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8:8 - Michonne vs. Ashley J. Williams

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Slot: The Team's Survivor
Season Wins: 3
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Michonne at this Wiki
Official Site: Image Comics

Ashley J. Williams

Slot: The Team's Survivor
Season Wins: 3
Season Losses: 0
Fantasy Team Page
Read more about Ashley J. Williams at this Wiki
Official Site: Anchor Bay Entertainment

Battle Terrain
Survival Challenge: Who survives A Quiet Place

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My initial thoughts on advantages for Ash,


while Michonne has experience with beings that attack sound, Ash has far more experience against really aggressive/powerful opponents. Overcoming odds and fighting back with resources is his MO. I can certainly see him coming up with creative solutions for the Dark Ángels.

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Michonne has the experience to survive this far better than Ash. Ash is going to want to fight, and while he will kill a few, he's not going to make it and be overrun. Michonne takes the victory 9/10

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I've gone on record as saying that zombie survivors are probably the best equipped for this scenario, and I stand by that. The only think I'll add to that for this fight is that Ash might be able to devise a way to kill a few of them, but it required a very specific method of sonic attack to break their armor. Again, I've always thought the Dark Angels were pretty nonsensical honestly. You're telling me we didn't try sonic weapons on an opponent like that? Or, even worse, you're telling me that we did try it and it didn't work, but Jim from the Office and his family were able to figure out how to beat them? I can accept that their skin is so strong that it can survive even pretty high caliber attacks, but you expect me to believe they can survive drone strikes? Napalm? Tanks? I can accept that they would be a threat, but a threat that ended society as we know it? With how few of them we saw?

Granted, most of this happened off screen, so maybe we did take out most of them before our armies went down, or maybe only parts of the world are destroyed by them, who knows. It's been a few years since I've seen it, maybe they address those points. My point is that from what we see, it would be very hard for Ash to get a kill, and he seems much less likely to silently survive than Michonne. 

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If we’re taking the scenario from A Quiet Place, then we’re realistically talking three Dark Angels, not an entire legion. A family managed to figure out a method of defeating them, I think Ash who can mix together ammunition and get a car up and running in the medieval age, could figure out a method of deafening them. Michonne is being favored because she is used to Zombies, though isn’t her main method to use compromised zombies and infiltrate? The Dark Angels are far more aggressive and I think she will have a harder time dealing with them, when she inevitably makes a noise. Ash stands a good chance to defeat three of them, given what he is usually able to overcome.

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What people usually get wrong about Ash is that he really doesn't like being the one guy that can solve everything and would rather escape than fight. Sure he has his many moments of machismo and bad assery, but he mostly wants to escape and let someone else clean up the mess when it's not his (sometimes), turning into the man that has to instead of the man that can.  
That being said, his personality has served him well in the past as his trash talk has made the Deadites, as well as the Necronomicon itself, target him when he needed distraction so innocent civvies can escape when they can. And because of his willingness to escape rather than fight, despite showing many many times he can fight, it gives drives him on edge therefore sort of giving him a sense of stealth such as when he tried to sneak around the cabin and the area around it to look for weapons to fight back his enemies. He knows when to fight and when to run, and because he's quick on his feet and a man that can adapt to his surroundings, I think he can stand his own against something like the Dark Angels, at least longer than Michone who's only fought undead and only undead, especially one type.

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2 minutes ago, Gizmo Hibiki said:

What people usually get wrong about Ash is that he really doesn't like being the one guy that can solve everything and would rather escape than fight. Sure he has his many moments of machismo and bad assery, but he mostly wants to escape and let someone else clean up the mess when it's not his (sometimes), turning into the man that has to instead of the man that can.  
That being said, his personality has served him well in the past as his trash talk has made the Deadites, as well as the Necronomicon itself, target him when he needed distraction so innocent civvies can escape when they can. And because of his willingness to escape rather than fight, despite showing many many times he can fight, it gives drives him on edge therefore sort of giving him a sense of stealth such as when he tried to sneak around the cabin and the area around it to look for weapons to fight back his enemies. He knows when to fight and when to run, and because he's quick on his feet and a man that can adapt to his surroundings, I think he can stand his own against something like the Dark Angels, at least longer than Michone who's only fought undead and only undead, especially one type.

Yeah, but in my eyes this is less about fighting and more about survival, and Michonne lives in a much more similar world to "A Quiet Place" than Ash does. She is stealthy, used to living off the land, and survived for years on her own without a group and without really ever making noise. Ash simply doesn't have that level of survivalism and long-term stealthy survival

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31 minutes ago, Magnamax said:

If we’re taking the scenario from A Quiet Place, then we’re realistically talking three Dark Angels, not an entire legion. A family managed to figure out a method of defeating them, I think Ash who can mix together ammunition and get a car up and running in the medieval age, could figure out a method of deafening them. Michonne is being favored because she is used to Zombies, though isn’t her main method to use compromised zombies and infiltrate? The Dark Angels are far more aggressive and I think she will have a harder time dealing with them, when she inevitably makes a noise. Ash stands a good chance to defeat three of them, given what he is usually able to overcome.

