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  1. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 46 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Kylo Ren cried out in pain, as both of his arms were cut clean off. Then Jacen Solo used his lightsaber to cut Ren’s head off. Ren’s corpse fell to the floor, while his head rolled on the ground. “I maybe no longer canon, but at least I’m not a whining Disney character.” Jacen said. Meanwhile, Cloud City was floating in the air, as it was near the ceiling of the dome. The Millennium Falcon, Slave 1, TIE Fighters, Cloud Cars, and Star Destroyers were flying around the city to defend it from any attackers. The Bespin Wing Guard and Stormtroopers were on standby as they roamed the city. “Your son, won!” Lando Calrissian exclaimed, as he had been watching the fight between Kylo Ren and Jacen Solo through his binoculars. “Which one?” Princess Leia asked. “The one that is not canon.” Lando Calrissian said. “Of course.” Leia said. Lando and Leia were standing on a platform, and with them were Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Lobot, R2-D2, and C-3PO. The character profiles that were cities or planets, would have their own characters living within them. While Cloud X9 did say only one winner could leave the dome, the people that were part of a location profile, were counted as one person. “Should we be worried? We’re sitting ducks in the middle of a battlefield. Anyone could attack us at any time.” C-3PO said. “Relax, C-3PO. We’re high above everyone else. The only way for enemies to attack us is for them to fly. With all the fire power we have, all we need to do is shoot them down.” Lando said. But then C-3PO saw something that scared him. “But what if we face an enemy that doesn’t need to fly, but walk?” “Uh? What are you talking about?” Lando asked. Soon a loud roar was heard. Everyone on Cloud City looked for the source of the roar, and saw at a far distance was the Cloverfield Creature. But this was the version of the monster from The Cloverfield Paradox. The creature was so big, that its head was close to the ceiling of the dome. The monster started to make a move towards the floating metropolis. “You have got to be kidding!?” Lando yelled. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  2. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 45 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- The original trilogy Leia, in her slave outfit, had Stella Star in a headlock. "Let go of me, you slut!" Stella yelled. "That's rich! Coming from someone who is nearly naked too!" Leia yelled back. "Now Mother, there's no reason for you to be fighting this lady. Especially since you're going to die by my hands." Someone said to Leia. Leia let go of Stella, as the two nearly exposed women were shocked to see Kylo Ren standing in front of them. "Ben?!" Leia yelled, as she was surprised to see her son from the sequel trilogy. "But How?! Everyone saw that you were killed by those Pokemon!" Stella yelled. "That was the Kylo Ren of the Starkiller Base profile. I am my own profile." Ren said. "So, what did you mean, I was going to die?" Leia asked, as she was slowly backing away. “What do you think, Mother? I am going to kill you. I never liked you or Dad. Besides, you are one of many steps that will get me out of this dome.” Ren said. “Well, seeing that this is a family matter, I will go and take my leave.” Stella said, as she started to walk away. “Not so fast, I’m going to kill you too.” Ren said. “What did I do to you?” Stella asked. “I heard you say my movies were crappy.” Ren said. “Well, they are.” Stella said. “ENOUGH!” Ren yelled, as he turned on his lightsaber. “Which one of you should I kill first?" Ren asked the nearly naked ladies. "HER!" Leia and Stella pointed at each other. "Fine, I'll kill you both at the same time." Ren said. “Now hold on! If anyone is going to kill Princess Leia, it’s going to be me!” Someone yelled. Ren turned around and saw some guy holding a lightsaber. “Who are you?” Ren asked him. “I am Jacen Solo, the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa.” He spoke. “WHAT?!” Ren yelled in shock. “Oh, right. I had a son in the original canon.” Leia said. “Which was before Disney came along and replaced me with a whining gothic man-child.” Jacen said. “What was that?! I will show you the power of a true Star Wars character!” Ren yelled. “Too bad you’re not one.” Jacen said. While Ren and Jacen had their focus on each other, Leia and Stella take this opportunity to run away. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on Kylo Ren and Jacen Solo. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Which of these two Star Wars characters will win this fight?
  3. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 44 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Waspinator in his robot mode was in the air, as he is dodging Grumble Bee’s attacks. “You know for someone that is a giant bee, it’s too bad you can’t fly like Waspinator can.” The Predacon said in the third person. “Can it, wasp! Have a taste of my venom!” Grumble Bee yelled before he sprayed a yellow substance from his mouth. However, Waspinator was able to avoid the yellow slime. “Chew on this.” Waspinator said, as he used his blaster to fire off a stinger. Grumble Bee stopped spraying the substance, as the stinger went into his mouth. Before Grumble Bee could remove the stinger, his head exploded. It wasn’t long before the headless bee monster fell to the floor, and the rest of his body exploded as well. “Serves giant bee right. Giant bee should have known better to pick a fight with Waspinator. Giant bee should have let Waspinator kill Chloe Bourgeois.” The Predacon said. But then Waspinator realized something, as he fell into a state of shock. “Oh, no! Chloe Bourgeois!” Waspinator looked at where Chloe was last seen, only to find she was gone. “No! Chloe Bourgeois got away - AGAIN! But she won’t escape Waspinator’s wrath!” The Transformer yelled, as he flew off in search of the blond girl. Meanwhile, Princess Leia from the original trilogy, was searching through the bodies of characters that didn’t survive the battle royal. She was looking for something to wear, as she was in the slave outfit from Return of the Jedi. “Damn it! Out of all days to wear this metal bikini, it happened to be the day I get dropped into a battlefield. Why did Han want to reenact the rescue scene? It was Luke that did all the work.” Leia said to herself, as she was trying to take clothes off the corpse of Helena Shaw. “I wouldn’t worry about clothes. Not when you’re going to be dead.” A female voice said. Leia stood up, and turned around, to see a dark-brown haired woman pointing a gun at her. One thing about the woman was, she was wearing a black outfit that didn’t cover much of her body either. “Who are you supposed to be? A stripper?” Leia asked the woman. “You’re the one to talk. My name is Stella Star. I’m from Starcrash.” She spoke. “Oh, let me guess. Starcrash is one of those rip-off Star Wars movies.” Leia said. “At least my movie is better than those crappy Star Wars movies and TV shows Disney has been shitting out.” Stella said. Leia growled, as she couldn’t help but agree with Stella. “Now then, I’ll make this quick, and put you out of your misery.” Stella said to Leia. But before Stella could fire her gun, a gargoyle flew over her, and stole her gun. “HEY!” Stella yelled at the flying humanoid. “I hate guns!” Broadway yelled, as he crushed the gun with his right hand, and continued to fly off. “You son of a....” Stella didn’t get to finish her sentence as Leia tackled her down to the floor. Leia and Stella were throwing punches and kicks at one another. