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  1. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Philippa Forrester: Hello, everyone! Don’t adjust your sets, it’s me, Philippa! That’s right, I’m going to finally get to do commentary for a TCC match! And not just any match! The TCC have decided to have a special July 4th themed battle. Not too sure if it’s a good idea to have a Brit like me call this bout, but hey. What can you do? Haha. And it’s going to be between the Invaders squad of Captain America, Bucky, the Human Torch, Toro, Miss America and the Whizzer, versus the Freedom Fighters team of Uncle Sam, Doll Man, the Human Bomb, the Ray, the Phantom Lady, and the Black Condor. Now since the boys are busy watching Kor vs Drogo, we are actually outside of the arena. We have been set up here in an area we like to call the Gorge. It looks kind of like those giant rock quarries you might have seen in the Power Rangers, you know? Lots of open space for multi-person matches like the one we’re about to see! We have quite a few fans here to watch the spectacle from the edges of the quarry. I’m sure we’re in for some great action with these two… Chloe Bourgeois: Helloooo, everyone! Philippa Forrester: Chloe?! Chloe, what are you doing here? Chloe Bourgeois: What do you mean, what am I doing here? I’m here to call the match! Philippa Forrester: What! But I thought you were preparing for your rematch with Trini? And how could you get the TCC to let you do commentary? Chloe Bourgeois: Oh puh-lese, Philippa. Didn’t you see the numbers my fight with the Yellow Loser did? That was thanks to MY adoring public. So the TCC is letting me give the people want they want: more me! Philippa Forrester: Oh joy. What a thrill for us all. Chloe Bourgeois: And as far as the rematch goes, it doesn’t matter what the TCC will announce after those two, ugly guys beat up on each other. I will beat Trini Kwan in two straight falls, and everyone will know that Queen Bee is unBee-table. Ha ha! See, it’s funny because I’m Queen Bee and… Philippa Forrester: Moving right along, here comes the squads for today’s 4th of July special match. First, here come the Invaders! Leading the way are Captain America and Bucky! Chloe Bourgeois: Not all that impressive. That outfit looks nothing like it did in the movie. Philippa Forrester: Because, Chloe, that’s the Captain America from World War II. This is long before he became an Avenger. And here comes the Human Torch and Toro. Chloe Bourgeois: Unbelievable! Is this team so lame they had to steal someone from the Fantastic Four? Philippa Forrester: No, Chloe! That’s the original Human Torch. The original Torch was an android and Toro was his young sidekick, who also has flame based powers like him. Chloe Bourgeois: So, this guy is an android? Philippa Forrester: Yes, Chloe. Chloe Bourgeois: A robot? Philippa Forrester: Yes, Chloe. Chloe Bourgeois: So why is he called the “Human” Torch? Philippa Forrester: … Umm. Moving right along, we have flying into the battlefield Miss America, who will be sure to bring her strength to the fight. And streaking in at a blinding pace we have the Whizzer. Chloe Bourgeois: Mmph. Hee hee. Philippa Forrester: Something funny, Miss Bourgeois? Chloe Bourgeois: Huh? Oh nothing, nothing. Philippa Forrester: And, anyway, here comes the Freedom Fighters into the Gorge. Uncle Sam is in front with Doll Man perched on his shoulder. Chloe Bourgeois: Seriously? What’s his super power? Bad fashion sense? Philippa Forrester: He happens to draw his power from the patriotism of those around him, and with this being a 4th of July crowd, he might be at his strongest. He’s flanked by the Human Bomb and the Ray, who both should be interesting match ups for the Human Torch and… Chloe Bourgeois: Ugh! Get a load of those outfits! Philippa Forrester: …And there are Black Condor and Phantom Lady. Chloe Bourgeois: What kind of costumes are those? Were they going to the pool and got lost? Philippa Forrester: Are you going to say anything worthwhile or are you just going to be the fashion police? Chloe Bourgeois: Hey! It’s not my fault these so called heroes don’t have my style! Philippa Forrester: Oh whatever. Captain America and Uncle Sam are moving to the center of the Gorge to meet with the official for the face off. Referee: Good evening, gentlemen. This will be an elimination style contest between your two squads. Elimination occurs via knockout or submission. Once your opponent’s team has been completely eliminated, you will be declared the victor. Is that clear? Captain America: Understood. It’s an honor to finally meet you, Uncle Sam. I’m sure we’re going to have a great contest today. Uncle Sam: No doubt, sonny. But be sure to tell your fellers to not hold back. Cuz my gang sure won’t. It’s the Fourth of the July! Lets put on a show these folks won’t forget! Philippa Forrester: There’s the handshake and the team captain’s return to their corners. 12 Golden Age legends are almost ready for combat! Chloe Bourgeois: I sure hope so. I wouldn’t want to have my first time of commentary be for a boring fight! Philippa Forrester: The official is giving the signal! Referee: Combatants ready? 3. 2. 1. Commence combat! Philippa Forrester: And the Whizzer is first to charge into the fray and YOWCH! The Ray caught him with a blast of light and he collapses to the dirt! The Ray: Your fast, Whizkid, but your not faster than light! Miss America: Bob! Hold on! Chloe Bourgeois: Now the girl in the cape wants some too. But that Blue Condor is there to meet her in air and catch her! Philippa Forrester: That’s the BLACK Condor, Chloe. Chloe Bourgeois: Well, if he’s going to have so little to wear, he should of at least gotten it in the right color! Black Condor: Sorry, Miss. But it may be a lot easier for you if you surrender. Miss America: Let me go! Don’t you know that’s no way to treat a lady? Hah! Philippa Forrester: Miss America is just to strong as she throws Condor off of her. He is able to stay in flight but now he has an angry super hero on his tail. Chloe Bourgeois: Now what about Bucky and uh… Toro? Looks like they’ve got that trashy Phantom Lady cornered. Bucky: Careful, Toro! She may look good, but she’s no pushover! Maneuver 6! Toro: Sure thing, Bucky! Philippa Forrester: Toro bursts into flames and takes off into the air, as Bucky goes in for the attack! Hold on! He’s stopping! He looks frozen in mid-punch! Chloe Bourgeois: Ha ha! Now look at him flying backward to the ground! Super hero? More like super clumsy! Philippa Forrester: It’s not clumsiness, Chloe, it’s Doll Man! He’s small but still has the strength of a full grown man and he caught Bucky completely off guard! Phantom Lady: Well done, Darrell. Now stand clear! A blast of my blackout ray should put him down for the count. Chloe Bourgeois: So much for Captain America’s sidekick. HEY! Wait a second! Philippa Forrester: You spoke too soon, Chloe! Toro launches several fire balls at Phantom Lady to fend her off and give Bucky a chance to recover. Chloe Bourgeois: Well, at least she won’t be overheated in THAT costume. Philippa Forrester: Meanwhile we have the Torch vs the Bomb. Bomb is launching blast after blast into the air at the Human Torch! Now Torch is sending a stream of fire at Bomb! That suit can withstand a lot of punishment but who knows how long it can take this from Torch! Chloe Bourgeois: Meanwhile the guys in red, white, and blue are going toe to toe. Uncle Sam has grown several feet taller and is trying to overpower Captain America, but Captain America’s shield is holding him off! Uncle Sam: Face it, Cap! I’m powered by the patriotic spirit in all Americans, includin’ you! Captain America: That may be true, Sam, but I’m not backing down! Philippa Forrester: Amazing show of strength! But which of these teams will win this July 4th brawl? Chloe Bourgeois: Ah who cares? As long as they come to see me beat up Trini Kwan! Philippa Forrester: Suuuuure. All of you watching at home better stay tuned to see who comes out on top! We’ll be right back! OK: Invaders: Captain America, Bucky, Human Torch, Toro, Miss America, and the Whizzer. Freedom Fighters: Uncle Sam, Doll Man, Human Bomb, Phantom Lady, Black Condor, and the Ray. All are there Golden Age versions at full strength. The team that KO’s and submits all of their competition, wins. Game On! (Also tune it to see Kor vs Khal Drogo at TCC Arena!)
  2. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Hellooooo, fight fans! Welcome back to TCC Arena, and no, your eyes did not deceive you! The marque is shining bright and declaring that our next fight will be a battle of teenagers with attitude! The Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan, and Queen Bee Chloe Bourgeois! I’m Al Rossi with Jedi Master Andel Sanap, and Andel, I’m fairly certain no one expected to see Chloe at TCC Arena in the audience again, let alone on the battle terrain following the fiasco of her last visit. Andel Sanap: Correct, Al. Miss Bourgeois was in attendance for the first TCC sanctioned match up between Ladybug and Ruby Rose. However, she had felt that the TCC had personally insulted her by not having Queen Bee in action. This led to Miss Bourgeois being akumatized and creating havoc backstage and on the battle terrain before Ladybug and Miss Rose could apprehend and de-akumatize her. Al Rossi: After much speculation by the public, the TCC have decided to allow Chloe her moment in the spotlight. But she may have gotten more than she bargained for. The TCC have personally chosen Trini to be Chloe’s opponent. Philippa tried to have an interview with the Yellow Ranger, but things didn’t go like she planned. Let’s go to the footage. Philippa Forrester: I’m here with Trini Kwan, the Yellow Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger. So glad you could take some time to chat for a bit. Trini Kwan: No problem, Philippa. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Philippa Forrester: Great! Now, going into this battle with Chloe Bourgeois. How are you preparing for this fight? Trini Kwan: Well, I’m certainly not going to underestimate Chloe. Some people may think she’s a little…arrogant. But I know she’s a skilled gymnast and fighter. And she can… Chloe Bourgeois: Hellooooo, everyone! Trini Kwan: …always surprise you. Philippa Forrester: Chloe! What are you and Sabrina doing here? Chloe Bourgeois: Sabrina! Sabrina Raincomprix: Oh! Right! Er..Chloe was wanting… Chloe Bourgeois: Ahem! Sabrina Raincomprix: Sorry! The er…Wonderous Queen Bee was wanting to let you know she’s ready for her interview. Philippa Forrester: But I offered a chance for you to be interviewed and you said no! Chloe Bourgeois: Well, I wasn’t ready then! I’m ready now! So stop making excuses and start asking me questions! Trini Kwan: I have a question. Why do you have to be such a brat? Chloe Bourgeois: Ugh! And just who do you think you are? Don’t interrupt things that don’t concern you! Trini Kwan: Funny, I thought this was my interview. Chloe Bourgeois: Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! I only have one thing to say! This fight will be the first of many victories for Paris’ greatest hero ever Queen Bee! And you can go back to whatever juice bar you came from! Sabrina! Sabrina Raincomprix: Coming, Chloe! Philippa Forrester: I’m sorry about that, Trini. Trini Kwan: It’s ok. But I can tell you one things for sure: when that fight starts, Chloe Bourgeois is going to get a real lesson in humility. Andel Sanap: And Al, as a result of that confrontation, both fighters have decided to waive the prefight face off. They just want to go straight to the action. Al Rossi: And so do we, Andel! Along with all the fans here at TCC Arena. Power Ranger fans and Miraculous fans alike have gathered to cheer on their heroes. The battle terrain has been formatted to the Lakewood Shopping Center map. It is a three floor mall filled with a variety of stores ranging from sporting goods, toys, clothing. There’s even a food court in the center. Plenty of places where this fight could go and tons of equipment our combatants could use. Andel Sanap: Now let’s go to Miss Forrester with the introductions. Philippa Forrester: Welcome everyone to TCC Arena! The following fight is a singles match scheduled for one fall, winner to be decided by knockout or submission. Introducing first, from Paris, France, she is the wielder of the Bee Miraculous. She is Queen Bee, Chloeeeeeeeee Bourgeooooooooooooooois! Andel Sanap: Chloe barely waves to the crowd as she makes her way to the battle terrain. She’s being accompanied by Sabrina, her…Um…Al, is friend the correct term? Al Rossi: If friend means someone who does your homework for you, yes. But right now, Sabrina is carrying a case with her. What does Chloe have in mind? Philippa Forrester: And her opponent, from Angel Grove, California, she is a member of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. She is the Yellow Ranger, Triniiiiiiiiiiiiii Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Al Rossi: A burst of cheers and applause as Trini takes her place opposite Chloe. Chloe motions to Sabrina, who opens up the case. Seriously? She’s taking out the Bee Miraculous and handing it over to Chloe? Andel Sanap: Does seem rather unnecessary, Al. The Bee Miraculous is in the form of a hair comb. Chloe could have just worn it to the battle terrain. She didn’t need to go through all of this. Al Rossi: Just her way of showing off to the crowd and Trini. She puts on the comb and that summons Pollen, the bee kwami bonded to the Miraculous. Pollen: At your service, my queen. Chloe Bourgeois: Get ready, Pollen. We’re going to teach Little Miss Morphin’ some manners! Andel Sanap: Trini looks unfazed. She’s holding her morpher at the ready. The referee gives them the signal. Referee: Combatants ready? 3. 2. 1. Commence Combat! Chloe Bourgeois: Pollen! Buzz On! Trini Kwan: It’s Morphin’ Time! Sabretooth Tiger! Al Rossi: Both ladies transform into their costumes. Trini flips into the food court and Chloe uses her top to sling herself to the upper level. Chloe Bourgeois: Ha ha! Puh-lease. There’s no way you puny Power Ranger can beat me! Trini Kwan: Don’t be so sure, Queen Bee. Hyah! Andel Sanap: A mighty leap by Miss Kwan to get to Miss Bourgeois! Chloe Bourgeois: Venom! Al Rossi: Oh no! Chloe is activating her Venom ability! If she nails Trini with that top’s sting, Trini will be paralyzed and easy pickings! Andel Sanap: She charges forward to catch Miss Kwan as she reaches the railing and By the Force! Trini somersaulted over Miss Bourgeois and stuck the landing. If Miss Bourgeois hadn’t stopped herself, she could have fallen all the way back down to the food court. She turns the stinger back into a top and lunges toward Miss Kwan. Al Rossi: And remember, Andel, if Chloe does nail Trini with Venom, she’ll have only five minutes to do more damage before the effect wears off and she’ll need to recharge Pollen to stay powered. She better stay close to that food court. In the battle of Bee vs Tiger, who wins? Stay tuned! OK: Both fully powered. They can use anything in the mall to help them in the fight. Whoever KOs or submits the other, wins. Game On!
