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Rumble 20591 Leatherface (2003) vs. Victor Crowley
Leatherface (2003): 0
Victor Crowley: 1

Rumble 20590 The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers) vs. The Djinn
The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers): 0
The Djinn: 2

Rumble 20589 Nathan Drake vs. The Xenomorph Queen
Nathan Drake: 0
The Xenomorph Queen: 5

Rumble 20588 Waldstein vs. Metera vs. Mutagen Man
Waldstein: 0
Metera: 1
Mutagen Man: 2

Rumble 20587 Nathan Drake vs. Vastatosaurus Rex
Nathan Drake: 1
Vastatosaurus Rex: 3

X-men- House of Horrors


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The x-men have been put under a curse by the Villain Pennywise and must face the fears that have terrorized the many, the villains are scattered all over the X-mansion and know the layout of the whole house the X-men mst start from the front door and win back the mansion from the ikes of pennywise, all mystical entities do not need requirements for their powers to a degree(ex; Freddy can his polymorphing on anything but the X-men without them sleeping as Pinhead does not need his cube). So the fighters are:









Kitty Pride









[Professor X]


[Emma Frost]                                                                            

[Jean Grey(Phoenix mode if they are about to lose)]                

[s[carlet Witch]




Jason X: New Machete

Victor Crowley: Hatchet

Michael Myers: Butcher knife

Freddy Kreuger

Leatherface: Chainsaw

Chucky:9mm Pistol(two clips), Switchblade

Ghostface(Billy): Switchblade

Maniac Cop(Billy club, Desert Eagle)

Norman Bates(Dagger)



T-800 Exoskeleton(Minigun 400 Bullets)

Hannibal Lecter(Scalpel)


Carrie White





The creeper(Bone shuriken)

20 xenomorphs

5 Blooded Predators(Spear, 2 Explosive disks, Wrist blade, Light Armor)

5 Engineers(Prometheus)


Once the X-men enter the mansion they may not leave and they must kill or incapacitate all foes. The X-men in Brackets are only fighting Pennywise, Candyman, and Pinhead.

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Guest bigballerju

This is a good fight. First they have to overcome their fears then track down all the villains and beat them. It's going to be hard for the X-Men  because some members may be able to overcome their fear while others can't. Wolverine, Xavier, Emma, and Jean will over come their fear first. One because Wolverine has faced his greatest fears already in the past and the other 3 because of how powerful they are telepathy wise. Then more then likely those 4 will around and try to help the others. Well that's if they don't encounter any of the villains first who attack them and get in their way. Some villains they can take down easily while others they would have to be very carefu (Predator or Freddy for example). So many ways this can go for both sides.


I can't decide yet. Have to think some more.

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Guest skadoosh

The standard X Men win their battle, but it would take a while. The Mutants have the advantages of teamwork and versatility, so while the horror crew have the advantage of numbers most of them are individually completely outmatched by the X Men. The Xenomorphs, Yautja, Engineers, Creeper and Freddy are the biggest threats to the X Men, the rest are just fodder.


So, while they're all tearing each other apart and ruining the Mansion the Mutant powerhouses, Professor X, Frost, Grey, Magneto and Scarlet Witch, would be at war with the horror powerhouses, Pennywise, Pinhead and Candyman, and i have no idea who wins that one. It would be a very destructive battle, no doubt, that would possibly somewhat shit on reality, seeing as, together, all the combatants involved can manipulate just about everything, and that's what makes the fight so unpredictable, everyone involved is so powerful. It could go any way.

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