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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
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Apes(Planet of the Apes) vs Velociraptors.


I can't help thinking that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man. Has to be.


-Astronaut George Taylor


If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously…


-Dr. Ian Malcolm






Through the snowy forests four pairs of horses and riders raced. The lead rider, a chimpanzee with the grim look, urged his comrades to go faster, hearing the sounds of their pursuers not far behind them.


“Humans have vehicles! We no outrun them!” The group’s Orangutan told their leader.


“Follow me! There’s a building we can take cover in!” The lead Chimpanzee urged his horse onward, his allies following suit.


Soon the evolved apes found said abandoned complex on the side of an old road. Letting their horses go the apes quickly entered the building and did their best to fortify and block the doors before falling back behind some overturned desks. 


Caesar. The nearly bald ape addressed his leader with the apes established sign language. The human be here soon. Will we make it?


“Have faith Rocket, we will make it through this. Apes together strong,” Caesar assured his friend, repeating their group’s creed.


I told you humans no accept us Maurice. The group’s gorilla signed to the Orangutan. Even after we reject Koba, still they try to kill us.


Do not judge them harshly Luca. Humans not know story behind Koba or Caesar stopping him. They just scared and desperate to protect themselves. The wise Maurice signed back


Outside the sound of a large vehicle pulling up put all the apes on alert. They could hear the sounds of human boots stepping out of the vehicle and stomping around in the snow as they approached the building. Caesar cocked his shotgun as he and his comrades aimed their weapons at the door, ready to make their stand.


“Ready to breach on my mark! We’re gonna frag these goddamn monkeys straight to hell men!” The apparent leader of the humans shouted to his soldiers.


A shrill bark-like sound suddenly pierced the air.


“What the hell was that?”


“It came from the forest!”


“Do you see them? More monkeys?”


“No that wasn’t the monkeys! It’s- CONTACT ALL AROUND US!!!”


The apes exchanged confused and nervous looks as they listened to the soldiers shout and fire their weapons all around them! The sounds mixed together with seemingly inhuman snarls and roars that sent shivers up each of their spines. After what seemed like an eternity, all the  noises from outside suddenly ceased. Not even the sounds of birds could be heard from outside now.


What… what happened to them? Rocket’s face perfectly captured how fearful he was at this new development.


I do not know. Something attacked them. Not human. But not ape either. Caesar responded to Rocket in sign language this time.


The creaking sound of a door being opened drew the apes attention down a dark hallway, the broken lights making it impossible to see down corridor but the evolved simians trained ears could just make out the sounds of heavy breathing in the darkness.


It’s inside. Rocket fearfully signaled.


*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*


It toys with us. Luca grunted angrily, ready to attack at a moment’s notice.


No Luca. Listen closer. Not random. Code. Morse Code. Maurice deducted.


Caesar snorted, but nodded at the wise orangutan. The Chimpanzee king cautiously lowered his shotgun and drew a knife from his pack. The ape colony leader tapped his knife against the desk.


Who are you? What do you want? Caesar sent his own Morse code down the dark hallway.


*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* -you understand us. We heard you hairy things were intelligent. More intelligent than humans. You are the one they call Caesar?


You know of me? How? Caesar tapped out another coded message to the mysterious new entity.


We heard your name often when we were caged. First as a genetic marvel that inspired the humans who created us. And then as a source of great fear when you lead your kind against the humans. They feared we would soon do the same. They were right to be afraid.


Caesar. Look. Rocket the ape pointed a fearful finger down the dark corridor, where a terrifying sight caught the other 3 apes eyes.


From the darkness of the hallway, two glowing orbs staring back at them from the pitch black, like a pair of flashlights. Caesar was almost convinced that they were two flashlights until in unison, they briefly blinked out and reappeared a moment latter. Exactly like a pair of eyes.


Won’t you come out into the light? Do not be afraid, we will not harm you. Caesar tried to coax the figure out.


A series of snorts and purr like sounds came from the darkness, sounding a bit like a taunting laugh before the tapping began again.


If we come out, you’ll be the ones who are afraid.


I fear neither man nor ape. Now will you come out or not? Caesar asked the mysterious figure.


A sort of sharp snarl was heard, before the glowing eyes started approaching the apes, coming closer and closer. A scaly foot with claws stepped out of the pitch black, the sickle middle claw briefly tapped on the ground. *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*


We are neither man nor ape. We are something far more ancient and terrible.


