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Funny Man 2(Fan Fiction) Chapter 2

"Seas of dreams and nightmares" The Great Lakes were the only taste of sea I ever got in my life. It didn't matter to me though, because it was life, and my dream, to be a seafaring captain. Since I first saw my great grandfather's bronze compass, I imagined my own adventures on the ocean, battling pirates, finding treasure, and claiming new lands for myself on the unknown map of Earth. By now you've figured that out, but assuming that would be giving you too much credit. However, I'm afraid I



Salinity Prologue

Deep within my mind the chambers of mysteries howl far beyond anyone's comprehension. I wish it were simple, or easier to explain to people, but let's face it, my mind has enough configurations, that a mouse couldn't understand it, much less anything far more sapient. Yeah in truth, you'd expect me to say I'm a detective, a killer, or a fool, but really Idon't know what I am. The stars though, they are the only true friend I've had, in particular the salt star, the one that hovers above the dese



Funny Man 2(Fan Fiction)

"Who is Reginald Chance?" "Callum, old chum do you realize the implications of what you're saying?", the jester shouted. "I know what I'm doing," Callum replied sternly. "But...but, I mean no more sorting, and... I'll be stuck forever in Sod's Law forever." "You're too much of a danger Funny Man," Callum retorted. "I can't keep using your presence to destroy my enemies." Packing the lease documents into his briefcase, Callum flung on his feathered fedora and headed towards the front door. "I



Welcome to my blog EF

I'll keep this short and sweet, thanks for viewing my blog, I'l try and post things such as my own stories, including chapters and the like that I feel like writing. Feel free to look around, comment, and do whatever.



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