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  1. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 21 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: There is a flash of light and rose petals as Tracer gives chase after Ruby Rose! Andel Sanap: Tracer has her pulse bomb ready! She’s throwing it into the petals! Al Rossi: Uh oh! The Petal Burst is heading back toward Tracer! Ruby restores herself on a turnbuckle but the bomb keeps on flying back to it’s source! Andel Sanap: She quickly blinks out of the way to the opposite turnbuckle, allowing the bomb to explode harmlessly against the Battlesphere wall! Al Rossi: Ruby puts Crescent Rose into rifle mode and starts opening fire! Tracer away again! Oh look! She’s blinked behind Ruby to attack again! OK: Ruby Rose (Full strength) VS Tracer (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Miss America, Medusa, Chel, Phantom Lady, Ladybug, Carmen Sandiego, Wednesday Addams, Cassie Cage and Trini Kwan. The winning combatant(s) will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor(s) that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. * Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On! *Due to the number of matches going on at once, the set-ups will be shorter.
  2. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 26 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Wednesday Addams (weapons, fighting skill) Chel (cleverness) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Medusa (prehensile hair, Inhuman strength) Cassie Cage Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger powers) Ruby Rose Tracer (Weapons, powers, tech) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Miss America tears above the ring after Miss Rose. The huntress has activated her Petal Burst semblance and is darting around the Battlesphere. Al Rossi: Miss America motioning with her hands! She’s summoning Elsa’s magic! Yes! A gust of wind is sweeping through the Battlesphere! It’s scattering the rose petals! Ruby has to reform but she is tumbling through the air! Andel Sanap: And Miss America is there to catch her! Miss Rose is struggling but can’t break free! Around and around spins Miss America and tosses Miss Rose into the Battlesphere wall and elimination. Al Rossi: Meanwhile we have Ladybug desperately trying to avoid getting snagged by Carmen Sandiego’s vines and hair! She sends a flurry of thorns at Ladybug who deflects with her yoyo, but look out! Here comes her Medusa hair from behind! Andel Sanap: Ladybug’s legs are trapped! She has no where to go! Carmen’s hair reels back and hurls her to the wall! It’s over! No! Wait! Ladybug just got the yoyo to catch on the bottom rope! She is desperately trying to climb back up to the ring! Al Rossi: Carmen furious tears at the yoyo string but here comes Phantom Lady! A forearm to the back of the head! A blast of black light! And some Elsa magic to freeze the hair in place! Carmen’s defenseless! Ladybug makes to the apron just as Phantom Lady clotheslines Carmen over and out! Andel Sanap: After 55 minutes of action, the master thief has been eliminated! But things are still at a stalemate with Miss Bourgeois and Miss Cage! Miss Bourgeois must be getting close to reaching her ka-boom threshold again, Al. Al Rossi: No kidding, Andel! Despite her power advantages, Cassie has managed to stay right with her! She’s used to facing powerful opponents, and with Trini’s Yellow Ranger Powers, Cassie has come close to eliminating her! A kick takes down Chloe! She’s seen Ladybug! She lets out a scream and charges! She’s lost it! She takes down Ladybug! And here comes Cassie! Andel Sanap: These ladies are near their breaking points! Who will eliminate who? OK: Chloe Bourgeois (Ka-Boom’s toon physics and monster form, Claw’s size and fighting skill, Tinker Bell’s flight and pixie dust, Wednesday’s weapons, and Chel’s cleverness) (Half strength and about to go ‘ka-boom’) vs Cassie Cage (Trini’s skill and Yellow Ranger power) (Half strength) vs Ladybug (Chell’s Aperture Portal Device, and Baby Doll’s toy themed weapons) (Half strength) Also currently in the ring: Miss America and Phantom Lady Winner gets the loser’s abilities/powers/weapons. Game On!
  3. Battlesphere Battle Royal FINAL!! Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Wednesday Addams (weapons, fighting skill) Chel (cleverness) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Ruby Rose (Semblance, Crescent Rose, fighting skill) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Carmen Sandiego (Tech, fighting skill) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Cassie Cage Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger powers) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Ladybug crashes back into the ring! Miss Cage charges in but Ladybug leaps back to her feet! She’s swinging her yoyo but Miss Cage knocks it aside! Al Rossi: Nails with her pistols and she leaps up! She’s got the green energy going! Right on target and Ladybug is sent sailing over and out! Andel Sanap: Miss Cage lands by the ropes and Look out! Miss Bourgeois from behind! Clotheslining her over the top! Al Rossi: But she hung on! She’s pulling herself back up to the apron! But Chloe doesn’t see her! She’s looking the other way playing to the crowd, celebrating her ‘6th’ elimination! But the lights are flickering around Cassie! Her outfit is being covered in Ladybug spots! And she’s got the yoyo! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois needs to turn around! Miss Cage throws the yoyo, and wraps it around Miss Bourgeois upraised hands! A mighty heave from Miss Cage! Al Rossi: Chloe’s flailing! She’s out of control! She’s hit the Battlesphere wall! She’s out! Andel Sanap: Exactly at the one hour mark, Miss Bourgeois has been eliminated, having participated in eliminating five combatants, the most of any in this match! Err, could security please check at the north guardrail? Someone in a Venom t-shirt has apparently jumped onto the battle terrain in protest. Al Rossi: This crowd has been loving this action, Andel! And it’s heating up, or should I say cooling down, with Miss America and Phantom Lady. The two Golden Age heroines appear to be mastering Elsa’s powers and are trying to get off a final, freezing attack. Phantom Lady launches a portal and slips through to avoid the ice blast. Andel Sanap: But look! Miss America has already Petal Burst-ed to the exit portal to catch Phantom Lady coming out! A right hand from Miss America sends Phantom Lady back through the portal she came from! Another Petal Burst carries Phantom Lady out of the ring, over the ropes, and before she can recover, right into the Battlesphere wall! Al Rossi: And just like that, Andel, we are down to the final two! 30 combatants entered the Battlesphere, now only two remain! Andel Sanap: From Earthrealm, Cassie Cage! With her eliminations, she has the combined fighting skills, strength, and weapons of Trini Kwan, Chloe Bourgeois, and Ladybug! Her Yellow Ranger armor is covered in black Ladybug spots, and she’s duel wielding the Miraculous yoyo and top! Al Rossi: And from WWII, Miss America! Thanks to her eliminations, she now possesses the fighting prowess and powers of Mercy Graves, Anamaria, Ruby, and Phantom Lady, on top of Elsa’s magic! She still has her cape over Elsa’s robes, which also conceal Crescent Rose and the black light projector! Andel Sanap: Miss Cage activates Lucky Charm! Miss America flies ahead! The final fight has begun! OK: The Final Match to determine the winner of the Battlesphere Battle Royal! Cassie Cage (Trini’s skill and Yellow Ranger power, Ladybug’s Miraculous abilities, yoyo, and Lucky Charm, and Chloe’s Miraculous abilities, top, and Venom paralyzing power) (Full strength) vs Miss America (The fighting skills and weapons of Mercy, Anamaria, and Ruby, Elsa’s ice magic, and Phantom Lady’s black light projector) (Full strength) Whoever wins gets to choose one of the powers they’ve acquired to use in any future TCC matches they take part in. It all comes down to this. Game On!