  3. Battlesphere Battle Royal FINAL!! Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Wednesday Addams (weapons, fighting skill) Chel (cleverness) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Ruby Rose (Semblance, Crescent Rose, fighting skill) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Carmen Sandiego (Tech, fighting skill) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Cassie Cage Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger powers) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Ladybug crashes back into the ring! Miss Cage charges in but Ladybug leaps back to her feet! She’s swinging her yoyo but Miss Cage knocks it aside! Al Rossi: Nails with her pistols and she leaps up! She’s got the green energy going! Right on target and Ladybug is sent sailing over and out! Andel Sanap: Miss Cage lands by the ropes and Look out! Miss Bourgeois from behind! Clotheslining her over the top! Al Rossi: But she hung on! She’s pulling herself back up to the apron! But Chloe doesn’t see her! She’s looking the other way playing to the crowd, celebrating her ‘6th’ elimination! But the lights are flickering around Cassie! Her outfit is being covered in Ladybug spots! And she’s got the yoyo! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois needs to turn around! Miss Cage throws the yoyo, and wraps it around Miss Bourgeois upraised hands! A mighty heave from Miss Cage! Al Rossi: Chloe’s flailing! She’s out of control! She’s hit the Battlesphere wall! She’s out! Andel Sanap: Exactly at the one hour mark, Miss Bourgeois has been eliminated, having participated in eliminating five combatants, the most of any in this match! Err, could security please check at the north guardrail? Someone in a Venom t-shirt has apparently jumped onto the battle terrain in protest. Al Rossi: This crowd has been loving this action, Andel! And it’s heating up, or should I say cooling down, with Miss America and Phantom Lady. The two Golden Age heroines appear to be mastering Elsa’s powers and are trying to get off a final, freezing attack. Phantom Lady launches a portal and slips through to avoid the ice blast. Andel Sanap: But look! Miss America has already Petal Burst-ed to the exit portal to catch Phantom Lady coming out! A right hand from Miss America sends Phantom Lady back through the portal she came from! Another Petal Burst carries Phantom Lady out of the ring, over the ropes, and before she can recover, right into the Battlesphere wall! Al Rossi: And just like that, Andel, we are down to the final two! 30 combatants entered the Battlesphere, now only two remain! Andel Sanap: From Earthrealm, Cassie Cage! With her eliminations, she has the combined fighting skills, strength, and weapons of Trini Kwan, Chloe Bourgeois, and Ladybug! Her Yellow Ranger armor is covered in black Ladybug spots, and she’s duel wielding the Miraculous yoyo and top! Al Rossi: And from WWII, Miss America! Thanks to her eliminations, she now possesses the fighting prowess and powers of Mercy Graves, Anamaria, Ruby, and Phantom Lady, on top of Elsa’s magic! She still has her cape over Elsa’s robes, which also conceal Crescent Rose and the black light projector! Andel Sanap: Miss Cage activates Lucky Charm! Miss America flies ahead! The final fight has begun! OK: The Final Match to determine the winner of the Battlesphere Battle Royal! Cassie Cage (Trini’s skill and Yellow Ranger power, Ladybug’s Miraculous abilities, yoyo, and Lucky Charm, and Chloe’s Miraculous abilities, top, and Venom paralyzing power) (Full strength) vs Miss America (The fighting skills and weapons of Mercy, Anamaria, and Ruby, Elsa’s ice magic, and Phantom Lady’s black light projector) (Full strength) Whoever wins gets to choose one of the powers they’ve acquired to use in any future TCC matches they take part in. It all comes down to this. Game On!
  4. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Helloooooo, fight fans! Al Rossi and Andel Sanap back with you at TCC Arena for a great match up! Two teams of henchmen for hire going head-to-head. The Nasty Boys: Gorgeous George, Ruckus, Slab, Hairbag, and Vertigo, taking on the Royal Flush Gang! Andel Sanap: Two teams of very unpleasant individuals, Al. And dangerous, as well. I’m not sure if it’s wise to allow both Vertigo and Ace to be in the battle terrain at the same time. Their powers could be particularly hazardous to the fans in attendance. Al Rossi: Relax, Andel, that’s why we have the protective field up for this fight. It will counteract any effects of Ace’s powers of perception and Vertigo’s equilibrium based attacks. Let’s send it down to Philippa. Philippa Forrester: Hey, guys! Um, I was hoping to get a word with the Royal Flush Gang but they have refused to let me in their locker room. I’ll try again. Hello? King? Queen? It’s Philippa. Queen: What do you want? Philippa Forrester: I’m sorry to interrupt. I know you are getting ready for the fight, but I was wondering if you had time for some questions? King: Questions? Ha! Back off, lady. The only question that you need to be asking is do we beat the Nasty Boys in 5 minutes or will they just surrender before the fight even starts! 10: Yeah! We’ll wreck those creeps! Queen: So why don’t you just go be ugly somewhere else? We want to be alone for… Ruckus: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Queen: Ahhhhhh!! Umph! Gorgeous George: Ha ha! Good one, Ruckus! Ruckus: Anytime, George! Jack: Look what you did our dressing room?! Queen: Never mind the room! Look what his voice did to my hair!! King: You guys want to play?! Take this!! Slab: Hey! Watch it with the fire balls! Philippa Forrester: Um, security? Andel Sanap: What’s going on? What’s happened to the feed? Al Rossi: Sorry, Andel, but I’ve been notified that we are getting a message from TCC rep Maximillion Pegasus. Andel Sanap: But we don’t have time for an announcement! What about Philippa? The Nastys and the Gang look about ready to start fighting right now! Al Rossi: Hey, I don’t make the rules, buddy. Here is TCC representative, Maximillion Pegasus. Maximillion Pegasus: Hello, boys and girls. Hope everyone’s excited for today’s fight. Don’t worry. The Nasty Boys and the Royal Flush Gang will be out in just a moment. But I’m here to announce what’s coming next to TCC Arena! You fans are going to behold the latest innovation from the Transdimensional Combat Commission! Because next time the TCC brings you action, it won’t be just two fighters. It won’t be two teams. Oh no, no. It will be THIRTY competitors in an over the top rope battle royal! That’s right, 30 ladies from across the multiverses will compete against each other for dominance. But that’s not all. In this battle, if you eliminate someone, you will be given their powers, abilities, and weapons to continue in the fight. Whoever is the last woman standing, will be able to choose one of these powers to be able to use whenever they compete in TCC sanctioned matches. So don’t wait! Get in contact with the TCC to sign up for a slot. See you next time, fight fans! Hahaha! Al Rossi: Unbelievable! Another Pegasus announcement, another bombshell! Andel Sanap: I don’t understand! All these announcements, these stipulations. Something has definitely changed with the TCC lately. Al Rossi: Hey, if it’s gets us a fight like this, it can’t be all bad! 30 women battle royal! And we still have 5v5 tonight! Take it away, Justin! Justin Roberts: Good evening, TCC Arena. The following contest is a 5v5 elimination match. Eliminations occur by knockout or submission. The team that eliminates all 5 of their opponents first, wins. Introducing first, they are Gorgeous George, Ruckus, Slab, Hairbag, and Vertigo: THE NAAAAAAASTY BOOOOOOOOYS!! Andel Sanap: Riding in on George’s tar like body to the battle terrain. With Slab and Hairbag, the Nasty Boys may have a strength advantage. Justin Roberts: And their opponents, they are 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace: THE ROOOOOOOOOOOYAL FLUSH GAAAAAAAAAANG!! Al Rossi: Nice entrance with those flying playing cards. Of course they won’t be allowed to use them in the fight. The battle terrain is formatting itself into the Lakewood Shopping Center map, three floors of stores full of plunder for these two teams to use. Here’s the official! Referee: Combatants ready? 3! 2! 1! Commence combat! Andel Sanap: Vertigo runs in and points at Ace! Ace locks her with that blank stare! Al Rossi: Neither one is budging. I guess the Nastys wanted to get Ace and her perception warping powers out of the fight early, but it seems that now she and Vertigo are gridlocked. But here comes the rest of the Gang! Andel Sanap: 10 charges into Slab and smashes him into the food court while Queen uses her magnetic abilities to throw chairs and tables at Hairbag! Al Rossi: Ruckus gives another sonic scream that sends King scrambling for cover to start blasting! Meanwhile we got George and Jack getting all tangled up with each other. Who’s going to come on top? And what about this battle royal? Stay tuned to us for more info! OK: Both teams are at full strength. Ace can just affect perception, she doesn’t have any reality warping powers yet. They are in a three story mall. Whichever team takes out all 5 members of the opposition first, wins. Game On! #WhoAreThe8?
  5. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, FIGHT FANS! Welcome back for more action from the newly renovated TCC Arena! It’s Al Rossi… Andel Sanap: And Jedi Master Andel Sanap. May the Force be with you all! Al Rossi: The stadium is packed with fans, our guardians are in position around the perimeter, and we’re all set to start a new era of multiversal combat with two next generation heroes! It’s the Bat-Family’s Batwing taking on Iron Man’s successor Ironheart! Andel Sanap: Two genius intellects who have crafted their suits of armor to be the ultimate tool for justice. And what makes this contest particularly interesting, Al, is that this will be the debut battle for both combatants. Al Rossi: So, we can expect both of these two to give us their best tonight! The battle terrain has already been formatted, and it’s the return of the first TCC map: Urban Apocalypse! Andel Sanap: Hopefully this time we will be able to see the combatants make full use of the terrain. The first time this map was used there were… technical difficulties. Al Rossi: Ah, don’t worry about it. Chloe is still off pouting over losing Battlesphere 2. But we do have a new feature for our fans tonight! Earlier today we had a talk with some of our guardians to get their thoughts on the fight. Let’s see who they think is gonna come out on top! The Doctor: Oh! Hello there! I’m the Doctor. Sorry, kind of in the middle of something here. Trying to set up the paradox barriers for the Arena. Hmm? My pick? Oh, for the match! Well, I’ve got to say I think Miss Williams is incredible. Being able to figure out how Stark’s armor worked and constructing her own? Brilliant! And now that she’s had help from Stark himself, this new armor of hers looks unstoppable. So, yeah, Ironheart for the win! Do humans still say that? *BONG! BONG! BONG! * What? What?! WHAT?! That’s not supposed to happen! Sorry, need to check that out! Bye! Superman: Hello, everyone. Al and Andel asked me to give you my winner’s pick for the battle between Ironheart and Batwing. At the risk of being biased towards my own universe, I believe that Batwing has a lot going for him. He has his father’s genius, Batman’s training, and one of the most advanced pieces of tech that Wayne Enterprises has ever developed. Ironheart is impressive, but I believe that Batwing will be your winner. Be safe and enjoy the show! Dean Winchester: Uh, hey, guys. Sam Winchester: We’re here to let you know our pick for the Ironheart/Batwing fight. And we’re excited to see Ironheart win it. Dean Winchester: You mean Batwing? Sam Winchester: Dean, we talked about this. Dean Winchester: Yeah, I talked and you didn’t listen. Sam Winchester: Ironheart’s just too powerful. Dean Winchester: Batwing literally has been learning from Batman. Sam Winchester: So? Dean Winchester: Never bet against Batman. That’s the rule. Sam Winchester: Um, maybe you guys should come back later while we sort this out? Andel Sanap: Strong cases from our guardians, Al. But the time for debate is almost over! Al Rossi: That’s right, Andel! Justin Roberts is on the battle terrain! Let’s send it down to Justin! Justin Roberts: The following contest is a singles match! The combatants are free to use the entirety of the battle terrain. The contest will continue until a combatant is immobilized or surrenders! Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, IROOOOOOOONHEAAAAAAART! Al Rossi: Ironheart soars into the arena, nails the three-point landing! A wave to the crowd then stands at the ready as Justin continues the introductions. Justin Roberts: And her opponent, from Gotham City, BAAAAAAAAAAAAATWIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! Andel Sanap: A more controlled landing for Batwing. The Gotham fans cheer but his focus is on his opponent. Al Rossi: They both look ready for action! Let’s do this! Referee: Combatants ready? 3! 2! 1! Commence combat! Al Rossi: Both heroes launch themselves into the air! Batwing fires a laser Batarang at Ironheart! Ironheart blasts it with a repulsor ray! Anel Sanap: Who will get the advantage in this battle of armored heroes? OK: Battle takes place in a bombed out city. Lots of wreckage and potential for explosions. Ironheart has all her abilities/tech from Marvel Rising and Wakanda Forever. Batwing has all his abilities/tech from Bad Blood and Batwoman. Game On!
