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Battlesphere 3 Part 11 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Lord Zedd Connor MacLeod (powers, skills, and weapons) Elizabeth Swann (skills and weapons) Shrek Black Knight (skills and weapons) Faith the Vampire Slayer (powers, skills, and weapons) Exar Kun Barrett Wallace (powers, skills, and weapons) Azrael (skills and weapons) Gamora Elle Driver (skills and weapons) Aloy (skills and weapons Asajj Ventress Sir Daniel Fortesque (powers and weapons) Chloe Bourgeois (powers and weapons) Qui-Gon Jinn Ace the Bat-Hound (skills) Kimberly Ann Hart Ahsoka (powers and weapons) Raven Tron (powers and weapons) Hawkman Seven of Nine (abilities and weapons) Gooey Gus None Carrie White None Alice None Demona None Black Canary None Spider-Girl None Andel Sanap: As Gamora and Shrek cross blades and Ventress dodges Gooey Gus’ slime, lets check in on our four remaining combatants! Al Rossi: Alice is trying to reload her pistols as Demona comes in for another strike! Kimberly sees her coming! Force push sends her off balance! Andel Sanap: The gargoyle is heading for the wall! She narrowly missed it! Demona was almost eliminated there! Al Rossi: Alice looks grateful to the Ranger, then aims her pistols at her! Andel Sanap: Kimberly drops down! Alice fires at Carrie who was sneaking behind Kimberly! Alice’s telekinesis sends the bullets harmlessly into the Battlesphere wall. Al Rossi: @JohnnyChany, @RiotGear, @IKA, and broadwaybeyonder are all looking tense in the VIP booth. They are all down to their final combatant! Sosuke Aizen leans forward in his seat. Chel clutches onto broadwaybeyonder’s arm! Andel Sanap: One thing is certain! At least 2 teams will be completely eliminated from the Battlesphere! OK: Alice (full strength) and Kimberly (full strength, plus Ahsoka’s powers and weapons) VS Demona and Carrie White (both full strength). Winning team gets the powers of the losers. Both teams take damage if it’s a tie. Game On!
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- battlesphere 3
- part 11
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I am Lord Zedd: Part 11 -------- So, I'm sure you know the story by now; I'm Venom 2009, who happens to be in the body of Lord Zedd. After weeks of planning and waiting, I had finally gotten my hands on the Zeo Crystal. I used the crystal to turn five Z-Putties into the Zeo Power Rangers. Before I send my Zeo Rangers down to Earth, I needed to test them out first. My minions and I were outside on the Moon, watching the Zeo Power Rangers make short work of the Moon Rock Aliens. When the Zeo Rangers were done, they walked towards me and bowed down to me. “Excellent work, my Zeo Rangers.” I said to them. "That was incredible!" Goldar yelled with excitement. “The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are finished!” Squatt yelled. “The Earth will be as good as ours.” Baboo yelled. “So, are you going to send your Zeo Rangers to Earth now?” Finster asked me. “No, let’s wait until tomorrow. We’ll let Zordon and his Power Rangers enjoy their last day of freedom.” I spoke. ****** The next day, all six of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers teleported into the Command Center. “What’s going on, Zordon? What’s the emergency?” Jason asked. “Rangers, we’re all in great danger.” Zordon said. “Danger from what?” Tommy asked. “It’s best to look at the Viewing Globe.” Alpha 5 said. When the six Rangers looked at the Viewing Globe, they were shocked to see the city of Angel Grove was under attack by another team of Power Rangers. “Oh great, another evil Power Rangers team.” Kimberly said. “Yeah, it’s not like we haven’t done this dance before.” Zack said. “But it's worse than that. According to our scanners, these Power Rangers are empowered by the Zeo Crystal.” Alpha said. “The Zeo Crystal?” Billy