  4. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Helloooooo, fight fans! Al Rossi and Andel Sanap back with you at TCC Arena for a great match up! Two teams of henchmen for hire going head-to-head. The Nasty Boys: Gorgeous George, Ruckus, Slab, Hairbag, and Vertigo, taking on the Royal Flush Gang! Andel Sanap: Two teams of very unpleasant individuals, Al. And dangerous, as well. I’m not sure if it’s wise to allow both Vertigo and Ace to be in the battle terrain at the same time. Their powers could be particularly hazardous to the fans in attendance. Al Rossi: Relax, Andel, that’s why we have the protective field up for this fight. It will counteract any effects of Ace’s powers of perception and Vertigo’s equilibrium based attacks. Let’s send it down to Philippa. Philippa Forrester: Hey, guys! Um, I was hoping to get a word with the Royal Flush Gang but they have refused to let me in their locker room. I’ll try again. Hello? King? Queen? It’s Philippa. Queen: What do you want? Philippa Forrester: I’m sorry to interrupt. I know you are getting ready for the fight, but I was wondering if you had time for some questions? King: Questions? Ha! Back off, lady. The only question that you need to be asking is do we beat the Nasty Boys in 5 minutes or will they just surrender before the fight even starts! 10: Yeah! We’ll wreck those creeps! Queen: So why don’t you just go be ugly somewhere else? We want to be alone for… Ruckus: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Queen: Ahhhhhh!! Umph! Gorgeous George: Ha ha! Good one, Ruckus! Ruckus: Anytime, George! Jack: Look what you did our dressing room?! Queen: Never mind the room! Look what his voice did to my hair!! King: You guys want to play?! Take this!! Slab: Hey! Watch it with the fire balls! Philippa Forrester: Um, security? Andel Sanap: What’s going on? What’s happened to the feed? Al Rossi: Sorry, Andel, but I’ve been notified that we are getting a message from TCC rep Maximillion Pegasus. Andel Sanap: But we don’t have time for an announcement! What about Philippa? The Nastys and the Gang look about ready to start fighting right now! Al Rossi: Hey, I don’t make the rules, buddy. Here is TCC representative, Maximillion Pegasus. Maximillion Pegasus: Hello, boys and girls. Hope everyone’s excited for today’s fight. Don’t worry. The Nasty Boys and the Royal Flush Gang will be out in just a moment. But I’m here to announce what’s coming next to TCC Arena! You fans are going to behold the latest innovation from the Transdimensional Combat Commission! Because next time the TCC brings you action, it won’t be just two fighters. It won’t be two teams. Oh no, no. It will be THIRTY competitors in an over the top rope battle royal! That’s right, 30 ladies from across the multiverses will compete against each other for dominance. But that’s not all. In this battle, if you eliminate someone, you will be given their powers, abilities, and weapons to continue in the fight. Whoever is the last woman standing, will be able to choose one of these powers to be able to use whenever they compete in TCC sanctioned matches. So don’t wait! Get in contact with the TCC to sign up for a slot. See you next time, fight fans! Hahaha! Al Rossi: Unbelievable! Another Pegasus announcement, another bombshell! Andel Sanap: I don’t understand! All these announcements, these stipulations. Something has definitely changed with the TCC lately. Al Rossi: Hey, if it’s gets us a fight like this, it can’t be all bad! 30 women battle royal! And we still have 5v5 tonight! Take it away, Justin! Justin Roberts: Good evening, TCC Arena. The following contest is a 5v5 elimination match. Eliminations occur by knockout or submission. The team that eliminates all 5 of their opponents first, wins. Introducing first, they are Gorgeous George, Ruckus, Slab, Hairbag, and Vertigo: THE NAAAAAAASTY BOOOOOOOOYS!! Andel Sanap: Riding in on George’s tar like body to the battle terrain. With Slab and Hairbag, the Nasty Boys may have a strength advantage. Justin Roberts: And their opponents, they are 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace: THE ROOOOOOOOOOOYAL FLUSH GAAAAAAAAAANG!! Al Rossi: Nice entrance with those flying playing cards. Of course they won’t be allowed to use them in the fight. The battle terrain is formatting itself into the Lakewood Shopping Center map, three floors of stores full of plunder for these two teams to use. Here’s the official! Referee: Combatants ready? 3! 2! 1! Commence combat! Andel Sanap: Vertigo runs in and points at Ace! Ace locks her with that blank stare! Al Rossi: Neither one is budging. I guess the Nastys wanted to get Ace and her perception warping powers out of the fight early, but it seems that now she and Vertigo are gridlocked. But here comes the rest of the Gang! Andel Sanap: 10 charges into Slab and smashes him into the food court while Queen uses her magnetic abilities to throw chairs and tables at Hairbag! Al Rossi: Ruckus gives another sonic scream that sends King scrambling for cover to start blasting! Meanwhile we got George and Jack getting all tangled up with each other. Who’s going to come on top? And what about this battle royal? Stay tuned to us for more info! OK: Both teams are at full strength. Ace can just affect perception, she doesn’t have any reality warping powers yet. They are in a three story mall. Whichever team takes out all 5 members of the opposition first, wins. Game On! #WhoAreThe8?
  5. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 20 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Al, if I could tear your attention away from Chel and Miss Bourgeois, I think we are about to have a martial arts showdown in the Battlesphere. Miss Cage and Miss Kwan look ready for combat! Al Rossi: Cassie charges in with pistols drawn! Trini is able to dodge and leaps in for a kickBut it’s caught! Cassie caught the leg in mid-air! Flips Trini to the ground! Andel Sanap: Think of all the training that Miss Cage has received through the Mortal Kombat tournaments! She’s moving in for some ground and pound but Goodness! She didn’t dodge the kick that time, Al! Al Rossi: Special Forces vs Power Rangers. Who’s training will allow them to get the upper hand? OK: Cassie Cage (Full strength) vs Trini Kwan (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Medusa, Miss America, Chel, Carmen Sandiego, Phantom Lady, Wednesday Addams, Ladybug, Ruby Rose, and Tracer. The winning combatant(s) will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor(s) that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. * Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On! *Due to the number of matches going on at once, the set-ups will be shorter.
  6. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 23 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* KA-BOOOOOM!!!! Andel Sanap: By the Force! A massive explosion from Miss Bourgeois! Al Rossi: The blast sent everyone sprawling, and look out! Wednesday got caught and was sent careening over the ropes! Chel is just barely hanging on to the ropes, her birds chirping wildly! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois has regained enough of her senses! She’s stumbles to the ropes and lands a kick to the back of Chel! And that will be enough to end the run for the lady of El Dorado. Al Rossi: Two quick eliminations for Chloe! She has now eliminated 5 competitors! But as the lights start to fade out, you got to wonder what powers or abilities she gets for eliminating Wednesday and… oh. Um, Andel? How would you describe this? Andel Sanap: Er, well, I would say it’s Chloe Bourgeois with Red Claw’s physique, Miss Ka-Boom’s monstrous face and claws, Tinker Bell’s wings, and Miss Adam’s dour expression wearing Chel’s loincloth. Al Rossi: Yeah, I thought so. Ummm, let’s go check in on Cassie and Trini! A right cross to Trini who lunges with the power daggers only to get grabbed by Cassie! She whips her into the turnbuckles! Andel Sanap: Miss Kwan’s skull is rattling inside of her Ranger helmet! A burst of strength as Miss Cage heaves her over the ropes! Miss Kwan is fighting back, but a burst of gunfire from Miss Cage’s pistols sends her flying off the apron to the wall! Al Rossi: Double axe handle from behind by Chloe! She’s trying to get Cassie out before she powers up! But it’s too late! The lights are shining brightly and Cassie is now in the armor of the Yellow Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is enraged! She had to face Miss Kwan twice before and now she must face the powers of the Yellow Ranger again! Al Rossi: And those powers are now enhanced by a woman who has fought and been trained by some of the most dangerous and skilled fighters in the Mortal Kombat tournaments! But can she topple Chloe? Chloe takes to air, and Cassie charges ahead! OK: Chloe Bourgeois (Ka-Boom’s toon physics and monster form, Claw’s size and fighting skill, Tinker Bell’s flight and pixie dust, Wednesday’s weapons, and Chel’s cleverness) (Half strength) vs Cassie Cage (Trini’s skill and Yellow Ranger power) (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Miss America, Medusa, Phantom Lady, Ladybug, Carmen Sandiego, Ruby Rose, and Tracer. Winner gets the loser’s abilities/powers/weapons. Game On!