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Like stated in the setup, this is Princess Leia from the Original Trilogy. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, the match will focus on Leia and Stella. Think of the other fights as obstacles for the ladies. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  4. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 43 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Chloe Bourgeois, as Queen Bee, was having a rough time fighting Grumble Bee. The bee monster did a kick that caused the blond hero to roll onto the floor. But Queen Bee quickly got back up on her feet. “Try this on for size.” Grumble Bee said before he sprayed a yellow substance from his mouth. In a matter of seconds, the yellow stuff went allover Queen Bee. “Ew! Gross! What is this stuff!” Queen Bee yelled as she tried to get the slime off her body. But then Chloe started to feel pain as the yellow substance was eating through her suit. Queen Bee was in so much pain that she fell onto her hands and knees. “What have you done to me?!” “That Queen Bee is my venom. So strong that it’s impossible for you to fight back. Now prepare to ‘bee’ dethroned.” Grumble Bee said as he started walking towards the weakened Queen Bee. “Stop right there!” Yelled a voice that was up above Queen Bee and Grumble Bee. The bee hero and bee monster looked for the source of the voice, and spotted Waspinator in his beast mode, as he was hovering in the air. “Chloe Bourgeois is Waspinator’s prey.” The Predacon said in the third person. “Oh, great.” Queen Bee said in annoyance. At first Grumble Bee was shocked to see a giant wasp, but he shook it off. “Buzz off, wasp. If anyone is going to kill Chloe Bourgeois, it’s going to ‘bee’ me.” The monster said. “If you stand in Waspinator’s way, then Waspinator will have to kill you first.” He said to Grumble Bee. “Oh, and what can you do?” Grumble Bee asked. “This.” Waspinator said before he transformed into his robot mode. Grumble Bee was surprised, but he remained calm. “Neat trick. But no matter what form you take; a wasp will never beat me.” The monster said. “Waspinator will prove wasps are superior.” The Predacon said. Since the two bug villains were not paying attention, Queen Bee reached into her bag and got a Senzu Bean. After Queen Bee was done eating the bean, the pain from the venom stopped, and she was back to full strength. Queen Bee uses this opportunity to run off, leaving Waspinator and Grumble Bee to fight each other. -------- So, here is the next part to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint arc. To let everyone know, this is now my second longest arc. Beating Zombie Power Rangers by one match. Also, this fight happens to be my 200th match. Now for the match itself, Grumble Bee won't become a giant in this fight, since he would need someone like Rita or Lord Zedd to make him big. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, the match will focus on Waspinator and Grumble Bee. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone enjoys this match. Who do you think will win?
  5. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 42 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- “Let go of me!” Xicor yelled as SSJB Vegito and SSJ4 Xeno Gogeta held him up by his arms, while Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo had him by his legs. “Ok. Whoever gets the biggest piece wins.” Vegito said. Vegito, Gogeta, Gohan, and Piccolo started to pull on Xicor’s limbs. “No, don’t!” Xicor yelled in pain. But it was too late as Xicor's arms and legs were ripped off his body and caused his back to hit the floor. "Damn it. Looks like we’re tie." Vegito said after his threw Xicor's arm away. “I will make you all pay!” Xicor yelled, as he was enraged and in pain. But then SSJ4 Z Broly came flying down with his foot crushing Xicor's head. With the AF character now dead, the people of the Dragon Ball Universe cheered in victory. "Oh yeah, nothing can beat the real deal!" Yamcha cheered. “Hey, Krillin. Mind giving me a Senzu Bean? I need one after fighting Superman and that guy.” Gohan said. “Sure thing.” Krillin said, as he reached to grab a small bag that was on his belt. But to his shock, the bag of Senzu Beans was gone. “Where did they go?!” Krillin yelled. Chloe Bourgeois was hiding behind a tree, as she was watching all the other characters fight each other. “This is Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! Why must I be in this stupid battle royale!” She yelled. But then Chloe felt a sharp pain on the right side of her face. Chloe put her hand on the wound she got from Ghostface. “Damn it. Even if I do manage to win, my beautiful face is ruined.” "My Queen!" Pollen yelled, as she appeared right next to Chloe. "Pollen! You’re Ok!" Chloe yelled with happiness. “Yes, and I got you this.” Pollen said, as she held up a bag. “What is that?” Chloe asked. “Senzu Beans. I took them off a Dragon Ball character. I ate one, and now I’m back to full strength.” Pollen said. “That’s right. Those things can heal you back up.” Chloe said. She got a bean out of the bag and put it in her mouth. After Chloe was done eating the bean, the pain stopped as the cut on her face was gone. The bean also bought Chloe back to full strength. "My Queen! Your scar is gone!" Pollen cheered. “This is Incredible! With these beans, I am sure to win!” Chloe yelled with excitement. “That’s what you think.” Said a male voice that was mixed with a buzzing sound. Chloe and Pollen looked for the source of the voice and are shocked to see a human-sized bee monster. “Get ready to face the wrath of Grumble Bee.” The monster said. “You’ve got to be kidding me! First Waspinator, now this?! What is it with giant bees coming after me?!” Chloe yelled. “Scream all you what. It won’t save you.” Grumble Bee said. “No, but this will! Pollen, Buzz On!" Chloe yelled as Pollen went into the Bee Miraculous, which allowed the blond girl to transform into Queen Bee. “You’re going to be sorry. Bees should know not to mess with the queen.” Queen Bee said to Grumble Bee. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Chloe Bourgeois as Queen Bee is fighting Grumble Bee from Power Rangers. Just to be clear, Grumble Bee won’t become a giant in this fight, since he would need someone like Rita or Lord Zedd to make him big. Queen Bee has a bag of Senzu Beans to help her out in the fight. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, the match will focus on Queen Bee and Grumble Bee. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  6. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 41 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Superman was fighting all the characters from the Dragon Ball Universe. But the Kryptonian was getting exhausted and overwhelmed. Beside the two Zenos that were killed earlier, the Dragon Ball Characters have not lost a single member. Dyspo was running towards Superman to hit him, but the Man of Steel grabbed the Pride Trooper by his neck and slammed the rabbit-like man down onto the floor. Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo were going to attack him from behind, but Superman, sensing their approach, swung his arms back and knocked both the student and teacher away. Ultra Instinct Goku tried to deliver a kick, only for Superman to catch his leg. Full Power Bojack, Full Power Kogu, Bido, Zangya, and Bujin tried to attack Superman from all sides, but he uses Goku to knock all five of them away. Superman then throws Goku at Ultra Ego Vegeta, causing the two Saiyans to be sent flying through the air. Before Superman knew what was happening, he got punched in the face by SSJ4 Xeno Goku, which sent the Kryptonian skipping on the floor, and far away from the Dragon Ball Characters. "Everyone! Follow my lead!" Xeno Goku yelled before he created a ball of energy between his hands. "KA...ME...HA...ME...HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Xeno Goku yelled again as he fired the Kamehameha at Superman. "Big Bang Attack!" SSJ4 Xeno Vegeta yelled. “Special Beam Cannon!” Piccolo yelled. “Destructo Disc!” Krillin yelled. Black Frieza fires Death Beams. Z Broly in his SSJ4 form fires an Eraser Cannon. Super Broly in his Full Power Super Saiyan form fires a Gigantic Omegastorm. The Gods of Destruction each fire off a Hakai. Launch fires her Sub Machine Gun. Oolong throws a rock. Every Dragon Ball character was launching their attack at Superman. "Oh, Shit!" Superman yelled, as he got engulfed by the attacks, which created one big explosion. When it was over, the smoke and dust cleared-up to reveal that Superman was gone, and in his place was a very big crater in the floor. The Dragon Ball Characters cheered in victory. “Oh yeah, Superman is Super Dead!” Yamcha cheered. “Yea, but I wanted to beat Superman by myself.” Ultra Instinct Goku said in a disappointed tone. “No One Cares!” Beerus scolded Goku. “Well congratulation on beating DC’s most overrated character.” Someone said. The Dragon Ball Characters looked for the source of the voice and spotted a silvered-hair guy in a green outfit. “But now you face the most powerful Dragon Ball character of all.” He said. The Dragon Ball Characters became confused. “Uh..., who are you?” Krillin asked. “What! You don’t know who I am!” The guy yelled in rage! “Should we?” Whis asked. “I am Xicor, the son of Goku.” He said. “WHAT?!” The Dragon Ball Characters yelled in shock. “But that’s impossible. I don’t have a son.” Goku said. “Hey!” Gohan and Goten yelled at their father. “I mean, I only have two sons.” Goku corrected himself. “Oh, but I am your son. For you see, I’m from Dragon Ball AF.” Xicor said. Everyone gave off “WTF” looks at Xicor. “Dragon Ball AF isn’t real!” Omega Shenron yelled. “Yea, AF is a bunch of fan made stuff!” Super 17 yelled. “AF is nothing more than BS!” Ultra Ego Vegeta yelled. “Say, all you want about AF! But it won’t save you all from my wrath!” Xicor yelled back. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Xicor fights all the characters from the Dragon Ball franchise (Dragon Ball, Z, Super, GT, Super Dragon Ball Heroes, the Movies, etc...). But the two Zenos have already been killed off by Superman. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  7. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 40 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- George threw a punch to hit Kong in the face, but the King of Skull Island ducked down to avoid his fist. King Kong used his hands to grab George by the torso and hold the white gorilla up over his head. George cried out as Kong was spinning him around. King Kong threw George up in the air and sent him flying over the battlefield of many characters. Wile E. Coyote got out from under a big metal piece that was once part of the Starkiller Base. The coyote heard a loud roar, and looked up in time to see George was going to land on him. Wile E. Coyote held up a sign that said, ‘Not Again!’, before he was crushed by the body of the giant white ape. George let out an angry roar, as he was pushing himself up, until Superman landed in front of him. “Looks like you need to cool off.” Superman said before he used his freezing breath to freeze George’s head in ice. “Too much? Then how about I turn up the heat.” Superman then fired his heat vision, which causes the frozen head of George to explode. The headless corpse of the giant ape hit the floor, as blood came pouring out of the neck. “That’s one way to stop a brain freeze.” Superman said, while smiling. “Hey, Superman!” A cheerful voice yelled from behind the Kryptonian. Superman was annoyed by the familiar voice, as he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “Damn it, Goku. Can you please find someone else to fight.” Superman said before he turned around to face the Saiyan. But then Superman was shocked, as standing before him wasn’t just Goku, but all the characters from the Dragon Ball franchise. “Yeah, I wanted to fight you by myself. But everyone insisted we work together to beat you.” Goku said to Superman. “That’s because no one wants another dumb Goku vs Superman fight!” Beerus scolded Goku. “No hard feelings, but we just want to get out of this dome.” Whis said to the Man of Steel. “And since we’re all part of the Dragon Ball Universe profile, we count as one character. So, once we win this battle royale, all of us will be allowed to leave here.” Gohan said. “Not only that, with you gone, there will be no longer debates between you and Goku on the CBUB.” Piccolo said to Superman. “Yeah right, like any of you Dragon Ball characters are even a match for me.” Superman said. “That’s what you think. With my power, I can erase you from existence.” Zeno said. Superman fired his heat vision that causes Zeno's head to explode. All the Dragon Ball characters were shocked by the sudden death of the Omni-King. "You were saying?" Superman asked. “Oh yeah, well I can erase people too.” Future Zeno said, only for his head to explode by the red lasers as well. “Good to know.” Superman said. “Would Everyone Just Shut-Up And Kill This Guy Already!” Vegeta yelled. -------- So, here is a new part to my Unforeseen Simulation Joint arc. Superman fights all the characters from the Dragon Ball franchise (Dragon Ball, Z, Super, GT, Super Dragon Ball Heroes, the Movies, etc...). But the two Zenos have already been killed off. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  8. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 39 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- The DCAU Heroes gathered around two piles of ash that were once the Flash-Thing and the Supergirl-Thing. Superman lowered his head in sadness. Wonder Woman put her hand on Superman’s shoulder. “You do realize it wasn’t them?” She asked him. “I know it’s not them. That Thing was using their bodies. But still, Kara and Wally are gone.” Superman said. “The best we can do now is to move on. We still have a battle royale to win.” Batman said. “So why do we honor Kara and Wally by killing Power Girl.” John Stewart said. The DCAU Justice League looked for the unconscious Power Girl, only to find she was missing. “Where did she go?” Aquaman asked. Karen Starr groaned as she woke up. “Man, what hit me?” Power Girl asked as she tried to move, but found herself stuck in something. When the Kryptonian’s vision became clear, she was shocked as she found herself in the grasp of a giant hand. Power Girl could see that she was being held by the giant gorilla, George, from the Rampage movie. Karen tried to break free, but she hadn’t recovered from Arceus' attack. “Hey! Let go of me!” Power Girl yelled at George. But the only response Karen got was George using his thumb to rub her melons. This caused Power Girl to get angry. “You damn dirty ape! Just wait until I’m back to full strength!” The Kryptonian yelled at the giant primate. A huge shadow fell over George and Power Girl. The two looked up and were in shock as the Monsterverse Kong was standing over them. The much bigger gorilla grabbed Power Girl by her cape and tried to pull her away from George. But the white ape let out an angry roar, as he used both his hands to hold on to Karen Starr. The Kryptonian found herself in a tug of war between the two gorillas. “Hey, Quit It!” Power Girl yelled. The cape couldn’t take it anymore as it tore in half. This caused Power Girl to be launched out of George’s hands. Meanwhile, Lord Zedd was fighting Tommy Oliver as the White Ranger. Tommy did a kick that knocked the evil emperor back. "You might as well give up, Lord Zedd. You’ll never beat me or the Power Rangers. Just accept the fact that you're going to die here." The White Ranger said. “That’s what you think. I’m going to kill all of you Power Rangers, and get out of this damn dome, if it’s the last thing, I’ll.....” Lord Zedd didn’t get to finish talking as Power Girl crashed into him. When the two aliens fell, Lord Zedd’s staff hit the floor, and the scepter fired a bolt of lightning. The lightning bolt hit George in the back, and caused him to grow bigger, until he matched Kong in size. King Kong was shocked by George’s sudden increase in size. While George was shocked as well, he soon gave off a menacing smile and cracked his knuckles, as he was ready to give Kong a beat down. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. As you just read, the Movie version of George is now the same size as the Monsterverse Kong. This is King Kong from Godzilla vs Kong. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on the two giant gorillas. Think of the other fights as obstacles for the primates. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  9. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 38 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- “I don’t mean to pull a ‘Man of Steel’. But...” Superman was saying before he snapped Arceus’ neck, ending the life of the Legendary Pokemon. While the DCAU Justice League had not lost a single member, the ground was littered with the corpses of Pokemon. “Yeah, Gotta Kill ’Em All!” The Flash yelled as he and the rest of the DCAU Heroes cheered in victory. But then, the Flash screamed as he felt pain in his leg. The Red Hero looked down to see Pikachu was biting into his limb. “Hey, get off him!” Supergirl yelled as she grabbed Pikachu and pulled him away from the Flash. The Kryptonian held the Pokemon close to her. “I don’t know how you survived, but you’ll be joining your friends soon!” “Pika, Pika.” Pikachu said as eight tentacles came out of his back. Before Supergirl could react, the tentacles wrapped around her neck and arms. Pikachu’s body opened up like a Venus Flytrap, revealing thousands of teeth. Supergirl could only scream as Pikachu pulled her head right into his body. The DCAU Heroes were in shock and horror. “Kara, No!” Superman yelled. “Guys, I don’t feel so good.” The Flash said before his head burst open, and tentacles came out of it. What was once the Flash, used his hand to rip off a part of his suit to reveal that his chest had a pair of eyes and a big mouth. “No! Not The Flash Too!” Wonder Woman yelled. “What The Hell Is Happening?!” John Stewart yelled. “It’s The Thing!” Batman yelled. Pikachu had turned into a new head for Supergirl, as it was a big, yellow ball with two black doll-like eyes, and a big mouth full of sharp teeth. The Flash-Thing and the Supergirl-Thing let out un-human roars at the Justice League. -------- So, here is the new part to my Unforeseen Simulation Joint arc. The DCAU Justice League is now facing John Carpenter’s The Thing. The Justice League is made up of all the heroes from the DC Animated Universe. But as you just read, the Thing has already infected Supergirl and the Flash. In order for the Thing to win, it needs to infect and/or kill all the DCAU Heroes. The Justice League wins, if some of their members can survive without being infected and just find ways to kill the Thing. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  10. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 37 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Power Girl was fighting all the heroes from the DC Animated Universe. But she was getting exhausted and overwhelmed. To make matters worse, the Justice League have not lost a single member. The Flash was running towards Power Girl to hit her, but she grabbed the red suited hero by his neck and slammed him down onto the floor. Wonder Woman was going to attack from behind, but Power Girl used the back of her hand to knock the amazon away. Supergirl tried to deliver a kick, only for Power Girl to catch her leg. Aquaman, Big Barda, Hawkgirl, Hawk, and Dove tried to attack Power Girl from all sides, but she uses Supergirl to knock all five of them away. Power Girl then throws Supergirl at Superman, causing both the DCAU Kryptonians to be sent flying through the air. Before Power Girl knew what happened, she got punched in the face by Amazo, that sent her skipping on the floor, and far away from the DCAU heroes. “You might as well give up, Power Girl. Just accept the fact that you’re going to die here.” Batman said. Power Girl slowly got back on her feet. “Yeah, right. I’m just getting started.” But then multiple pink meteors come crashing down on Power Girl, and pretty soon she was engulfed by the explosions. The Justice League were stunned by this sudden appearance of the meteors. “What the hell?!” Green Arrow yelled. When there were no more meteors, the smoke and dust cleared to reveal Power Girl, as she was down on the ground and unconscious. “Uh... Did someone attack her?” John Stewart asked. “Yes, and it was me.” A male voice spoke. The DCAU heroes looked up and were shocked as they saw Arceus and every Pokemon were hovering above them. “Now get ready to face the wrath of us, Pokemon.” Arceus said. -------- So, here is the new part to my Unforeseen Simulation Joint arc. The Justice League is made up of all the heroes from the DC Animated Universe. The Pokemon Team is made up of every Pokemon. There will only be one kind of Pokemon on the team; one Pikachu, one Bulbasaur, one Squirtle, one Mew, one Darkrai, one Rayquaza, etc. But Pokemon like Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard will be on the team together. However, there will be no Evolution for the Pokemon. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  11. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 36 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- “Incoming!” Panic yelled as he and Pain ran away before Galatea crashed onto the ground. Before Galatea could get up, Power Girl landed on her counterpart’s back, causing the villain Kryptonian to scream in pain. Then Power Girl put her hands on Galatea's head. “Hey, have you seen, Man of Steel?” Power Girl asked her. Before the DCAU Kryptonian could say anything, Power Girl snapped Galatea's neck, putting an end to the life of the clone. “Just like the DCAU, you’re dead.” Power Girl said to the corpse. “I wouldn’t say that.” Spoke a male voice, belonging to the DCAU Superman. Power Girl looked to the source of the voice, and she was shocked, as in front of her were all the heroes from the DC Animated Universe. "As long as we’re around, the DCAU will never be dead." The Flash said. “Thanks for killing Galatea. But now it’s your turn to die.” Supergirl said. “Yeah, right. Like any of you watered-down DC characters are a match for me.” Power Girl said. “You should be afraid us. Especially since I’m here.” Amazo said. Before the DCAU characters knew what happened, Power Girl punched Amazo in the face, and sent him bouncing across the floor like a rubber ball. All the DCAU heroes were shocked by how easily Power Girl one-punched the most powerful character from their universe. “You were saying?” Power Girl asked them. “Everyone, Get Her!” Wonder Woman yelled. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Yes, it's another match with Power Girl. This time she’s fighting all the heroes from the DC Animated Universe. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  12. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 35 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- On top of a mountain in the Mountain Zone, the ground was littered with the corpses of the Red Xenomorphs and members of the Blue Team. Tucker was the last one standing, as he found himself facing all ten Forever Red Power Rangers. “Come on, guys. Can we talk about this?” Tucker asked. “Sure, I can tell you that this fight is already over.” Zeo Ranger V said before he came charging towards Tucker. Tommy Oliver delivered a kick so powerful, that it launched Tucker off the mountain, and sent him flying over the battlefield of many characters. “Ahhh!!! Someone save me!!!” Tucker yelled. The blue soldier was caught by Galatea as she was hovering in the air, and was holding him by his neck. “Uh... Thanks.” Tucker said to her, but couldn’t help as he felt that he was still in danger. “No problem.” Galatea said, before she fired her heat vision that causes Tucker's head to explode. The DCAU Kryptonian then threw the headless corpse away. “Hey You!” Yelled a female voice. Galatea turned around and saw her comic book counterpart, Power Girl, as she was hovering in the air too. “Why don’t you fight someone that is a much better character.” Power Girl said. “Too bad I don’t see one. It can’t be you, since you have a lot of fat on your chest.” Galatea said. “You’re just jealous because these melons are perfect. Unlike those apples you got on your chest.” Power Girl said. That comment caused Galatea to get very mad. “You are so dead! I maybe based on you, but I will prove to everyone that I’m the better Power Girl, by smashing those melons!” -------- So, here is the next part to my Unforeseen Simulation Joint arc. The battle of the Power Girls. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on the two ladies. Think of the other fights as obstacles for Galatea and Power Girl. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  13. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 34 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- On top of a mountain in the Mountain Zone, the Red Queen Mother met her end as Tex delivered a kick so powerful, that it broke the alien’s neck. Church, Tucker, Caboose, Sister, Tex, and Washington were surrounded by the corpses of the Red Xenomorphs. “Yeah, we show those aliens that no one messes with the Blue Team!” Tucker cheered. “Then how about we give it a try?” Asked a male voice, belonging to Tommy Oliver. The Blue Team looked to the source of the voice, and they were shocked as they saw ten Red Rangers. The team was made up of the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger, Red Aquitian Ranger, Zeo Ranger V, Red Turbo Ranger, Red Space Ranger, Red Galaxy Ranger, Red Lightspeed Ranger, Red Time Force Ranger, Quantum Ranger, and Red Lion Ranger. “Let’s see how you guys do against the Forever Red Power Rangers.” The Red Lion Ranger said. “Great! Now we’re fighting Power Rangers!” Church yelled. “And they’re all red.” Caboose said. “Yes, Caboose. We can see that.” Tex said. “Really? Because I can’t.” Sister said. “Oh, right. Because you’re color blind.” Washington said. “Well Church, so much for your idea of being safe on a mountain.” Tex said. “Hey, it worked before those red aliens showed up.” Church said. “So, is anyone that is red going to be coming after us?” Tucker asked. “Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like a year has gone by?” Sister asked. “Will you people shut up! It’s time for you all to die!” The Quantum Ranger yelled. “The only ones dying is you assholes!” Church yelled. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Yes, it's another match with the Blue Team from Red vs Blue. This time they are going up against the Forever Red Power Rangers. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Which of these two groups will win?
  14. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 33 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- The Spinosaurus was pinned down by the Vastatosaurus Rex. The highly evolved dinosaur used his sharp teeth to grab the Spinosaurus by the neck. With one powerful twist, the V-Rex broke the Spinosaurus’ neck. The Vastatosaurus Rex slammed his feet down on the dead dinosaur’s head and let out a loud victory roar. The Blue Team from Red vs Blue were standing on top of a mountain in the Mountain Zone. The team was made up of Church, Tucker, Caboose, Sister, Tex, and Washington. “See. I told you that the V-Rex could beat the Spinosaurus. You own me 50 bucks.” Washington said to Tucker. “Damn it, and my wallet is back at home!” Tucker yelled. “Keep it sharp, assholes! We need to make sure these morons don’t sneak up on us!” Church yelled to his team, as they watched the battle royale that was happening around them. “So why are we on top of a mountain, where everyone can see us?” Sister asked. “Because as long as we have the high ground, no one can get the jump on us.” Church said. “Hey, Church. We got company, and they don’t look friendly.” Caboose said, as he was looking down from the edge of the mountain. The rest of the Blue Team looked down and were shocked as they saw Red Xenomorphs were climbing on the side of the mountain. There were 20 warriors and a Queen Mother. “Great! It’s those aliens, and they’re red! Why are they red?!” Church yelled. “It doesn’t matter what color they are. Let’s just blast them.” Tex said. “Yea! Let’s Rock!” Sister yelled. Church let out a sigh. “You just had to use that line from Aliens.” He said to Sister. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Where we have the Blue Team from Red vs Blue going up against the Red Xenomorphs from the Aliens comic books. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Which of these two groups will win here?
