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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
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Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
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Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
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Round 1: Match 5










Djinn greeted Mia with a wicked grin.

DJINN: Ah, Mia Allen, I must say, you’ve endured quite the ordeal. But I am not without mercy. I offer you three wishes. Anything your heart desires. For instance... that missing left hand of yours. I could restore it to you in an instant. Just say the word.

Mia glanced down at her prosthetic fingers.

MIA: Yeah, see, I don’t trust guys who show up in black robes and offer magical fixes. No offense.

DJINN: None taken. But think about it. What’s the harm in a simple wish?

Mia sighed in frustration

MIA: The harm? Who knows but that’s the point, right? Dealing with the occult, dealing with evil. I wouldn’t have even been put in this damn situation if it wasn't for that accursed Naturam Demonto. I just wish David, and I had never gone to that cabin in the first place.

Mia caught herself, but it was too late. The Djinn’s eyes gleamed with triumph as reality warped around Mia. 

Suddenly, she woke up in a hospital bed. Her body was in sharp pain and her limbs were suspended in casts. Confused, she looks around at the sterile white walls. The Djinn appeared beside her.

DJINN: Your wish was granted. You never went to the cabin. Instead, your dear half-brother picked you up in his Jeep, hoping to reconnect. But after confronting you about your addiction, an argument ensued... and then the accident happened. He died. You survived. A tragic repeat of each of your fates. Although you do seem to be a little worse for wear this time around.

MIA: No...

DJINN: But don’t despair. You are in pain, Mia. I can make it all go away. Just say the words.

Mia fought back tears of anger and bitterness.

MIA: Screw you. I already made one mistake. I’m not making another.

The Djinn sneered.

DJINN: You will. They always do.




The Djinn appeared before Kirsty.

DJINN: Kirsty Cotton, you intrigue me. You’ve danced with demons, bargained with the damned. You have had to endure so much. Tell me, what is it you desire? Perhaps... the return of your father? A simple wish, and I can pull him back from Hell."

Kirsty, hardened by her experiences with the Cenobites, appeared unfazed. She crossed her arms.

KIRSTY: Yeah, and I’d probably only get a rotting corpse, wouldn’t I?

The Djinn smiled.

DJINN: A cynical accusation. I could restore him, body and soul. You only need to wish it.

KIRSTY: No thanks. I have been informed how this works. Your temptation and trickery won’t work on me. I have made peace with the fact that if my uncle hadn’t found the Lament Configuration, somehow it still would have entered our lives. Wishing it away changes nothing.

The Djinn’s expression darkened.

DJINN: Defiant to the end, I see. No matter. There are other ways to do this. I will simply find ways to make you suffer so much that  you will beg for my gifts.

KIRSTY: Actually, I do have one wish. I wish the fire opal was never given to me and instead was placed in the Cenobite Hell dimension.

The Djinn’s smugness was replaced with sheer fury as he was forced to grant the wish. He let out a guttural scream as he and the fire opal vanished in a blaze of light.

Inside the Cenobite dimension, Pinhead walked the labyrinthine halls with his chains rattling around him.  He noticed a strange fire opal glistening.nearby. Intrigued, he walked over to pick it up

PINHEAD: Such a fascinating trinket...




After a fade to black, Elvira and Randy appeared. Elvira remained in her traditional look whereas Randy had changed into a Woodsboro High t-shirt.

ELVIRA: And there you have it, boils and ghouls! Kirsty Cotton wins her challenge! Though I do have to point out, a Djinn and Pinhead team-up? Now that could be a  real nightmare... but let’s call that a problem for another time.

RANDY: Mia has been to Hell and back, but Kirsty knows how to negotiate with Hell’s worst and seems much more comfortable in her current skin… so to speak.

ELVIRA: Now, let’s move on to the second half of our bracket! Next up: Southport, Carolina’s own Julie James up against the pride of Woodsboro, Sidney Prescott!

Elvira eyed Randy and his shirt.

ELVIRA: Randy, darling, I didn’t expect that between the two of us you would have all the outfit changes.

Randy was clearly excited.

RANDY: As much as I want to be an impartial host, I have been really anticipating this challenge.

