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  1. I am Lord Zedd: Part 12 -------- So, here I am as Lord Zedd. I was inside the Moon Palace watching my Zeo Putty Rangers fight the Original Power Rangers in the city of Angel Grove. But I was both shocked and disappointed, as the Zeo Rangers were losing. Jason with the Dragon Shield and Sword of Power had made him into a beast. Especially with his friends backing him up. I sure if this was the Original Zeo Team, they would have made minced meat out of the Mighty Morphin Team. I guess that’s what I get for using Putties. But I wasn’t done yet. One way or another, I was going to breakthrough that Power Rangers Plot Armor. I used my Z-Staff to fire lightning down at the Earth. After all five of my Zeo Rangers were hit by the lightning, they soon became giants. “You’ve got to be kidding me?!” The Original Pink Ranger yelled. “Ok, that’s new. Usually, Lord Zedd throws bombs to make the monsters bigger.” The Original Black Ranger said. “Doesn’t matter. We always take them down in the end.” The Original Blue Ranger said. “Yeah, let’s show those False Rangers what our Zords can do.” The Original Yellow Ranger said. "Right, let's do it!" The Original Red Ranger yelled. "We need Thunderzord power now!" All five of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers yelled together. I watched as the Original Power Rangers jumped inside their Thunderzords. As usual, my creations just stood by, watching the zords combine into the Thunder Megazord. I will never understand why they don’t attack the zords during the transformation. Then I saw the Dragonzord rise out of the bay. The Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord stood side by side, ready to fight the Giant Zeo Power Rangers. "Ok, you impostors. Let’s see how you do against our Zords." The Original Yellow Ranger said through the speakers of the Megazord. The Green and Blue Zeo Rangers jumped through the air and did a kick to the Dragonzord, causing explosions to go off on the Zord’s body. The Pink and Yellow Zeo Rangers each threw a punch that knocked the Thunder Megazord a few feet back. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers cried after the attacks. ****** Back at the Command Center, Tommy could only watch helpless as the Zords were getting a beat down from the Zeo Rangers. Tommy wanted to go out to help his friends, but without his Dragon Coin, there was nothing he could do. Tommy turned around to look back at Zordon. “Zordon, there has to be something we can do to help them.” He spoke. “There is.” Zordon said to Tommy. He then looked at Alpha 5. “Alpha, contact the Rangers.” “Right away, Zordon.” Alpha said, as he started working on the control panel. ****** The Dragonzord swung its tail to hit the Red Zeo Ranger. But the red warrior grabbed the tail with his hands. The Giant Red Ranger swung the Dragonzord up in the air and spun the Zord around. After the Red Zeo Ranger let go of the tail, the Dragonzord crashed against the Thunder Megazord, causing both machines to fall to the ground. “Guys, I don’t know how much more punishment the Zords can take.” The Original Black Ranger said. Jason hears his wrist communicator was beeping, and he hits the button on the small device. “Zordon, please tell me you have some good news. We’re getting our butts kicked.” The Original Red Ranger said. ****** “Rangers, the only way you have a chance against these warriors, is if you combine the Thunder Megazord with the Dragonzord.” Zordon said. ****** This news shocked the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. “The Dragonzord is compatible with the Thunderzords?” The Original Blue Ranger asked. ****** “Not by normal means. I’m going to have Alpha transfer a huge amount of energy from the Morphin Grid onto the Zords. This should allow you to combine the Zords into the Dragon Thunderzord.” Zordon said. ****** “Ok, guys. Let’s get the Zords back on their feet.” The Original Red Ranger said to his teammates. Soon, both the Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord stood back up on their feet. ****** “Do it now, Alpha.” Zordon said. "Yes, Zordon." Alpha said, as he was hitting buttons on the control panel. ****** Both the Thunder Megazord and Dragonzord transformed into big balls of white energy. “We need Dragon Thunderzord power now!” The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers yelled. The two white energy balls merged into one big ball. When the light died down, there stood a brand new Zord. I was shocked as I saw the Dragon Thunderzord! But that was impossible! That only happened in the Comic Books! Never in the TV Show! I guess Zordon has some tricks that were never seen on television. But it didn’t matter if the Original Rangers had gotten a new Zord transformation; they were now just one target for my Zeo Putty Rangers. “Ok, clay brains! Get ready to face the Dragon Thunderzord!” The Original Pink Ranger yelled. The Zeo Power Rangers each let out a war-cry, as they came rushing towards the Dragon Thunderzord. -------- Here is the next part to my Lord Zedd arc. So, yeah, the Dragon Thunderzord is a thing in the Power Rangers comic books. I’m using the Thunder Megazord to represent the Dragon Thunderzord. Now I could have just created a profile for the Dragon Thunderzord, but I saw the Zord more as a power-up for the Thunder Megazord. Besides, there isn’t that much info on the Dragon Thunderzord. Just a reminder, these are Z-Putties as the Zeo Power Rangers. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win here?