asked. “Rangers, the Zeo Crystal is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.” Zordon said. “Thousands of years ago, the people of Galaxy M51 hid the crystal deep inside the Caves of Deception. Then they placed a force field around the crystal. This prevents anyone who is not pure of heart from even touching it.” Alpha said. “While the Caves of Deception are beneath the Moon Palace, it should have been impossible for Lord Zedd to get through the force field.” Zordon said. “Now that Zedd has the crystal in his possession, he will be unstoppable.” Alpha said. “Isn’t there a way to beat Lord Zedd and those Rangers?” Trini asked. “There isn’t. I’m afraid Lord Zedd has already won.” Zordon said. “So that’s it?! We’re just going to give up, and not bother to fight those False Rangers?” Zack asked. “Zordon, we can’t just sit back and let those guys wreck our city. Let alone, let Lord Zedd rule the Earth.” Jason said. “If you go out there to fight them, there is a huge chance you all will die.” Zordon said. “It’s a chance we’re willing to take.” Trini said. “Zordon, what if we give them the Sword of Power?” Alpha asked. “Even with the sword, it’s nowhere near as powerful as the Zeo Crystal.” Zordon said. “We’ll take whatever help we can get.” Billy said. “You guys can count me in.” Tommy said. “No way, Tommy! You have to conserve your powers.” Kimberly said. “My powers are going to be gone anyway. But there is a better way they can help.” Tommy said before he took the Dragon Coin out of his Morpher, and handed the coin to Jason. “The Dragon Shield should give you an extra boost in power.” “Are you sure, Tommy? Your powers could be lost after this fight.” Jason said. “What choice do we have?” Tommy asked. “Power Rangers, if you’re willing to fight, then I can’t stop you. Jason, hold up your hand.” Zordon said. Jason did as he was told, and soon the Sword of Power appeared in his hand. “Thanks, Zordon. We won’t let you, or the Earth, down.” Jason said. “Just be careful out there, Power Rangers. May the power protect you.” Zordon said. “It's Morphin Time!” Jason yelled. “Mastodon!” Zack yelled as he morphed into the Black Ranger. “Pterodactyl!” Kimberly yelled as she morphed into the Pink Ranger. “Triceratops!” Billy yelled as he morphed into the Blue Ranger. “Saber-Toothed Tiger!” Trini yelled as she morphed into the Yellow Ranger. “Tyrannosaurus!” Jason yelled as he morphed into the Red Ranger. I was inside the Moon Palace, using my Telescopic Vision to watch the destruction of Angel Grove. I smiled as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers transported into the city. But I became confused when I saw there was only five of them. Then I was shocked to see Jason was holding the Sword of Power. The Zeo Power Rangers stopped attacking the city, as they noticed the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. “I summoned the power of the Dragon Shield!” The Red Ranger yelled. Soon the Dragon Shield had appeared on the Red Ranger’s body. The Red Ranger was holding the Sword of Power in his right hand, while holding the Dragon Dagger in his left hand. Oh, man! Jason has the Dragon Shield too! He must be really powerful now. Especially since I had secretly restored the Green Ranger Powers for my sleeper agent, Tommy. But even with the Dragon Shield and Sword of Power, they won’t be enough to beat my Zeo Rangers. “Ok, you impostors. Get ready to face the real deal.” The Black Ranger said to the Zeo Rangers. The Zeo Power Rangers each let out a war-cry, as they came rushing towards the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. As you just read, these are Z-Putties as the Zeo Power Rangers. Here is information on the Sword of Power: I will post videos of the Dragon Shield and the Sword of Power under the Callisto Post. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win here?