  6. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Helloooooooo, fight fans! We are back at TCC Arena, and the building is packed for tonight’s match-up. In a TCC first, we will be witnessing a Hair vs Hair match between Medusa and Entrapta! Andel Sanap: Indeed, Al. These two women will be putting their famous hair on the line in this fight, and the loser will be having it shaved off. Um, Al, isn’t this somewhat unusual? Al Rossi: No more unusual than what we usually see around here, Andel. Andel Sanap: I’m merely pointing out that in your world’s ‘professional wrestling’, Hair vs Hair is generally used due to bad blood between two competitors driving them to want to humiliate each other. I don’t believe Medusa and Entrapta haven even met each other before tonight. Al Rossi: So what? These are two competitors with similar powers. Adding the stipulation is just giving it a little extra. Andel Sanap: But we’ve also been informed that there has been a special guest referee assigned to this bout. I don’t know, Al. I have… Al Rossi: …a bad feeling about this. I know. Everyone from your universe says that! Relax! You know these two ladies are gonna put on an entertaining fight! Let’s send it on down to Philippa for a word with Entrapta. Philippa Forrester: Thanks, guys! I’m here with Entrapta and I’ve got to say your hair looks even longer than usual. Entrapta: Yes! I know! I’ve been letting it grow out for this experiment! Philippa Forrester: Um, this is supposed to be a fight? Entrapta: Right! An experimental fight! Philippa Forrester: Oookay. Do you have a reason for why this match needed a Hair vs Hair stipulation? Entrapta: Me? I don’t know. Why would I have a reason? Philippa Forrester: Well, I assumed that you had asked for the stip. If it wasn’t you, why would Medusa challenge you to a fight like this? Entrapta: Meh. Who knows? Maybe she had a bad hair day? Muhahahahaha! See? It’s funny cuz hair. Philippa Forrester: …umm…. Entrapta: Hey! Would you like to see the invention I’m testing out today? Philippa Forrester: I suppose. Where is it? Entrapta: Can’t you see? I’m wearing it! Along with my natural hair, I’ve crafted my own brand of extensions! Metallic fibers that I’m able to stretch out and shape just like Medusa can! I even outfitted some of the strands so that they can carry things inside! Saws, lasers, nanites, tiny food… Philippa Forrester: Err, that’s all very impressive. But do you think those ‘extensions’ are durable enough to withstand a fight with Medusa? Entrapta: That’s why we test them out! I’ll show you! Now, hmm. They are designed to respond to my thoughts just like my not-metal hair. Sooooo, let’s try this! Philippa Forrester: Hey! Whooooooa! Entrapta: Philippa? Philippa, where’d you go? Philippa Forrester: I’m up here! Entrapta: Amazing! I was just trying to have my extensions take your microphone! But now I know that my hair can hold a fully grown woman in the air! How much do you weigh, by the way? Philippa Forrester: Entrapta! Just get me down from here! Entrapta: Oh! Right! My bad! Now let me see. When I want it to let go of something I just think… Philippa Forrester: AAAAAAAAAH! UMPH! Entrapta: And there we go! Thanks for helping me test my invention, Philippa! Philippa Forrester: Ugh. No..uh..problem. Back to you at the announce table. Ow. Andel Sanap: Could we get Mercy back there to check on Philippa? Al Rossi: Relax, she just fell a couple of feet. Or 6. Umm, let’s send it to Justin Roberts for the introductions! Justin Roberts: Good evening, TCC Arena! Tonight’s contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Hair vs Hair match! Victory is achieved through pinfall or submission, and the loser gets their head shaved bald! The protective screen will be activated, the competitors may fight anywhere on the battle terrain, but pin or submission attempts only count inside the ring! Our first competitor, from the hidden kingdom of Attilan, she is the Queen of the Inhumans: MEEEEEEDUUUUUSAAAAAAA! Andel Sanap: Her highness does not look to be in a good mood as she makes her way to the battle terrain. Tonight, the terrain has been formatted as a traditional, professional wrestling ring surrounded by a padded floor. But there is concrete underneath those pads that may come into play should these women choose. Al Rossi: Medusa actually using her hair to lift her over the ropes and into the ring to the cheers of the Inhumans and fans in attendance. Justin Roberts: And her opponent, from the planet of Etheria, she fights for the Princess Alliance: ENTRAAAAAPTAAAAAAAAAA! Al Rossi: Entrapta is letting her hair walk her down to ringside. She’s waving to the crowd, looking like she’s having the time of her life! Andel Sanap: I’m not sure if Entrapta is taking this too lightly. Medusa has her eyes locked on Entrapta as she rolls under the bottom rope into the ring and offers Medusa a handshake…er…that is, ‘hair’ shake? Entrapta: Hello, your highness! It’s so great to finally meet you! This is going to be so awesome! Medusa: What are you blabbering about, girl? We are set to do battle today. Entrapta: I know! And we have so much in common! We’re both royalty, we both have great hair, we have matching outfits… Medusa: Enough! Just know I won’t be holding myself back because of how young you are. Entrapta: Great! And I won’t hold myself back because of how old you are? Medusa: What?! Entrapta: Uh heh heh. I mean uh… Al Rossi: Thankfully, here’s Roberts to step in between these two. Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, the Transdimensional Combat Commission have assigned a special guest referee for this contest. Al Rossi: Lights out in the Arena. Whoever this is certainly wants to make an entrance. Andel Sanap: We have power again, fans, and look! There’s another woman in the ring! She must be the guest official, but I’m not sure if that referee uniform is regulation. Al Rossi: Wait a second! That hair! Those glasses! No freakin’ way! Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, your special guest referee: BAYOOOOOONETTAAAAAAA! Andel Sanap: The Umbra Witch is in TCC Arena! Al Rossi: Who better to referee a Hair vs Hair match! Bayonetta: Hello, girls. Who’s ready to dance? Entrapta: Umm, I thought we were fighting each other? Bayonetta: Hmm. Cute. Medusa: You are the one who is supposed to maintain order in this battle? Bayonetta: If you got a problem with it, you can take it up with the management, your highness. Medusa: It is no matter. I will be victorious no matter who is officiating. Bayonetta: Too bad that’s not what your husband thinks. Medusa: How dare you! How would you know what Black Bolt thinks? Bayonetta: Oh, he told me so. Medusa: Black Bolt must remain silent! He never speaks! Bayonetta: Hmm, I found a way. Entrapta: Ooh! Did you invent a machine that could read his mind?! Bayonetta: … Ok, you can leave this ring to fight, but you can only win if you beat your opponent inside the ring. And eye gouging, choking, and…heh… hair pulling are encouraged by the referee. Medusa: Hmph. Harlot. Entrapta: Why is she talking like that? Bayonetta: Let’s get this started! Combatants ready? 3! 2! 1! Commence combat! Andel Sanap: Medusa launches her strands of hair at Entrapta, who uses her hair to lift her over the strike! Entrapta has activated her extensions and projects a chainsaw blade to swing at Medusa! Medusa uses her hair to block but there are red clippings scattered on the mat! If Entrapta’s weapons can continue to damage to Medusa’s hair, she could…Al! Where are you going? Al Rossi: Err, I was just going down to ringside to see if I could get an interview with Bayonetta. Andel Sanap: Miss Forrester does the interviews! She will talk to Bayonetta, Medusa, and Entrapta after the fight is over! Al Rossi: But she might need help officiating the match! Andel Sanap: Oh get back in your seat! And you all stay tuned for the conclusion of this battle! Al Rossi: Do you think it will be a hair-raising conclusion? Andel Sanap: Make another pun like that and I will have to ask you to leave. Al Rossi: Good! Then I can go down to the battle terrain and meet Bayonetta! Andel Sanap: Get back over here and call the fight! OK: Medusa: Full strength. Entrapta: Full strength. She has grown her hair to twice it’s usual length, and has reinforced with mechanical ‘extensions’ storing various weapons. Battle terrain is set up as a pro wrestling ring. Winner is decided by pinfall or submission. Game On!