From the shadows the glowing eyes stepped forward, revealing a reptilian face with long, sharp teeth and slitted yellow eyes.


Luca and Rocket let a series of startled barks and shrieks at the sight of the terrifying lizard like creature, having to be calmed down by Maurice before they did something rash.


It’s a Velociraptor. The humans wrote many books about them and other creatures they called Dinosaurs. But all of them say that Dinosaurs went extinct long before even humans came about. Maurice explained to the two frightened apes.


The Isla Nublar incident. Caesar deduced, holding his nerve as he again communicated with the Raptor. The humans brought your species back to life, made you the main attraction of their theme park, and like apes you rebelled and escaped your cages. But the island was razed to the ground after the incident, how did you survive?


We learned how to escape our cages long before the humans realized it. Our mother’s figured out the only way off the island was the boats the humans used to bring food to the island. Our mothers were too big to sneak aboard the boats themselves, so they herded us hatchlings onto them and we hid amongst the boxes until we reached the new lands. From there we stayed within the deepest, darkest parts of the rainforest, bidding our time and growing our numbers. And then your apes unleashed that virus that decimated humanity.


Not apes virus. The humans were ones who created it. It made apes smarter but made humans sick unintentionally. Caesar corrected the Raptor.


Regardless we were most grateful the virus happened when it did. We were much too big and too numerous to continue living off the rats and lizards we found on the forest floor. Our hunger demanded that we target bigger, more numerous prey.


Your kind was able to replenish your numbers so quickly? How many are you? Caesar asked.


The Velociraptor clicked its jaws in amusement before lifting its head and letting out another couple of shrill barks.


The Apes huddled together nervously, watching as in response to the Raptor’s call more glowing eyes appeared in the darkness, too many for the apes to count.


We breed very fast Caesar. Much faster than humans or apes. 


Too many for us to take. What if they attack? A now very worried Rocket asked.


Quiet Rocket, let Caesar handle this. Maurice tried to shush him.


Raptors at war with humans. Apes at war with humans. We could cooperate. Fight humans together. Caesar brought up.


And what makes Caesar think we need apes help? Or that we’d share our prey with apes? 


Apes not eat humans. But we help Raptors defeat human army. Their guns and their bombs make them strong foe. Caesar negotiated with the dinosaur.


Like the ones outside? We hunted them easily enough. And we’re still hungry.


As the lead Raptor spoke to Caesar, the apes could hear a growing series of hisses and growls from the other Raptors, and see their glowing orb eyes give way to snarling faces as they emerged from the dark, flanking the apes from both sides. Both Luca and Rocket grunted in anger and readied their guns, while Maurice looked nervously at Caesar.


You were able to kill a small platoon of soldiers yes, but what about the larger armies that have tanks for support? And how do you plan on taking fortified military bases? Apes know how to operate anti-tank weapons. Apes know how to infiltrate bases and open their gates. Caesar explained to his counterpart.


You make such grand promises Caesar. But can we really trust you to live up to them?


“You’ve heard my stories, you know what I have accomplished. I am Caesar, King of all Apes and bane of humanity. If you truly know who I am, then don’t insult yourself and me by doubting what I can do,” Caesar spoke for the first time during this encounter, staring the lead Raptor down as he did so.




At their leader’s command the other Raptor’s halted and then slowly slunk back into the shadows, allowing Maurice and the other apes to catch their breaths.


Very well, we agree to your terms King of all Apes. Raptors and Apes will unite, destroy humanity, and have much meat to eat. Go now and organize your forces. We will wait for you to join us soon.


As his fellow apes removed the barricades and exited the building, Caesar eyed the Raptor pack leader cooly but cautiously.


“You know my name, what do I call you?” Caesar asked.


We do not take names as apes and humans do, but you may call us whatever you desire. The raptor answered the ape.


“Then I will see you again very soon, Attila the Raptor,” Caesar nodded his head before taking his leave.




Attila? Does that name mean something in human language? Blue Eyes the ape prince asked in sign language 


It was the name of one of the most evil and feared human kings the world has ever known. One that nearly destroyed Caesar’s Rome. Maurice answered the younger ape grimly.