Her main method with the zombies was to use disarmed zombies to mask her scent, but she only did that because zombies hunt by smell and sound. She wouldn't need to do that with the Quiet Place monsters. The way the family managed to beat them in the movie required such an incredibly specific set of circumstances that I don't think Ash could reliably replicate it, and Ash isn't an especially quiet person. Michonne could be much more quiet for much longer and I'm not convinced Ash would ever really be able to kill them. Again, Ash is good, but the Dark Angels took down major militaries

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2 minutes ago, Peypeypeypey said:

Yeah, but in my eyes this is less about fighting and more about survival, and Michonne lives in a much more similar world to "A Quiet Place" than Ash does. She is stealthy, used to living off the land, and survived for years on her own without a group and without really ever making noise. Ash simply doesn't have that level of survivalism and long-term stealthy survival

True, but she still is only used to fighting one type of enemy not including anyone that's human. Ash on the other hand has dealt with Deadites who are practically supernatural zombies with sentience as well as animals possesed by the same entity. Hell, he's survived things that were bigger or even the same size as the Dark Angels, never mind fought against. Not only that, but Michone uses like two forms of combat, her sword and her bare hands. Ash can probably scrounge up some spare parts to create weapons that can silently kill/subdue one of these things or at the very least distract them so he can make a quick getaway.

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6 minutes ago, Peypeypeypey said:

Yeah, but in my eyes this is less about fighting and more about survival, and Michonne lives in a much more similar world to "A Quiet Place" than Ash does. She is stealthy, used to living off the land, and survived for years on her own without a group and without really ever making noise. Ash simply doesn't have that level of survivalism and long-term stealthy survival

1 minute ago, Peypeypeypey said:

Her main method with the zombies was to use disarmed zombies to mask her scent, but she only did that because zombies hunt by smell and sound. She wouldn't need to do that with the Quiet Place monsters. The way the family managed to beat them in the movie required such an incredibly specific set of circumstances that I don't think Ash could reliably replicate it, and Ash isn't an especially quiet person. Michonne could be much more quiet for much longer and I'm not convinced Ash would ever really be able to kill them. Again, Ash is good, but the Dark Angels took down major militaries

I don’t really agree on the survivalism idea. Ash got teleported to Medieval Europe and not only survived, but thrived. Not to mention consistently surviving against things that are tougher than zombies or the dark angels.

 the family in the movie had literally the perfect set up to survive long term against the creatures and still couldn’t prevent themselves from making noise. I guess I think both characters are going to have to encounter the creatures at some point, and I feel that Ash is more likely to prep something that can take out the few angels in his area. I think Michonne is in bad shape if she has to confront them, which is virtually impossible to avoid. 

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2 minutes ago, Gizmo Hibiki said:

True, but she still is only used to fighting one type of enemy not including anyone that's human. Ash on the other hand has dealt with Deadites who are practically supernatural zombies with sentience as well as animals possesed by the same entity. Hell, he's survived things that were bigger or even the same size as the Dark Angels, never mind fought against. Not only that, but Michone uses like two forms of combat, her sword and her bare hands. Ash can probably scrounge up some spare parts to create weapons that can silently kill/subdue one of these things or at the very least distract them so he can make a quick getaway.

Again, as I said in my previous comment, the Dark Angels are really hard to tell exactly how strong they are, mostly because we don't know exactly how many there are, but we do know some things about them, namely they're bullet-proof and strong enough to have taken out the major military forces of the world. He may have fought bigger things, but I don't think he's fought anything near as tough as them. If he tries to confront one and isn't completely prepared, he's going to die, and the entirety of the United State Military wasn't able to wipe these things out, so they are certainly going to be incredibly hard to take down, not to mention how fast they are. 

2 minutes ago, Magnamax said:

I don’t really agree on the survivalism idea. Ash got teleported to Medieval Europe and not only survived, but thrived. Not to mention consistently surviving against things that are tougher than zombies or the dark angels.

 the family in the movie had literally the perfect set up to survive long term against the creatures and still couldn’t prevent themselves from making noise. I guess I think both characters are going to have to encounter the creatures at some point, and I feel that Ash is more likely to prep something that can take out the few angels in his area. I think Michonne is in bad shape if she has to confront them, which is virtually impossible to avoid. 

Again, I don't know about "tougher than the dark angels." These things wiped out society through brute force and take no visible damage from anything other than the very end of the movie. Nothing comes to mind that Ash has fought that's that tough at all. 

