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A soundboard for bouncing the ideas for games I want to try and create after college (though comments are certianly welcome

Entries in this blog

The world of *insert creative name here*

hello everyone and anyone. the purpose of this blog is to help me develop the world(s) and concepts for games that I hope to work on after college. this is my first concept, all feedback is appreciated.   (name)   concept: I've been turning this idea around in my head for forever. Technology has advanced incredibly far since humanity started. The weapons we use today seem like they are just on a whole other level of power since the world wars. Something else also is on a whole other level though

The other side of the coin

Sooooo.... yea. Four years ago (Sweet gravy that's a long time) I started this, just got reminded about it, and decided to try and make some headway in it again. So, without further ado, heres the other world that makes up the universe concept     *Name*   As far back as anyone can remember, there has been magic in the world. No, not the kind of magic where playing cards are psychically read and coins disappear through subtle hand movements. The kind of magic that raises mountains with a twitch,

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