Battlesphere 2 Part 11 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated: Chloe Bourgeois John Spartan (Strength/skill/pistol) John Wick (Strength/skill/pistol) Kylo Ren Michael Jordan (Strength/skill) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Chucky Kitana (Powers/weapons) Speedy Gonzales (Toon physics/speed) Bride of Frankenstein Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Bella Swan Miss America (Powers) Fox McCloud (Tech/weapons) Medusa Sweet (Powers) Sam (Powers) Moonwalker Michigan J. Frog (Toon physics) Carmen Sandiego None Gooey Gus None Lola Bunny None Phantom Lady None Xena None Hawkgirl None Spring Heeled Jack None Cain None Callisto None Ladybug None *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Andel Sanap: Miss Bourgeois is howling with rage as she fires her pistols at Ladybug, but the yoyo causes the bullets to ricochet into the Battlesphere wall. Al Rossi: Hawkgirl is flying dangerously close to top of the sphere! If her feet or Jack’s touch then they would be out! Jack’s clawed hand tearing into her wings! She swings her mace! YOWCH! Right in the face! Andel Sanap: He slips off Hawkgirl’s back and tumbles down, only to be met with another taste of Nth Metal! Carried over the ropes and out of the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: We got Xena still trying to fend off Phantom Lady and Carmen while Gus lets loose a blast of slime towards Hawkgirl! The clock is winding down! Here comes #28! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: The candyman can! Al Rossi: Uhhh, what? Andel Sanap: The most unlikely of combatants! The master confectioner Willy Wonka has entered the Battlesphere. He doesn’t seem all that impressed by the chaos around him. Al Rossi: But I hope he has a heck of strategy! Here comes the demonic Medusa! Wait! Wonka’s pulling out a flask! What’s he drinking? Andel Sanap: Medusa lunges for him and By the Force! Al Rossi: He’s floating in the air! He must have some of that Fizzy Lifting Drink stuff! Look out! Hawkgirl zooms past him on a dive towards Gus! The Battlesphere is trying to give her Jack’s powers as she charges up her mace and HOLY CRAP! Andel Sanap: Gooey Gus has been reduced to a puddle of goo that flies over the ropes the drips into the bowl of the Battlesphere! Al Rossi: Carmen and Phantom Lady are shocked by the brutality of that elimination! But in comes Xena! A throw of her chakram and both them are sent over the ropes onto the apron! Andel Sanap: Xena crouches down! She runs towards the ropes where her opponents are stunned! Crowd: 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A: The end of your era… and the beginning of mine. Al Rossi: A lot just happened there, folks! Xena hit a double missile dropkick to Carmen and Phantom Lady, eliminating them both just as the buzzer sounded! And now, we’ve got Dark Specter’s favorite warrior joining us at #29! Andel Sanap: She charges up her Wrath Staff and aims it but… um, now she appears to be dancing with it. Al Rossi: Medusa’s tapping into Sweet’s magic! She unleashes her hair and catches a hold of Astronema’s arm as Callisto works over Moonwalker in the corner! Andel Sanap: He opens his mouth for a sonic scream but BY THE FORCE! Al Rossi: Hard to sing with a sword in your mouth! Callisto lifts Moonwalker by the remains of his throat and tosses over the top rope! Andel Sanap: The Battlesphere is quickly providing the combatants their new powers. Hawkgirl looks barely recognizable with the twisted purple body of Jack and Gus, Xena is in Phantom Lady’s outfit and Carmen’s coat and hat… Al Rossi: And Callisto is sporting the Moonwalker’s look. Which, to be honest, isn’t that bad. Crowd: 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: Mrs. Peel, you’re needed. Al Rossi: And with that we’ve reached #30! Emma Peel is our final entrant! Wonka burps down and offers her a chocolate. Andel Sanap: A gesture of friendship? Mrs. Peel smiles and accepts. Al Rossi: Then she delivers a karate chop to Wonka’s head! Andel Sanap: Which allows him to miss the flying bodies of Miss Bunny, Miss Bourgeois, and Ladybug! Another display of Cain’s power! Ladybug and Miss Bourgeois desperately hurl their Miraculous to catch the bottom rope! Al Rossi: Lola scrambles into the ring, only to be met by a slash of Cain’s knife! He grinning wickedly at the two Miraculous ropes as Chloe and Ladybug try to pull themselves up. He’s pointing the First Blade back and forth between them, then brings it crashing down! Andel Sanap: I can’t believe it! The First Blade cut Ladybug’s line! The young hero falls and is eliminated! Al Rossi: Chloe clambers up the rest of the way and rejoins with Lola! They watch as Astronema fires blasts at Medusa and Wonka desperately flees Peel! No time to rest! Back into the battle! OK: Medusa (Full strength plus Sweet and Sam’s powers/weapons) and Emma Peel (Full strength) vs Willy Wonka (Full strength) and Astronema (Full strength) vs Chloe Bourgeois (Half strength plus John Wick and John Spartan’s abilities/weapons) and Lola Bunny (Half strength) Pair/s with the least votes gets eliminated, and their powers/abilities/weapons go to the pair/s with the most votes. If a pair finishes 2nd in the voting or there is a tie, the pair/s take damage and stay in the Battlesphere. Check out the other Rumbles to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions feel free to ask them. Game On!