  2. Battlesphere 2 Part 12 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Xena Carmen Sandiego (Abilities/tech) Phantom Lady (Abilities/tech) Hawkgirl Gooey Gus (Powers) Spring Heeled Jack (Powers) Cain Ladybug (Powers/weapons) Callisto Moonwalker (Powers) Lola Bunny None Willy Wonka None Astronema None Emma Peel None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Ladies and gentlemen, we are over 40 minutes into the Battlesphere and nearly half of our combatants are still standing! Lola Bunny, our #3 entrant, is still fighting alongside her unlikely ally Miss Bourgeois, despite not having secured an elimination for herself yet. Al Rossi: Meanwhile, our last elimination has crafted a rather… heh… interesting new look for Cain. Not sure if the first murderer is a fan of a red and black polka dots, but at least got a boost of strength and a Miraculous! Andel Sanap: But through all of this Miss Swan and the Bride of Frankenstein have been using Miss America’s power of flight to simply observe the match. Al Rossi: Check out Kylo and Chucky! Those two have been eyeing them for a while! Wait! Here we go! Kylo extends his hand! He’s Force choking Bella down to Earth as Chucky brandishes Kitana’s fans under her! Andel Sanap: The Bride lets out a screech and flies down! She slams into Kylo, breaking his hold on Miss Swan! She pulls out McCloud’s blaster and fires! Chucky flips out of the way! Al Rossi: These 4 are through watching and waiting. They are ready for a fight! OK: Kylo Ren (Full strength plus Michael Jordan’s abilities and Speedy Gonzales powers) and Chucky (Full strength plus Kitana’s powers/weapons and Speedy Gonzales powers) vs Bella Swan and The Bride (Both at full strength plus Miss America’s powers and Fox McCloud’s abilities/weapons). Pair with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair with the most votes. If there is a tie, both pairs take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
  3. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 12 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- Yoshi was down on the ground as he had cuts and bruises allover his body. The green dinosaur was surrounded by the 1987 Ninja Turtles. “Any last words before we put you out of your misery?” Leonardo asked. “Please, don’t kill me. I was just hungry.” Yoshi said. “You should have thought of that before you ate our pizza.” Michelangelo said. Just then a giant shadow appeared over the Ninja Turtles and Yoshi. The five of them looked up to see a giant green foot up above them. "Oh, crap!" Raphael yelled. The Ninja Turtles were able to jump away in time, but Yoshi wasn’t so lucky as he got crushed to death by the foot. When the Ninja Turtles got to a far distance, they were shocked to see a giant turtle in front of them. “That’s Gamera!” Donatello yelled. Gamera looks at the Ninja Turtles with hate and lets out a roar at them. “Something tells me he doesn’t like us.” Leonardo said. “Everyone’s a critic.” Raphael said. “Hey, dude. We’re all turtles here. Why don’t we team up, and worry about killing each other later?” Michelangelo asked Gamera. Gamera let out another angry roar at them. “I take that as a NO.” Donatello said. “Man, I wish we were big enough to fight this guy.” Raphael said. “Did someone say WISH?!” Appearing in front of the Ninja Turtles is Genie from Disney's Aladdin. Genie fired beams from his hands at the Ninja Turtles. Within seconds, all four of the Ninja Turtles became as big as Gamera, which shocked the Guardian of the Universe. “Well, that was unexpected.” Donatello said. “Still, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.” Leonardo said as he and his brothers got into a fighting pose, as they were holding their weapons. “Let’s see how you like fighting turtles your own size.” Michelangelo said to Gamera. Gamera responds by roaring at the now Giant Ninja Turtles. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. Now you maybe wondering why I did three matches with the 1987 TMNT in a row. Well, the thing is, I was doing a green theme for this arc, since St. Patrick’s Day happened this month. Plus, I needed to get the 1987 Ninja Turtles matches out of the way. This should be my last match with the 1987 Turtles. At least for now. Anyway, as you just read, the Ninja Turtles are now big as Gamera. The version of Gamera that is in this match-up is the one from the Heisei Trilogy. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on Gamera and the 1987 Turtles. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
