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It's a joke, really

Entries in this blog

What I've Been Doing and Where I've been

Well, here I am, folks. A month's hiatus and the best you're getting is a quick blog entry. I tend to doubt many of you really noticed my absence, but I still feel the need to explain myself, since I was signed up for a couple of things.   I've been pretty sick the last month. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice to say, don't ever catch anything that causes your life to come to a grinding halt. I missed a bunch of tests at school, which I had to make up, an on top of everything else,



The Obligatory Christmas Entry A.K.A. 'If it's Not One Thing, it's Another

A while ago, I explained my absence with illness. Now, I come and blame it on my computer.   See, my usual activities around here are done via my laptop. Show of hands, now, anyone got an idea why this might be a bad thing?   ...   Time's up. If you said something along the lines of, "you have a really crappy laptop with a history of acting ridiculous", then you'd be absolutely right. (this is the same reason I haven't done anything on DeviantArt, not that anyone cares)   In other words, to be o



The Game In Review Episode 2

If there's two things in the video game universe that have been argued to high heaven, they are the best game ever and the worst game ever. In today's GIRE, I'll reveal what I think is the worst game ever. Hold on to your hat, because here it comes:     Never heard of this thing? You're not missing much. As I've said before there's much debate about the worst game ever. To me there's a difference between the 'worst' and the 'most unplayable'. The worst game ever needs to be playable, and The Bl



The Game in Review episode 1

I'm going to try something new. I'm going to start reviewing video games, but not necessarily new ones. You see, I'm the kind of person who loves 'retro' games. Don't get me wrong, I love the newer games, but you can't beat the classics. There's the ones we all know, sure, Super Mario Bros., Street Fighter II, Doom, Tetris, the list goes on and on. The point is, I'm going to look at ones that you may or may not have heard of.   That having been said, here is today's Game In Review:     Virgin G



The Game in Review 3: Shadow of the Beast

My last entry was filler, and I apologize for that. Unfortunately "The Black Bass" is a game about which I have little to say. Today's game, however, has left me both speechless and unable to stop talking about it. I present to you "Shadow of the Beast". I own the Genesis version of this game, but it was released on multiple other formats such as Commodore 64, Lynx, and Turbo Grafx CD. Essentially, you play as some sort of mutant creature named Aabron going on an epic quest of some sort. Actual



Ten Ways NOT to Vote on a CBUB Match

If you are using any of the following reasons to vote on a CBUB match, please, for your own sake, rethink your methods.   1. "I didn't read the setup, but I like Character X more than Character Y, so I'll vote for him." It's not a popularity contest. Consider the setup and the powers. 2. "I haven't read the setup, but I'm sure that Character X will win no matter what." Read the setup. I cannot stress this enough. It doesn't always happen, but the setup can determine who would



SHOWdown!!!! Episode 1: Godzilla Vs. Godzilla!

Welcome to an all new segment of The Philosophy of Nerdism. Despite what you may have thought when you clicked on this, there will be no actually depiction of a fight. Sorry, folks.   SHOWdown!!!! is where I will compare and contrast two 'shows'. By this, I'm referring to movies and television. With each entry I'll pick two movies, two TV shows, or perhaps one of each and I'll break them down and tell you which one is better.   I'll break down each competitor into five key elements. Whichever ga



Reports Of My Death, Yadda Yadda Yadda...

Hi, guys. Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around on the site for a while. Most of you probably didn't give it a second thought. I just wanted to say that, yes, I am still alive and intend to begin contributing to Electric Ferret once again (time permitting).   I suppose I'll explain my absence, just in case somebody was actually wondering where I was. Primarily, my school's baseball season began. I enjoy playing baseball, and have been spending hours at practices/games. This has



Random Review: The Expendables

The Expendables is a movie that can be summed up as, "mediocre storyline, decent acting". If you haven't heard of this film, it has some pretty big name actors in it, namely Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, and Mickey Rourke. Bruce Willis and Arnold Shwartzeneggar also appear in what is probably the best scene in the entire movie. Anyways, let's take a look at this film.   Eye: Visually, this film is very good. The special effects are excellent and the sets are good. Generally, the cam



Random Review: Gunsmith Cats

I love the Salvation Army. They sell a bunch of trash that I don't need but will buy anyway for reasonable prices. As a matter of fact, the last time I was there, they were selling VHS tapes for 10 cents a piece. Now, I know what you're thinking. "VHS?!? Why would you want any VHS tapes?!?", maybe if some of the teenyboppers happen to be here they might not even know what a VHS tape is. Ah, VHS, I remember you from my youth. The constant rewinding, the leaving them out on the floor where they wo



Random Review: Despicable Me

With this film coming out on DVD tomorrow, I figured I'd give anyone who's interested a head's up on it. The film's plot is fairly simple. An evil scientist bent on acquiring the status of el numero uno super-villaino decides to steal the moon. In the process he adopts three little girls so he can steal a shrink ray from his rival (it's a long story and would require spoilers). This film is a lot of fun. So here it is. My review for 'Despicable Me'.   Eye: Fifteen years ago a film called 'Toy St



Playing that stupid game may now be beneficial...

