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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

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The studio lights flared to life and illuminated the grand stage of The Guardian Challenge. The massive screen behind the hosts displayed explosive highlights from the first two episodes, a montage of xenomorph slayings by Amanda Ripley and Linn Kurosawa and Brood annihilations by Rita Vrataski and Sergeant Calhoun. As the intro music hit its crescendo, Star-Lord stepped forward into view with his signature grin firmly in place.

“Welcome back, intergalactic thrill-seekers, to The Guardian Challenge!” he announced. “I’m your host, Peter Quill, also known as the dashing Star-Lord, and as always, I’m joined by my esteemed co-hosts, Gamora and Nebula!”

Gamora stood to his right with her arms folded. “The third episode, and somehow, we haven’t been shut down yet. Minor miracle.”

Nebula stood slightly apart from both of them, allowed herself a small smile. “And, surprisingly, I’m starting to enjoy this. The first two matches had plenty of destruction, but I’m hoping tonight takes it to the next level.”

Star-Lord chuckled. “That’s the spirit! Now, as a reminder, The Guardian Challenge is meant to be both educational and entertaining. We’ve shown the galaxy how to fight against xenomorphs, then the Brood. But what about when the invasion comes right to your doorstep?”

Gamora leaned forward. “When your home is under siege, the stakes change. Defense is just as important as offense.”

“And sometimes, when the enemy is big, ugly, and right in your face, the best defense is to just blow everything up,” added Nebula.

Star-Lord clapped his hands together. “Which brings us to tonight’s competitors! Two ladies who definitely know how to bring the boom. Protecting New Port City, we will have its infamously wicked ruler, Bomb Queen! And defending Zaun, the one, the only, the reluctant symbol of the resistance, Jinx!”

The screen behind them flashed images of both women. There was Jinx with her manic grin, bright blue pigtails, and oversized weapons, and Bomb Queen in her signature revealing outfit, standing amid destruction with a satisfied smirk.

“The challenge?” Gamora continued. “An invasion scenario. Each contestant must defend their home turf against a small horde of Thanos’ Outriders, because those ugly things are always a problem. Whoever eliminates the invading force and does it with the most style, wins.”

Star-Lord pointed at the screen. “And let’s be real here… that shouldn’t be a problem for either because both of these ladies are big on style. Jinx, with her wild punk rock aesthetic, and Bomb Queen, with her… ahem… confident, risqué, explosive personality. This is going to be insane! But before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s get some history on our contestants from Drax.”

Drax stood before a massive chalkboard, his usual deadpan expression unwavering. On one side, pictures of Bomb Queen, some with her former allies the Four Queens, some surrounded by her various lackeys, and on the other side of the chalkboard, a collection of Jinx’s past, featuring pictures of Jinx with Vi, Vander, Silco, Isha, Ekko, and Sevika.

“Bomb Queen rules New Port City with an iron fist…and explosives,” Drax began. “She has no moral compass, no restrictions, and does as she pleases. Her abilities include immunity to her own explosions, superhuman durability, and a tactical mind that lets her turn anything into a weapon. She thrives in chaos and does not tolerate heroes in her city.”

He moved to Jinx’s side of the board. “Jinx was once a girl named Powder, but tragedy and loss turned her into Zaun’s most unpredictable wildcard. She is an expert with firearms, explosives, and gadgetry. Her mind is fragmented, but her instincts are sharp. She thrives on mayhem and flair, making her a dangerous combatant.”

Drax looked thoughtfully at the pictures of Jinx with Vander and with Silco. “She has lost many father figures in her life. Perhaps she could use another. I can empathize with her pain.”

Drax blinked, then cleared his throat. “But I must remain objective. Back to you Quill.”

“Always a concerned dad,” Star-Lord remarked. “Thanks, Drax. Now, let’s swing it over to Rocket for the weapons analysis.”

Rocket stood in an armory storage unit in front of an impressive display of firearms and explosives. His furry paws gestured excitedly.