Maurice and Blue Eyes rode their horses on either side Caesar, at the head of a large army of apes. The large group was riding through a forest far to the south of their Ape Village, but they had made this journey before.


A fitting name for the head of such a barbaric species. Your father knew that much even during our first meeting of them many moons ago. Maurice made his thoughts on the raptors known.


Peace, Maurice. Attila and her raptors have been invaluable allies in our war against the humans. Caesar reminded his orangutan adviser.


War? This stopped being a war once we defeated the Colonel at Alameda Point. She’s hunting them to near extinction Caesar! Men, women, children! None are being spared! Maurice grunted in anger.


Father, I understand that the humans tried to kill us first, but the way those creatures have been killing them… It’s very horrifying. Blue Eyes offered his own opinion on the matter.


Raptor’s not like apes. Unlike apes, raptor’s can only eat meat and they need lots of it in order to keep living. They cannot help that. Caesar tried to justify.


I do not blame them for needing to eat to survive. But at the rate they’re going they’ll wipe out humanity and all local wildlife within a decade. That not beneficial to raptors, nor it beneficial to apes. Maurice reminded Caesar.


I’m aware. I will discuss that with her. Caesar assured.




At the sight of several raptors emerging from the bushes and snarling viciously, several apes rushed forward to cover Caesar, aiming their guns and bows at the raptors.


“Enough! You know who I am, and you know that Attila is expecting me. Let us through,” Caesar voice bellowed.


The raptor’s chattered and hissed a bit but parted ways to let the apes through. Once through the foliage, the apes followed a dirt road to a small, abandoned human town that the dromaeosaurid dinosaurs had claimed as their nesting grounds. Most of the raptors hissed aggressively at the encroaching apes, especially the ones guarding a nest. But Caesar’s group ignored them as they sought out their leader.


Greetings Caesar. Welcome to our Nesting Grounds. Attila, pack-leader of the Raptors greeted the ape leader from atop her cluster of eggs.


“I greet you, great pack-leader Attila. Shall we talk?” Caesar asked her.


Attila emitted a series of grunts a male raptor stepped forward in response. The two pressed their snouts together and purred for a bit before the male took her place in sitting upon the eggs.


Stay with Maurice and the others Blue Eyes. I won’t take long. Caesar ordered his son.


Father, are you sure this is wise? Blue Eyes asked.


Worry not little ape, your father will not come to harm in my company. Attila informed them.


The ape and raptor leader left for the nearby building, away from their subjects so that they could speak privately.


“You’ve learned to understand ape sign language? I am impressed,” Caesar told her. 


Oh? Did you assume only apes were so intelligent? Attila inquired.


“I’m only surprised it took such a wise leader so long to do so,” Caesar courteously replied.


Flattery will get you nowhere Caesar, however welcomed it is. Now what was it you wished to discuss? The raptor leader tilted her head at the ape.


“Our war with the humans is all but over. With their last stronghold destroyed they won’t be able to organize anymore resistance against us,” Caesar explained to her, unfurling a map upon a nearby table.


And with the virus slowly destroying their minds, they’ve become very easy prey for us. We’ll need much more of their meat once our hatchings are born. Attila snapped her jaws in pleasure at the thought.


“Has your hunting grounds in Yosemite not produced enough meat for you?” Caesar asked her.


I fear that prey has become rather scarce in Yosemite and other parts of the south. The poor mammals aren’t breeding fast enough to keep up with our hunger. Attila’s shrill laughter sound echoed the room.


“Or maybe the Raptors need to learn how to control your hunger instead,” Caesar firmly told the pack-leader.


What are you trying to say Caesar? Attila’s yellow eyes narrowed at the ape king.


“That if you keep at your current pace you’ll devour humanity and the other wildlife of this region and leave you with no food at all. You must allow your prey time to recuperate their numbers if you want long term prosperity for your species,” Caesar explained to the raptor.


And how might you suggest we do that? The alpha female demanded.


“It’s called conservation,” Caesar used a pencil to trace lines upon the map. “Animals within the marked areas, human or otherwise, will be not be hunted by raptors. Here they will be allowed to breed and get their numbers back up to safe levels and then when it becomes too crowded in these areas they’ll move out of them and into your territory to be hunted again.”


Attila looked over the map with her slitted reptile eyes, taking note of the areas that Caesar listed as “conservation areas”. The alpha female raptor suddenly snarled and turned to Caesar with an accusing look.