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- battlesphere 2
- part 11
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The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 11 -------- Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle. -------- The 1987 Michelangelo was holding The Noid by his long rabbit-like ears. “You little red creep! I’ll teach you not to ruin my pizza!” Michelangelo yelled as he started slamming The Noid onto the ground. Each impact causes The Noid to cry out. "Michelangelo! Calm Down!" Leonardo yelled. “Yeah, I know we’re supposed to kill everyone in the dome. But at least give The Noid a quick death.” Donatello said. “Besides, we got the pizza back.” Raphael said as he was holding the pizza box. Then Raphael’s stomach growled. “Man, chasing that little guy around has made me hungry.” But before Raphael could grab a slice of pizza, a long tongue wrapped around the box. The pizza box was pulled out of Raphael's grip and into the mouth of Yoshi. “HEY!” Raphael yelled in rage. The green dinosaur swallowed the whole pizza. “That was good.” Yoshi said. "My Pizza!" Michelangelo yelled in horror to see the food gone, and caused him to drop The Noid. “After all the trouble we went through to get it back!” Donatello yelled. “Pal, that was your last meal!” Leonardo yelled at the dinosaur. “O, really? Because I’m still hungry. I think I’ll have me some turtles next.” Yoshi said. “Sorry, but turtles are off the menu!” Raphael yelled. “But we’ll be happy to give you knuckle sandwiches!” Michelangelo yelled. While the 1987 Ninja Turtles had their focus on Yoshi, The Noid uses this opportunity to run away. -------- So, here is the next part to my arc. While there are other characters fighting each other in the dome, this match will focus on Yoshi and the 1987 Ninja Turtles. Think of the other fights as obstacles for them. I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?
Battlesphere Battle Royal Part 11 Currently in the Ring: Eliminated Poison Ivy Daenerys Targaryen (Control of dragons) Sonya Blade (fighting skills/tech) Medusa Minerva Mink (Toon physics/tail) Chloe Bourgeois Katie Ka-Boom (Toon Monster form) Carmen Sandiego (none) Tasha Yar (none) Anamaria (none) Mercy Graves (none) Harley Quinn (none) Wednesday Addams (none) Entrapta (none) Roxy Rocket (none) Chel (none) Snow White (none) Red Claw (none) Cinderella (none) *THE FOLLOWING BROADCAST IS BEING PRESENTED BY THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL COMBAT COMMISSION. ALL COMBATANTS MUST AGREE TO FOLLOW TCC GUIDELINES AT ALL TIMES. SAFETY OF ATENDEES IS NOT GUARANTEED.* Crowd: 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: The second star to the riiiiight… Al Rossi: Darting to the teleporter is Tinkerbell and instantly she beams in to the Battlesphere! KABOOOOM! Andel Sanap: By the Force! There goes Miss Bourgeois and out goes Red Claw! The ka-boom knocked her right over the ropes and out of the ring! Al Rossi: Check out Tasha and Harley! They stayed in but they’re staggered near the ropes! Here comes Anamaria and Mercy! Double clothesline! Andel Sanap: And both of them fall to their eliminations! Al Rossi: Tinkerbell has been zipping over the ring and has finally landed on one of the turnbuckles. She’s sitting down to watch as Snow White and Cinderella continue to try to hoist Chel over the rope. Andel Sanap: You can see the princesses calling to her for help, Al. Some pixie dust would make this job a lot easier. But it appears Tinkerbell is just enjoying watching them struggle on their own! Al Rossi: Chel is flailing and kicking wildly but she can’t get loose! The princesses look like their gonna try to swing her up and over. A one, a two, a three! Andel Sanap: Up and over! She’s out. Wait! No! Chel’s holding on! She holding on to the bottom rope with both hands, desperately trying to get back up to the apron! Al Rossi: Snow and Cinderella are jumping up and down, hugging each other! They think they eliminated Chel! Tinkerbell sees her, but she’s not talking! Crowd: 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BZZZZZ P.A.: I didn’t mean to! Al Rossi: Gotham’s littlest criminal, Baby Doll! We’ve now got the power ups from the latest eliminations! Chloe appears to have grown to adult size, gotten some red accents on