  7. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 8 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Carmen Sandiego (none) Katie Ka-Boom (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) Harley Quinn (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Sonya Blade (none) Roxy Rocket (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: With Roxy Rocket’s entrance, Al, we are now halfway through the field of 30 competitors! Al Rossi: And the ring is looking pretty crowded! Roxy and Sonya are duking it out with Poison Ivy, meanwhile the other ladies have recovered from Katie’s explosive exit and are returning to batter each other! Chloe seems to be trying to get a handle on her new, monstrous appearance, and look! Medusa has locked eyes with Entrapta! Andel Sanap: These two had that hair vs hair match in the arena a few weeks ago! Entrapta came out on the losing end of that encounter! Now she’s madly pressing buttons on that remote to summons more drones! Crowd: 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Let’s follow the trail! Hyah! Andel Sanap: A fan favorite, but certainly an unlikely competitor. Al Rossi: Well, the fans are sure happy to see the beauty of El Dorado make her way to the teleporter. Chel beams in, taking in the chaos around her and…umm…what is she doing? Andel Sanap: She appears to be sitting cross legged in the middle of the ring. Al Rossi: Ha! She’s taking in the fight. I don’t believe this! Hey, you think she wants us to beam her in some popcorn or something? Andel Sanap: Well, I believe the show is over. Medusa has battered the drones away with her newly acquired tail and uses her hair to push Entrapta back. Now she wraps a strand around Chel’s waist and sends her hurtling towards the ropes! Al Rossi: She caught the top rope! Chel was nearly eliminated! Her feet did not make contact with the Battlesphere wall! Andel Sanap: But now she’s struggling to lift herself back in! Medusa tries to pry Chel’s grip loose with her hair but Entrapta is there to stop her! Al Rossi: But here come’s Chloe! She leaps over to Medusa and Entrapta, roaring and eyes blazing! Andel Sanap: Neither Medusa and Entrapta seem impressed! By the Force! They use their hair to toss Miss Bourgeois over the ropes on the other side of the ring! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Some daaaaay my priiiiince will coooome. Andel Sanap: Oh no. Now this is definitely one of the entries I have an issue with the Commission about! Al Rossi: Why? Don’t you like Snow White, as she walks to the teleporter accompanied by flock of songbirds. She beams in, and immediately runs to the ropes where Chel is and…hey! She’s helping her back into the ring! Andel Sanap: That’s why, Al! She’s not a fighter! She doesn’t understand the rules! I don’t know what the TCC were thinking signing her up for this match! Al Rossi: Check out Chel! She doesn’t look to thrilled. She made it clear in her interview she didn’t care for the princesses and WHOA! What a slap to Snow White! Andel Sanap: Well, at least it will be short for her. Chel starts dragging Snow White to the ropes, andwait a moment! The birds! Look at the birds! Al Rossi: Snow White’s birds beamed in with her! They’re pecking and clawing at Chel, forcing away from Snow! Well, they aren’t exactly Daenerys’ dragons but they get the job done! Andel Sanap: But now Entrapta moves in to push Snow White into the ropes! Medusa hair grabs her by the neck! Chel grabs a hold of Medusa’s tail! OK: Medusa (almost at full strength; also possesses Minerva Mink’s tail and Toon physics from eliminating her earlier), and Snow White (full strength, loyal flock of birds) VS Entrapta (almost at full strength) and Chel (full strength) Also currently in the ring: Poison Ivy, Chloe Bourgeois, Carmen Sandiego, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Tasha Yar, Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams, Sonya Blade, and Roxy Rocket. Teammates can trade opponents and assist each other. Vote for the team that eliminates the other by throwing them over the top rope. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  8. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 27 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Wednesday Addams (weapons, fighting skill) Chel (cleverness) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Ruby Rose (Semblance, Crescent Rose, fighting skill) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Carmen Sandiego (Tech, fighting skill) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Cassie Cage Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger powers) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Ladybug has wrapped up Miss Bourgeois up with her yoyo but Miss Bourgeois takes to the air! Miss Cage draws a Blade Blaster opens fire as Miss Bourgeois tries to swing Ladybug into the wall! Al Rossi: But check out Miss America and Phantom Lady! They’ve both finished with their power ups! Miss America is now wearing Ruby’s cloak and hood, and she has the Crescent Rose scythe! Meanwhile Phantom Lady now is adorned in Carmen Sandiego’s trademark hat and trench coat! Andel Sanap: With the other three combatants fighting each other, it appears we will be having a showdown between our two Golden Age heroines. Al Rossi: And here we go! Both of them went to Elsa’s ice magic! The magic blasts collide and scatter all over the ring! Miss America soars toward Phantom Lady who places a portal in the ring! Leaps into the air, ice and black light to the face of Miss America! Andel Sanap: The force of the blasts send Miss America tumbling into the portal! Phantom Lady puts another portal on the Battlesphere wall, but Miss America zooms through it and flies back into the ring! Al Rossi: She’s using Petal Burst! She whirls around Phantom Lady, lifting her into the air! She has to fire one of Carmen’s grapple hooks to keep from being carried out of the ring! Andel Sanap: The hook attaches to the top of the Battlesphere! Phantom Lady is taking a risk by taking the fight to the air. But will it pay off by eliminating Miss America? OK: Miss America (The fighting skills and weapons of Mercy, Anamaria, and Ruby, and Elsa’s ice magic) (Full strength) vs Phantom Lady (Chell’s Aperture Science Portal Device, Elsa’s ice magic, and Carmen’s tech and fighting skill) (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Cassie Cage, and Ladybug. Winner gets the losers powers and abilities. Game On!
  9. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 25 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Wednesday Addams (weapons, fighting skill) Chel (cleverness) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Cassie Cage Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger powers) Ruby Rose Tracer (Weapons, powers, tech) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Medusa and Carmen have been going blow for blow! They’ve taken to the air, Carmen with her own jetpack against Medusa’s taken from Roxy. Carmen dodges the tendrils of hair and the sweeping tail and sends Ivy’s vines into Medusa pack! Andel Sanap: It’s starting to smoke! The vines are sprouting out of the rocket pack and crushing it! Medusa has to unhook herself and leap away as it crashes into the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: She looks out of it as she stands on the ring apron, her hair grasping at the air! Carmen lands and charges toward Medusa who throws up her hands. Wait a second here. Look at Medusa! Andel Sanap: Yes, she certainly appears to be looking at Miss Sandiego with a somewhat…um…suggestive eye. Al Rossi: Oh don’t tell me she’s trying to use Minerva’s Toon powers on Carmen?! But Carmen’s drawing closer to the ropes! She’s putting her arms around Medusa! Is she under Medusa’s control?! Andel Sanap: But look, she’s jumped back! She takes out a remote and presses it! She planted a drone in Medusa’s hair! The drone takes off, dragging Medusa off the apron with it! Al Rossi: Medusa tries to swing back to the apron but she collides with the wall, and finally she is out! Andel Sanap: An unbelievable performance, Al! Now it’s Miss Sandiego who will benefit from the prehensile hair and Inhuman strength of Medusa! Al Rossi: Ladybug and Phantom Lady are looking to team up again to get Carmen out! Ladybug throws her yoyo but it gets caught in Carmen’s hair! It’s mass of follicles and vines that Carmen uses to pull Ladybug towards her! Andel Sanap: Phantom Lady fires her portal device just behind Carmen puts another portal on the Battlesphere wall. She blasts her with black light and ice than shoves her in. Al Rossi: But she’s dragging Ladybug with her! They pop out of the other portal and Carmen’s newly won hair breaks her fall as it wraps around a turnbuckle post. Ladybug has to resort to her yoyo! Andel Sanap: Now Ladybug is going after Phantom Lady! She’s looking for payback! Will she get it? OK: Carmen Sandiego (Poison Ivy’s control of plants, Medusa’s hair and strength) (Half strength) vs Phantom Lady (Chell’s portal device and Elsa’s ice magic) (Full strength) vs Ladybug (Chell’s portal device and Baby Doll’s toy themed weapons) (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Miss America, Ruby Rose, and Cassie Cage. Whoever gets the most votes gets the powers/abilities/weapons of whoever gets the least. Game On!
