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Rumble 20550 Bazooka vs. Steve (Minecraft) vs. Jackson Storm
Bazooka: 0
Steve (Minecraft): 2
Jackson Storm: 0

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The Leprechaun: 0

Match 11266 Jack (Bioshock) vs. Korra

Guest Shadow Flesh

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Guest Shadow Flesh

Another day in a child's most beloved fantasy, another day in this sick and twisted hell. Power Puff Girls fly over the city performing air raids, shadowy creatures known as Heartless act as body guards, and Bugs Bunny is the most feared person in existence. In this world heroes, villains, mutants, monsters, nerds, and talking animals all walk down the street together. And they all try to tear each other limb from limb in an all out war. This is the world I now live in; this is New Convergence.


My name is Jack, and it has been six months since I found myself waking up in this world. When I first arrived, I opened my eyes to a glorious metropolis of shining buildings and beautiful machinery. It was nothing like the rotting sewage pipe I'd come from called Rapture. This place was magnificent and inspiring. Oh but how quickly this would all change.


Apparently, me and a few hundred others were dragged from our own planes of existence to this one. I saw many other things waking up with a confused look on their face. That was probably the same way I looked a moment ago. Some of them looked pretty intimidating, so I took the cautious route and lurked in the shadows until I could figure out what was going on.


Turns out I had the right idea, because as soon as I made it to cover what seemed like over-spliced police officers came to round up everyone who had just appeared in the streets. They wore uniforms and had an air of authority about them, but their bodies where beyond burly with hulking frames and skin like steel. They carried off some of the more dumbfounded people with little effort, but those were their only easy targets. As soon as people caught on to what was happening, everything went to hell. Most of the newcomers decided to fight back. And I'll be damned if they didn't break the laws of reality when they fought! blue puppies toppled buildings, a red-haired pirate with almost no torso pull a tank out of his pants, and some italian mobster kept summoning cars from the sky by turning in a particular patern. It was utter madness!


I tried my best to avoid conflict until I knew what was going on. B the key word in that sentence is "tried". Before I knew it I was dragged into a brawl with the police. Not wanting to kill unnecessarily, I set them ablaze with the snap of my fingers to distract them while I made my escape. Even though I had evaded capture without any problems I kept getting caught up in battle after battle. Eventually I, along with some other level headed people, found out where we were and how we got here.


A grateful young man that I saved from rampaging pokemon explained what this world is, The Convergence. The Convergence is the vertex and information storage area of every other universe and dimension that has ever been or ever will be created. All of the planet's citizens worked as historians filing and maintaining the records of every other reality. Although this record keeping occupied most of their time, they enjoyed high-tech luxuries such as holographic cinemas of the realities they recorded and even had machines that let them become the which ever characters they wished in virtual battle arenas. But just like all societies this one had a dark side. A group of repels that had been planning the downfall of The Convergence's civilization. And this group's actions are what brought me here. In an act of terrorism the rebels blew up a Virtual Projection Arena, the place that transformed people into different beings for battle, and caused the machines to release some of the characters into this reality. And that is when this once enchanting realm of knowledge and intellectualism began its decent into misery.


The young man I saved took me and other good natured "leaks" into his home and sheltered us from execution. But while the rulers of The Convergence worked on exterminating all the people that were released into their world, some of the darkest forces imaginable gathered together and decided to take over. Most leaks were either fighting in the streets or making friends with the historians, but the demon Aku, the mystical drag-queen Him, and the evil witch Maleficent were building an army. In a fiendishly brilliant plot they pooled their magical powers and put all of the cartoon derived beings under their control. For some reason it was easier them to influence beings from a similar realm as themselves. I'm just thankful that those comic book juggernauts like Doomsday and Spawn were held in a different Virtual Projection Arena and didn't get released.


Over the next few months the toon army succeeded in taking over The Convergence and enslaving its citizens, even the rebels who caused this mess were wiped out. Now all that stands in the way of them taking over all other realities is me and the rest of us game realm beings that are willing to take part in Master Chief's plan to topple The New Convergence.


The Chief's plan is a multi-step attack that will allow us to release all the anime and comic derived characters so that they may fight along side us. But before we can even think about that we have to gain the enemy's attention with a series of raids. And that's why I'm here. That's why I'm fighting some element controlling teenager as my allies battle their way thorough this castle full of Nickalodeon mad-men.


While they attacked the house it was my job to keep the atrium clear for a quick retreat. It would have been one of the easiest jobs I'd been give, but the world just doesn't work that way. One of the enemy officers decided to take a nightly strole and picked NOW of all times to show up and fight. Now, to hold up my end of the mission I had to take this girl down. A voice in my heart whispered, She is just a girl. She doesn't know what she's doing. But after looking around at the fallen soldiers littered across the courtyard, and remembering how Atlas forced me to do whatever he pleased, I knew fighting was the only option and that little voice kindly shut the hell up!


I watched as the girl across from me danced around causing fire to spark from her limbs, the fountains surrounding us to spurted, and the ground itself to shift. I would have thought her performance mesmerizing, if I hadn't seen every bloody person that tried to kill me in Rapture using those same types of abilities. So to make her understand just how very unoriginal her powers were I froze the fountains, lobbed a ball of fire to disrupt her movements, and tossed a boulder at her head. Unfortunately this little girl had more skill than I gave her credit for as she dodged the boulder with ease and launched a fiery counter attack. I dove behind a pillar and escaped the flames, but now it was time to complete my mission and show this little girl what I'm really made of. I stepped from behind my marble shield and charged into the open with only victory in mind.


So who wins?

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Guest Shadow Flesh

Jack has the Electro Bolt, Incinerate, Telekinesis, and Winter's Blast plasmids with the SportBoost gene tonic. He doesn't need to replenish eve in this match, but an extreme overuse of his plasmids can leave him severely fatigued.


Korra is mildly blood-lusted and is going for the kill without chance of hesitation or persuasion; she only has use of Fire/Water/Earth-Bending and cannot enter the Avatar state (just like the series says).


This is a basic fight of who beets who, with no backup as they have their own battles to deal with.

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Guest force_echo

The setup, I didn't like it. I just didn't like the writing, it had an uneasy flow, and it was really corny in some parts.


But yeah, as to my reasons, Jack's attacks are line of sight, which means they can't be dodged. So let's say he uses incinerate, boom, Korra's on fire. Now, of course, she can use firebending to remove the fire, or water bending to put it out, but by that time, she'll already be exposed to hundreds of degrees celsius. People in Avatar, to my knowledge, don't have superhuman abilities. Hell, I don't know much about bending, but maybe the sheer pain of actually being on fire will prevent her from focusing and using her powers?


A plus Korra has is she can redirect any of Jack's powers except for Telekinesis. Electrobolt would be innefectual, because its not line of sight, and Korra could redirect it using firebending. She can break out of winter blast easily with water bending. She can expel incinerate with fire bending, but not without being exposed to at least a second of it. And she has absolutely no defense against telekinesis. Jack can just pick her up and chuck her at a wall.

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Guest Shadow Flesh

is this going to be a story arc


No this won't be an arc. It's more of an alternate side story to an arc I never finished, so you probably won't be seeing this setup or a continuation of it.

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Guest blaze

No this won't be an arc. It's more of an alternate side story to an arc I never finished, so you probably won't be seeing this setup or a continuation of it.

Dang this would've been a great story. I'd have loved to see Ragna the Bloodedge vs He-man or Kain vs Lion-o.
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