her Queen Bee costume, and presumably the fighting skills of Red Claw to boot! Andel Sanap: Anamaria appears to have acquired an outfit that’s part pirate/part Starfleet. I don’t think she’ll be using a pistol now that she has Lieutenant Yar’s phaser! But the most dramatic change is Miss Graves! Her outfit is now red and black, patterned like Miss Quinn’s. She even has her painted face and mischievous look! Al Rossi: Baby Doll finally has beamed in, but look at Chel! She’s climbed up the post to the top turnbuckle over Tinkerbell! Snow and Cinderella are still celebrating! Andel Sanap: Tinkerbell is calling to them! They turn, and here come’s Chel! Al Rossi: Crossbody off the top! Chel fighting tooth and nail! Tinkerbell looks like she’s laughing her head off! But uh oh! Don’t look now, Tinkerbell! You’ve got problems of your own! Andel Sanap: In the form of Baby Doll! She’s got her eyes on Tinkerbell! She pulls out her doll-concealed pistol and fires! Tinkerbell takes off with Miss Dahl trying to get another shot! OK: Snow White/Cinderella VS Chel All at half strength. Also currently in the ring: Poison Ivy, Chloe Bourgeois, Medusa, Anamaria, Mercy Graves, Carmen Sandiego, Wednesday Addams, Entrapta, Roxy Rocket, Tinkerbell, and Baby Doll Whoever gets the least votes gets eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes gets that woman’s powers/abilities. Check out my other match ups to see how the rest of the match is going. Any questions, feel free to ask them. Game On!
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- battlesphere battle royal
- part 11
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Match 15217 Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger vs. Lord Drakkon
Venom 2009 posted a topic in CBUB Rated Matches
Zombie Power Rangers: Part 11 -------- Previously: At a hotel in Florida, Kimberly found out her friends had become zombies on the news. Things got worst for the teenager, as a zombie attacked her gymnast trainer, Gunther Schmidt. Kimberly ran out of the hotel, but didn’t get far as she came across a Zombie Putty. She was able to beat the clay figure with a couple of hits. The Putty pulled out a Badge of Darkness to morph, but he didn't have a chance to use it as the Zyurangers appeared, and cut the humanoid’s head off. Before the Zyurangers could attack Kimberly next, she used the badge to become the Mutant Pink Ranger. The only downside was the badge was making her evil. Just as Kimberly and the Zyurangers were about to fight each other, 20 zombies appeared, making it a three-way battle. -------- Note: This takes place during the fight in the Moon Palace from Part 9. -------- Inside the Command Center, the Original Rangers and Time Force Rangers were watching the Viewing Globe. They were seeing the fight between the forces of Ransik and the zombie army being led by the Zombie Rangers. The fight was going in Ransik’s favor as the zombies were losing in numbers. While Ransik's forces have lost a great number of Cyclobots, they hadn’t lost as many as the zombies had. “I don’t believe it! Ransik is winning!” Jen yelled in a mix of both shock and anger. Eric smiled as he crossed his arms. “Ah, looks like Ransik is going to take care of the zombie problem for us.” Jason, Zack, Trini, and Tommy couldn't help but feel sad; their friends may have become monsters, but they didn’t want to see them gone like this. Just then the alarm to the Command Center went off. "What's going on now?!" Lucas yelled. Alpha 5 went to the control panel. “Aye-yi-yi, something is happening in Florida!” This shocked the Original Power Rangers. “Florida?! Is that where Kimberly is at?!” Trini yelled. “But what could be happening in Florida?” Trip asked. “I will put it on the Viewing Globe.” Alpha said. Once the image on the Viewing Globe changed, everyone was shocked by what they saw. “Ok, can someone tell me what I’m looking at?!” Jen yelled confused. “Well... Besides the ground being littered with zombies that are dead. Well... the dead that doesn’t move, anyway. It looks like... The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are fighting another Pink Ranger.” Wes said. “But how can that be? The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are zombies, fighting Ransik in Angel Grove, and the original ones are