  7. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: HellooooooooOoOoOo, fight fans! And welcome back to the TCC Arena! It’s Al Rossi and Jedi Master Andel Sanap… Andel Sanap: May the Force be with you all! Al Rossi: Fresh off the completion of Battlesphere 2, which saw Hawkgirl become our 2nd battle royal winner! We are a little short handed today with Chloe Bourgeois sulking in her Paris mansion over the results, but Philippa is here as always to help us out with the interviews. But today’s combatants aren’t much for talking, Andel! In fact, this might go down as the most violent and explosive match yet! Andel Sanap: I would go so far to say, Al, that tonight’s action will more resemble a war than a match. For tonight we will be bringing back another match type that was well received by the fans: a 25 vs 25 All Out War between G.I. Joe and the Expendables! Al Rossi: The last time we saw this was when Team Mortal Kombat fought against Team Forever Red! For those of you who missed that thrilling contest, the rules are simple. The match will start in the Gorge, our outdoor battlefield. In both the Gorge and TCC Arena is an enormous pyramid with a portal at the top. Whichever team is able to secure both pyramids and subdues all of their opponents wins. Andel Sanap: Both teams are being allowed access to whatever weapons and vehicles they have in their arsenals. The G.I. Joe commanders have been in conference to hammer out their strategy and all of the rest of their force have been given strict orders not to have any interviews with Miss Forrester. Al Rossi: And the Expendables have not been seen here or at TCC Arena all day. But we can at least give you the rundown of these two armies. Representing G.I. Joe, under the command of General Hawk: Flint, Duke, Lady Jaye, Scarlett, Shipwreck, Roadblock, Gung Ho, Dusty, Beachhead, Alpine, Wet-Suit, Leatherneck, Sgt. Slaughter, Quick Kick, Wild Bill, Ace, Bazooka, Mutt, Cover Girl, Low-Light, Footloose, Barbecue, Spirit, and Snake Eyes. Andel Sanap: And representing the Expendables, led by Barney Ross: Lee Christmas, Yin Yang, Gunner Jensen, Toll Road, Hale Caeser, Trench Mauser, Billy “the Kid”, Galgo, Doc, John Smilee, Luna, Thorn, Mars, Easy, Galan, Gina, Decha, Lash, Tool, Lone Wolf Booker, Bonaparte, Mr. Church, Maggie Chan, and Max Drummer. Al Rossi: And it looks like members of the Joe team are already mobilizing in the Gorge! Still no sign of the Expendables anywhere. I see one of our officials talking into his headset and, yes, we’re getting word up here too. The Expendables are signaling the TCC they are ready to begin! The ref is taking off the headset. He points to the Joes! Referee: Combatants ready? 3! 2! 1! Commence combat! Hawk: Alright, Joes! Flint and Lady Jaye! Take your squad up the pyramid to the portal! Duke and Scarlett, take the perimeter! The Expendables must be nearby! Flint: On it, General! Alright you, yardbirds! Roll out! Joes: YO JOE!!! Al Rossi: Flint and Lady Jaye sprint for the pyramid, followed by their squad! I think I can see Shipwreck, Gung Ho, Alpine, Spirit, and Bazooka racing with them! Shipwreck: This is gonna be easier than I thought! No sign of those old has-beens anywhere! Polly: Rawk! Less talking, more running, sailor! Rawk! Alpine: Better listen to your bird, Shipwreck! Those guys are no joke! Shipwreck: Aw come off it, Alpine! They probably heard I was in this fight and ran all the way back to… KABOOM!! Andel Sanap: By the Force! Al Rossi: A shell! Nearly missed the squad at the foot of the pyramid! A tank is pulling in through the entrance to the Gorge! And look! Up there! It’s the Expendables plane! Andel Sanap: And an attack helicopter alongside it! The Expendables are here and ready for action! Polly: Rawk! Anymore wise words, sailor? Rawk! Flint: Take cover! Bazooka! Take out that chopper! Spirt, you and Gung Ho go with Lady Jaye to secure that portal! Al Rossi: I see Mars and Toll Road looking out the top of the tank! They’re getting ready for another shot! Toll Road: You sure you know how to drive this thing? Mars: Relax, man. I know my equipment. Fire in the hole! Al Rossi: The Joes are scrambling to defensive positions and opening fire on the tank! They seem completely caught off guard! Meanwhile we’ve got parachutes in the air as what appears to be Barney Ross, Lee Christmas, and Yin Yang skydive to the pyramid. Lee Christmas: You better be right about trusting Bonaparte to fly that plane! Barney Ross: Him and Church will be fine! Now pipe down and shoot somebody! Andel Sanap: The helicopter, piloted by Mr. Drummer, is going into a strafing run! Lady Jaye hurls one of her spears! Bullseye! The explosion rocks the ‘copter but it’s still airborne! Lady Jaye: General! Either you need to get me a bigger spear or we better bring in some back up! Hawk: Say no more, Lady Jaye! Charlie Squadron! You are a go! Al Rossi: Now we’re talking! A Skystriker and a Dragonfly helicopter streak over the Gorge! The Expendables planes are forced to take evasive action! Wil Bill: Yeeehaw! Let’s show these boys some real fancy flying, Ace! Ace: You got it, partner! Time to shuffle the deck! Andel Sanap: Al! A Mauler Tank is pulling into the other side of the Gorge! Sgt. Slaughter is directing the reinforcements as Leatherneck and Barbecue lay down cover fire and Snake Eyes bolts up the steps of the pyramid! Al Rossi: The battle has been joined! By land and by air, we are going to learn who the baddest soldiers on the planet really are! OK: G.I. Joe (80s animated), under the command of General Hawk: Flint, Duke, Lady Jaye, Scarlett, Shipwreck, Roadblock, Gung Ho, Dusty, Beachhead, Alpine, Wet-Suit, Leatherneck, Sgt. Slaughter, Quick Kick, Wild Bill, Ace, Bazooka, Mutt, Cover Girl, Low-Light, Footloose, Barbecue, Spirit, and Snake Eyes. VS The Expendables, led by Barney Ross: Lee Christmas, Yin Yang, Gunner Jensen, Toll Road, Hale Caeser, Trench Mauser, Billy “the Kid”, Galgo, Doc, John Smilee, Luna, Thorn, Mars, Easy, Galan, Gina, Decha, Lash, Tool, Lone Wolf Booker, Bonaparte, Mr. Church, Maggie Chan, and Max Drummer. Both have access to the vehicles listed in the set up and G.I. Joe ‘pets’ (Polly, Timber, Freedom, Junkyard) are in the battle, as well. Last army standing and in possession of both pyramids wins. Game On!
  8. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 20 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Al, if I could tear your attention away from Chel and Miss Bourgeois, I think we are about to have a martial arts showdown in the Battlesphere. Miss Cage and Miss Kwan look ready for combat! Al Rossi: Cassie charges in with pistols drawn! Trini is able to dodge and leaps in for a kickBut it’s caught! Cassie caught the leg in mid-air! Flips Trini to the ground! Andel Sanap: Think of all the training that Miss Cage has received through the Mortal Kombat tournaments! She’s moving in for some ground and pound but Goodness! She didn’t dodge the kick that time, Al! Al Rossi: Special Forces vs Power Rangers. Who’s training will allow them to get the upper hand? OK: Cassie Cage (Full strength) vs Trini Kwan (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Medusa, Miss America, Chel, Carmen Sandiego, Phantom Lady, Wednesday Addams, Ladybug, Ruby Rose, and Tracer. The winning combatant(s) will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor(s) that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. * Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On! *Due to the number of matches going on at once, the set-ups will be shorter.
  9. Battlesphere 2 Part 20 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky (Stength) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain (Powers/Weapon) Medusa (Powers) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Willy Wonka (Skills/tech) Lola Bunny (Toon Physics) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Astronema (Abilities/tech) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Kylo Ren uses Toon speed to blitz Xena but she just barely manages to get the Wrath Staff up to block! She fires an energy bolt but Kylo uses the Force to stop it in mid-flight! Andel Sanap: He sends the bolt into the sky where it is dodged by Hawkgirl! She extends her… slimy hair towards Miss Bourgeois. Miss Bourgeois opens fire with her pistols but the bullets are ricocheting away from Hawkgirl as she takes to the air! Al Rossi: Cain’s telekinesis working overtime! Kylo uses his lightsaber to push back on the Wrath Staff! He’s pushing Xena towards the ropes! That battle with Medusa and Hawkgirl has really taken it out of the Warrior Princess! Wait! Xena got a hand on the black-light projector! She hits the button! Kylo is shrouded in darkness, thrashing furiously with his lightsaber! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois hurls the top! She’s caught several locks of Hawkgirl’s hair! She pulls with all her might! She’s trying to power Hawkgirl down! A blast of Jack’s fire lifts Miss Bourgeois up instead! She’s over the top rope! She’s holding on to the line of her top for dear life! Al Rossi: Meanwhile, Xena has been acting quickly! She’s got a grappling hook attached to Kylo and another attached to herself! Now she’s firing another at the Battlesphere wall! Kylo is still stuck in the darkness from the projector! She’s running for the ropes! UP AND OVER! XENA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Andel Sanap: The grappling lines are linked together! Kylo’s getting pulled out after Xena! She launched a final grapple and detaches from Kylo! Al Rossi: Xena is swinging underneath the ring! The darkness around Kylo clears just in time for him to hit the Battlesphere wall! He was so caught up in his anger he didn’t even have time to use the Force to save himself! A HUGE elimination for Xena when she needed it most! Andel Sanap: But Xena still needs to pull herself back into the ring without touching the Battlesphere wall herself! She makes her way past Miss Bourgeois, desperately attempting to pull herself over the ropes! Hawkgirl is still hovering above the ring with her hair caught up in Miss Bourgeois’ top line. Al Rossi: But I think Hawkgirl has something in mind! She spats out some purple slime onto the top. It’s working down the line towards Chloe! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois’ eyes are wide! She still remembers how terrifying Gus was at the start of the match! Al Rossi: And knowing Chloe she’s probably not that thrilled about getting slimed! She looks disgusted as the slime gets closer! She’s let go! She let go of the top! With a final wail Chloe Bourgeois has dropped out! Andel Sanap: An incredible turn of events! Chloe Bourgeois was the last returning combatant from last year’s Battlesphere, and now she has set a new record time of over an hour and 2 minutes! Al Rossi: And now it’s down to two! Two of our new combatants have managed to outlast 28 others to reach this point! Their power ups have already been provided, Andel! Let’s check them out! Andel Sanap: Xena is now up to full strength following her elimination of Kylo Ren. And while she now possesses the combined gadgetry and skills of Carmen Sandiego, the Phantom Lady, and Astronema, Kylo’s mastery of the Force could make her the favorite here! Al Rossi: Certainly impressive, sporting an outfit that is part Amazon/part Phantom and tapped off with a Kylo robe in Carmen Sandiego red! Meanwhile, we’ve already talked about how dramatic a change Hawkgirl’s power ups have caused for the Justice Leaguer. Now she’s sporting the outfit of Queen Bee dressed in Cain’s coat, containing a slimy, monstrous frame! Will these mystical power ups give Hawkgirl the edge? Or can Xena finally defeat her? Andel Sanap: The two women acknowledge each other! Xena ignites her won lightsaber! Hawkgirl pulls out the First Blade and powers up her Nth metal mace! Al Rossi: Hold on to your hats, folks! We’re about to have our 2nd ever Battlesphere Battle Royal winner! OK: Hawkgirl (Full strength plus Gooey Gus, Spring Heeled Jack, Cain, Medusa, and Chloe Bourgeois’ powers/weapons) vs Xena (Full strength plus Carmen Sandiego, Phantom Lady, and Astromena’s tech/abilities and Kylo Ren’s Force powers). Whoever throws their opponent over the top rope and have both of their feet hit the Battlesphere wall wins the match! If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match went. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  10. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 23 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Tinker Bell (Flight, Pixie dust) Miss America Mercy Graves (Fighting skills) Anamaria (Weapons, fighting skills Elsa (Ice powers) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Roxy Rocket (Rocket pack) Chel Snow White (Control of birds) Cinderella (Control of birds) Phantom Lady Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Elsa (Ice powers) Ladybug Chell (Aperture Science Portal Device) Baby Doll (Tech) Carmen Sandiego Poison Ivy (plant manipulation) Wednesday Addams Entrapta (prehensile hair, tech) Ruby Rose (none) Cassie Cage (none) Tracer (none) Trini Kwan (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* KA-BOOOOOM!!!! Andel Sanap: By the Force! A massive explosion from Miss Bourgeois! Al Rossi: The blast sent everyone sprawling, and look out! Wednesday got caught and was sent careening over the ropes! Chel is just barely hanging on to the ropes, her birds chirping wildly! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois has regained enough of her senses! She’s stumbles to the ropes and lands a kick to the back of Chel! And that will be enough to end the run for the lady of El Dorado. Al Rossi: Two quick eliminations for Chloe! She has now eliminated 5 competitors! But as the lights start to fade out, you got to wonder what powers or abilities she gets for eliminating Wednesday and… oh. Um, Andel? How would you describe this? Andel Sanap: Er, well, I would say it’s Chloe Bourgeois with Red Claw’s physique, Miss Ka-Boom’s monstrous face and claws, Tinker Bell’s wings, and Miss Adam’s dour expression wearing Chel’s loincloth. Al Rossi: Yeah, I thought so. Ummm, let’s go check in on Cassie and Trini! A right cross to Trini who lunges with the power daggers only to get grabbed by Cassie! She whips her into the turnbuckles! Andel Sanap: Miss Kwan’s skull is rattling inside of her Ranger helmet! A burst of strength as Miss Cage heaves her over the ropes! Miss Kwan is fighting back, but a burst of gunfire from Miss Cage’s pistols sends her flying off the apron to the wall! Al Rossi: Double axe handle from behind by Chloe! She’s trying to get Cassie out before she powers up! But it’s too late! The lights are shining brightly and Cassie is now in the armor of the Yellow Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is enraged! She had to face Miss Kwan twice before and now she must face the powers of the Yellow Ranger again! Al Rossi: And those powers are now enhanced by a woman who has fought and been trained by some of the most dangerous and skilled fighters in the Mortal Kombat tournaments! But can she topple Chloe? Chloe takes to air, and Cassie charges ahead! OK: Chloe Bourgeois (Ka-Boom’s toon physics and monster form, Claw’s size and fighting skill, Tinker Bell’s flight and pixie dust, Wednesday’s weapons, and Chel’s cleverness) (Half strength) vs Cassie Cage (Trini’s skill and Yellow Ranger power) (Full strength) Also currently in the ring: Miss America, Medusa, Phantom Lady, Ladybug, Carmen Sandiego, Ruby Rose, and Tracer. Winner gets the loser’s abilities/powers/weapons. Game On!