  10. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 24 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Wednesday Addams (weapons, fighting skill) Chel (cleverness) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Cassie Cage Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger powers) Ruby Rose (none) Tracer (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Ruby is loading up another Dust cartridge but Tracer is blinking toward her! Ruby fires right as Tracer is in her sights! Andel Sanap: Tracer’s been hit! But she’s just hovering in mid-air! What has Ruby done to her? Al Rossi: It’s a Gravity Dust cartridge! Tracer is trying to restore her equilibrium but Ruby launches herself with Crescent Rose and blasts Tracer with a Fire Dust cartridge! Another blow from Crescent Rose and the Overwatch agent is over and out! Andel Sanap: Miss America has been hovering over the mat and watching Miss Rose. She’s letting the huntress get her power up. And it’s certainly is an impressive one. Al Rossi: You’re not kidding, Andel! She keeps her cape and hood, but now Ruby has red version of Tracer’s armor, plus her weapons and blink ability! Andel Sanap: Now Miss America descends to the ring. She appears to be gesturing to Miss Rose. One on one, just the two of them! Al Rossi: This is a tall order for Ruby. On top of Miss America’s strength, she’s also picked up the fighting skills of Anamaria, Mercy, and the ice magic of Elsa! But Ruby shows no hesitation! Holstering Crescent Rose and whipping out her versions of Tracer’s pistols! Andel Sanap: Miss Rose will need her wits about her is she means to eliminate Miss America! OK: Miss America (Mercy Graves and Anamaria’s fighting skills and weapons, and Elsa’s ice magic) (Full strength) vs Ruby Rose (Tracer’s powers, weapons, and tech) (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Medusa, Phantom Lady, Ladybug, Carmen Sandiego, and Cassie Cage. Winner gets the powers/abilities/weapons of the loser. Game On!
  11. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 18 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech)) Baby Doll Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) Elsa (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: All 30 of our combatants have entered the Battlesphere! And we still of 14 of them in the ring right now! Who are you most surprised by, Andel? Al Rossi: I must say I’m impressed by how well Chel has done, Al. She has already broken 20 minutes in the Battlesphere, longer than Harley Quinn, Sonya Blade, Katie Ka-Boom. All of them had arguably more fight experience and powers than Chel, but she’s still hanging in there. Al Rossi: But then we can’t forget Medusa and Carmen! Those entered at number 1 and number 2, and they are still in this fight! That’s over 42 minutes of action! Andel Sanap: And speaking of action, we need to get back to it! Though Ladybug has been separated from Phantom Lady, she’s still determined to get the upper hand of Miss Bourgeois. Both are still in the air above the ring but Ladybug fires another portal towards Miss Bourgeois! Al Rossi: Chloe dodges as the portal connects with the Battlesphere. She’s getting more monstrous as her Ka-Boom ability is starting to heat up again. She strikes with a clawed hand at Ladybug! She got off another portal above the ring! She hurls her yoyo! Andel Sanap: Thru the portal at the top of the Battlesphere, out the other portal behind Miss Bourgeois! The yoyo caught her! A mighty yank from Ladybug and Miss Bourgeois is sent hurtling backward thru the portal, careening out of the second into the canvas! Al Rossi: Check out Baby Doll! She’s just hovering above Chloe, giggling at her getting tricked by Ladybug! Andel Sanap: Now Miss Bourgeois is truly furious! She lunges at Baby Doll and grabs her by the throat! Al Rossi: And in comes Ladybug! She dives onto both of the former allies! Andel Sanap: The Miraculous hero of Paris is not giving up! Al Rossi: But can she eliminate Chloe? Andel Sanap: Or will Miss Bourgeois finally succeed in claiming her Miraculous? Al Rossi: Or can Baby Doll pull off a giant sized upset? Anything can happen in the Battlesphere! OK: Chloe Bourgeois (Katie’s toon physics and powers, Red Claw’s size and fighting skills, and Tinker Bell’s flight and pixie dust) (Full strength) vs Baby Doll (Tinker Bell’s flight and pixie dust) (Full strength) vs Ladybug (Aperture Science Portal Device) (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Medusa, Chel, Miss America, Carmen Sandiego, Wednesday Addams, Phantom Lady, Ruby Rose, Cassie Cage, Tracer, Trini Kwan, and Elsa The winning combatant(s) will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor(s) that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  12. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 19 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech)) Baby Doll Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) Elsa (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: A blast of black light to the face of Elsa! In swoops Miss America with a right hand that sends her into the ropes! Andel Sanap: Princess Elsa has been caught off guard! Here come the heroes! A double clothesline sends the Frozen Princess tumbling out of the ring to the Battlesphere wall! Al Rossi: That’s a shock to me, Andel! Was really thinking Elsa could hold her own in there! But check out Chloe and Ladybug! Chloe fires her Ka-Boom laser at Ladybug, but she dodges leaps and nails her with the kick! Andel Sanap: Baby Doll is firing her doll-machine gun, Ladybug snags it out of her grip with the yoyo! She hurls it again and now she’s caught Miss Dahl! Al Rossi: Throws her into the air, and fires the portal gun! Baby Doll falls through and pops out of a portal on the Battlesphere wall! The portal closes, her feet touch the wall, she’s out! Nice maneuver by Ladybug! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is still reeling from that kick and look out! Now she’s caught in Wednesday Addams’ Entrapta-won hair! She’s already trapped Chel, as well, and is now carrying both of them to the ropes to eliminate them! Al Rossi: Both Chloe and Chel are fighting to get loose! Chloe throws some of her pixie dust! Wednesday is starting to float into the air! Andel Sanap: Right into Chel’s birds! Al Rossi: Wednesday activates Entrapta’s drones to blast Chel’s flocks but she is forced to let Chloe and Chel go! Chloe hits the mat hard and Chel falls on top of her! Andel Sanap: Oh dear. A rough shove from Miss Bourgeois to get out from under Chel! And Chel doesn’t look please with that one bitBy The Force! Al Rossi: Yowch! What a slap by Chel! Chloe can’t believe it! And here we go! Chloe tackles Chel to the mat, raining down strikes! She’s gonna go Ka-Boom any minute! OK: Wednesday Addams (Entrapta’s prehensile hair and drones) (Half strength) VS Chloe Bourgeois (Katie’s toon physics and powers, Red Claw’s size and fighting skills, and Tinker Bell’s flight and pixie dust) (Half strength, about to go Ka-Boom) vs Chel (control of birds) (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Medusa, Miss America, Carmen Sandiego, Phantom Lady, Ladybug, Ruby Rose, Cassie Cage, Tracer, and Trini Kwan. The winning combatant(s) will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor(s) that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  13. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 22 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Al, we are in the home stretch! We’ve got multiple brawls, Phantom Lady and Miss America have gotten their ice powers from eliminating Elsa, and Ladybug has gotten a new skirt and toy gimmicks from eliminating Baby Doll. Al Rossi: And through this entire match, Andel, two women have been in it since the beginning! Medusa and Carmen Sandiego are now both pushing 50 minutes in the Battlesphere, and from the looks of things they’ve realized that, too! Andel Sanap: Medusa flies in with her rocket pack and unleashes her hair! Miss Sandiego responds with her Ivy vines! Who will eliminate and outlast the other?! OK: Medusa (Minerva’s Toon physics and tail) (Roxy’s rocket pack) (Half strength) VS Carmen Sandiego (Poison Ivy’s plant manipulation) (Half strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Miss America, Chel, Phantom Lady, Ladybug, Wednesday Addams, Ruby Rose, Cassie Cage, Tracer, and Trini Kwan. The winning combatant(s) will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor(s) that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. * Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On! *Due to the number of matches going on at once, the set-ups will be shorter.