  4. Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 12 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Sonya Blade (fighting skills/tech) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Red Claw (Adult sized, fighting skill) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Anamaria Tasha Yar (Starfleet training, phaser) Mercy Graves Harley Quinn (weapons, fighting skill) Carmen Sandiego (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Roxy Rocket (none) Chel (none) Snow White (none) Cinderella (none) Tinkerbell (none) Baby Doll (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Al Rossi: The ring is complete chaos, Andel! Carmen and Wednesday are regrouping in the corner, Entrapta is sending another strike force of drones after Medusa! Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Forward, Freedom Fighters! Andel Sanap: It’s Phantom Lady! She runs to teleporter and makes a beeline for Miss Bourgeois! Al Rossi: But Chloe is holding her own, for now at least. Phantom Lady wasn’t kidding when she was talking about Chloe’s behavior at the July 4th brawl! Andel Sanap: The stand off between Entrapta and Medusa has caught the eye of Poison Ivy! Medusa entered the Battlesphere at number 1, Miss Sandiego at number 2! They’ve been fighting hard, but Poison Ivy looks ready to capitalize! Al Rossi: She leaps over Entrapta! Dropkick to Medusa! She points at her and Medusa’s hair and tail are tangled in vines. She raises her hand and here come the dragons for the finish! But here comes Carmen and Wednesday! Andel Sanap: Miss Sandiego appears to firing a high pressure extinguisher from her collection of gadgets at the dragons! Miss Addams’ knife holds Entrapta at bay! And there’s Miss Rocket! Even she’s getting into it, firing her pistol at Miss Sandiego! Al Rossi: Roxy must figure it’s better to work with Ivy than get eliminated by her. Medusa streaches out her hair and breaks free! Will this be the end of Medusa and Carmen’s run? Yikes! Chloe just blasted Phantom Lady with an eye beam! She’s readying herself for a Venom attack! Andel Sanap: The clock is winding down! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Tiki! Spots On! OK: Medusa (almost at full strength), Carmen Sandiego (full strength), and Wednesday Addams (full strength) VS Poison Ivy (full strength), Entrapta (Almost at full strength), and Roxy Rocket (half strength) Also currently in the ring: Chloe Bourgeois, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Chel, Snow White, Cinderella, Tinkerbell, Baby Doll, and Phantom Lady Teammates can trade opponents and assist each other. Vote for the team that eliminates the other by throwing them over the top rope. Each member of the winning team will be given the powers/abilities of the competitor that they eliminate. Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated (If there’s a tie, both get eliminated). Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities (If there’s a tie, both get powers of the eliminated). If there are no ties the odd woman out simply takes damage, and will need to compete in the next round of the battle royal. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
  5. Zombie Power Rangers: Part 12 -------- Previously: The Original and Time Force Rangers were watching the fight between the zombies and Ransik's forces, until they discovered Kimberly had become a Mutant Ranger, and was in a losing battle against the Zyurangers. Before the Zyurangers could finish the Pink Ranger off, she was teleported away to the Command Center. The Zyurangers were about to search for the Command Center, until they were encountered by a mysterious Power Ranger that goes by the name of Lord Drakkon. It turned out Drakkon was a Evil Ranger from another universe that hunts down Power Rangers from other worlds. He wanted the zombie outbreak gone before it causes him any problems, along with stealing the Zyurangers’s powers. But the Zyurangers refused to give up their powers, and got into a fight with the Evil Power Ranger. -------- Note: This takes place during the fight between Drakkon and the Zyurangers in Part 11. -------- Inside the Moon Palace, the Chamber of Command had become a war zone. Squatt, Baboo, and Finster were peeking though the hallway, watching in fear as their masters were fighting the zombies. Rita Repulsa was using her staff to fire bolts of energy at Spider-Man. However, the zombie was able to dodge each of her attacks. “Hold still, and let me zap you like the bug that you are!” Rita yelled as she kept on firing at Spider-Man. After dodging the last bolt, Spider-Man stuck to the ceiling. “I have a better idea. Why don’t you stop shooting, and let me take a bite out of you.” He told the witch. Rita yelled in rage as she fired another shot from her staff, only for Spider-Man to dodge it once again. The Zombie Frankenstein tried to grab Master Vile, but the alien keeps teleporting out of the monster’s reach. Master Vile got behind Frankenstein and uses his staff to fire an energy bolt at the zombie’s back. Frankenstein roared in rage as he turned around to attack Master Vile. But Vile fired a beam from his staff that sent Frankenstein flying, and crashing through Zedd’s throne. “Foolish monster. You’re no match for Master Vile.” The father of Rita said. While Frankenstein was getting up, Master Vile fired an energy bolt up at the ceiling. There was an explosion, followed by rubble coming down from the ceiling. Frankenstein roared as he got buried in the rubble. Lord Zedd and Goldar were sword fighting with the Z-Staff and the Sword of Power. After Zedd blocked a hit from the sword, he went behind Goldar, and put the staff in front of the zombie’s neck. Lord Zedd had locked Goldar between his staff and body. Goldar tried to free himself, but his ex-master had a tight grip on