Heya, folks. According to a small newsletter sold in coffee shops and other such establishments, playing the MMO, World of Warcraft may have finally benefited someone's life.     So this Norwegian kid saved his sister by imitating WoW. Great, just great. Whatever works I guess.   It does beg the question: how threatening can a moose actually be?   "Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat!"   quotes taken from 'The Coffee News' August 22, 2011 edition (Great Lakes area A) used without



Irritation Thursday

"And now for something completely different"   As we near the end of the first month of the new decade, I would like to rant about something. By this time, most video-game magazines, websites, etc. have put out their various best/worst lists. One game that has come to my attention is Metroid: Other M. Now whether you hate this game or love it, I don't care. Honestly, I haven't played it. What bothers me is... well to quote GameSpy.com... Now why did this bother me? The "hasn't been completely ov



Irritation Thu- er, Friday.

Yeah, yeah. So, I was busy yesterday and couldn't update. Big freaking deal. It's not like anybody reads this crap.   ...   Meh, well people should read this crap.   If I didn't know I was a genius, I wouldn't listen to the trash I write.   Anyway, down to the business at hand. What's been irritating me?   I remember the days when the Disney Channel was a semi-respectable TV station. It was never great, but it had its moments. I remember the days when they actually aired genuinely creative sho




OK, folks, it's time for another rant. The obvious choice would be all those laws concerning the Internet, but I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said. So, instead, I present you with a different complaint I've been dealing with of late: chronological confusion in video games.   Let me start at the beginning. I have a buddy who is a major Legend of Zelda fanboy; nice guy, but has an unhealthy obsession with the series. He, like many other hardcore LoZ fans, has developed his own time



How to Not be a Jerk at McDonald's

Well, if there's one thing I've learned from working at a McDonald's for the last few weeks, it's that people are massive jerks. As such, I've decided to provide you with a handy-dandy little guide on how to not be a complete imbecile when you go to a McDonald's.   1. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BEFORE YOU START CROWDING THE COUNTER The people working the front counter registers have several jobs, but one primary function: to get people in and out of line as quickly as possible. People who


CanisMax in blogs

Canis Minor's Top Ten Strangest Anime

Anyone who watches anime regularly can tell you that most of the shows are pretty good. But the fact of the matter is that it's just a form of TV show. There's crummy anime and more importantly, there's weird anime. Here are my top ten picks for the weirdest anime ever. Please keep in mind that this list is purely subjective, so if one or more of your picks didn't make it, feel free to make a friendly comment, but try to avoid ranting.   Without further ado...   10. Chrono Cr


CanisMax in glitch

Canis Minor... Now on DeviantArt!

Hey guys! Long time, no see, I guess. Well, I'm finally giving in and allowing you to have another place to bug me. That's right, Canis Minor now has a DeviantArt account!   You can visit the page here.   So, if you want to see a bunch of crappy drawings and such that I've done, and maybe even a fic or two, head on over.



Anatomy of a Game Episode 3

"They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To"   I enjoy sick days (aside from the being sick part). They're a wonderful opportunity to catch up on all the time wasting crap I usually do. Naturally, with all that free time, I end up with some kind of video game controller in my hands. Be it the Wii, GameCube, Dreamcast, NES, whatever, I'll pick it up and play it. But today I was in a Pokemon state of mind. Call me what you want, but the endless hours I spent playing that game while I was much younger h



Anatomy of a Game Episode 2

This segment is a little different than its predecessor. Right now, I'd like to discuss a problem I have with modern video games. A little background: My friend recently got my NES working. It had sat in our basement for years before we even discovered it, and even then we couldn't get the stupid thing to run. Finally, this guy just fooled with it for a few minutes and it runs fine. As a result, I'm now currently searching for a decent gaming rehab facility to battle my addiction to Dr. Mario. A



Anatomy of a Game episode 1

Nearly everyone who's ever played a Capcom fighting game will tell you that it's a blast. But what makes them so great? Welcome to Anatomy of a Game, my first blog feature. In it, I'm going to try to disect games so that I can see what makes them tick.   Anyway, back on topic. Little bit of backstory. Capcom basically pioneered the fighting game genre. They did not however, create it. There were multiple, much more primitive fighting games released before it. Few, however have created such a big



Alright, somebody friggin' bring me up to speed

Yeah, I'm back, more or less. Hopefully a good chunk of you remember me. For those of you who don't... Hi. I'm Canis. There's virtually nothing to like about me.   Anyhow, I have now returned. I'll leave you to decide whether or not it's a triumphant return. Meh. Sooooo.... yeah. I've noticed the site's gone through a complete overhaul, so can somebody please 'splain to me if there's anything I need to know? That'd be greatly appreciated.



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