“All right, let’s talk boomsticks,” said Rocket. “First, Bomb Queen’s arsenal. She doesn’t need guns when she is the weapon. She generates explosions at will. What she does have here are drones, gadgets. Really anything in her city could be a trap waiting to go off. Honestly, New Port City sounds like my kinda place. Reminds me of what Knowhere used to be. Might have to visit sometime.”

Rocket shifted to Jinx’s side of the room, where a table was covered with her arsenal.

“Now this is where things get fun,” Rocket continued.

He picked up Fishbones, Jinx’s massive rocket launcher. 

“We got Fishbones, her big ol’ launcher. Pow-Pow, her mini-gun. Zapper, her electroshock pistol. And her grenades? Beautifully chaotic in function and construction.”

“Seeing anything you like there?” asked Gamora.

“I Gotta say, some of her designs are impressive. Might want to swap notes with her after the show,” Rocket responded.

Rocket looked over all the various weapons and smirked.

“Now, let’s see how much property damage these two are about to cause. Back to you, Quill.”

Star-Lord chuckled. “Thanks, Rocket! Yeah, between Jinx and Bomb Queen, I have no idea what’s going to be left standing after this challenge. But, hey, that’s part of the fun, right? Let’s check in with Nikki Gold, who’s standing by with Jinx.”

The fiery haired Nikki held a microphone close to her chest. Jinx shifted uncomfortably under her enthusiastic gaze.

“I just love your style!” Nikki gushed. “The colors, the designs, the monkey motif…it’s all amazing!”

Jinx raised an eyebrow. “Uh… thanks? You got a question for me, or are we just gushing here?”

“Oh! Right! With all your love for flair and flash, are you worried you might get too caught up in style points and risk not securing the win?”

Jinx scoffed. “Nah. I can only fight one way. It’s the only way I know how.”

Nikki clapped. “Love that energy! Good luck, Jinx!”

Meanwhile, Mantis stood with Bomb Queen.

“Bomb Queen, Jinx is very colorful and chaotic. How do you plan to outshine her?” asked Mantis.

Bomb Queen smirked. “I’ve never had a problem keeping the focus on me. Trust me. I’m not worried about that little blue haired tramp.”

Mantis tilted her head. “With your immunity to explosions, you could just walk through all the destruction like the cool action stars Peter always talks about.”

Bomb Queen chuckled. “You know what? I like that idea. I could add it to my strategy. Speaking of Peter,” She turned to the camera and winked. “When are you planning to stop by New Port City again? Nous avons passé tellement de bons moments la dernière fois.”

The camera cut back to Star-Lord, who looked slightly stunned. Gamora and Nebula eyed him suspiciously.

“You know her?” Gamora asked.

“I may have visited New Port City once,” Star-Lord admitted. “She was… a very gracious host. No, that's not the word, the word is aggressive.”

Nebula was confused. “Hasn’t she banned all heroes from setting foot in her city?”

“She said she never viewed me as a hero,” Star-Lord clarified. “I still think she doesn’t.”

“Judging from those eyes she made, she definitely views you as something,” Gamora remarked. “Does that excite you or scare you?”

“Aaaand we’re moving on! Let’s start this match!” Star-Lord declared.

The screen transitioned to Jinx and Bomb Queen being transported to their cities. They began to make final preparations for the invasion and the carnage to come.

Learn More About
Bomb Queen
Read more about Bomb Queen at Wikipedia
Official Site: Image Comics Links: Wikipedia Comic Vine Image Comics Database

Jinx (Arcane)
Read more about Jinx (Arcane) at Wikipedia
Official Site: Riot Games Links: Wikipedia


Bomb Queen should have this, easily at that. I love Jinx but Bomb Queen is her superior in every way, in the way that she can do everything Jinx can do but better.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - Macklemore

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
10.00 Total Combined Score
10.00 / 2 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Bomb Queen: 1
Jinx (Arcane): 2

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