  14. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 17 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech)) Baby Doll Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: I can’t believe what we’re seeing, Andel! Our newcomers Cassie, Trini and Tracer are all holding their own well in the Battlsphere! Cassie had gotten Chel over the ropes only for Ruby to swoop in for the save! Andel Sanap: In the meantime, Tracer’s pulse bomb may have staggered Medusa and Miss Addams, but Miss Sandiego was able to throw a vine to save her partner, Miss Kwan was able to rebound off the ropes to strike back, and Medusa was able to get her rocket pack working in time to save herself! Al Rossi: And she isn’t the only one still in the air! Baby Doll and Chloe are still dodging portals from Ladybug and Phantom Lady, still under the influence of their pixie dust! Andel Sanap: And Miss America has gotten her power up! A combination of hero, bodyguard, and pirate, with powers and abilities to match! And now it’s time! The Final Entrant! Who is Number 30? Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZ! P.A.: Let it gooooo! Let it gooooo! Al Rossi: The princess of Arendelle! Elsa is the final entrant in the Battlesphere Battle Royal! Andel Sanap: Swiftly beams in, and nearly gets laid out by a falling Phantom Lady! Miss Bourgeois was able to connect with a strike that brought her down to the mat! Al Rossi: Elsa is looking uncertain. But look! She’s summoning her magic! Readying for a blast of ice! Andel Sanap: By the Force! Miss America flew in for the save! She is more durable than Phantom Lady to take the damage, but not even she should be able to stand up to Princess Elsa’s magic! Al Rossi: Phantom Lady fires a portal underneath her and Miss America! There popping out of another portal on the Battlesphere wall! They dive into the ring, and their target is Elsa! OK: Phantom Lady (Aperture Science Portal Device) (Full strength) and Miss America (Mercy and Anamaria’s fighting skills and weapons) (Full strength) vs Elsa (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Medusa, Chel, Carmen Sandiego, Wednesday Addams, Baby Doll, Ladybug, Ruby Rose, Cassie Cage, Tracer, and Trini Kwan. The winning combatant(s) will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor(s) that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  15. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 15 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Anamaria Tasha Yar (Starfleet training, phaser) Mercy Graves Harley Quinn (weapons, fighting skill) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech)) Tinker Bell (none) Baby Doll (none) Phantom Lady (none) Ladybug (none) Miss America (none) Chell (none) Ruby Rose (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Miss America grabs a hold of Miss Graves and Anamaria! She takes to the air and flies over the top rope! Al Rossi: She casual drops them and they slam into the Battlesphere! Two for the price of one! KABOOOOM! Andel Sanap: By the Force! There goes Miss Bourgeois! Ladybug and Phantom Lady are down! Chell and Tinker Bell are down! Tinker Bell is trying to take to the air… Al Rossi: Yowch! Chloe caught her with Venom just as Baby Doll got off a shot from her doll! Tink is spiraling out of control and she’s out! Andel Sanap: Meanwhile it looks like Medusa has set her sights on Ruby! Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZ! P.A.: Cassandra Cage! Al Rossi: Sonya’s daughter is finally making her way to the Battlesphere! She beams in and draws her pistols, opening fire on Ruby! Andel Sanap: Miss Cage must be eager to get into the fray, after having to watch her mother get eliminated earlier in the night. But wait! The bluebirds! Their encircling Miss Cage! Al Rossi: Cassie pistols reduce some the birds to feathers! But here come’s Chel! She knows that if she wants to win, she’s going to need to get out some stronger opponents! Ruby sweeps in with Crescent Rose and Cassie dodges! Medusa uses her rocket pack to dive towards Ruby but Ruby Petal Burst to take to the air! Andel Sanap: But look! In the corner! Ladybug has the other Chell all wrapped up in her yoyo! Phantom Lady is helping her get Chell out of the ring! Now she’s out! Al Rossi: One Chell is out, but the other Chel is now fighting side by side with Ruby against Medusa and Cassie! OK: Medusa (Toon physics, tail, Roxy rocket pack) (full strength) and Cassie Cage (full strength) vs Chel (control of birds) (full strength) and Ruby Rose (full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Carmen Sandiego, Wednesday Addams, Baby Doll, Phantom Lady, Ladybug, and Miss America. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  16. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 16 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech)) Baby Doll Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: The combatants are scrambling as the firefight between Ruby and Cassie heats up! We’ve got Chloe and Baby Doll using their newly won wings to take to the air, while Phantom Lady and Ladybug are ducking into portals! Andel Sanap: Here comes number 28! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZ! P.A.: Ya know, the world could always use more heroes! Andel Sanap: The face of Overwatch! Tracer rapidly blinks to the teleporters and into the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: And is instantly caught in the hair of Wednesday Addams! She’s putting Entrapta’s powers to good use! Carmen is stepping in, using Ivy’s powers to try to help restrain Tracer! Andel Sanap: But Tracer blinks away again! She leaps to the turnbuckle and starts firing her pulse pistols! Al Rossi: But check out Wednesday! She still has Entrapta’s drone remote! The drones spring to life and start shooting at Tracer! Tracer is fighting back but they just keep coming! Andel Sanap: Meanwhile, Miss Bourgeois and Miss Dahl seem more than comfortable hovering over the ring. They could just use their wings to avoid the fighting then swoop in and steal the powers. But wait! Look above them! Two portals! Al Rossi: And out come Ladybug and Phantom Lady! Might as well call them Team Phantom Bug, because they are not letting Chloe and Baby Doll just sit on the sidelines! They are throwing pixie dust to try to get their enemies to float into the sphere wall to eliminate themselves! Andel Sanap: And there flies Medusa after Miss Rose! The airspace is getting pretty crowed in the Battlesphere, Al! Al Rossi: But we still have two more entrants! Crowd: 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZ! P.A.: Sabretooth Tiger! Andel Sanap: Already morphed, Miss Trini Kwan leaps into action and dives into the teleporter! Al Rossi: She rushes to assist Tracer! Power daggers drawn! Whoa! But Wednesday is right their with her own knife! Andel Sanap: Miss Sandiego sends a flurry of throns towards Miss Kwan and Tracer blinks her to safety! She’s got her pulse bomb ready! But will it be enough? And who will be the final entrant in the Battlesphere Battle Royal?! OK: Carmen Sandiego (Poison Ivy’s control of plants) (Full strength) and Wednesday Addams (Prehensile hair and tech) (Full strength) vs Tracer (Full strength) and Trini Kwan (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Medusa, Chel, Miss America, Baby Doll, Phantom Lady, Ladybug, Ruby Rose, and Cassie Cage. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  17. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 14 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Sonya Blade (fighting skills/tech) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Anamaria Tasha Yar (Starfleet training, phaser) Mercy Graves Harley Quinn (weapons, fighting skill) Carmen Sandiego (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Tinkerbell (none) Baby Doll (none) Phantom Lady (none) Ladybug (none) Miss America (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Miss Addams! She’s sneaking up on Entrapta! Al Rossi: Still blinded by Carmen’s gas! She doesn’t see her! Wow that girl is strong! Entrapta is out! Andel Sanap: A blast of fire from Poison Ivy’s dragons sends Miss Addams sprawling! Al Rossi: Carmen charges in! A right hand to Ivy! This sudden rush her completely off guard! Andel Sanap: The 25th competitor is about to enter! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: For science. You monster. Al Rossi: From Aperture Science’s Testing Labs, Chell quickly bounds to the teleporters. Andel Sanap: Beams in and is immediately jumped by Miss Bourgeois! She’s striking blind after the attack by Phantom Lady! Al Rossi: A burst of Ka-Boom strength and over goes Chell… wait! She just went through a portal! She has the portal gun! Andel Sanap: Now this could make Chell a very tempting target! With the portal device, a competitor can quite easily save themselves from touching the walls of the Battlesphere and just portal jump back into the ring! Al Rossi: The portal is still there! Carmen shoves Ivy through it! She pops out the other end, heading back to the ring and Whoa! Carmen nails her with the kick! The dragons cry out but Poison Ivy has finally been eliminated! Andel Sanap: Tinkerbell looks to get back into the action! She flies to Chell’s shoulder and appears to be jumping and down? Al Rossi: Pixie dust! She’s giving Chell a chance to fly! Baby Doll is coming after Tink again but stops short of Chell’s portal! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeoi leaps in the air toward Chell but Ladybug snags her with her yoyo! Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Red like roses…. Al Rossi: The Huntress Ruby Rose! A flash of petals and she’s beamed into a chaotic battle, Andel! Andel Sanap: Yes, Al! We have the latest power-up updates. We have Chel in an outfit that seems to be a mashup of Snow White and Cinderella’s dresses, accompanied by their birds. Medusa testing out Miss Rocket’s rocket pack, Miss Addams is developing Entrapta’s hair, and Miss Sandiego is starting to look a little green. Al Rossi: And in the middle of it all, we’ve got Ladybug and Phantom Lady trying to stop Chloe and Baby Doll from getting their hands on Tinkerbell and Chell’s powers. Whew! And we are down to the final five entrants! Strap yourselves in, folks! OK: Chloe Bourgeois (Katie’s Toon physics and powers) (about to go Ka-boom) and Baby Doll (Full strength) VS Ladybug (Full strength) and Phantom Lady (Full strength) VS Tinkerbell (Full strength) and Chell (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Medusa, Chel, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Carmen Sandiego, Wednesday Addams, and Miss America. Teammates can trade opponents and assist each other. Vote for the team that eliminates the other by throwing them over the top rope. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated (If there’s a tie, both get eliminated). Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities (If there’s a tie, both get powers of the eliminated). If there are no ties the odd women out simply takes damage, and will need to compete in the next round of the battle royal. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  18. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 13 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Sonya Blade (fighting skills/tech) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Anamaria Tasha Yar (Starfleet training, phaser) Mercy Graves Harley Quinn (weapons, fighting skill) Carmen Sandiego (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Roxy Rocket (none) Chel (none) Snow White (none) Cinderella (none) Tinkerbell (none) Baby Doll (none) Phantom Lady (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Oh my God! It’s Ladybug! Racing to the teleporter and beaming into the Battlesphere! Andel Sanap: She hurls her yoyo at Miss Bourgeois who dodges and aims her Venom sting at her! Phantom Lady blasts her with the blacklight projector! Miss Bourgeois is blinded! Al Rossi: But check out Baby Doll! She jumps on the back of Ladybug, swinging that weighted doll! Andel Sanap: Al! Chel has managed to shove Cinderella over the top rope! Chel is pushing and shoving but Cinderella refuses to let go! Snow White is charging in to help but Look Out! Al Rossi: Yowch! Meeting of the minds! Chel ducked and Snow collided head first into Cinderella! Both are staggered! Chel grabs hold of Snow’s leg and heaves! Up and over and out! Andel Sanap: Snow White collides with Cinderella and Chel has eliminated both princesses! The lights surround her as she gets her power ups. Al Rossi: Medusa just snagged Roxy out of the air with her hair! One swift toss and the daredevil is thrown out! Andel Sanap: And Medusa gets her second power up tonight. Entrapta has got Miss Sandiego on the ropes, Poison Ivy is relentlessly pursuing Miss Addams! Al Rossi: Carmen points something at Entrapta. There’s a cloud of smoke! Gas! Entrapta is coughing and trying to get out of trouble! Crowd: 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: God Bless America! Andel Sanap: Soaring to the teleporters it’s Miss Americca! Al Rossi: She’s in the Battlesphere and is instantly jumped by Mercy and Anamaria! They’ve got a handle on their new powers. Mercy has got Harley’s boxing glove gun but it just bounces off of Miss America! Andel Sanap: Miss America is not one to be taken lightly! She grabs hold of Miss Graves and takes off into the air! Anamaria is trying to get a clear shot of her with her newly acquired phaser! Miss America throws! Al Rossi: But Mercy pulls out one of Harley’s grappling hooks to save herself! She pulls herself back into the ring as Miss America dodges a blast from Anamaria! Andel Sanap: Miss America’s powers would certainly give Miss Graves and Anamaria an edge in home stretch of this battle royal. But can they succeed in eliminating her to get them? OK: Mercy Graves (with Harley Quinn’s skills and gadgets) and Anamaria (with Tasha Yar’s skills and phaser) (both at full strength) vs Miss America (full strength) Also currently in the ring: Poison Ivy, Chloe Bourgeois, Medusa, Chel, Carmen Sandiego, Wednesday Addams, Entrapta, Tinkerbell, Baby Doll, Phantom Lady, and Ladybug Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  19. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 11 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Sonya Blade (fighting skills/tech) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Carmen Sandiego (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) Harley Quinn (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Roxy Rocket (none) Chel (none) Snow White (none) Red Claw (none) Cinderella (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: The second star to the riiiiight… Al Rossi: Darting to the teleporter is Tinkerbell and instantly she beams in to the Battlesphere! KABOOOOM! Andel Sanap: By the Force! There goes Miss Bourgeois and out goes Red Claw! The ka-boom knocked her right over the ropes and out of the ring! Al Rossi: Check out Tasha and Harley! They stayed in but they’re staggered near the ropes! Here comes Anamaria and Mercy! Double clothesline! Andel Sanap: And both of them fall to their eliminations! Al Rossi: Tinkerbell has been zipping over the ring and has finally landed on one of the turnbuckles. She’s sitting down to watch as Snow White and Cinderella continue to try to hoist Chel over the rope. Andel Sanap: You can see the princesses calling to her for help, Al. Some pixie dust would make this job a lot easier. But it appears Tinkerbell is just enjoying watching them struggle on their own! Al Rossi: Chel is flailing and kicking wildly but she can’t get loose! The princesses look like their gonna try to swing her up and over. A one, a two, a three! Andel Sanap: Up and over! She’s out. Wait! No! Chel’s holding on! She holding on to the bottom rope with both hands, desperately trying to get back up to the apron! Al Rossi: Snow and Cinderella are jumping up and down, hugging each other! They think they eliminated Chel! Tinkerbell sees her, but she’s not talking! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: I didn’t mean to! Al Rossi: Gotham’s littlest criminal, Baby Doll! We’ve now got the power ups from the latest eliminations! Chloe appears to have grown to adult size, gotten some red accents on her Queen Bee costume, and presumably the fighting skills of Red Claw to boot! Andel Sanap: Anamaria appears to have acquired an outfit that’s part pirate/part Starfleet. I don’t think she’ll be using a pistol now that she has Lieutenant Yar’s phaser! But the most dramatic change is Miss Graves! Her outfit is now red and black, patterned like Miss Quinn’s. She even has her painted face and mischievous look! Al Rossi: Baby Doll finally has beamed in, but look at Chel! She’s climbed up the post to the top turnbuckle over Tinkerbell! Snow and Cinderella are still celebrating! Andel Sanap: Tinkerbell is calling to them! They turn, and here come’s Chel! Al Rossi: Crossbody off the top! Chel fighting tooth and nail! Tinkerbell looks like she’s laughing her head off! But uh oh! Don’t look now, Tinkerbell! You’ve got problems of your own! Andel Sanap: In the form of Baby Doll! She’s got her eyes on Tinkerbell! She pulls out her doll-concealed pistol and fires! Tinkerbell takes off with Miss Dahl trying to get another shot! OK: Snow White/Cinderella VS Chel All at half strength. Also currently in the ring: Poison Ivy, Chloe Bourgeois, Medusa, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Carmen Sandiego, Wednesday Addams, Entrapta, Roxy Rocket, Tinkerbell, and Baby Doll Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  20. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 12 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Sonya Blade (fighting skills/tech) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Anamaria Tasha Yar (Starfleet training, phaser) Mercy Graves Harley Quinn (weapons, fighting skill) Carmen Sandiego (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Roxy Rocket (none) Chel (none) Snow White (none) Cinderella (none) Tinkerbell (none) Baby Doll (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: The ring is complete chaos, Andel! Carmen and Wednesday are regrouping in the corner, Entrapta is sending another strike force of drones after Medusa! Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Forward, Freedom Fighters! Andel Sanap: It’s Phantom Lady! She runs to teleporter and makes a beeline for Miss Bourgeois! Al Rossi: But Chloe is holding her own, for now at least. Phantom Lady wasn’t kidding when she was talking about Chloe’s behavior at the July 4th brawl! Andel Sanap: The stand off between Entrapta and Medusa has caught the eye of Poison Ivy! Medusa entered the Battlesphere at number 1, Miss Sandiego at number 2! They’ve been fighting hard, but Poison Ivy looks ready to capitalize! Al Rossi: She leaps over Entrapta! Dropkick to Medusa! She points at her and Medusa’s hair and tail are tangled in vines. She raises her hand and here come the dragons for the finish! But here comes Carmen and Wednesday! Andel Sanap: Miss Sandiego appears to firing a high pressure extinguisher from her collection of gadgets at the dragons! Miss Addams’ knife holds Entrapta at bay! And there’s Miss Rocket! Even she’s getting into it, firing her pistol at Miss Sandiego! Al Rossi: Roxy must figure it’s better to work with Ivy than get eliminated by her. Medusa streaches out her hair and breaks free! Will this be the end of Medusa and Carmen’s run? Yikes! Chloe just blasted Phantom Lady with an eye beam! She’s readying herself for a Venom attack! Andel Sanap: The clock is winding down! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Tiki! Spots On! OK: Medusa (almost at full strength), Carmen Sandiego (full strength), and Wednesday Addams (full strength) VS Poison Ivy (full strength), Entrapta (Almost at full strength), and Roxy Rocket (half strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Chel, Snow White, Cinderella, Tinkerbell, Baby Doll, and Phantom Lady Teammates can trade opponents and assist each other. Vote for the team that eliminates the other by throwing them over the top rope. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated (If there’s a tie, both get eliminated). Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities (If there’s a tie, both get powers of the eliminated). If there are no ties the odd woman out simply takes damage, and will need to compete in the next round of the battle royal. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  21. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 9 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Carmen Sandiego (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) Harley Quinn (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Sonya Blade (none) Roxy Rocket (none) Chel (none) Snow White (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Poison Ivy’s dragons in pursuit of Roxy! Another cloud of spores in the eyes of Sonya! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: You’ve finally met your match! Not surprising it’s a woman! Andel Sanap: The mysterious Red Claw! But meanwhile Poison Ivy has ensnared General Blade in her vines! Hoisting her over the ropes and delivers a kick for good measure! Al Rossi: And she’s out! Sonya came out swinging but was outmatched by Ivy! Andel Sanap: Red Claw has beamed into the Battlesphere, and looks to be going for Poison Ivy, but wait! It’s Miss Bourgeois! Al Rossi: Chloe is charging in, trying bum rush Claw before she gets her bearings! Red Claw catches her arm and executes a textbook throw, sending Chloe flat on her back! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is better than that. Must be some of Miss Ka-Boom’s rage affecting her. She leaps to her feet and fires a laser blast at Red Claw! Al Rossi: Hey! Check out Ivy! She’s just finished getting her power up for eliminating Sonya! A green version of Sonya’s outfit, but more importantly gets Sonya’s fighting skills and tech! Andel Sanap: She’s calling her dragons back to her, which will be good news for Miss Rocket. She’s been using her rocket pack to avoid getting burned, but there isn’t much airspace in the Battlesphere. Al Rossi: She wants no part of Ivy for now, Andel. Looks like Roxy is wanting to get some shots in during this scrap between Chloe and Claw! OK: Chloe Bourgeois (Full strength; Toon Monster form, nearing ka-boom), Roxy Rocket (Almost full strength; rocket pack, laser pistol), and Red Claw (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Poison Ivy, Medusa, Carmen Sandiego, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Tasha Yar, Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams, Entrapta, Chel, and Snow White. Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated (If there’s a tie, both get eliminated). Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities (If there’s a tie, both get powers of the eliminated). If there are no ties the odd woman out simply takes damage, and will need to compete in the next round of the battle royal. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  22. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 10 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Sonya Blade (fighting skills/tech) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Carmen Sandiego (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) Harley Quinn (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Roxy Rocket (none) Chel (none) Snow White (none) Red Claw (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: It is total chaos inside the Battlesphere! The clock is winding down for our 19th entrant! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: A dreeeeam is a wiiiish your heart maaaakes. Andel Sanap: And another unfortunate entrant as Cinderella runs onto the battle terrain. Al Rossi: She’s sure in a hurry as she beams in! She rushes to Snow White’s side and is trying to get her away from the brawl! Medusa knocks Chel to the mat with a swish of her tail and starts getting entangled with Entrapta! Now Cinderella is motioning to Snow! Andel Sanap: They’re going after Chel! Picking her up by her arms and legs they are trying to carry her to the ropes, but Chel is trying to fight them off! Al Rossi: But check this out! We’ve still have a struggle going on between the unlikely teams of Tasha, Harley, and Wednesday vs Carmen, Mercy, and Anamaria! Wednesday swings a knife at Anamaria but she was ready for her! She’s caught her by the wrist! Andel Sanap: And Miss Graves lands a boot to the head of Miss Addams! Some bad sportsmanship as the bodyguard stands over the young Addams mocking her. Al Rossi: Uh oh! Carmen didn’t like that! She’s getting in Mercy’s face! Mercy with a shove! Carmen with a high kick! Anamaria tries to intervene but crossbow bolt from Wednesday gives her second thoughts! Andel Sanap: Miss Quinn and Lieutenant Yar try to help, but Miss Addams fires at them, as well! Looks like Miss Addams has made a new alliance for herself with Miss Sandiego! OK: Carmen Sandiego/Wednesday Addams VS Tasha Yar/Harley Quinn VS Mercy Graves/Anamaria All competitors at full strength. Also currently in the ring: Poison Ivy, Medusa, Chloe Bourgeois Entrapta, Roxy Rocket, Chel, Snow White, Red Claw, and Cinderella Teammates can trade opponents and assist each other. Vote for the team that eliminates the other by throwing them over the top rope. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated (If there’s a tie, both get eliminated). Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities (If there’s a tie, both get powers of the eliminated). If there are no ties the odd woman out simply takes damage, and will need to compete in the next round of the battle royal. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  23. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 7 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Carmen Sandiego (none) Katie Ka-Boom (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) Harley Quinn (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Chloe Bourgeois (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Miss Ka-Boom fires lasers from her eyes at Miss Bourgeois and Entrapta. The rest of Entrapta’s drones continue their assault. Al Rossi: Chloe springs off the ropes into the air! She has the Venom sting ready! She strikes! A howl from Katie, but it was ineffective! Is it Toon physics kicking in? Is Katie too angry for the Miraculous to work? Andel Sanap: A final scream from Miss Ka-Boom! Duck and cover! KABOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Al Rossi: Good grief! The force of that blew all the competitors into the ropes! Unbelievable no one got eliminated! Katie is staggering around delirious in human form! Here comes Chloe to force her to the ropes! Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Sonya Blade! Reporting for duty! Andel Sanap: Just as the crowd reached 4, Miss Bourgeois was able to lift Miss Ka-Boom up and over the ropes! Now she’s standing in the ring laughing at Miss Ka-Boom as the sphere gives the power up. Al Rossi: Meanwhile, Sonya has beamed into the Battlesphere, surveying the damage caused by Katie’s explosion. Poison Ivy seems to be the first up! She gestures to her dragons! Andel Sanap: General Blade is ready for them! A blast from her gauntlets causes the dragons to veer off! Al Rossi: So now here comes Ivy to get her hands dirty! She charges in and Sonya meets her with a punch to the jaw! Another to the midsection! Andel Sanap: Poison Ivy is reeling! General Blade is possibly the most experienced fighter in the Battlesphere. Al Rossi: Goes to the handstand! Grabs Ivy with the legs and PLANTS her head first into the canvas! Andel Sanap: You’ve been waiting to say that, haven’t you? Al Rossi: Yeah. All night. Whoa! Ivy just blew a cloud of dust into Sonya’s face! Andel Sanap: Not dust, Al. Spores! General Blade is blinded! Al Rossi: Now it’s Ivy’s turn to get some shots in, as the other competitors have started to rise to their feet! Crowd: 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Yes! YES! YES!!!! Al Rossi: The ultimate thrill seeker! Here come’s Roxy Rocket! Also, in the Battlesphere, Chloe is looking a little green around the gills. Andel Sanap: Yes, Al. She’s acquired some of Miss Ka-Boom’s monstrous attributes, along with her powers! But Miss Rocket pays her no mind as she goes straight to Poison Ivy! Al Rossi: A flurry of thorns flies towards Roxy and Whoa! Roxy has taken to the air! Roxy has a rocket pack! She might not fit her favorite rocket, but she can still fly! Andel Sanap: Clearly Miss Rocket hasn’t forgotten Poison Ivy mocking her in their interview. She pulls out her pistol and opens fire! And here comes General Blade for another attack! OK: Poison Ivy (Almost at full strength; her powers plus control of Daenerys’ dragons), Sonya Blade (Full strength), Roxy Rocket (Full strength; rocket pack, laser pistol) Also currently in the ring: Medusa, Chloe Bourgeois, Carmen Sandiego, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Tasha Yar, Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams, and Entrapta. Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated (If there’s a tie, both get eliminated). Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities (If there’s a tie, both get powers of the eliminated). If there are no ties the odd woman out simply takes damage, and will need to compete in the next round of the battle royal. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  24. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 6 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Carmen Sandiego (none) Katie Ka-Boom (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) Harley Quinn (none) Wednesday Addams (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Miss Ka-Boom breaks free of the vines that Poison Ivy trapped her in! Poison Ivy dives out of the way of Miss Ka-Boom and the dragons rush in to block! They use their fiery breath but that just makes Miss Ka-Boom madder! Al Rossi: Now Katie unleashes some fire breath of her own! The dragons screech in pain but are able to survive that assault. Ivy looks to regroup for another attack, but here comes Medusa with a forearm strike to cut her off. Katie throws back her head and roars! It’s a good thing the elimination rule is both feet hitting the floor, cuz Katie is almost reaching the ceiling of the sphere! Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Remember! Your imperfections are beautiful! Andel Sanap: Oh dear. Al Rossi: It’s Entrapta! She scurries to the teleporter on her hair and beams into the sphere! She looks wide eyed up at Katie who shoots lasers from her eyes in response! Andel Sanap: Entrapta dodges, and pulls out a remote. She flips a switch and something is flying out of her costume! Al Rossi: Mini drones! They lay down fire on Katie who starts trying to swat them out of the air! Andel Sanap: Entrapta reaches out with her hair and wraps around the ankles of Miss Ka-Boom. She’s off balance! Miss Ka-Boom is falling back into the ropes! Al Rossi: But she’s still too big! Katie rebounds back into the ring and slams her fists on the mat! That shook up the whole Battlesphere! Katie has got be close to going ka-boom any minute! Andel Sanap: That’s right, Al. And when that happens, Miss Ka-Boom would be left wide open to be thrown out of the battle royal. Al Rossi: Almost half of the mini drones have been smashed! Entrapta is wildly pressing buttons on her remote to summon more! Crowd: 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: You are ridiculous! Utterly RIDICULOUS! Andel Sanap: The self proclaimed Queen TCC! Al Rossi: Chloe Bourgeois is here! She’s already in her Queen Bee gear and wastes no time getting to the teleporter. Andel Sanap: Beams in and immediately jumps Entrapta from behind! A blow to the head forces Entrapta to a knee! Miss Bourgeois is quickly trying to drag her to ropes, but is blocked by Miss Ka-Boom! AL Rossi: Well, Chloe, you thought that this battle royal would be a walk in the park? Let’s see how you get out of this one! OK: Katie Ka-Boom (fully powered, but about to ‘ka-boom’ to normal), Entrapta (full strength, with her tech), Chloe Bourgeois (Queen Bee) Also currently in the ring: Medusa, Poison Ivy, Carmen Sandiego, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Tasha Yar, Harley Quinn, and Wednesday Addams Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated (If there’s a tie, both get eliminated). Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities (If there’s a tie, both get powers of the eliminated). If there are no ties the odd woman out simply takes damage, and will need to compete in the next round of the battle royal. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  25. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 5 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Carmen Sandiego (none) Katie Ka-Boom (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al RossI: This crowd has come alive! Cartwheeling to the teleporter is Harley Quinn! Andel Sanap: Lieutenant Yar is fighting to her feet but Miss Sandiego, Miss Graves, and Anamaria are just raining down blows! Now Miss Quinn has beamed in! Al Rossi: She charges into the fray! She wants Mercy! Takes her down and lays in strikes! Andel Sanap: Poison Ivy sees Miss Quinn is the ring! She’s motioning to her newly acquired dragons. They take to the air and dive toward the pile! Al Rossi: Blocked by Medusa! She snared the dragons out the sky with her hair and hurls them back! Katie appears to have pulled herself together and lunges toward her only to get ensnared by some of Ivy’s vines! Poison Ivy is going to have her hands full! Andel Sanap: But Miss Quinn isn’t on her own! Lieutenant Yar is fighting back against Anamaria and Miss Sandiego, and Miss Graves starts landing some kicks on Miss Quinn! Al Rossi: Harley starting to feel those strikes too, Andel! She reaches into her purse and pulls out…a rubber chicken? Andel Sanap: Miss Graves not impressed. She charges in! Miss Quinn swings! Al Rossi: Yikes! That impact! Mercy is staggered! A brick just slipped out of the chicken! But Anamaria hits Harley in the back of the neck with her pistol! Carmen kicks Tasha’s phaser out her hands as the clock winds down. Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Dadadadun. Snap Snap. Dadadadun. Snap Snap. Dadadadun. Dadadadun. Dadadadun. Snap Snap. Andel Sanap: One of the youngest participants in the Battlesphere, Wednesday Addams slowly walks to the teleporter and beams in. Al Rossi: Anamaria can only stare as Wednesday locks eyes with her. She’s pointing the ropes, yelling at Wednesday to get out of the ring, and Whoa! Andel Sanap: Miss Addams grabbed her hand and twists! She has Anamaria in a wrist lock! Al Rossi: Gomez and Morticia must be proud. Mercy goes to help Anamaria but Wednesday pulls out a knife to hold her at bay, now Harley jumps her again! Tasha and Carmen are having an aikido face-off in the other corner! Who’s going to come out on top? OK: Carmen Sandiego (weakened but still has her tech), Anamaria (full strength, armed with cutlass and pistol), and Mercy Graves (full strength) VS Tasha Yar (weakened, can reclaim her phaser), Harley Quinn (full strength), and Wednesday Addams (full strength, with some training, armed with knife and crossbow) Also currently in the ring: Medusa, Poison Ivy, Katie Ka-Boom Teammates can trade opponents and assist each other. Vote for the team that eliminates the other by throwing them over the top rope. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
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