The family lived for years though. Michonne doesn't have to survive forever, she has to survive longer than Ash, and Ash is much more likely to try to fight them than Michonne is. Michonne is going to be just as fine as that family, if not better, because she doesn't have a baby to make noise around her or dumb kids to make stupid decisions. She'll have to confront them eventually, maybe, but not until long after Ash would probably decide to, and I just don't see how Ash wins a fight against them

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9 minutes ago, Peypeypeypey said:

Again, as I said in my previous comment, the Dark Angels are really hard to tell exactly how strong they are, mostly because we don't know exactly how many there are, but we do know some things about them, namely they're bullet-proof and strong enough to have taken out the major military forces of the world. He may have fought bigger things, but I don't think he's fought anything near as tough as them. If he tries to confront one and isn't completely prepared, he's going to die, and the entirety of the United State Military wasn't able to wipe these things out, so they are certainly going to be incredibly hard to take down, not to mention how fast they are. 

Again, I don't know about "tougher than the dark angels." These things wiped out society through brute force and take no visible damage from anything other than the very end of the movie. Nothing comes to mind that Ash has fought that's that tough at all. 

The family lived for years though. Michonne doesn't have to survive forever, she has to survive longer than Ash, and Ash is much more likely to try to fight them than Michonne is. Michonne is going to be just as fine as that family, if not better, because she doesn't have a baby to make noise around her or dumb kids to make stupid decisions. She'll have to confront them eventually, maybe, but not until long after Ash would probably decide to, and I just don't see how Ash wins a fight against them

The scenario states “who would survive” and I think Michonne is making a noise and dying at some point. she may not have a baby, but she also doesn’t have sound proofed paths to walk on, and if they are given literally everything from the movie, then Ash already has everything he needs to take out the angels on site. 

I think Ash (who has cartoonish levels of ingenuity) can figure a way to use sonic against them when he was able to attach a chainsaw to his arm in medieval Europe. They may have wiped out a military, but that’s nonsense when you consider how easily they are taken care of with a hearing aid and a shotgun in the movie. 

ash consistently figures out how to reverse and take out unkillable undead demons, zombies, etc, so I don’t know why these are outside of his zone. 

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3 minutes ago, Magnamax said:

The scenario states “who would survive” and I think Michonne is making a noise and dying at some point. she may not have a baby, but she also doesn’t have sound proofed paths to walk on, and if they are given literally everything from the movie, then Ash already has everything he needs to take out the angels on site. 

I didn't assume they would have everything from the movie, I thought they were just in the world of A Quiet Place. If you interpret it that way then his chances are slightly higher

4 minutes ago, Magnamax said:

I think Ash (who has cartoonish levels of ingenuity) can figure a way to use sonic against them when he was able to attach a chainsaw to his arm in medieval Europe. They may have wiped out a military, but that’s nonsense when you consider how easily they are taken care of with a hearing aid and a shotgun in the movie. 

I agree with you that it's pretty nonsensical but it's how it's presented in the movie, you know. I think it's pretty ridiculous that, even without sonic weaponry, the Dark Angels would be able to survive the likes of tanks and anti-material rifles, but that's how it happened in the movie, unless you have a better explanation for it. They really are just that tough or were that numerous I guess

7 minutes ago, Magnamax said:

ash consistently figures out how to reverse and take out unkillable undead demons, zombies, etc, so I don’t know why these are outside of his zone. 

 What has Ash killed that's on the level of the Dark Angels in terms of strength, speed, and specificity of their weakness? If you can give specific examples that might sway me but from what I remember he really hasn't fought anything that's anywhere near as global of a threat as these guys

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6 minutes ago, Peypeypeypey said:

I didn't assume they would have everything from the movie, I thought they were just in the world of A Quiet Place. If you interpret it that way then his chances are slightly higher

I agree with you that it's pretty nonsensical but it's how it's presented in the movie, you know. I think it's pretty ridiculous that, even without sonic weaponry, the Dark Angels would be able to survive the likes of tanks and anti-material rifles, but that's how it happened in the movie, unless you have a better explanation for it. They really are just that tough or were that numerous I guess

 What has Ash killed that's on the level of the Dark Angels in terms of strength, speed, and specificity of their weakness? If you can give specific examples that might sway me but from what I remember he really hasn't fought anything that's anywhere near as global of a threat as these guys

I think it says “who survives a quiet place” so I would assume they are at least in that sort of rural setting, with three angels to deal with. The military may have been overrun, but they would likely be battling an army I guess? There are only a few in the scene, so I’m suggesting Ash can handle the three in the scenario. 

They took out the military in this world, but we don’t really see what that looked like, maybe they overran things so quickly that things weren’t even mobilized? It doesn’t make sense otherwise, and it doesn’t mean someone with the skills of Ash can’t kill em.

here’s some of what Ash has fought:








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