standing right here.” Katie said. “Plus, the group has a Green Ranger, instead of a White Ranger.” Trip said. Trini then noticed something about one of the Pink Rangers. “Hey, look at the belt, gloves, and boots on that one. They’re black.” “You’re right. That’s a Mutant Ranger.” Zack said. “Mutant Ranger?” Eric asked. “The Mutant Power Rangers were Putties that used these Badges of Darkness to become an evil version of ourselves. Their goal was to kill us. But we took care of them a long time ago.” Jason said. “But if that’s so, how can there be a Mutant Ranger fighting these other Power Rangers?” Wes asked. “Well I wouldn’t call this a fight as that Pink Ranger is losing badly.” Lucas said. “Aye-yi-yi!” Alpha cried at the control panel. “What is it, Alpha?” Zordon asked. “According to the system, the Mutant Ranger isn’t a Putty! It’s human, and if I’m reading this correctly, that’s Kimberly!” Alpha yelled. This shocked everyone in the Command Center; Tommy the most. “Kimberly?! But why is she a Mutant Ranger?!” Zack yelled. “Who cares why! She’s in danger! Alpha, get her out of there!” Tommy yelled. “Right away! I hope that badge hasn’t messed with her mind.” Alpha said while working on the control panel. ***** The Pink Ranger fell and rolled on the ground. She tried to get up, only to stop as a sword was pointed down at her. Standing above her was Tyranno Ranger with his teammates behind him. “Sorry Pinky, real powers or fake, you are no match for us.” He said to her. “You know, after thinking about it. We don’t need her alive to get her boyfriend to come out. A corpse would do just find.” Ptera Ranger said. “Sounds find to me.” Mammoth Ranger said. The rest of the Zyurangers agreed as well. “Any last words?” Tyranno Ranger asked the Pink Ranger. “Yea, I hope you all burn in Hell! When my boyfriend finds out what you have done, he will slaughter you all like the animals you really are!” The Pink Ranger yelled. “The only ones going to Hell is you, followed by that fake Kiba Ranger, and your zombie friends.” Tyranno Ranger said, before holding his sword up, getting ready to cut Kimberly’s head in half. But then the Pink Ranger was teleported away. The Zyurangers were filled with shock and anger. "WHAT! NO!" Tyranno Ranger yelled in rage. “What happened?!” Tiger Ranger yelled. “AkaRed did say these Fake Zyurangers do have ways to teleport. Most likely she’s at that Command Center they use.” Tricera Ranger said. “Then I say we find this Command Center, and destroy anyone in it.” Ptera Ranger said. “I think you all got bigger things to worry about.” Someone said. The Zyurangers turned around, and were shocked by what they saw. Standing before them at a far distance was a Power Ranger that looked like a mix of the Green Ranger and White Ranger. “Who are you?” Dragon Ranger asked in anger. “The name’s Lord Drakkon.” The Power Ranger said. “Well Drakkon, what do you want with us?” Tyranno Ranger asked. “Originally, I came to this universe to destroy this zombie outbreak before it causes me problems in the future. Along with stealing the powers of the Rangers of this world. But before I doing any of those things, I will take your powers first. You may not be Power Rangers, but you are something else, and whatever powers you are using will be mine.” Drakkon said. The Zyurangers were once again shocked. “Wait, there are other Power Rangers in other universes?!” Ptera Ranger yelled. “Great, looks like we got our work cut out.” Mammoth Ranger said. “But what I find funny is that this guy thinks he can beat us.” Dragon Ranger said to his teammates. Tiger Ranger then said to Lord Drakkon. “Look around you. Don’t you notices the zombies on the ground? We have beaten them, and was close to killing the Pink Ranger of this world.” “Do I look like a corpse or a weak Pink Ranger too you? In each universe I’ve been to, I have beaten plenty of Power Rangers. You guys will be no different from them.” Drakkon said. “Power Rangers are weak. We are not.” Mammoth Ranger said. “Come on, everyone. Let’s show him the differences between Power Rangers and Super Sentai.” Tyranno Ranger said “Right!” The rest of the Zyurangers yelled together. “Let’s kill this guy.” Dragon Ranger said. “Just try it, fools.” Drakkon said. -------- So there you have it. Who will win this fight?