  15. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 32 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Mandy had Chloe Bourgeois in a headlock. "Not so tough without your powers." The black-haired girl said. "Let go of me, or I’ll rip that tick off your face!" Chloe yelled. "It’s a beauty mark!" Mandy yelled. A loud roar was heard that caused Mandy to let go of Chloe. The two girls looked and saw a Vastatosaurus Rex running towards them. Both Mandy and Chloe screamed in horror, as they took off running. But no matter how fast the two ladies ran, the V-Rex was catching up to them. “He’s gaining on us!” Mandy yelled. “Not if he catches you first!” Chloe yelled as she was moving much faster and got ahead of Mandy. "Hey!" Mandy yelled as she tried to catch up with Chloe. However, the V-Rex was drawing closer to Chloe and Mandy. A new feeling of terror hit both Mandy and Chloe, as up ahead was the Spinosaurus from Jurassic Park III. The Spinosaurus let out a loud roar at the two incoming girls. “Split Up!” Mandy yelled. “Right!” Chloe yelled. When Mandy and Chloe got closer to the Spinosaurus, the two girls ran in different directions. The Spinosaurus was deciding on which girl to go after, until the V-Rex had gotten in front of the spine-sail dinosaur. The V-Rex already didn’t like the Spinosaurus, and let out an angry roar, challenging the other dinosaur to a fight. The Spinosaurus wasn’t going to back down and responded by roaring back at the Vastatosaurus Rex. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Just to let everyone know, there is only one V-Rex in this fight. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on the V-Rex and Spinosaurus. Think of the other fights as obstacles for the two dinosaurs. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  16. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 31 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- All the characters were watching the fight that was taking place on Starkiller Base, as the planet itself was near the ceiling of the dome. The Pokemon Team were winning as the planet was littered with many corpses of the First Order members, as well as chunks of metal that were once vehicles. There were still a few First Order members left, but the battle was already over. “Everyone! Follow my lead! Aim your attack at one spot of the planet!” Arceus yelled before he launches a Flamethrower move. “Pikachu!” The yellow mouse pokemon yelled as he fires a Thunderbolt. Rayquaza fires a Hyper Beam. Mewtwo fires a Shadow Ball. Darkrai uses Dark Void. Charizard uses Dragon Breath. Every Pokemon were launching their attack at Starkiller Base. “Oh, Shit!” Kylo Ren yelled in horror before he got vaporized by the attacks. But the attacks didn’t stop there as they were digging to the core of the planet. Once the core was hit, the planet couldn’t take it anymore as it exploded. Since the Pokemon were far away from the explosion, they all cheered in victory. Down below, all the CBUB Characters were cheering as well. “Yes! We’re saved!” LeBron James cheered, only for him to get crushed by a giant rock. The debris that was once Starkiller Base was raining down towards the ground. "Crap!" Bender yelled, as he started to run away. All the other CBUB Characters were running in different directions trying to avoid the debris. When the debris hit the ground, explosions were going off, and many characters were getting crushed by the large pieces. Wile E. Coyote opened up an umbrella to protect himself, only for him to get crushed by a large piece of metal. Discord was laughing at the chaos that was happening around him. “This is so wonderful!” He yelled with joy. “Discord! Do Something! Make It Stop!” Twilight Sparkle yelled as she was behind the draconequus for cover. Discord let out a sigh. “Fine.” He said in disappointment, and the dragon-like creature snapped his fingers. Soon all the falling debris was turned into jellybeans. Everyone had stopped running as they were confused by the falling candy. Characters like Pinkie Pie, Homer Simpson, Fat Buu, and the Tasmanian Devil were catching the jellybeans with their mouths opened really wide. Soon the rain of candy had come to an end. “Is it over?” Asha asked, only for Deadpool to use his sword to cut off her head. “Nah, we’re just getting started.” Deadpool said. All the CBUB Characters that had survived started to fight each other again. "Pollen! Where are you?!" Chloe Bourgeois yelled as she is searching for her kwami throughout the battlefield. Due the falling debris, Chloe and Pollen had gotten separated. Without Pollen, Chloe could no longer become Queen Bee. “I hope she is ok. Pollen was still hurt from being hit by that brown-haired bitch in the yellow suit.” Chloe said. Someone kicked Chloe in the back that caused the blonde girl to fall down to the floor. Chloe turned onto her back and got a good look at her attacker. The person was a black-haired girl that had violet eyes with a beauty mark under the left eye. “Who the Hell are you!” Chloe yelled. “The name’s Mandy. I was the original mean girl before you showed up.” The girl said. “Oh, yeah!” Chloe got back up on her feet. “Well, I don’t need any competition. There can only be one mean girl on this site.” “There will be, once I get rid of you.” Mandy said. -------- So, here is a new part to my Unforeseen Simulation Joint arc. A fight between Chloe Bourgeois from Miraculous and Mandy from Totally Spies. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on the two ladies. Think of the other fights as obstacles for Chloe and Mandy. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  17. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 30 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Indiana Jones uses Kirito's sword to cut off Nagini’s head. “Oh yea! No one can beat Indiana Jones!” Indy cheered to himself. Jones notices a shadow was over him, and he turns around to see something big was up in the air. "Well except for that!" He yelled in terror. Soon all the other characters had stopped fighting each other, as they noticed Starkiller Base was hovering over them. The planet itself was near the ceiling of the dome. “Ok, until now, how is it that no one notices a planet in the dome?” William Riker asked. “How is a planet even floating in here?” Izuku Midoriya asked. Everyone looks at the Reality-Warpers. "Don’t look at us." Q said. On the planet, Kylo Ren, General Hux, and Captain Phasma were inside the command room. The room was full of technicians and First Order StormTroopers. While Cloud X9 did say only one winner could leave the dome, the people that were part of the Starkiller Base profile were counted as one person. “Let’s show these fools the power of Starkiller Base. Destroy them!” General Hux yelled. As soon as the order was given, Starkiller Base fired a very big beam. "Oh, crap!" Indiana Jones yelled, as he started to run away. All the other CBUB Characters were running in different directions trying to avoid the beam. However, the beam split into five smaller beams. One beam hits an area that created an explosion, which killed many characters; along with sending a group of the Original StormTroopers flying and screaming. Another area got hit by a beam, which also killed a bunch of characters, as well as sending Tom the cat flying up into the air, as he let out a loud scream. Earth-616 Captain America uses his shield to block a beam. The same with Ultimate Captain America as he uses his shield to block a beam as well. “Now wait just a minute! That’s impossible! I have a 25-Page report as to why Captain America’s shield can’t block...” Comicbook Guy didn’t get to finish, as he got vaporized by a beam. “Fire again!” Kylo Ren yelled. Once again, Starkiller Base fired a big beam that split in into five smaller beams. "Vegeta, help!" Bulma yelled, as one of the beams were heading towards her. "Damn it!" Vegeta yelled, as he fired five balls of energy from his hand. All five beams were destroyed by the energy balls. “Like that is going to stop us. Fire again.” Captain Phasma said. “Captain Phasma! We’ve got incoming!” A First Order StormTrooper yelled, as he pointed to a very big monitor. Kylo Ren, General Hux, and Captain Phasma were shocked as they saw every Pokemon heading towards the planet. All the Pokemon were working together, as they were part of one profile. In which characters that were in a duo, trio, or a group profile were counted as one being. If these Pokemon won the battle royale, they would be allowed to leave the dome without fighting each other. “Everyone get ready for battle!” Captain Phasma yelled. “Leave no Pokemon alive!” Kylo Ren yelled. -------- So, here is a new part to my Unforeseen Simulation Joint arc. While there are other characters in the dome, the match will focus on the Pokemon Team and Starkiller Base. The Pokemon Team is made up of every Pokemon. There will only be one kind of Pokemon on the team; one Pikachu, one Bulbasaur, one Squirtle, one Mew, one Darkrai, one Rayquaza, etc. But Pokemon like Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard will be on the team together. However, there will be no Evolution for the Pokemon. Starkiller Base will have back up from all the First Order Villains, Weapons, and Vehicles that were in The Force Awakens. But there will be no Snoke to help out. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?