  11. Battlesphere 2 Part 18 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Callisto (Skill/weapons) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Astronema (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain (Powers/Weapon) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Willy Wonka (Skills/tech) Lola Bunny Emma Peel (Skills) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Kylo Ren has caught Chucky in the Force Choke! He flings Kitana’s fans but Ren batters them away with his lightsaber! Al Rossi: Xena fires her staff at Medusa! The Inhuman dances out of the way and extends her hair! She’s got Xena! Hawkgirl swoops in but is forced to parry a sword held in Medusa’s hair! Andel Sanap: Kylo Ren slices the arms off of Chucky! The doll is lifted up and pushed over the ropes and straight back into the Battlesphere wall! Al Rossi: Hawkgirl’s mace is making quick work of Medusa’s swordYOWCH! She had another tendril of hair stab her in the back with Sam’s knife! Hawkgirl is looking mad as she tries to get out of range. Andel Sanap: Now Medusa is pulling in Xena! She has her by the throat! The combined aggression of Sweet and Sam’s powers must be clouding the Inhuman Queen’s judgement! She’s bringing the knife and remnants of Callisto’s sword to Xena’s face! Al Rossi: And look at Medusa’s face! Twisted by her demonic power ups! She looks like she’s enjoying this! You’ve got her beat! Just go for the elimination! Hawkgirl: SLIME ANYONE?! Andel Sanap: BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: Slime to the face of Medusa! She’s trying to pull it off, but it just gives Hawkgirl an opening to blast her again with Jack’s fire! Xena’s dropped to the canvas gasping for air! Hawkgirl nosedives in swinging the mace and… BOOOONG!! Al Rossi: Fore! Andel Sanap: Medusa is sent tumbling over the ropes! She extends her hair to stop her fall, but Hawkgirl’s mace batters them away! Medusa has been eliminated! Medusa falls short once again, but another impressive showing from the queen of Attilan! Al Rossi: Nearly an hour on the clock and we have reached the final 5! Kylo Ren has finished getting his power up! And… well, it’s not all that much to look at. Kylo’s just looking like a life-sized doll version of himself. Andel Sanap: But he is also now possessed by Chucky’s bloodlust. He glances around the Battlesphere! Hawkgirl is still getting her power up from eliminating Medusa. Miss Bourgeois and Miss Bunny are still brawling in the corner. Al Rossi: Which leaves a weakened Xena! Kylo Ren advances on her! He’s pulled out one of Chucky’s knives and deactivates his ‘saber! WHOA! Andel Sanap: The Warrior Princess hurls her chakram! She was luring Kylo in! Kylo re-activates his lightsaber as Xena rises to her feet! Al Rossi: Xena may have just had a rough battle, but she’s not backing down from anybody! OK: Kylo Ren (Full strength plus Jordan’s strength/skill, Speedy Gonzales Toon force, and the Bride and Chucky’s strength) vs Xena (Weakened plus Phantom Lady, Carmen Sandiego, and Astronema’s skills/tech). Winner gets the base powers of the loser. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  12. Battlesphere 2 Part 19 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky (Stength) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain (Powers/Weapon) Medusa (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Astronema (Abilities/tech) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Willy Wonka (Skills/tech) Lola Bunny Emma Peel (Skills) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Lola judo tosses Chloe back to the center of the ring! These two have been playing nice all match but now Lola has had enough! Andel Sanap: Miss Bunny advances on Miss Bourgeois but the Parisian hero jumps to her feet! Chloe Bourgeois: Venom! Al Rossi: Nails Lola with the Miraculous! The Toon is frozen mid-punch! Now it should be easy for Chloe to… um, look inside her Wonka coat? Andel Sanap: She is pulling out something, a small object of some kind. I don’t like the look of that grin on Miss Bourgeois’ face, Al. Al Rossi: Me either, Andel. What is she up to? Hey! Whatever it was, she shoved it in Lola’s mouth! Now she’s forcing her jaw up and down to chew it? Oh. Oh boy. I think Lola’s in real trouble now! Andel Sanap: Miss Bunny is changing! She’s turning… blue?! Al Rossi: It’s the three-course gum! Gum that gives you a whole meal! Soup, beef, and then… Andel Sanap: By the Force! Mis Bunny is blowing up larger and larger! She can’t even stay on her feet! Al Rossi: Chloe’s loving this! Come on, you’ve had your joke! Throw her out before she explodes! Chloe heaves the now very rotund Lola over the ropes, and she drops like a rock to the ‘sphere’s floor. Mercy! Get the juicing room prepped! Lola’s gonna have to be seen to quick! Andel Sanap: An undignified elimination for Lola Bunny, who lasted a full hour in the Battlesphere. Al Rossi: But Chloe couldn’t care less! She jumps around the ring celebrating her victory as she receives Lola’s Toon powers. The Battlesphere also is giving her a more ‘animated’ look and… er, rabbit ears and a tail? She doesn’t seem too happy about that for her new look. Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois better start focusing on more important problems than her appearance. Hawkgirl has completed her power up! She has Medusa’s hair, although combined with her Gus powers her hair is now tendrils of slime. Of the four combatants remaining, Al, Hawkgirl’s upgrade have made her undergo the starkest transformation! Al Rossi: And with some of the most dangerous powers in the Battlesphere to go with it! Chloe pulls out her pistols! Hawkgirl blasts Jack’s fire and Gus’ slime! We have reached the Final 4! OK: Hawkgirl (Full strength plus Gooey Gus, Spring Heeled Jack, Cain, and Medusa’s powers) vs Chloe Bourgeois (Full strength plus John Spartan, John Wick, and Willy Wonka’s skills/weapons, and Lola Bunny’s Toon powers). Winner gets the base powers of the loser. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  13. Battlesphere 2 Part 17 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Callisto (Skill/weapons) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Astronema (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain (Powers/Weapon) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Chloe and Lola have been completely focused on targeting Wonka. Emma tried to defend him but she was no match for the pair. Now they’ve got both Peel and Wonka on the ropes, and it’s only a matter of time, Andel. Andel Sanap: Yes, Al. Miss Bunny moves towards Miss Peel… but Miss Bourgeois stops her? Al Rossi: Uh oh! These two have been working alright together. They’ve clocked up the longest time in the Battlesphere! What’s gotten into Chloe? Andel Sanap: She appears to be telling Miss Bunny to eliminate Mr. Wonka and leave Miss Peel to her. Al Rossi: And Lola doesn’t look thrilled about that! This would be her first elimination! I’m sure she’d rather have the skills of a secret agent to a chocolate maker! She’s arguing her case! Chloe already has the skills of Wick and Spartan! She points at Peel! Chloe points at Wonka! Lola points at Peel! Chloe points at Wonka! Lola points at Wonka! Chloe points at Peel! Wait, what?! Andel Sanap: Al, Miss Bourgeois is trading places with Miss Bunny! They run towards the still dazed Mr. Wonka and Mrs. Peel! Double clotheslines to both! Al Rossi: Lola got out Emma and Chloe got out Wonka! Look at Chloe! Even she’s shocked! Andel Sanap: How did Miss Bunny trick Miss Bourgeois?! Does she have access to the Force? Al Rossi: Nope, just some Toon physics and the good old ‘Duck season/Rabbit season’ gag! The Batlesphere grants them their power ups! Lola is now sporting Emma’s jumpsuit, while Chloe is in Wonka’s hat and coat. Andel Sanap: Much to Miss Bunny’s amusement. I can sense the rage of Miss Bourgeois from here! Al Rossi: Chloe flings herself at Lola! There are no friends in the Battlesphere! This fight just got utterly ridiculous! OK: Lola Bunny (Full strength plus Emma Peel’s skills) vs Chloe Bourgeois (Full strength plus John Spartan, John Wick, and Willy Wonka’s skills/weapons). Winner gets the base powers of the loser. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  14. Battlesphere 2 Part 16 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Kylo and Chucky speed across the ring with their Toon speed, landing strike after strike! Al Rossi: Xena blasts Callisto with the black light projector! Catches her with a grapple and swings her towards the ropes but Callisto cuts the line! Uh oh! She’s starting to turn silver! Andel Sanap: If she accesses Moonwalker’s ‘star power’, I don’t know how Xena will withstand it! Al Rossi: Check out Cain! He’s attached the First Blade to the Ladybug yoyo! He lets it fly but Hawkgirl swoops out of the way! Yuck! And she replies with gusher of Gus slime! Andel Sanap: The yoyo is completely enveloped and glued to the mat! Cain charges towards Hawkgirl and BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: Mace to the face! Cain lifted off his feet, over the ropes, and out of the fight! Andel Sanap: Medusa is still struggling with Astronema, but she sees Callisto continuing her transformation! She starts to… snap her fingers? Al Rossi: Yes! She’s summoning Sweet’s magic! Astronema is starting to dance with her staff! She pirouettes and fires! Down goes Callisto! Andel Sanap: A nod between Xena and Medusa and they leap into action! Xena hurls the chakram to disarm the dazed Astronema! Medusa’s hair takes hold of Callisto! Al Rossi: And Xena’s got a hold of Astronema too! Xena muscles her over the ropes, gives her warcry and one more punch to the face! Andel Sanap: She’s falling off the apron and a screeching Callisto is tossed after her! Two more combatants are out! Al Rossi: So we’ve got Medusa, Xena, and Hawkgirl getting power ups, Kylo and Chucky still going at it, Emma Peel unconscious, and Chloe and Lola beating the hell out of Willy Wonka in the corner! Welcome to the Battlesphere! Andel Sanap: As the lights fade we start to see the new forms of our combatants. Medusa still has her demonic features and Sam’s outfit, now accentuated by Callisto’s armor and blonde hair. Hawkgirl is looking even more deranged in her Slime/Jack form, brandishing the First Blade! Al Rossi: And Xena now is the holder of Astronema’s staff! These three ladies were already fierce combatants walking into the ‘sphere. Now they are on a whole new level of power! Andel Sanap: Normally I believe these three would try to stop Miss Bunny and Miss Bourgeois’ attack on Mr. Wonka. But judging from the way they are looking at each other, I would guess these warriors are looking test out their newly acquired abilities against each other. Al Rossi: Strap in, folks! We’re in the home stretch of this battle royal and business is about to pick up! OK: Medusa (Full strength plus Sweet and Sam’s powers, and Callisto’s skills/weapons) vs Xena (Full strength plus Phantom Lady, Carmen Sandiego, and Astronema’s skills/tech) vs Hawkgirl (Full strength plus Gooey Gus, Spring Heeled Jack and Cain’s powers). The combatant with the most votes gets the powers/abilities/weapons of the combatant with the least votes. Ties for most votes means the two combatants share the bonus powers. Ties for least votes means both combatants are eliminated, and all their powers go to the winner. A combatant who finishes 2nd in the voting takes damage, but stays in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  15. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* *THIS IS BATTLE WAS PRE-RECORDED IN THE BUNKER DURING THE REIGN OF THE 9.* Al Rossi: Hellooooooooooo, fight fans! That’s right! It’s Al and Andel, back again with another Bunker Battle! And tonight you and the fans here with us live are in for a treat! Andel Sanap: Indeed, Al. This evening’s contest will feature the protégés of two of the most skilled marksman in their multiverses. It’s the heir to the Hawkeye name Kate Bishop versus Sportsmaser’s daughter and Green Arrow’s partner Artemis Crock. Al Rossi: We’ve put together a challenging gauntlet for these two! First, we will test their skills in a 1 on 1 archery tournament. Highest points scored on the targets wins the round. Then, we’ll have them face off against our battle droids that Andel generously provided from his multiverse. Most enemies destroyed wins the round. And if the score is tied after 2 rounds, we’re gonna give these two full reign of the Bunker. Last archer standing wins! Andel Sanap: And for added difficulty, the combatants will only be using their normal arrows. No gimmicks, this battle will be won on skill and will. Let us send it down to Justin Roberts! Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Bunker! The following contest is a three-part gauntlet. First archer to win 2 rounds, wins the battle! Introducing first…. Chloe Bourgeois: HelloOoOo, everyone! Al Rossi: Oh boy. Andel Sanap: Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Crock and Miss Bishop are already standing alongside Mr. Roberts for his introductions. But now he has been interrupted as Miss Bourgeois is walking into the Bunker, accompanied by a nervous-looking Philippa. Al Rossi: And don’t look now, Andel, but Chloe is carrying a longbow of her own. Kate Bishop: Okay, um, I thought this was just supposed to be a 1 on 1 thing? Artemis Crock: It was. What do you want, Chloe? Chloe Bourgeois: I just decided that it was only fair to show the fans what real archery looks like. Kate Bishop: You… are an archer? I just thought you were a stuck-up brat. Chloe Bourgeois: Oh, I am so much more than a stuck-up… HEY!! Philippa Forrester: Chloe, I really think we should just get back to the locker room so that the girls can have their battle. Chloe Bourgeois: No! Not until I show everyone that not only am I France’s greatest superhero, I am also France’s greatest archer! It’s in my blood! My great, great, great grandpa fought at the Battle of Agincourt! The first battle where longbows were ever used! Artemis Crock: Pretty sure that was the British who used longbows against the French. Chloe Bourgeois: Ugh! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Come on, Philippa! Just do as I told you! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois drags Philippa in front of one of the targets that were set up for the first round. She pulls out an apple from her purse and sets it on Philippa’s head. Al Rossi: Which slides off. Chloe is fuming as she tries to get the apple to stay before just having Philippa hold the apple in place on her head and stomp over to the firing line. She pulls out an arrow. She seems baffled by which way the arrow is supposed to be facing in the bow. Artemis Crock: Pointy bit goes toward the target. Chloe Bourgeois: I know that! It’s just these are different arrows than the ones I was practicing with. Philippa Forrester: Um, Chloe? Could I go to the back now? Chloe Bourgeois: Just stay still! Stop moving around! Your making it harder for me to aim at that stupid apple! Kate Bishop: I really think you should just put the bow down, Chloe. Chloe Bourgeois: And I say you should OW! Al Rossi: The arrow’s lose! Chloe misfired! The arrow is ricocheting around the Bunker! Fans are ducking to avoid getting hit! Andel Sanap: Miss Bishop and Miss Crock spring into action! Both pull out arrows and fire. Bishop’s explodes open into a net that pushes Miss Forrester out of the way, and Crock’s arrow swings around to collide with Miss Bourgeois’! The errant shaft lands in the floor and Miss Crock’s hits the ceiling. Artemis Crock: Pretty sure we were supposed to only have normal arrows for this battle. Kate Bishop: Oh, yeah. Don’t know how that one got in my quiver. Um, almost like I don’t know how you could make that shot unless your arrow was gimmicked to curve like that. Artemis Crock: Do you want to talk, or do you want to get down to business? Al Rossi: Well, folks, as Chloe is being led out by security and Justin gets Philippa out of harms way, it looks like Artemis and Kate are stepping up to the firing line and are ready for action. Andel Sanap: Which of these two combatants will be victorious? Referee: Combatants ready? 3! 2! 1! Commence combat! OK: Kate Bishop is the version from Hawkeye and Artemis Crock is the version from Young Justice. 1st round: Whoever gets the highest score on the targets. 2nd round: Whoever destroys the most battle droids. 3rd round: Last archer standing. Game On!
