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CBUB Match Judges
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Everything posted by treacherous

  1. I still have matches to post!! Jennifer Blood, Lion will be up tomorrow.
  2. - insert random, vague status update

  3. I don't know. Perhaps after we end and the final fallout, I will just let it be open for anybody to do as they will. There is nothing to say that other universes won't make appearances. Not over yet.
  4. Just remembered that only people with FPL characters can vote on FPL matches (isn't that right?), so looks like the rest of you guys waiting CAN get your matches up. Because I'll have to do them as just typical posts with Poll votes. So, be looking for those today or tomorrow at the latests. Probably for the best anyway seeing as how the FPL votes. Stay tuned, soon Batman and Pyro will be stepping their feet into the FPL. Also, Lion and Jennifer Blood will be taking a trip down memory lane and into the FPL Hall of Fame. For fiction writing purposes, if you want to create an FPL fiction or your own spin-off rumble, that is fine. For FPL guys, again, this is not continuity, but to help you guys with Fics: Things to know about the Khazan Falling world Dr. Doom and Darth Vader have joined forces for unknown reasons. How Doom found Star Wars universe is unknown. What is known is that in their alliance, known as the New Alliance, they have decimated FPL Prime, DC Universe and Marvel Universe. How? Nobody knows. All they know is that major heroes (the Avengers, JSA, etc) from all these worlds have mysteriously disappeared and with the major heroes down, the Galactic empire has flushed through portals and taken out worlds by combining the ample brain power, technology and magic of the Doom empire to the Galactic Empire's already galaxy threatening powers. They are adding anyone trustworthy to their cause who would join; mostly villains. So far, M. Bison and his army has put in, Skeletor of Eternia and many Marvel and DC villains. Doom and Vader have aligned massive amounts of villains to their sides. Any heroes that try to attack get mysteriously disappeared. What you (the writer) knows is that Khazan is the nexus of all reality. From there, the villains have staged this coup and from there the villains are launching these attacks. Nobody from any other world can travel so efficiently through the omniverse as these two powers are. How they are doing it, is unknown to the general populace, but their ability to do it is limited still. This is why they need the Key to Khazan: for complete control over the space/time stream. So overall, it's a convoluted mess, so have fun.
  5. Me personally, I would've written a first part and when the votes were tallied, finished it.
  6. Yup. Have fun. Surprised you guys aren't narrating your own fights. Boring bunch of RPers.
  7. He stole the shard! I'm surprised ya'll haven't put a foot up his arse.
  8. Next fight is up! http://www.electricferret.com/forum/index.php/topic/31031-khazan-falling-deadpool-and-vs-imperial-royal-guard-and-dark-troopers/?p=423619
  9. Continued from here Deadpool, Karen Fox and Mr. Mammoth in Middle Earth Deadpool leapt through the window, blissfully talking to himself (ignorance being bliss and all). The window shattered upon impact. Landing outside, the mercenary covers himself as the glass shatters atop his head. "What the...?!? Portals don't crash?" Seconds later, Karen and Mr. Mammoth leap from above as well, landing nearby him. Deadpool grins sheepishly (but he's wearing a mask, so you can't really see that). Karen frowns at him furiously. "Grrrrrrr...." She fumes. He shrugs. "YOU FOOL THAT WAS THE WRONG WINDOW!!!" Mr. Mammoth shakes his head, "Plus..." They look at him, "Bad luck." Karen growls again, but is then hushed by a massive flash from within the great hall from where they came. "Is that vein in your head supposed to be throbbing like that?" Deadpool asks Karen, then shoving her aside, he points to a massive battle in the far distance. "Looks like Star Wars is cremating the Lord of the Ring's elves down there?" He states. "What madness are you talking about, lunatic?" Karen shoves him back and steps forward. In the distance, huge warships loom in the skies while robotic ground troops overrun a large host of...elves. Karen nearly falls backwards. "What kind of madness have we stepped into?" "Guys! Oh wow...guys! You all might want to get over here and listen to this..." Karen and Deadpool turn to see Mr. Mammoth back at the window and eavesdropping. "I was trying to get back in and into the correct window, but look..." He points inside and the other two scramble up to see... Inside the Great Hall of Rivendell... As the last traveler leaves the great hall, the darkness lowers and an undetectable permeates the great room. As the light grows Gandalf, standing in the center