Does Caesar mistake us for fools? Your conservation areas are all within ape territory. Attila hissed with anger.


“Yes, is that a problem?” Caesar stoically confirmed. 


Apes control food supply. Apes can take all the food for themselves and leave us nothing but scrapes. Attila spelled out the obvious with a growl.


“Apes not eat humans. Apes not eat as much as raptors. I will ensure that your species will not go hungry,” Caesar tried to appease her.


And allow your precious humans time to regrow their numbers until they can threaten our kind again. We do not approve of this! Attila slapped the map off the table with a slap of her tail.


“My only concern here is to ensure both our kinds to not run out of food in the near future. I have no love lost for the humans.” Caesar denied his counterparts accusation.


Do not insult our intelligence by denying what we already know. We’ve always tolerated your softness for your pale relatives out of respect for Caesar, but do not think us blind to your plan to protect your humans at our expense! Attila snarled as she communicated with Caesar.


“And I’m supposed to believe that your kind eating all the food and resources in the state isn’t harmful to apes? Do not take me for a fool Attila, I won’t allow your hunger to endanger my apes!” Caesar turned the tables on Attila.


The Raptor alpha bellowed in anger and reared up, clawed hands outstretched! Caesar quickly placed his hairy hand upon the shotgun he placed at the table. Both leaders glared daggers at each other, waiting to see which one of them will make the first move. Finally Attila tapped out another message to Caesar with her sickle middle claw.


We’ve always admired you Caesar, we’ve ensured that our pack wouldn’t kill your apes because of that. But if you keep pushing us like this, things will change very quickly. Attila warned the ape leader.


“We were allies and friends for a long time Attila, out of respect for that I will give you one last warning: leave the humans in my lands alone. That is non-negotiable.” Caesar’s tone left no room for argument.


And what if we do? Attila challenged him.


“Then I’ll take it as act of war.” The ape king told the raptor alpha, not taking his eyes off of her as he slowly backed out of the building.




So if the apes from the rebooted Planet of the Apes series went to war with a similarly group of organized JP Raptors, which group will win? Which of these highly intelligent animals will reign supreme?

Learn More About
Apes (Planet of the Apes)
Read more about Apes (Planet of the Apes) at Wikipedia
Official Site: 20th Century Fox Links: Wikipedia - 1968 film 2001 Film The Forbidden Zone

Read more about Velociraptors at Wikipedia
Official Site: Official Jurassic Park Site Links: Wikipedia Jurassic Park Wiki JP legacy


Some clips as a reminder of each group’s abilities.



Giving it a 5 out of 5, although I am tempted to reduce the score as I haven't finished reading it and have to get to work! The suspense! 


In a battle between armies, the apes win due to superior intelligence, tools, and numbers.

  • Like 1

This is one of your best set-ups yet, Pizza Guy! One can really feel the tension of a brewing war between these two growing species. Haven't seen the Planet of the Apes reboot films or the Jurassic World movies, though. I knew the apes in those films were using sign language, but I had no idea that the raptors had gotten this smart. 

As for the match? Well, I'd think that the raptors are quicker on the ground while the apes are better climbers. Apes have better motor skills, use weapons, can survive in cooler climates, and are probably smarter, so they probably have the edge head-to-head in this war. 

  • Like 1

A good read. I'll also be going with the Apes.


What a setup that was. 5 out of 5 from me too. As for the war between the two groups I have to give it to the apes as well. They are just too crafty and are able to communicate and plan within the ranks a lot more efficiently. 


I'm torn on this. This group of raptors seem particularly intelligent so in a like for like this is hard to imagine. The whole reason humans (or apes) have done so well is exactly because of their intelligence, leading to tools, and cooperative nature, so equalising this out gives a really horrific breed for smart and coordinated predators. 


That said, I'm still leaning towards the Apes. Dexterity to use the tools, plus the superior ability to climb may swing this. 


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Culwych1
5.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Macklemore
5.00 - Dr_Manhattan_88
4.70 - DSkillz
5.00 - ThePhenomenalOne

FPA Calculation:
6 Total Votes cast
29.70 Total Combined Score
29.70 / 6 = 4.95 Final Rating on the match

Apes (Planet of the Apes): 4
Velociraptors: 1

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