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Match 18476 Luke Skywalker vs. Qui-Gon Jinn


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Luke sat down on a log if forests of the moon of Endor, everyone celebrating their victory of the empire and the Death of Luke’s own father Dath Vader. No one knew what happened in the final moments of Anakin Skywalker’s life except his now mourning son. Luke could forgive his father for all of his fiendish feats, which cost the lives of millions and all but stamped out the last of the Jedi. But the others would only ever know Anakin as Darth Vader, the dwelled on his mind perhaps more than it should, after all, how much did he really know of his Father? 
As he sit there with thoughts of his Sister, and his friends, his father and more importantly his own future, A man appeared from the trees sitting on a log on the other site of the pyre Anakin had been laid upon. Luke decided to pay no attention to the man and instead return to his thoughts. With the Empire defeated, he could help raise the force sensitive to do good once more, his father’s final moments and sacrifice would not be in vain.  
“He was a good man, your father” The Man voiced out “I knew him when he was only a child.” 
“You knew my father?” Luke responded. 
“Yes, I knew Master Obi-wan and Master Yoda as well,” The Man appeared to sob “But that was a long time ago.” 
“Who are you?” Asked Luke. 
“Before I answer your question, would you allow me to tell you a story of a times passed?” 
S..sure” Luke agreed, confused, but curious.  
“A Long Time Ago, When Anakin was a boy, he lived on the planet Tatooine, His mother was a Slave, but curiously the boy... your father had no Father. In fact, He never had a father, he was in fact conceived by the force itself.” 
“He was created by... the force?” 
“Indeed, it was if he was the living force born as human. I had taken this boy under my wing and presented him to the Jedi, you see this boy was mentioned in an ancient holocron, he was the chosen one, chosen to bring balance to the force. But even with all of the knowledge, the Jedi disowned him, refused to train him. It was at that moment I knew what I had to do, I would guide the boy myself.” 
“Luke jumped to his feet, was it you who turned my father?” 
“No, that was not how I would guide him, you see, The Jedi had great trust in me, several times they offered me a seat on the council in fact, but I did not follow the Jedi, I followed the Force. In order to help the Jedi, accept young Anakin, I would have to make a sacrifice, one that without that came at a great personal cost. I faked my own death. In a Fight with Anakin’s Sith predecessor Darth Maul I took a hit, fatal to most, but I was able to use the force to keep myself alive, as I lie near death, I crawled away and used the force to mask another ill-fated corpse as my own. Usually the Jedi, would have seen through such an act, and had anyone else done so they just might have. But in the grievances of my death, and the fear of the raising Sith threat, they allowed you Father to be trained as a Jedi.” Luke began to slowly pace around the pyre looking at the man who was dressed in robe Similar to that of what Obi-Wan had worn. “I saw it all in the prophecy, the fall of the Jedi, the turning Young Anakin to the Dark Side, but with all of those sacrifices, Your Father had brought balance to the Force.” 
“I don’t understand.”  
“You see, before your Father became Darth Vader, the Jedi had outnumbered the Sith by thousands, a good thing to be sure, but the problem became that the Jedi had become to comfortable, even burrowing themselves into politics, in a sense, they were no better than the site when it came to taking power, they just couldn’t see it.” Many of them were dear friends, I loved them so, but the Force had chosen that their fates must come to pass to bring balance. There can never be too much good, or two much evil, or the balance is thrown off. Your Father brought the Sith and the Jedi onto an even field, and even in his final moments took the last Sith with him.” 
“So why are you here now.” 
“You see it took a very long time, but through the will of the force I was able to extend my life much past my natual limit, my final days are here Luke. But there is one issue that remains now.” 
“What’s that.” 
“The Balance has been thrown of once more, with your father’s death, that just leaves two Jedi left, and no Sith to oppose.” 
“I don’t see the issue in that.” 
“That is the issue young Luke,” The Man Stands up and removes his hood revealing himself to be Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan's former Master. “With you Alive, there is no balance, today I die, but before I go, I must fulfill the will of the force. To Bring the final Balance, I must strike you down, and I will do so with the remainder of my own life.” Luke Activates his lightsaber as does Qui-Gon. “May the Force be with us all.” 
Qui-Gon wins if he can kill Luke Skywalker 
Luke Wins if he can Kill Qui-Gon or convice him that he is wrong.  
Through the Use of the Force, Qui-Gon has remained in his prime, but in doing so he will die at the end of the duel anyway.  
You the voters are to choose the balance in the force!

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Learn More About
Luke Skywalker
Read more about Luke Skywalker at Wikipedia
Official Site: Lucas Films Links: Wiki - Luke Skywalker Star Wars Database - Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker Fansite

Qui-Gon Jinn
Read more about Qui-Gon Jinn at Wikipedia
Official Site: Lucasfilm LTD Links: Qui-Gon Wikipedia page Qui-Gon StarWars.com page StarWars.com

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Qui Gon is better trained, but Luke has made a huge amount of effort to learn everything on his own. Grandmaster Luke ftw.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - StormChaser
4.50 - Boratz
3.90 - Twogunkid
5.00 - patrickthekid

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
18.40 Total Combined Score
18.40 / 4 = 4.60 Final Rating on the match

Luke Skywalker: 3
Qui-Gon Jinn: 2

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