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CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by Twogunkid

  1. I was milead by Flash saying "No I will stop your team" I did not mean any offense, but it is still way overkill even if void is as powerful as Sentry and Sentry is the poor man's Superman, Flash does not have a snowball's chance speed but no denting his skin plus flying thats a problem for Barry or Wally you did not say.
  2. No there are errors in grammer and capitilization and spelling (phoniex, not phionox) The story I can live with even if it jumps I am just trying to help your writing.
  3. Yeah this is probably one of my worse set-ups, but I felt like having people who duplicate others styles fight each other.
  4. Quotation marks are your friends. Too much info and other problems Mephisto says Cures You!?
  5. This has the same problems as your Sentry Flash match-up. Its just bad.
  6. This match is full of grammer errors, capitalization, needs quotation marks, and people are out of character. Overkill. Flash vs. Dark Phoniex, Void Lex, Joker, and Doomsday. Flash does not the living tribunal make.
  7. Thanks a lot. I like being called a fanboy as much as everyone else. By making it onevone I thought I gave Frank a challenge at an otherwise Kobeyashi-Mary type senario. If Supes can lose to Lex (normal human with a rock from Krypton) than Punisher has a chance.
  8. To much power on Marvel squad Gr not affected by Scarecrow Moon Knight keeps Bats busy for Ghostrider to finish him. Marvel stomp
  9. I've been thinkg bout Punisher DCU ark from this feedback I think I'll do it
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