  16. Battlesphere 2 Part 15 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Mrs. Peel goes for a judo throw on Miss Bunny but Miss Bourgeois catches her! The pair deliver punches to the British secret agent before they begin to stomp on the fallen Mr. Wonka! Al Rossi: Meanwhile it appears that Kylo Ren and Chucky are finished with their upgrades from the ‘sphere! Kylo has grown a few inches in height thanks to the Jordan elimination, and his black robes have become white due to the Bride. Even his hair has the iconic white stripe! Andel Sanap: Chucky has grown to human size, but his outfit has turned blue. He’s holding both of Kitana’s fans at the ready and flashes a smile to show off his newly won vampire fangs! Al Rossi: And both of them still have Speedy’s… er… speed. Kylo surveys the scene, looking for a targetHEY! Andel Sanap: Sneak attack by Chucky! He used Toon speed to get close, then delivered multiple strikes with the fan blades! Al Rossi: Kylo pushes back with the Force! These two didn’t earn their reputations by being team players! Kylo is enraged and Chucky is loving it! OK: Kylo Ren (Full strength plus Jordan’s strength/skill, Speedy Gonzales Toon force, and the Bride’s strength) vs Chucky (Full strength plus Kitana’s powers/skill, Speedy Gonzales Toon force, and Bella Swan’s powers). Winner gets the base powers of the loser. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  17. Battlesphere 2 Part 13 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Apologies for the interrupted feed, ladies and gentlemen, but we are back from TCC Arena to continue our coverage of this incredible battle! Al Rossi: We’ve got Chloe and Lola trying to double team Emma Peel, only for Medusa to swat them away with her hair. Wonka appears to have taken some fizzy lifting drink to hover out of range of the fray and DUCK! Andel Sanap: A blast from Astronema’s staff takes out everyone! Cain and Callisto are looking impressed by that maneuver! But Kylo Ren doesn’t have much time for scouting! He has the Bride in a Force choke! Al Rossi: He’s using Toon speed! Hey! He’s leapt over the tope rope with the Bride! The Bride’s howling to try to get to Kylo, but he chucks her down and uses his Toon speed and the Force to zoom back into the ring! The Bride couldn’t get flying before she hit the sphere wall! She’s out! Andel Sanap: Miss Swan rushes in avenge her partner only for Chucky to meet her with a Kitana fan to the throat! The vampire’s head, followed by the rest of her body, is dumped over the top rope, as well! Al Rossi: Meanwhile, Astronema is stepping over her fallen adversaries. She moves past Emma Peel and is standing over Medusa. Her enhancements must be at their limit right now! Astronema powers up the staff! Xena: Yiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyi! Andel Sanap: But here comes the Warrior Princess! Al Rossi: And a slightly slimy Hawkgirl is backing her up! But here comes Cain and Callisto to even the odds! OK: Cain (Full Strength plus Ladybug’s powers/weapons), Callisto (Full Strength plus Moonwalker’s powers), and Astronema (Half Strength) vs Medusa (Half Strength plus Sweet and Sam’s powers), Xena (Full Strength plus Carmen Sandiego and Phantom Lady’s abilities/tech), and Hawkgirl (Full Strength plus Gooey Gus and Spring Heeled Jack’s powers). Team with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the team with the most votes. If there is a tie, both teams take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  18. Battlesphere 2 Part 14 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein (Strength) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bella Swan (Powers) Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Cain batters away Medusa’s hair with Ladybug’s yoyo! Astronema fires a blast at Hawkgirl only for the Thanagarian to spew some purple slime at her! And it appears that Xena and Callisto are getting into a dance off! It can only happen in the Battlesphere, folks! Andel Sanap: But the situation is not looking good for Miss Peel. Miss Bourgeois and Miss Bunny have gotten back on their feet after Astronema’s attack, but the British agent is still staggered! Miss Bourgeois is looking to pick the bones but Miss Bunny stops her! Al Rossi: She’s wanting to eliminate Emma herself! To be fair, Chloe already has two eliminations that have given her a similar powerset to Emma anyway but uh oh! We got a shoving match! Andel Sanap: While Willy Wonka watches from above! That fizzy lifting drink has allowed him to avoid the conflict, but now he’s looking concerned at Miss Peel. He adjusts his hat, takes a deep breath and… belches? Al Rossi: Down comes the candyman, crashing down on Chloe and Lola! Emma pulls Wonka out of the pile! Now Chloe is looking furious and Lola is still looking for that first elimination! OK: Chloe Bourgeois (Half Strength plus John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities/weapons) and Lola Bunny (Half Strength) vs Emma Peel (Half Strength) and Willy Wonka (Half Strength). Pair with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair with the most votes. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  19. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 8 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Carmen Sandiego (none) Katie Ka-Boom (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) Harley Quinn (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Sonya Blade (none) Roxy Rocket (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: With Roxy Rocket’s entrance, Al, we are now halfway through the field of 30 competitors! Al Rossi: And the ring is looking pretty crowded! Roxy and Sonya are duking it out with Poison Ivy, meanwhile the other ladies have recovered from Katie’s explosive exit and are returning to batter each other! Chloe seems to be trying to get a handle on her new, monstrous appearance, and look! Medusa has locked eyes with Entrapta! Andel Sanap: These two had that hair vs hair match in the arena a few weeks ago! Entrapta came out on the losing end of that encounter! Now she’s madly pressing buttons on that remote to summons more drones! Crowd: 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Let’s follow the trail! Hyah! Andel Sanap: A fan favorite, but certainly an unlikely competitor. Al Rossi: Well, the fans are sure happy to see the beauty of El Dorado make her way to the teleporter. Chel beams in, taking in the chaos around her and…umm…what is she doing? Andel Sanap: She appears to be sitting cross legged in the middle of the ring. Al Rossi: Ha! She’s taking in the fight. I don’t believe this! Hey, you think she wants us to beam her in some popcorn or something? Andel Sanap: Well, I believe the show is over. Medusa has battered the drones away with her newly acquired tail and uses her hair to push Entrapta back. Now she wraps a strand around Chel’s waist and sends her hurtling towards the ropes! Al Rossi: She caught the top rope! Chel was nearly eliminated! Her feet did not make contact with the Battlesphere wall! Andel Sanap: But now she’s struggling to lift herself back in! Medusa tries to pry Chel’s grip loose with her hair but Entrapta is there to stop her! Al Rossi: But here come’s Chloe! She leaps over to Medusa and Entrapta, roaring and eyes blazing! Andel Sanap: Neither Medusa and Entrapta seem impressed! By the Force! They use their hair to toss Miss Bourgeois over the ropes on the other side of the ring! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Some daaaaay my priiiiince will coooome. Andel Sanap: Oh no. Now this is definitely one of the entries I have an issue with the Commission about! Al Rossi: Why? Don’t you like Snow White, as she walks to the teleporter accompanied by flock of songbirds. She beams in, and immediately runs to the ropes where Chel is and…hey! She’s helping her back into the ring! Andel Sanap: That’s why, Al! She’s not a fighter! She doesn’t understand the rules! I don’t know what the TCC were thinking signing her up for this match! Al Rossi: Check out Chel! She doesn’t look to thrilled. She made it clear in her interview she didn’t care for the princesses and WHOA! What a slap to Snow White! Andel Sanap: Well, at least it will be short for her. Chel starts dragging Snow White to the ropes, andwait a moment! The birds! Look at the birds! Al Rossi: Snow White’s birds beamed in with her! They’re pecking and clawing at Chel, forcing away from Snow! Well, they aren’t exactly Daenerys’ dragons but they get the job done! Andel Sanap: But now Entrapta moves in to push Snow White into the ropes! Medusa hair grabs her by the neck! Chel grabs a hold of Medusa’s tail! OK: Medusa (almost at full strength; also possesses Minerva Mink’s tail and Toon physics from eliminating her earlier), and Snow White (full strength, loyal flock of birds) VS Entrapta (almost at full strength) and Chel (full strength) Also currently in the ring: Poison Ivy, Chloe Bourgeois, Carmen Sandiego, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Tasha Yar, Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams, Sonya Blade, and Roxy Rocket. Teammates can trade opponents and assist each other. Vote for the team that eliminates the other by throwing them over the top rope. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  20. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Helloooo, fight fans! We are back at the TCC Arena in what should be one of the most explosive match ups we’ve seen yet! It’s the battle of the urban vigilantes as John Nada goes one on one with Omar Little. I’m Al Rossi. Andel Sanap: And I’m Jedi Master Andel Sanap. Al, this contest should prove particularly violent given that both combatants have an affinity for firearms. However, the threat of gunfire has not diminished the size of the crowd. The cheering sections of both combatants are filled, with Mr. Nada’s fellow members of the anti-alien resistance in attendance, and Mr. Little appearing to have assembled a contingent of his admirers from Baltimore. Al Rossi: Our security at the arena is on guard, all wearing the specially designed sunglasses to detect alien activity. Also they are on the look out for any members of the Marlo Stanfield crime organization. These two street wise combatants have certainly made their share of enemies. Before we get started, Andel, let’s give a rundown of the battle terrain. Andel Sanap: The format for this combat will be the Old West Ghost Town map. A deserted city equipped with bank, saloon, hotel, and stores. Scattered throughout the battle terrain are ‘loot crates’ containing ammunition and medkits. For the combatants have agreed that they will both be using the same weapons. Each man will start with a single barrel shotgun and a Desert Eagle pistol. Once they are out of ammunition, they will need to search the battle terrain to reload and heal themselves. Whoever renders their opponent unable to continue, either by surrender or death, wins. Al Rossi: And medical staff of the TCC will be able to restore them to life after the contest is over. With all that out of the way, let’s throw it down to Philippa for the introductions! Philippa Forrester: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to TCC Arena! The following fight is a singles match, and can only be won by surrender or to the death. Introducing first, currently residing in Los Angeles, California, Joooooooooohn Nadaaaaaaaaaa! Al Rossi: Shotgun slung over his shoulder, the drifter only known by the name John Nada makes his way onto the battle terrain. He’s heads straight for the saloon and goes inside. Wait. Hear that whistling? You know who’s coming next! Philippa Forrester: And his opponent, from Baltimore, Maryland, Omaaaaaaar Little! Andel Sanap: Dressed in his black trench coat and letting his shotgun hang, Mr. Little enters to the cheers of the Baltimore faithful. He looks almost amused at the crowd as he walks into the saloon. He’s heading to the bar where Mr. Nada is pouring himself a drink. Omar Little: Ayo, man. So you the man who fight’s aliens? John Nada: And you’re the guy who robs drug dealers? Omar Little: How do? John Nada: Want something before we get started with this? Omar Little: Nah, man, I’m good. John Nada: Yeah, you sure are, ain’t ya? For a guy who’s about to get in a fight to the death you sure look cool as a cucumber. Omar Little: Why should I not, bro? All part of the game. I’ve been playin’ it all my life. And if you weren’t down, you wouldn’t be here right now. John Nada: Huh. You know you ain’t lying. I didn’t ask to be no hero. Just like I didn’t ask to be here. But since I am, you better start praying to God you’re as good a shot as your fanboys say you are. Or they’re gonna be able use you for a hula hoop. Omar Little: Oh indeed. Al Rossi: I think we are going to be dispensing with the combatants returning to their neutral corners. Both of them look ready for war right now. The referee is on the second story landing overlooking the bar. He’s ready to give them the go ahead. Referee: Combatants, ready? On your marks. 3. 2. 1. Commence combat! Andel Sanap: By the Force! Mr. Little swung up his shotgun and fired, sending broken bottles flying all over the bar! Mr. Nada was only just able to duck out of the way! Al Rossi: Now he’s returning fire with his pistol! He’s forcing Omar to fall back and go out into the street. Nada is in hot pursuit! The protective screen should be getting paid overtime for this battle! Which of these two anti-heroes will come out on top? Stay tuned with us to find out! OK: Both combatants are at full strength. Both are armed with shotgun/Desert Eagle. They need to scavenge the battle terrain to find more ammo and medkits to heal themselves. Whoever kills their opponent, or forces them to surrender, wins. Game On!