ELVIRA: Because you have always had a thing for Sidney?

Randy played coy.

RANDY: I mean... I’ve always cared about her. She was my friend. What those bastards Billy and Stu tried to do to her. They have made her life a living hell even after their deaths. She has faced so much and for that reason she’s my pick to win the whole tournament.

ELVIRA: Hmmmm..

Elvira held her hands to her cheeks in mock surprise.

ELVIRA: What a shocking endorsement that you would go with her.

Elvira then grinned at her co-host.

ELVIRA: Tell the folks at home what else makes this match special.

RANDY: Gladly. Sidney and Julie, our very own Party of Two, if you know you know and if you don’t don’t worry about it. These two Final Girls kept the slasher genre from being buried in the late ‘90s. Without them, this subgenre of horror might’ve gone to straight-to-VHS hell. Sidney Prescott is the ultimate survivor, outlasting countless Ghostface killers and always staying one step ahead. Julie James is also no slouch, having fought off the endless pursuit of a deadly fisherman with a hook who terrorized her over past mistakes twice, as well as his son. Both women have faced relentless threats, but they never back down.

ELVIRA: So, what’s their challenge going to be?

RANDY: Well, both of these ladies, like so many Final Girls, have the unfortunate  history of being let down by law enforcement time and again, except for Dewey Riley, of course. Big shoutout to him, and, uh, sorry for what’s coming Dewey.

ELVIRA: Whatever could you be referring to?

RANDY: Right. Anyway, what better way to test them than by trapping them in an abandoned police station while being hunted by the Maniac Cop himself, Matthew Cordell, while also giving them a hostage to rescue? For those unfamiliar, Cordell was once a regular cop before he was framed for crimes he didn’t commit. He was brutally attacked in prison and left for dead. Turns out, he survived... sort of. Now, he’s an unstoppable killing machine, driven by vengeance against the system that betrayed him. His tactics? Merciless. His strength? Superhuman. And his sense of justice? Twisted beyond recognition.

ELVIRA: Oh, Sometimes I love your way with words, Randy. The question is, can Sindey and Juile survive the long arm of the law coming for their throats? Will they play the hero once again? We will soon find out.




Sidney and Julie were placed in separate video rooms within the precinct. A screen turned on in front of Julie, showing her boyfriend, Ray Bronson.

RAY: Julie, I don’t know how we got into this, but if we just survive, it should all be over. They told me to be on the lookout for some kind of deformed zombie cop. I don’t know what that means...maybe like a Ben Willis… or….

The video cut off and transitioned  to a live feed of Ray, badly beaten on the ground in an interrogation room.

In Sidney’s room, another video started playing. Dewey Riley appeared, looking confused but determined.

DEWEY: Sid, I was told about this violent, murderous cop. I don’t know why they wouldn’t just tell you directly, but I promise, I’ll help protect you.

The video cut off and transitioned to a live feed of Dewey, bloodied and tied to a chair.

Both women stared at the screens, their eyes focused with anger building inside. A separate screen in each room displayed security camera footage. Matthew Cordell was shown in his police uniform, stalking the hallways with murder on his mind.  Also, of note was an open door to the Police Weapon Storage.

JULIE: What are we waiting for, let's do this!

Learn More About
Sidney Prescott
Read more about Sidney Prescott at Wikipedia
Official Site: Dimension Films Links: Wikipedia Scream Wiki Horror Movies Wiki

Julie James
Read more about Julie James at Wikipedia
Official Site: Columbia Pictures Links: Wikipedia I Know What You Did Last Summer I Still Know What You Did Last Summer


While Julie is a capable survivor, Sidney is a fighter and strategist. She has faced worse odds, more dangerous enemies, and knows how to adapt under pressure. Julie is brave, but she’s not a tactician—Sidney would take the lead in this battle and be the one who ultimately ensures survival.

Verdict: Sidney Prescott saves Dewey and Julie. Julie barely survives. Ray probably doesn’t make it.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Macklemore
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
10.00 Total Combined Score
10.00 / 2 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Sidney Prescott: 2
Julie James: 0

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