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Everything posted by G4hardcore

  1. okay. blocking piccolos blasts with braclets? so what if i gave you a speacial unbreakable invulnerable Shoe and told you to defend yourself from the blast of a bomb with it. scoffs.
  2. okay..sighs.. read some comics with juggernaught to understand his power. juggernauht is powered by the ruby of crytaoak(not spelled right) which gives him the power of a GOD. a god whose power is limitless strength.juggernaught could even beat up the hulk as shown in WWH. you cant just say city blocks will be smashed to rubble to indicate it was a hard foght battle. hands down the jugg would win. you are implying that two smart humans can beat up a GOD. the only way to remove jugernaughts helmet is by brute strenght, which cap and bat lack!
  3. charzard. sypro cant fly only glide. charzard is bigger. charzard has more experience as he must have had to l,evel up from a charmander. and charzard is cooler. i am biased though to be honest..
  4. captain america and batman would not pose much of a threat to someone like juggernaught. in fact they arent even in the same level to compare. juggernaut is a heavy hitter meaning he is up there with guys like the thing, colosus, and even the hulk. how can you compare two HUMANS to someone who bench presses buildings and shatters mountains? sure, cap and bats are smart and resourceful but it isnt fair to put these guys up in a fight. i am not biased here i love batman And cap, but juggs is nearly indestructable so nothing in their arsenal can hurt him. secondly these two are human therefore have limits and cant duck and dogde all day long. eventually, one will slip up and juggernaut can go far longer :he does not tire, or need food,oxegen,or sleep. all it would take is one hit from juggs to pulverize every bone in their bodies to kitty litter. i laughed when cap pushed juggs through a wall. i laughed hard. therfore, juggernaut takes the win.
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