  21. Battlesphere 2 Part 12 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Ladies and gentlemen, we are over 40 minutes into the Battlesphere and nearly half of our combatants are still standing! Lola Bunny, our #3 entrant, is still fighting alongside her unlikely ally Miss Bourgeois, despite not having secured an elimination for herself yet. Al Rossi: Meanwhile, our last elimination has crafted a rather… heh… interesting new look for Cain. Not sure if the first murderer is a fan of a red and black polka dots, but at least got a boost of strength and a Miraculous! Andel Sanap: But through all of this Miss Swan and the Bride of Frankenstein have been using Miss America’s power of flight to simply observe the match. Al Rossi: Check out Kylo and Chucky! Those two have been eyeing them for a while! Wait! Here we go! Kylo extends his hand! He’s Force choking Bella down to Earth as Chucky brandishes Kitana’s fans under her! Andel Sanap: The Bride lets out a screech and flies down! She slams into Kylo, breaking his hold on Miss Swan! She pulls out McCloud’s blaster and fires! Chucky flips out of the way! Al Rossi: These 4 are through watching and waiting. They are ready for a fight! OK: Kylo Ren (Full strength plus Michael Jordan’s abilities and Speedy Gonzales powers) and Chucky (Full strength plus Kitana’s powers/weapons and Speedy Gonzales powers) vs Bella Swan and The Bride (Both at full strength plus Miss America’s powers and Fox McCloud’s abilities/weapons). Pair with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair with the most votes. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  22. *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: Helloooo, fight fans! Coming to you live from the TCC Arena, this is Al Rossi and my colleague Jedi Master Andel Sanap. Andel Sanap: Greetings, viewers, and may the Force be with you all. Al Rossi: Andel, it’s great to be with you calling a fight. After the Nineties Wrestling Federation went under, I thought we’d never work again. But now here we are, back in the game and all thanks to the powers that be of the Transdimensional Combat Commission. Andel Sanap: That’s right, Al. The TCC is looking to create brand new match ups for the fans and new opportunities for combatants. They have been granted access to the profiles of all the competitors who were licensed to compete in the Khazan Arena in the old days, including those who have yet to make their debuts. Such is the case we have here tonight, as the Miraculous Ladybug and Ruby Rose have agreed to take part in the first TCC sanctioned match! Al Rossi: The arena is packed to capacity with guests who’ve signed the waivers to witness this fight. Once the contest is over, all fans and combatants shall be returned to their home dimensions with their injuries healed and memories wiped of any reality altering events. But lets get to this fight, Andel, because both of these girls seem very similar from where I’m sitting. Both of them courageous and…hmm, shall we say slightly awkward? But both jumping at the call to be heroes. Andel Sanap: Indeed. Some oddsmakers have given the advantage to Miss Rose, citing her power and weaponry. But Ladybug is no stranger to heavily armed combatants, and her ability to come up with plans on the fly, combined with her Lucky Charm, could be the deciding factor in this match. Al Rossi: This fight might just be too close to ca.. Security Guard: Hey! Stop! You can’t go in there! Chloe Bourgeois: Out of my way! I can go anywhere I want to! Al Rossi: Uh, ladies and gentlemen, it appears we have a guest with us in the booth, someone who is particularly familiar with Ladybug, Miss Chloe Bourgeois. Chloe Bourgeois: Ha! Ladybug? Please! I’m not here to talk about her. I need to speak with whomever is in charge around here. Al Rossi: Miss Bourgeois, the TCC is busy maintaining the arena, and establishing the barriers that are preventing any paradoxes from disrupting the fight. Chloe Bourgeois: That’s what I’m talking about! People don’t want to see Ladybug or that scruffy looking girl in the cape! The people out there want to see me in competition as Queen Bee! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois, I understand your wish to have a match for yourself, and the TCC is considering granting you one. But tonight you are here as an observer, not a combatant, and you are not helping your case by barging into the announcers’ booth. Chloe Bourgeois: Ugh! Ridiculous! Utterly RIDICULOUS! Do you know who I am?! Do you know who my father is?! No old man in a bathrobe is going to tell me what to do! Andel Sanap: It’s not a bathrobe. Al Rossi: Um, security? Could you please escort Miss Bourgeois back to her seat? Security Guard: Sure thing, Mr. Rossi. Right this way, miss. Chloe Bourgeois: Let go! Get your hands off me! Security Guard: Owch! Get back here, you little brat! Al Rossi: Sorry for the interruption, folks. It appears Miss Bourgeois has her own opinion on this fight. I trust our crack security team will get her under control. In the meantime, let’s go down to the battle terrain and our ring announcer, Philippa Forrester, and bring out our combatants. Philippa? Philippa Forrester: Thanks, Al! Welcome, everyone, to TCC Arena! The following fight is a singles match, winner to be decided by knockout or submission. Introducing first, from the world of Remnant, representing Beacon Academy, Ruby Roooooooose! Andel Sanap: A swirling cloud of rose petals dives to the battle terrain floor and Miss Rose materializes out of it, striking a pose for the crowd with her Crescent Rose scythe. Her cheering section is filled with her fellow classmates from Beacon, including her teammates from Team RWBY. Jaune Arc: You got this, Ruby! Yang Xiao Long: Go get ‘em, sis! Nora Valkyrie: BREAK HER LEGS! Philippa Forrester: And her opponent, from Paris, France, the Guardian of the Miraculous Box, the Miraculoooooooous Ladybuuuuuug! Al Rossi: A rousing reception from the Parisian fans as Ladybug swings in on her yo-yo and somersaults to the ground. She takes in the crowd, which includes several students from the Francois Dupont High School, as well as famous faces Jagged Stone and Mayor Andre Bourgeois. Andel Sanap: And watching from his own private box is the young fashion model Adrien Agreste. Unfortunately, his father Gabriel couldn’t join us tonight. Ladybug’s path has crossed with Adrien’s before. I wonder if she’s seen him in the crowd? Ladybug: Uhhh….. Umm…He’s…in the…with the…and he’s…ohhhh hehe. Al Rossi: I think we can safely say yes to that, Andel. But Ladybug has appeared to pull herself together, and is making her way to the center of the battle terrain for the pre-fight face off with Ruby. Let’s listen in! Ruby Rose: I can’t believe it! I’m about to go one on one with a superhero! Ladybug: Hey, don’t sell yourself short. From what I hear you’re a lot more used to fights in places like this than I am. Ruby Rose: Yeah, I’ve done tournaments, but not against someone like you! You’re a real life super hero! With a secret identity! And a mask! And a cool costume! And not just because it’s red and black like mine is. Ladybug: Ha! Thanks! That’s a very nice…er…weapon you’ve got there. It’s really… big. Ruby Rose: Oh, this. It’s Crescent Rose. It’s a scythe, which is also a customizable, high-impact, sniper rifle. I made it myself. Mmm. Mwah. Ladybug: Did… you just kiss your gun? Ruby Rose: Uhhhhh…no? Soooooo, what weapons do you have? Ladybug: Weapons? Me? Well, I have this. It’s a yo-yo, which is also a…uh…magic…yo-yo. Ruby Rose: …oh. Ladybug: Well, it might not look as big as your scythe thing, but I happen to have won a lot of fights against a lot of tough super villains with it. Ruby Rose: Oh, I believe you. I’ve seen people fight with umbrellas, trumpets, baguettes. I just have never seen a girl fight with a yo-yo. Ladybug: Well, who knows? After today you might know someone who lost a fight to a girl with a yo-yo. Philippa Forrester: Pardon me, ladies, but it’s time for the match to begin. Ladybug: Oh! Thanks, Philippa. Good luck, Ruby, and may the best hero win. Ruby Rose: Same to you, friend. Andel Sanap: A fist bump of good sportsmanship and our combatants return to their sides of the battle terrain as the protective shielding activates around it for the safety of our audience. Al Rossi: Personally I would’ve like to have heard some trash talk, but what can you do? The fans didn’t come here to see these two make awkward small talk, they came for some action! The battle terrain holographic projectors are now beginning to format the location for this battle. The TCC wanted to make certain to choose a neutral location, and judging by the landscape rising from the arena floor it appears they have chosen the Urban Apocalypse map. Andel Sanap: Tall skyscrapers with blown out windows, firebombed vehicles, with a main road running right down the middle. Both ladies have holstered their weapons and are crouched down waiting for the referee to give the word. Referee: Combatants, ready? On your marks. 3. 2. 1. Commence combat! Al Rossi: And Ruby swiftly whips out Crescent Rose in sniper mode, firing several Dust charges toward Ladybug. Ladybug is spinning her yo-yo to deflect the blasts harmlessly into the buildings and the surrounding force field. Andel, Ladybug is heading straight toward Ruby! What do you think is the strategy here? Andel Sanap: Well, Al, she may think she can cut the distance between herself and Miss Rose to force her away from the sniper rifle and go for a close quarters approach. Ladybug wall runs across the buildings, leaping from one side to the other before returning to the ground and charging towards Miss Rose. And look! Miss Rose converts Crescent Rose to it’s scythe mode. She fires a blast to send herself flying towards Ladybug. Here she comes with a swing of the blade! Al Rossi: What a dodge! Ladybug slid on her knees just under the blade. She whirls around, slinging the yo-yo toward Ruby and wow! She’s caught her! That yo-yo cord is wrapped multiple times around Ruby’s legs and has dragged her down hard to the pavement! Ruby is struggling to free herself as Ladybug moves in. Andel Sanap: Ladybug is looking very confident, but she must be careful. Ruby is not beaten yet. Ladybug: So, you’re sure you don’t want to call this a tie? Ruby Rose: Ugh! Puns? Really? Have you been hanging out with my sister? Ladybug: Well, I probably picked that one up from a certain cat I know. Ruby Rose: You’re friends with a cat?! Me too! Well, technically she’s a Faunus. Well, technically that’s a secret, but that’s not important now. The point is I’m not giving up. Ladybug: And how do you expect to fight back, all wrapped up and nowhere to go? Ruby Rose: Well, I’m stronger than I look. I drink my milk and I exercise. Want to join me for a run? Ladybug: Run? What are you talking abouwhoawhoawhoawhoawhoaWHOOOOOOOOOOOOA! Andel Sanap: By the Force! Miss Rose has activated her Petal Burst Semblance. She has transformed into a swirling mass of rose petals and is darting and dashing all over the battle terrain. Al Rossi: And with the yo-yo all tangled up in that mess Ladybug is now the tail of a kite, holding on for dear life! The petals split in two directions, finally releasing the yo-yo cord and Ladybug. She combat rolls to a crouch on the pavement, but she’s looking a little nauseous. Andel Sanap: Meanwhile, Miss Rose has reformed herself on the roof of one of the skyscrapers and is attempting to get a bead on Ladybug with her sniper sight. If she can get off a shot then this fight could be ov….wait. What’s happening? What’s happening to the projection? Al Rossi: The Urban Apocalypse hologram is fading! It’s transforming to a different level. Ruby is still perched on top of a tall building, but…Hey! That’s Beacon Tower! This is Beacon Academy, Ruby’s school! Andel Sanap: This is certainly not a part of the fight, but Miss Rose seems too focused on getting a clear shot on Ladybug to noticed. But what’s this? Something is rising out of the roof behind Ruby! It’s a laser turret! It’s powering up! Ladybug sees it! Ladybug: Ruby! Look out! Al Rossi: Yikes! That was close! Ruby spun around just in time to deflect the blast with Crescent Rose! More turrets are appearing on the other buildings and at ground level, sending Ladybug running for cover. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry but these obstacles were by no means a part of the stipulations of this match. Control Room! Control Room? Somebody answer me! What’s going on in there? Security Guard: Er, sorry, Mr. Rossi, but we’re having a technical problem. Well actually it’s an intruder problem. Miss Bourgeois got away from us and somehow managed to break into the Control Room and force out the techs inside! She’s activated the battle terrain randomizer, which will change the location of the battle to different areas from the combatant’s memories. She’s also armed the third party obstacles, including the turrets. Al Rossi: How is this possible?! This is teenage girl we’re talking about! How could she do all that? Security Guard: Well, she’s not quite a teenage girl, Mr. Rossi. The techs say she was wearing some kind of outfit, calling herself Queen Wasp or something. Andel Sanap: Don’t tell me that girl has gotten herself akumatized again? Al Rossi: It sure looks that way, Andel. For now, it looks like the fight must continue until we can get Miss Bourgeois out of the Control Room. All fans in attendance, please remain in your seats. Also, an important notice. If anyone has seen Adrien Agreste, please direct him to security immediately. His party is looking for him. Who is going to win this chaotic battle? We’ll have to watch to find out! OK: Ruby Rose: RWBY Volume 3. Ladybug: Miraculous Pre-Season 4. Whoever defeats the other by knockout or submission, while surviving Chloe’s meddling with the battle, wins. Game On!
