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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

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Chapter 50: Hunter Ground Phase Two Prt. 1
It has been said that it is always darkest before the dawn. For many that were trying to find their way to safety in the devastated streets of London, that is what they thought after glimpses of Destoroyah’s rampage. It took the combined efforts of Godzilla, Kong, Mothra, and Rodan to draw the Bloody Titan away from what was left of the once great city. It took the combined efforts of those four titans to put an end to the evil that was Destoroyah. It was truly a battle for the ages. One that would be remembered in history. The four titans that fought for humanity and the life that flourished on this planet had gone their separate ways. As for the survivors that were still in the city, the danger was far from over. The leaders of Earth and the leaders of the New Republic has been scattered throughout the battle-damaged city.
Great fires had spread, and cracks had formed on the streets below. Multiple building had either been knocked over or collapsed onto themselves. Smoke and dust had taken over the skies above. There was little hope for all that had survived the titan attacks. Despite the dangers, the surviving leaders and the rest of London’s civilians had to evade the continuing dangers. In the ensuing chaos that occurred between the battling titans, emergency vehicles and other first responders were destroyed. Now that the titans had cleared out of the city, there was a small glimmer of hope that fell upon the survivors that were hoping to escape from the destruction.
Even though many fires had spread throughout, there was a cold chill that fell upon Leia Organa. Despite all that she had been through during the Galactic Civil War, she knew that this tragedy would stay with her for the rest of her days. The cries and the screams would haunt her wherever she went. She and some of her fellow New Republic Senators were able to follow a group of Earth’s leaders through the devastation. While she grew disheartened with the actions displaced by certain members of both groups, she also saw the good that some of the leaders performed. Leia also took it upon herself to try and help anyone that was in distress. After hearing the sobs of a small child trapped underneath a pile of rubble, the Princess ran to see if she could help. Her muscles burned while trying to pick away at the brick and rubble. Soon she was met by the one-eyed man that she had seen at the summit. Nick Fury assisted her in lifting the rubble and freeing the small child.
Leia looked back at the others that they were traveling with and then gently turned her eyes back to Fury. Before she could say anything, he gave her a look that she knew all too well. Fury did not want to be acknowledged or thanked for his actions. The battle-hardened Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. simply wanted to see this through. He took it upon himself to get as many of the surviving leadership to safety and help any other soul that they encountered along the way. In his mind and in his heart, Fury knew all too well that this was the beginning of something bigger. Even if the rest of the world would chalk it up to a random titan outbreak, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. knew that this was a call to war. He nodded at Leia as she wrapped her arms around the crying child that they had just rescued. As Leia released the young girl, she patted her to go join the other survivors that they were traveling with.
It was not long until a prime minister from one of Earth’s countries stopped and wanted to take a break. Despite Fury’s insistence that they move forward and get out of the city, the group of survivors decided that it was best to stop. Fury’s lips folder in as he tried to keep his frustration to himself. He glared up at the city’s skyline and then shifted his eye toward the streets. Even though the city was free of the titans, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director knew all too well that they were far from safety. While the survivors in the group found places to sit and rest, Fury started scouting out the area. As he was walking along the streets, he realized that he was being followed by someone within the group. Fury tilted his head back and saw the image of Leia Organa. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Director stopped for a moment before spitting out on the ground.
“What do you want?” Fury asked as he turned to face the New Republic Senator.
“I can see it in your face…” Leia said as she stopped to catch her thoughts. “You know this is far from over.”
“Yeah…” Fury said while pausing for a moment. “These titans did not just show up on their own freewill. They were sent here.”
“Who could have done this?” Leia asked with a concerned expression.
“That is the million-dollar question!” Fury replied with a small grin. “Hell, the whole reason for this summit or alliance was because we all felt something was building up in the background. I figured this is all the proof we need.”
“Not everyone is going to get one board now. There will be forces in my galaxy that will be hesitant to join the cause.” Leia said as shook her head.
“And some in this galaxy will not be too thrilled about joining up with you all either.” Fury replied.
“What do we do?” Leia asked.
“What you have always done…” Fury said while looking over the senator. “We fight.”
“How do you know that I am a fighter?” Leia asked curiously.
“Same way that you know that I am. You have that look in your eyes. Politics in one thing but battle does something to a person. You can see it.” Fury replied.
“What happens now?” Leia asked.
“Well, we get the hell out of this city! At least what is left of it. We gather what allies we can and find out who the hell decided to attack us.” Fury replied before reaching into his pocket. After pulling out a cigar and lighting it up, he glanced back at the New Republic Senator. “Then we give them a hell of a fight!”
Meanwhile on the Chimaera,
“Commence Phase two.” Thrawn ordered while staring at the screen.
