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Rumble 20618 SCP-682 vs. The Avengers
SCP-682: 2
The Avengers: 1

Flash Gordon vs. John Silver (Disney)
Flash Gordon: 4
John Silver (Disney): 1

Beast vs. Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
Beast: 1
Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski): 4

Cloud City vs. Cloverfield Creature (Clover)
Cloud City: 2
Cloverfield Creature (Clover): 4

Rumble 20614 Lydia Frye vs. Cana Alberona vs. Eve (Stellar Blade)
Lydia Frye: 0
Cana Alberona: 0
Eve (Stellar Blade): 2

Match 14668 Anakin Skywalker vs. Reptile


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-The Chosen One Series-

Anakin Skywalker, Jedi General of the Republic, was the Chosen One.

At least, in his universe.

Prophecies across time and space foretell the same story- A Chosen One will rise up from the darkness and bring about a 'balance' or 'peace'.

But is that still the case when the chosen one foretold is swapped out for another? Does that prophecy still remain? Is the Chosen One still capable of fulfilling the prophecy?

Let's take a peek into the multiverse to find our answers...



Lightening cracked the night sky as a distance laugh echoed across Shang Tsung's Island.


"Oh, I don't like that," said Johnny Cage, tilting down his favorite pair of sunglasses. "I don't like that shit at all."


His companion, Sonya Blade, continued on their trail in the forest and gave him a disgusted look, "Grow up, Johnny."


"What?" asked Johnny. "You telling me that didn't scare the crap out of you?"


"I'm not afraid of lightening," She responded.


"No, I'm talking about that ominous laugh that followed it. You didn't hear it?"


"No," Sonya continued to ignore him. She was determined to finish this tournament. With or without help.


"Un-be-lievable," Johnny followed. "It sounded like it came from hell. You didn't hear it Liu-"


Johnny turned to his other companion Liu Kang, but for some reason he wasn't there. The three of them had entered the forest together after the start of the tournament. Did the guy get lost?


Johnny stopped in his tracks. "Hey Sonya."


"I told you, I didn't hear anything!"


"Not that. Liu is gone," Johnny Cage looked around but couldn't see anyone in the dark. And this damn forest had to be the darkest thing he'd ever seen.


Both Cage and Sonya called out for him, but no reply.


"He was just behind us. You think Shang Tsung got to him or..." Sonya said wearily.


"Come on, man. Stop messing with us," yelled Johnny.


"He doesn't seem the type to mess around. I think we lost him."


"How?" Cage asked with complete frustration and sarcasm. "We've been walking in a straight line for five minutes."


Johnny could tell by Sonya's body that she was getting ready for a fight. He echoed her tension. For all they knew, they could be surrounded by the enemy and not even see them.


That was when something lit up the sky in front of them. For several seconds they covered their eyes and as soon as the light disappeared, they saw a man standing where Liu Kang should have been.


Johnny had never seen this guy before. Tall figure and a nice face despite the scar across an eye. He wore black robes on top of more black. He certainly had his own look. You practically couldn't see him in this dark. But what he could see of him, looked disorient and confused.


Johnny looked to Sonya to see whether she thought this guy was an enemy or not. She seemed just as confused.


"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Cage asked.


Hearing the sound of the question, the man regained his sensed and instinctively flung his hands forward. Maybe he was scared?


Johnny and Sonya were both taken off their feet by an unseen force. They had been hit harder before but whatever that guy hit them with was enough to knock the wind out of them.


"Where... what happened? This isn't..." said the mysterious man.


He started looking around and must have realized he was alone in a forest with two people he had just knocked to the ground.


"You two. Who are you?"


Sonya coughed as she got to her feet. "We asked first."


"Anakin Skywalker. Why am I here? Where are my troops?"


Johnny got up alongside Sonya and ignored his questions, "You broke my glasses, you sonofa-"


Suddenly, a green orb the size of a chair rushed Anakin from behind.


Anakin moved so fast, Johnny wasn't sure if he was suffering from a concussion. Anakin ignited a kind of light sword like he'd seen in the movies and cut the orb in two. Dissolving it.




Reptile, one of Shang Tsung's minions, uncloaked himself and stood before Anakin.


Anakin readied his stance for another attack. "I don't know what's going on here, but you messed with the wrong Jedi, pal."


Sonya looked at Johnny. Johnny brushed the dirt from his pants a little too nonchalantly, "Don't look at me, this guy's on his own."




Composite Reptile vs. Anakin Skywalker just before the events of ROTS


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I think something funky is going on with the text! I had to highlight your post to read any of it. 

That said, I dig the matchup! Reptile's acid spit might take Anakin for a bit of a loop. Not sure if it'd just sizzle against the saber's blade but if any of it gets on Anakin himself, Reptile better make sure it's a fatal wound or things are gonna get bad real quick. It's eluded to more when Anakin is better written(like in Clone Wars!)but the guy is a total berserker when he gets pushed too far. Reptile spitting acid at him and clearly trying to kill him plus a couple of acid burns here and there is gonna get Anakin's blood pumping and Reptile isn't gonna be able to tank swipes from the lightsaber. 

The invisibility would be annoying but once Anakin sidesteps some acid spit/a projectile, he can reach out and grab Reptile with the force and once that happens? It's pretty much over from there. Dunno if Anakin would kill him at this point since he needed prodding to off Mace in the prequels but if Reptile doesn't explain himself/give Anakin the answers he wants, he's getting the shit kicked out of him. 

Fun matchup, Russ : )

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1 hour ago, ND7 said:

I think something funky is going on with the text! I had to highlight your post to read any of it. 

That said, I dig the matchup! Reptile's acid spit might take Anakin for a bit of a loop. Not sure if it'd just sizzle against the saber's blade but if any of it gets on Anakin himself, Reptile better make sure it's a fatal wound or things are gonna get bad real quick. It's eluded to more when Anakin is better written(like in Clone Wars!)but the guy is a total berserker when he gets pushed too far. Reptile spitting acid at him and clearly trying to kill him plus a couple of acid burns here and there is gonna get Anakin's blood pumping and Reptile isn't gonna be able to tank swipes from the lightsaber. 

The invisibility would be annoying but once Anakin sidesteps some acid spit/a projectile, he can reach out and grab Reptile with the force and once that happens? It's pretty much over from there. Dunno if Anakin would kill him at this point since he needed prodding to off Mace in the prequels but if Reptile doesn't explain himself/give Anakin the answers he wants, he's getting the shit kicked out of him. 

Fun matchup, Russ : )

Thanks for pointing that out. I haven't noticed on my end but I'll try to fix the font.

And I agree with your assessment. Anakin will probably be a little thrown off at first but he can take down Reptile in the end.

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