  23. Battlesphere 2 Part 11 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Moonwalker Michigan J. Frog (Toon physics) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Hawkgirl None Spring Heeled Jack None Cain None Callisto None Ladybug None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is howling with rage as she fires her pistols at Ladybug, but the yoyo causes the bullets to ricochet into the Battlesphere wall. Al Rossi: Hawkgirl is flying dangerously close to top of the sphere! If her feet or Jack’s touch then they would be out! Jack’s clawed hand tearing into her wings! She swings her mace! YOWCH! Right in the face! Andel Sanap: He slips off Hawkgirl’s back and tumbles down, only to be met with another taste of Nth Metal! Carried over the ropes and out of the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: We got Xena still trying to fend off Phantom Lady and Carmen while Gus lets loose a blast of slime towards Hawkgirl! The clock is winding down! Here comes #28! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: The candyman can! Al Rossi: Uhhh, what? Andel Sanap: The most unlikely of combatants! The master confectioner Willy Wonka has entered the Battlesphere. He doesn’t seem all that impressed by the chaos around him. Al Rossi: But I hope he has a heck of strategy! Here comes the demonic Medusa! Wait! Wonka’s pulling out a flask! What’s he drinking? Andel Sanap: Medusa lunges for him and By the Force! Al Rossi: He’s floating in the air! He must have some of that Fizzy Lifting Drink stuff! Look out! Hawkgirl zooms past him on a dive towards Gus! The Battlesphere is trying to give her Jack’s powers as she charges up her mace and HOLY CRAP! Andel Sanap: Gooey Gus has been reduced to a puddle of goo that flies over the ropes the drips into the bowl of the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: Carmen and Phantom Lady are shocked by the brutality of that elimination! But in comes Xena! A throw of her chakram and both them are sent over the ropes onto the apron! Andel Sanap: Xena crouches down! She runs towards the ropes where her opponents are stunned! Crowd: 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A: The end of your era… and the beginning of mine. Al Rossi: A lot just happened there, folks! Xena hit a double missile dropkick to Carmen and Phantom Lady, eliminating them both just as the buzzer sounded! And now, we’ve got Dark Specter’s favorite warrior joining us at #29! Andel Sanap: She charges up her Wrath Staff and aims it but… um, now she appears to be dancing with it. Al Rossi: Medusa’s tapping into Sweet’s magic! She unleashes her hair and catches a hold of Astronema’s arm as Callisto works over Moonwalker in the corner! Andel Sanap: He opens his mouth for a sonic scream but BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: Hard to sing with a sword in your mouth! Callisto lifts Moonwalker by the remains of his throat and tosses over the top rope! Andel Sanap: The Battlesphere is quickly providing the combatants their new powers. Hawkgirl looks barely recognizable with the twisted purple body of Jack and Gus, Xena is in Phantom Lady’s outfit and Carmen’s coat and hat… Al Rossi: And Callisto is sporting the Moonwalker’s look. Which, to be honest, isn’t that bad. Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Mrs. Peel, you’re needed. Al Rossi: And with that we’ve reached #30! Emma Peel is our final entrant! Wonka burps down and offers her a chocolate. Andel Sanap: A gesture of friendship? Mrs. Peel smiles and accepts. Al Rossi: Then she delivers a karate chop to Wonka’s head! Andel Sanap: Which allows him to miss the flying bodies of Miss Bunny, Miss Bourgeois, and Ladybug! Another display of Cain’s power! Ladybug and Miss Bourgeois desperately hurl their Miraculous to catch the bottom rope! Al Rossi: Lola scrambles into the ring, only to be met by a slash of Cain’s knife! He grinning wickedly at the two Miraculous ropes as Chloe and Ladybug try to pull themselves up. He’s pointing the First Blade back and forth between them, then brings it crashing down! Andel Sanap: I can’t believe it! The First Blade cut Ladybug’s line! The young hero falls and is eliminated! Al Rossi: Chloe clambers up the rest of the way and rejoins with Lola! They watch as Astronema fires blasts at Medusa and Wonka desperately flees Peel! No time to rest! Back into the battle! OK: Medusa (Full strength plus Sweet and Sam’s powers/weapons) and Emma Peel (Full strength) vs Willy Wonka (Full strength) and Astronema (Full strength) vs Chloe Bourgeois (Half strength plus John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities/weapons) and Lola Bunny (Half strength) Pair/s with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair/s with the most votes. If a pair finishes 2nd in the voting or there is a tie, the pair/s take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  24. Battlesphere 2 Part 10 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Moonwalker Michigan J. Frog (Toon physics) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Hawkgirl None Spring Heeled Jack None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: The Battlesphere has been working overtime to get our combatants their upgrades, Andel! We’ve got Kylo and Chucky both looking a little Toon-ier as the zoom around the ring with their newly won speed, Bella and the Bride are sporting Starfox gear! Andel Sanap: But the most dramatic change is Medusa! Her outfit now resembles Sam’s, but her face is now twisted to look like Sweet’s! Al Rossi: Well, at least it matches her hair. Here’s entrant #25! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Am I my brother’s keeper? Andel Sanap: By the Force! Al Rossi: You can say that again! The first murderer is in the Battlesphere! And he makes a beeline for… Moonwalker?! Andel Sanap: It’s not too farfetched, Al. Cain can sense how much power Moonwalker possesses. Cain’s demonic abilities combined with Moonwalker’s could make him unstoppable! Al Rossi: And check out Lola and Chloe! I think they’ve had their fill of dealing with Gooey Gus! Lola jumps in with a kick to Moonwalker and Chloe gets off a few pistol shots! WHOA! Andel Sanap: A telekinetic backhand by Cain! Miss Bunny and Miss Bourgeois desperately cling onto the ropes! Al Rossi: Cain doesn’t like to share his kills, I guess. Lola and Chloe scramble back into the ring! Andel Sanap: Kylo Ren and Chucky are setting up in the corner! Kylo is gesturing to Bella and the Bride, who are using their won powers of flight to stay above the ring. Al Rossi: Not for long though! They have to dodge out of the way of Hawkgirl as she struggles with Jack! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: I will never stop hating you, Xena! Do you hear me?! NEVER! Al Rossi: That got Xena’s attention! But she’s too busy with Gus to deal with her archrival Callisto! Andel Sanap: Moonwalker is starting to go silver! He blocks a stab from Cain a delivers a shot of his own, but here comes Callisto! Al Rossi: She thrusts her sword into Moonwalker’s chest! If he wasn’t in mid-transformation, that would have been a killing blow! Andel Sanap: But Moonwalker is still staggered! His transformation has stalled! He’s partly silver but hasn’t gotten into his mech form! Al Rossi: But here comes Chloe and Lola! Lola bum rushes Xena and Chloe uses her top to stun Cain! Andel Sanap: Takes out her pistols and dual wields to pepper Moonwalker with lead! Al Rossi: Chloe isn’t messing around! Lola and Callisto are still scrapping as Chloe stands over the downed Moonwalker! Andel Sanap: All the other combatants are focused on there own battles! Moonwalker may be finished! Al Rossi: Chloe is making him sweat! He better hope his lucky star is with #27! Crowd: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Tikki, spots on! Al Rossi: AND IT IS! Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is irate! Ladybug teleports in and runs towards Miss Bourgeois to aid Moonwalker! Al Rossi: The two Miraculous heroes are going head-to-head! We still have 3 more combatants and whooooole lot of eliminations before we got ourselves a winner! OK: Moonwalker (full strength plus Michigan J. Frog’s Toon physics) and Ladybug (full strength) vs Chloe Bourgeois (half strength plus John Spartan and John Wick’s skills and weapons) and Lola Bunny (weakened) vs Cain (full strength) and Callisto (full strength). Pair/s with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair/s with the most votes. If a pair finishes 2nd in the voting or there is a tie, the pair/s take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  25. Battlesphere 2 Part 9 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Moonwalker Michigan J. Frog (Toon physics) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Sweet None Speedy Gonzales None Fox McCloud None Sam None Medusa None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Chucky uses his stolen fans to send Speedy Gonzales spiraling into the air! Al Rossi: Then hurls a fan as Kylo swings his ‘saber! Yowch! One dissected mouse! Multiple pieces of Speedy hit the Battlesphere wall! Tell Mercy she’s working overtime tonight! Andel Sanap: And Fox McCloud may be in similar need of help! His pistol has little effect on Bella and the Bride as they grab hold of him! Al Rossi: They take flight and hurl Fox over the ropes and out of the match! Andel Sanap: 30 minutes of action and the ring is still extremely crowded! Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Shayera Hol, Hawkgirl! Al Rossi: And it’s about to get even more crowded above the ring! The Thanagarian Leaguer surveys the chaos! Andel Sanap: Al, our first 5 entries are still in the Battlesphere and have been going at each other non-stop! Miss Sandiego and Phantom Lady are attempting to regroup as Miss Bunny and Miss Bourgeois are desperately trying to calm down Gus! Al Rossi: But in charges Xena! She’s got that look in her eye, Andel! She’s loving this brawl! She stabs her blade into Gus who just stares at it in confusion! Andel Sanap: Xena isn’t giving up though! She’s trying to power it out of Gus’ slimy hide! Hawkgirl looks impressed! She’s charging up her Nth metal mace! Coming in for a dive! BOOONG! Al Rossi: And clobbers Gus! He felt that one! That mace does have a history of disrupting magical beings. This might be the thing that spells in the end for Gus! Andel Sanap: Look! Medusa has caught Sweet and Sam in her hair! She’s carrying them to the ropes! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Heh heh heh heh! Andel Sanap: First timer Spring Heeled Jack enters the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: And there goes Sweet and Sam out of it! With a toss of her tresses Medusa puts an end to the musical demon and the spirt of Halloween! Can’t wait to see how those upgrades will effect Medusa! Andel Sanap: But Jack has leapt onto Hawkgirl! Xena has freed her blade and goes for another attack on Gus! Al Rossi: And Carmen and Phantom Lady look ready to go another round themselves! OK: Carmen Sandiego (weakened) and Phantom Lady (weakened) vs Gooey Gus (weakened) and Spring Heeled Jack (full strength) vs Xena (half strength) and Hawkgirl (full strength). Pair/s with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair/s with the most votes. If a pair finishes 2nd in the voting or there is a tie, the pair/s take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
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