  18. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 29 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- “You’re going down! Just like that 4th movie!” Kirito yelled as he was running with his sword towards Neo. But Neo did a kick that knocked the sword out of Kirito’s hands, and sent the weapon flying up into the air. Neo used his hand to grab Kirito by his neck. Just as the sword was coming back down, Neo used his other hand to catch the weapon. "Truth be told, I didn't like Resurrections either." Neo said. Neo used the sword to stab into Kirito's chest, that went right into his heart, and came out of his back. Neo watched as Kirito's body became lifeless. “That takes care of him.” Neo said before he threw the corpse away. Indiana Jones had to dodge as Kirito's body almost landed on him. “Hey! Watch It!” Jones yells at Neo. Jones hears the sound of hissing, and turns around to see Nagini wasn’t too far from him. “No! Not a snake! I hate snakes!” Indiana Jones yelled. Nagini let out a loud hiss before she took off running towards Jones. With quick thinking, Indiana Jones pulls the sword out of Kirito's body. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. With Nagini now in the database, it give me the idea to do a match with Indiana Jones. For the match-up, this is Jones from “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. Weapons that Jones has are his whip and Kirito's sword. Let’s say that since the sword is from “Sword Art Online”, it can destroy a Horcrux, which will kill Nagini. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on Indiana Jones and Nagini. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  19. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 28 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Everyone from the Marvel Cinematic Universe were dead as their bodies were all over the ground. The only one left standing is Thanos, who is badly beaten and weakened. He couldn't believe that his teammates have been defeated. The Mad Titan found himself alone against a version of the Justice League that is made up of all the heroes from the DC Animated Universe. To make matters worse for Thanos, the Justice League have not lost a single member. "Ah! So much for your teammates." The Flash said to Thanos. "You might as well give up." Batman said. "And let us kill you." Wonder Woman said. “Shut Up! You may have beaten them, but not me!” Thanos yelled as he held up the Infinity Gauntlet. “With a snap of my fingers, you will be gone from existence!” Supergirl fires her heat vision that causes the Infinity Gauntlet to melt. Thanos screamed in horror, as the Infinity Stones are gone, as well as being in pain as the melting metal is burning his hand. “My turn.” Superman said before he fires his heat vision that causes Thanos’ head to explode. Just as Thanos' headless body hits the ground, the DCAU Heroes cheer in victory. But one that is not happy about the Justice League’s victory is Mickey Mouse. “No! No! That’s not true! That’s impossible! The MCU can’t lose to outdated DC characters!” Mickey yelled. Just then Kirito uses his sword to cut Mickey in half. “That’s one way to shut up Disney.” Kirito said. “Good work, kid.” Someone said. Kirito turns around and sees Neo not too far from him. “Too bad I have to kill you.” Neo said. “Just try it.” Kirito said. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Kirito has his game powers. Neo has his Matrix powers. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on Neo and Kirito. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  20. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 27 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- “I’m taking you down!” Thrust yelled as he was running towards Gizmoduck. “I hate to do this, but you leave me no choice.” Gizmoduck said before he bent down and a propeller came out of his helmet. Thrust became shocked as Gizmoduck started up the propeller. "Oh, crap!" Thrust yelled. The transformer couldn't stop himself in time as he slammed against the spinning blades. Thrust was getting chopped-up as pieces of him were being launched into the air. Parts of the robot were raining down on the floor, until Thrust’s head was the last thing to hit the ground. “How? How could I lose to a duck?” Thrust asked himself. After the propeller went back into his helmet, Gizmoduck used his big wheel to run over and crush Thrust's head. “Because villain, justice will always prevail.” Gizmoduck said. Meanwhile, at another part of the dome, two groups of people were facing each other. While Cloud X9 did say there can be only one winner for the website, the characters that were in a duo, trio, or a group profile were counted as one person. One group is a version of the Justice League that is made up of all the heroes from the DC Animated Universe. While the other group is made up of everyone from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “The DCAU has been dead for many years now. The website no longer needs you washed-up DC characters.” Iron Man said. “The DCAU maybe over, but at least we’re rememberable.” Batman said. “Besides, its not like the MCU is any good. Especially with the garbage it’s been putting out lately.” The Flash said. “The only garbage I see is you DCAU people.” Captain America said. “And like garbage, it needs to be cleaned-up.” Black Widow said. “With a snap of my fingers, it can be done.” Thanos said as he held up his Infinity Gauntlet. “Not if I kill you first.” Amazo said. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Which of these two groups will win here?
  21. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 26 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- “Get off my website.” President James Marshall said before he kicked President Thomas J. Whitmore off the mountain. Whitmore screamed in horror as he was falling down. But before Whitmore could hit the ground, he was caught by Gizmoduck. “Don’t worry sir. You’re safe.” Gizmoduck said before he put Whitmore down. This confused Whitmore. “While I am grateful you saved my life, why did you do it? We’re in a battle royale where everyone is fighting to the death.” “While that maybe so, but as a hero, it’s my duty to protect people. Especially the President of the United States.” Gizmoduck said. On top of the mountain, Marshall was mad as he heard what Gizmoduck said to Whitmore. “Hey! I’m right here you know! The real President of the United States!” Marshall yelled to Gizmoduck. Gizmoduck and Whitmore heard the sound of stone moving, and they looked to see a pile of rocks were slowly coming apart. Then what came bursting out of the rock pile is a very angry Transformer. “Where’s that damn wasp?!” Thrust yelled in rage. Thrust looked around and spotted Gizmoduck and Whitmore not too far from him. “Well, I might as well take out a few characters before searching for Waspinator.” The Transformer said. “Go, Mr. President! Find somewhere safe to hide. I will take care of this villain.” Gizmoduck said to Whitmore. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Whitmore said before he ran off. “No harm will come to the President.” Gizmoduck said to Thrust. “You may be protecting the President. But who’s going to protect you from me?” Thrust asked. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Thrust is back, and this time, he’s fighting Gizmoduck. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on Gizmoduck and Thrust. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win between Thrust and Gizmoduck?