of the room and Elrond in its corner immediately collapse to the floor in lifeless heaps. At the same time, the Hobbit known as Bilbo begins to glint and shimmer. With a scant few machine-driven, computerized sounds, a hologram drops and where a Hobbit once stood, a droid drives. The door to the great hall opens and a considerably large figure cloaked in black strides into the room. His breathing is loud and mechanical. His face is covered in an eerily ebon face protector. He stops at the foot of the collapsed wizard... "All too easy." He states. As well, another large figure enters the room. He is adorned in all green and a petrifying metallic mask. "All things are easy, Vader...All things are easy when you partner with Doom." The two stand over their prey as droids and bots come swarming into the room, securing the area. "Quite an elaborate hoax for such unworthy fodder." Darth Vader says, addressing Doom. "One must be prepared for any and all circumstances, Vader. The wizard thought he would send this team to save the omniverse, but his plan was the perfect trap for those unsuspecting wizards in the other worlds. If we hadn't arrived here first, we would've lost the day for sure. Instead, these patsies were the perfect trap for those petty protectors." Doom then kicked the wizard's dead corpse. "Doom hates animating corpses, but this time it was worth it. Elaborate the trap may have been, but success is inevitable." Vader nods in agreement, "Impressive Lord Doom, most impressive. Perhaps this union wasn't in vain after all." With that, the trio falls back to the ground. "Holy badly written crossovers Batman!" Deadpools squeals, "Oh wait... Batman left already." Karen punches him in the arm. "I don't know who they are, but we can stop them. We should stop them now!" She says. "I don't know those guys, but I'm up to trying." Mr. Mammoth returns. While the two are talking, Deadpool is facing the direction of the far off war. "Um guys..." "Quiet fool." "But guys..." "Shut it!" Karen shouts. "BUT GUYS WE'RE SURROUNDED BY THE ENEMY!!" They all turn on their heels and come face to face with... "Halt in the name of the New Alliance!" The Fight Deadpool armed with: 2 Katanas, 2 uzis, 1 9mm, 1 bowie knife, 5 frag grenades, 5 flash bang, teleporter, butterfly knife, 5 clips per gun. Karen Fox and Mr. Mammoth are armed with their natural abilities There are 5 Imperial Guard armed with: Vibroswords and force pikes, in addition to heavy blaster pistols for ranged combat. Trained in Echani. And 1 Phase 2 Darktroopers armed with: Armored suit, a jump pack, and an assault cannon capable of firing 400 plasma shells and 20 missiles without reloading. They were also armed with the deadly ARC Caster, which shoots out powerful bolts of electricity. They are on the side of a large elvin building, there is a forest to their side and the guard are in front of them, the dark trooper is behind them.
  10. All you do is explain what Cat can do to win, then someone will tell you that you are wrong because Evil-Lyn can do... Same thing Deo did, he didn't play Street Fighter or know anything about it. Get it together Darkender. Get it together.
  11. I say thee nay! https://www.google.com/search?q=evil-lyn+cosplay&hl=en&client=safari&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=rqJgUdf1G5PO8wSsxoE4&ved=0CC0QsAQ&biw=480&bih=208&sei=lKNgUf-GB4Pe8ATP0oHQDQ#biv=i%7C8%3Bd%7CJAo3CBxSb0JhEM%3A
  12. Darkender loses for not supporting his character. Evil-Lynn sends a meteor shower down on her head.
  13. So we have something interesting here. We actually have the author of the characters here. Deojusto, could you give us an idea on Slag's fighting styles. Balrog fights best with heavy defense (since he routinely fights projectile types, he must be quick on his toes) and when he gets openings he returns fire with quick jabbing combos. His power punches can leave you stunned immediately and if he gets an opening with his Gigaton Punch, you're dead. So what's Slag's fighting style Deo? Does she stand and fight or will she hurl projectiles?
  14. Of course you don't know who they are, that why Callisto provides links. You have a week, try reading.
  15. You can also read this which gives some idea of He-Man universe characters strength levels. http://www.electricferret.com/forum/index.php/topic/30417-masters-of-the-universe/
  16. For everybody wondering what this is, it's the first ever FPL vs. CBUB Role Playing game. Here ----> http://www.electricferret.com/forum/index.php/topic/30962-khazan-falling/
  17. Crap, FPL is down. Site maintenance until April 7th. Some of you will have to wait on your matches.
  18. Oh and Darkender, since most of the CBUB doesn't know about FPL and guys like Dinsdale know that Evil-Lyn kicks butt, I suggest you start telling people why Catatonia can take the witch.
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