, Marvel)

Benjamin J. Grimm- a time-traveling, rock monster Jew from the lower east side who talks like Jimmy Durante- is, in many ways, the quintessential Marvel comic book character. He balances power, humor, and angst; a formula that many popular characters struggle with. He's the guy you count on when the chips are down. He's also got a great poker face. The Thing is, for me, the heart and soul of what can be great about Marvel, and what is too often lost in the shuffle. He's also got this great meta-layer to him, writers struggle with Ben because they can't get past the surface of the characters (his speech pattern and his powers,) which is reflective of the struggle he himself faces in the Marvel Universe.


1. Morpheus, Sandman. (Neil Gaiman, DC/Vertigo)

Sandman showed me another way to look at comics, and another way to look at the world. It's hard to compete with the King of Dreams, the God of Stories, a character who can literally encompass every story ever told. What gets me most about Morpheus is that he still has a strong sense of character, that his personal decisions are motivated by a code of ethics and his personality. For a consummate creator whose palate is ideas themselves, Morpheus is a surprisingly somber, occasionally didactic figure. In all the Sandman comics there is never an expression of Dream's pure raw power, simply because that would be wholly out of character. Even at the climax of the story arc, Morpheus acts like Morpheus.

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Guest xman4life

1)AOA Nightcrawler:I love his depth and his reasons for killing. He is the direct opposite of his 616 counterpart in almost everyway but still has a spark of good in him.

2)Cyclops:From Boy scout to war lord. I have enjoyed his journey and that I think that there isnt a character that has changed as much as he has throughout the years. This is a person who has actually GROWN UP aged and has changed his goals and motives and even redrawn the lines.

3)Spiderman:The marvel poster child. Funny, smart, and has a great list of villians.

3)Batman:He is Batman.

4)Punisher:He is Batman that kills. I understand his reasoning and seems very logical and can even be applied to real life.

5)Dr. Doom:Always calculating, planning, never ever seems to really lose. Regal and cant be boxed in by the term evil, good, or bad. He is Dr. Doom.

6)Namor:Regal, is all about honor, womanizing, and showing off.

7)Silver Surfer:A person with god like abilities who struggle with his own humanity while at the beckoning call of a devourer of worlds. I love it.

8)Captain America:Brave, strong, great leader, and is always the last man standing.

9)Thor:Being a god but having the heart of a mortal. He is powerful, wise, and is always ready to fight for whats right.



and for 10 I will bend the rules and tell you who I HATE

10)SUPERMAN:He only has had a handful of good stories despite being the first hero, being soooo powerful that every few years he has to be redone, he is a boy scout with views that dont match the villians that he faces. Also he might have the WORST list of villians for a hero.(brianiac, darkseid, doomsday, and lex aside and with these people they have to be used sparingly) The people he faces are always weaker,or slower. and if not they are stronger and faster. and even with that. THEN he outsmarts then with his "sometime" super intelligence. He needs better villians, or better stories. All star superman I loved. Kingdom come I loved. Superman vs Doomsday I loved. Everything else was very mediocre. The problem with him is that he doesnt match up well with his own villians. For example how much trouble can Lex Luthor give him when he could at ANY time fly him to the middle of the ocean and leave him there. OR foil his plans in 2 seconds using super speed. OR take his life EASILY. His morals doesnt match with his powers and THAT is what makes him such a bad character when talking about stories(honestly if you saw a batman comic or a superman comic which one would you REALLY pick up? which would you rather see? Batman vs The Court of Owls OR SUperman vs Solomon Grundy? we ALL know the answer to that. Add to the fact that Aquaman is doing better in the new 52 says everything. He just isnt a cool character. Having the power to beat anyone at anytime and get caught off guard sounds foolish. Having the power to beat anyone at anytime and ALLOW them to beat you down is foolish. having the power to beat anyone at anytime and struggle with people who move basically at a snails pace is stupid and then to say "because of his morals he doesnt beat them easily because he doesnt want them to feel bad" or

'because he doesnt kill shouldnt make him stupid" Batman doesnt kill and the amount of great stories he has had is RIDICULOUS. and putting him on a team where he can actually do everything himself(like the watchmen and dr.manhattan)seems a bit stupid"


oh lets send batman to save the kids from the burning building when superman can do the same thing in a fraction of the time makes a normal reader look at it like "hmmmmm why make the only human on the team to do a task that needs a person with powers" lol


Superman powers needs to be scaled back or needs a better writing team to compensate for his god like power.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jeannesmith471

Spiderman - Forgive my shallow reason, but Spiderman was the most famous superhero when I was a kid. And my playmate always lets me borrow his Spiderman comic books. What I liked most about his story was it offered hope for underdogs, like me.


MOD EDIT: Hi, there. :)

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Guest Dr. Pymp(mex)

With DC/Marvel


10. Omega Red- he was awesome. Seeing him in the comics and cartoon made my day. I would love it when it was his episodes. His powers are cool, but his story about being the Russian's version of a super soldier is amazing. I'm a big history geek and loved how it was made that USA and Russia were competing in that and (in space travel).

9. Gambit- As a kid if you didn't like Gambit you were not from Orange County. Jk but he was a player, a lover and a gambler. His powers and costume are cool too.

8. Jean Grey- She is so hot. The end

7. Green Lanterns- not really but I always liked that they could do what they want. When they use their powers they have a green aura around them, that looked cool

6. Spiderman- as mentioned above, I liked him for being normal. He is smart and powerful, but I liked his powers a lot and as a kid I would want them. Shit even now I do haha

5. Galactus- he was such a rare sight I remember when I saw a glance of him in a comic (1987) and thought wow. Then slowly I read about him( again times were different when you had no Internet nor anything but the comic book place) and loved him. His story is so awesome

4. Batman- I like him for all the same reasons we all do. Not liking the over hyping him that CBUB does but still he's great.

3. Prof X- so great that I'm sure we all thought why does he have to be a cripple :/ his powers are awesome and he is surprizinly buff for not walking.

2. Magneto- I still love him, my Xbox gamer tag was magneto218 for crying out loud.

1. Wolverine Hence why I was originally called MexicanWolverine


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