  22. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 25 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Ghostface was trying to stab April O'Neil with his knife, but she was able to dodge his attacks. April punched Ghostface in the face, which knocked him down. “Face it you creep. On your best day, you couldn’t beat a cold.” April said. Ghostface got back up, and he was going to make another attack on April, until he heard a loud roar. Both April and Ghostface looked, and saw that the Indominus Rex was running towards them. April screamed in horror, as she and Ghostface were running away from the Indominus Rex. “Everyone stop fighting!” President Thomas J. Whitmore yelled. Whitmore was standing on top of a mountain in the Mountain Zone. He was trying to stop everyone from fighting each other. But no one was listening to him. “Everybody listen! There is no reason for us to fight each other! Cloud X9 is the real enemy! If we all work together, we can beat him!” Whitmore yelled. But like before, none of the characters were listening to him. “Just give it up already.” Someone said. Whitmore turns around and sees President James Marshall not too far from him. “The only way to get out of this dome, is for someone to win this battle royale. Not to mention that the site can only have one President of the United States.” Marshall said before he ran towards Whitmore to attack him. -------- So, since 4th of July is coming up, it gave me the idea to use Whitmore and Marshall in the next part to my arc. For the match-up, this is Whitmore from the first Independence Day movie. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Which of these presidents will win this fight?
  23. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 24 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- April O'Neil was down on the ground as Queen Bee was setting on the back of the brown-haired woman. The yellow-suited woman cried out in pain, as her head was getting slammed to the ground multiple times by Queen Bee. "Had enough, bitch?" Queen Bee exclaimed after she stopped attacking April. "I will be after I've killed you!" April yelled back. Before Queen Bee could do anything else, she reverted back to being Chloe Bourgeois with Pollen appearing right next to her. "My Queen! Your transformation is up!" Pollen yelled at Chloe. “Oh shoot!” Chloe yelled. April uses her elbow to hit Chloe in the stomach, which knocks the blonde-haired girl off her back. "My Queen!" Pollen yelled in shock. Once April jumps back up on her feet, she uses her hand to swat Pollen out of the air, and sends the kwami skipping on the ground. “Pollen!” Chloe yells as she runs to Pollen, using her hands to pick up the kwami. "Have anything to say before I put you and your pet bee out of your misery?" April asked. Before Chloe could say anything, she saw something behind April that made the blonde-haired girl smile. “You may want to look behind you.” Chloe said. “Oh, please. How dumb do you think I am?” April asked. “Very dumb.” Someone side. April was able to avoid a knife from stabbing her in the back. The yellow-suited woman got a good look at her attacker, only for her to be shocked as she saw it was Ghostface. With Chloe no longer being Queen Bee, Ghostface was now free from being paralyzed. “Pollen and I, will just leave you two alone.” Chloe said before she ran off with Pollen, and leaving April to fight Ghostface. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Just a reminder, this is April from the 1987 TMNT animated series. She does have her moves from Shredder’s Revenge. For the match, let's say that the version of Ghostface is Roman Bridger from Scream 3 (2000). While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on April and Ghostface. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  24. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 23 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Queen Bee cried out in pain. While Chloe Bourgeois did transform into Queen Bee and duck in time, the right side of her face was cut by Ghostface’s knife. Lucky for Chloe, the cut wasn’t too deep. “You bastard!” Queen Bee yelled as she got out her Spinning Top. “Venom!” The Spinning Top was soon surrounded by energy that took the form of a pulsating bee stinger. Queen Bee uses the stinger to stab into Ghostface's chest, which paralyzes the masked killer. Queen Bee put her hand on her face, and then looks at the blood on her palm. “My Face! My Beautiful Face!” “Hey You!” A female voice yelled. Queen Bee looks and sees a brown-haired woman not too far from her. But what surprises Chloe is that this is the second time she has seen someone in a yellow jumpsuit. “Have you seen a blue-haired woman anywhere? She is wearing a yellow jumpsuit just like mine.” April O'Neil said. “Grrr... Yea, I saw her. But what is up with those ugly yellow suits?” Queen Bee asked. “Excuse me?! You’re the one to talk! What you have on is mostly yellow!” April yelled. “Yes, but I make wearing yellow look good.” Queen Bee said. “I think otherwise, scare face.” April said. That caused Chloe to get mad. “When I get done with you, your face will be gone!” Queen Bee yelled as she ran towards April. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. In the last match, Ghostface beat Chloe by three votes. Here, I just have Ghostface wounding Queen Bee. Ghostface is still in the battle royale as he’s just paralyzed. Anyway, since Queen Bee has already used Venom, let’s just say that she has ten minutes before she transforms back as Chloe. Just a reminder, this is April from the 1987 TMNT animated series. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on April fighting Chloe/Queen Bee. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  25. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 22 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- “No! This can’t be happening!” The Juggernaut yelled before he was turned into an egg by Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia then used her hoof to stomp down on the egg. Meanwhile, at another part of the dome, Chloe Bourgeois was watching all the chaos that was happening around her. Lucky for Chloe, all the other characters were too busy fighting each other to notice her. “Hurry up, Pollen! I need you back at full power, so I can become Queen Bee again!” Chloe yelled at Pollen as the kwami was eating an apple. “I’m going as fast as I can, My Queen.” Pollen said as she went on eating the apple. Before Chloe could say anything else, her cell phone started ringing. Chloe then answered her phone. “Hello?” “What’s your favorite scary movie?” Asked the voice on the phone. Chloe became scared as she realized who was on the phone. The blonde-haired girl looked around, and saw just in time as Ghostface was running towards her with a knife in his hand. “I’m finished, My Queen!” Pollen yelled as she threw the apple core away. Just as Ghostface was getting closer, Chloe yelled out to her kwami. “Pollen, Buzz........ -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. As you just read, Chloe is about to transform into Queen Bee. But can Chloe be in her Hero Form in time before Ghostface gets to her? For the match, let’s say that the version of Ghostface is Roman Bridger from Scream 3 (2000). I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
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