him. “Give it up, Goldar! Dead or alive, you should have known better that you were no match for me. I’m stronger and smarter then you.” Lord Zedd told the zombie. “You maybe stronger then me. But smarter?” Goldar used the Sword of Power to stab into his own chest, that came out of his back, and cut into Lord Zedd’s chest. “I don’t think so.” Goldar said, with Lord Zedd crying out in pain. Lord Zedd backed away from Goldar, which allowed him to get the blade out of his body. Goldar pulled the sword out of his body, and turned around to see Lord Zedd down on his hands and knees. “Such a shame that this is how it ends, my lord. But if it makes you feel any better, I will always remember you at the bottom of my stomach.” Goldar was going to use the Sword of Power to cut off Zedd’s head. But Lord Zedd used the Z-Staff to fire lighting which sent Goldar flying, and made the zombie lose his grip on the sword. Spider-Man was able to dodge another one of Rita’s attacks, but he got hit by Goldar, and the two zombies slammed against the wall. Master Vile stood next to Rita as they watched Spider-Man and Goldar getting back up. Master Vile used his mouth to unleash a red wave of energy at the two zombies. “What’s happening?!” Spider-Man yelled as his and Goldar’s bodies were getting hard to move. Within seconds, their bodies were turning into stone. “NO! This can’t be ha....” Goldar didn’t finish yelling as he and Spider-Man were now statues. “That takes care of them.” Master Vile said. “Are they dead? Well the dead that doesn’t move?” Rita asked. “No. The only thing I did was made them prisoners of their own bodies. However, there is still a chance that they could get free.” Master Vile said. “Then I say we turn these statues into sediment. What do you say, Zedd? Zedd?” Rita looked for her husband and found him down on the floor with his hand on his stab wound. “ZEDD!” Rita ran to Lord Zedd’s side. “What Happened?! What’s Wrong?!” “Goldar.... He stabbed me in the chest... His blood was on the sword.” Lord Zedd said feeling sick. “Rita, get away from him!” Master Vile pointed his staff at Lord Zedd. “NO!” Rita used her body as a shield to protect her husband. “Rita! He’s been infected! It’s only a matter of time before he turns!” Master Vile yelled. “We can still save him! There has to be a spell that can cure him! We can lock him up in another dimension, until we can find a way to help him!” Rita yelled. “This is Zedd, we’re talking about! He’ll find a way out! We need to destroy him while we still have a chance! Now move aside!” Master Vile yelled. “No! If you want to kill Zedd, then you have to do it over my dead body!” Rita yelled. “That can be arranged.” Before Rita knew it, lighting came bursting out of her chest, and hit against Master Vile, sending him slamming against the wall. Rita fell to the floor, and coughed up blood. She saw Lord Zedd rise back up, and noticed his red skin had faded out. “Zedd?” Rita asked. “Sorry dear, but I saw the perfect opportunity to attack your father. But don’t worry, as soon as I am done with him, I’ll make you like me.” The now Zombie Zedd said to his wife. Rita could no longer breathe and everything went black before her eyes as her life came to an end. Master Vile was mixed with both shock and anger at what he had just witnessed. “Damn... Damn You, Zedd!” “What’s wrong, Vile? I thought you hated your daughter?” Lord Zedd asked. “She may have been a spoiled brat, but she was my blood! I will make you pay!” Master Vile yelled. “Ah! You don’t know how long I have wanted to kill you. Every since you came here to conquer a planet that was rightfully mine, I wanted you gone. Since you were the father of my wife, there was nothing I could do. But now there is nothing holding me back. I will enjoy eating every last piece of you.” Lord Zedd said. “Becoming a zombie must have made you much dumber then before. Did you forget that I am much more powerful than you?” Master Vile asked. “You maybe more powerful, but I have this.” Lord Zedd used his staff to fire lighting that grabbed the Sword of Power, and brought the weapon to his other hand. “With the Sword of Power, I am more powerful than before.” “That butter knife will be no match for my power. On the bright side, I now have a reason to destroy you.” Master Vile said. Squatt, Baboo, and Finster were shocked by what they had just saw. “This is bad. Lord Zedd is a zombie.” Finster said. “Don’t worry. Master Vile is much more powerful.” Baboo said. “Yea, Master Vile will save us.” Squatt said. The three aliens heard some kind of sound, and looked to see Frankenstein bursting out of the rubble. Frankenstein let out a roar and looked around the room. He then spotted Squatt, Baboo, and Finster in the hallway. "Frankenstein wants fresh meat!" The zombie yelled. The three aliens yelled as they ran out of the room with Frankenstein chasing them; leaving only Lord Zedd and Master Vile in the Chamber of Command. -------- So there you have it. It’s Master Vile vs Zombie Lord Zedd with the Sword of Power. I will post a video of the Sword of Power under the Callisto Post. Who do you think will win?
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