“How was that possible?” Lex asked after they witnessed the death of the Destoroyah.
“While it was unexpected, it did not divert from what our original intentions were. The city is in ruin and the line of leadership have been hurt. Now it is time to send in the hunters. They will see to it that the casualties continue to grow, and that the leadership will be beyond repair.” Thrawn replied.  
Outside of London,
The dim light from his small screen shined of a pair of dark visors that covered the wrinkled eyes of Boris the Animal. A menacing grin formed across the cheeks of the despicable Boglodite as he looked over his screen. His lips curled back across his sharp jagged teeth while his eyes widened underneath the dark visors. Boris was overwhelmed with joy to be sent orders. The Boglodite had grown rather bored as did the other members in their little team. Even though they were told that their services would be needed after the titan attack London, Boris was growing a bit restless. After seeing his orders to go into the ruins of what used to be London. While many saw London as a once beautiful and historic place, the Animal saw it as nothing more than a stain of humanity. In the mind of the Boglodite, the terror that was caused by the titans was an improvement over what was once there.
After seeing his orders on the small screen, Boris sauntered over to a motorcycle. With a pair of binoculars, he surveyed out the destruction that laid before him. Once he found an access point into the city of London, the Animal started to chuckle. He knew that the others in the team were given similar orders to search and destroy what remained of Earth's and the New Republic's leadership. Under his breath he muttered, "Well boys, let's see who kills more of these rotting insects." 
The Boglodite cranked up his motorcycle and listened as the engine roared to life. He smiled as he rode down toward the city. Up ahead, he saw what appeared to be a makeshift barricade that was guarded by only a handful of soldiers. After a quick analysis of the guards, Boris formed a plan on how he would fight his way through this pathetic barricade. He lifted his right hand and through the Weasel, he shot out several deadly spikes. His lips slid back over those jagged teeth as he grinned. The small group of soldiers that we patrolling the area fell back on the ground. With a slight maneuver of his motorcycle, he circled around that makeshift barricade with ease. "What a joke?" He thought to himself as he thought about Juggernaut and Durge. They would go through those with ease. Boris thought that if this is the best that they could do, then this would be a simple in and out. 
Driving through the torn and shattered streets of London, the Boglodite could not help but smile. The joy of seeing the hurt and devastation that was caused by the kaiju was all too appealing to the intergalactic criminal. While driving through the chaos, he followed a tracking fob to assist with locating his target. Even though he took much delight in the destruction that he was seeing, the dangerous criminal knew he had to be cautious to avoid any dangers that may lurk around the corners. Unstable pieces of building structures hung over different areas while portions of the street collapsed into the sewers below. Despite the battle between the titans coming to an end, the dangers were far from over.
As he continued to drive, he found a group of people blocking his way. His lips began to fold up while unleashing a small growl. The Boglodite stopped his motorcycle before the group of humans started to approach him. Even though their faces were covered in soot and ash, Boris could tell that they were using this titan attack as way to unleash their own primitive desires. They inched closer and closer toward the Boglodite and examined his nice shiny wheels.
“What a nice bike you have…” One of them said before spitting something on the ground. “It’s a shame you have to lose it here.”
“I am not one for losing.” Boris grinned while folding back his sharp jagged teeth. As the group of men watched his lips fold back to reveal the inhuman teeth, each one of them let out a small gasp.
Before they could react, the Animal unleashed one of the spikes into their necks. Immediately, he rushed toward the leader. The leader tried to attack him with a chain, but the Boglodite was far too fast. He wrapped his arm around the leader’s neck and snapped it like a twig. As for the rest of them, the Bolgodite shot them down with the spikes that came from the Weasel in his arm. As Boris stood back to look over what he had done, he heard the unique beeps coming from his tracking fob.
“Enough fun I suppose.” He grumbled under his breath before walking back toward his bike.
After throwing his leg over his motorcycle, he cranked the machine back to life. It was not long until he reached a narrow alley. From the distance, he could see a group of survivors up ahead. Boris stopped his motorcycle once again and steadily made his way closer toward the group. Despite the sound of his bike, he tried to avoid detection as best he could. As he inched closer to them, he heard one of the members let out a blood curdling scream.
“Oh, I guess cat’s out of the bag!” Boris mocked before shooting out a spike at one of the armed guards.
“Take cover!” Nick Fury screamed at the top of his lunges.
The S.H.I.E.L.D. Director slid down behind a large piece of debris. He reached down into his holster to remove his side arm. After scoping out the area, Fury saw that a group of survivors that included several of Earth’s leaders were trapped. Fury then turned his eye toward the group of New Republic Leaders that were traveling with them. After making eye contact with Leia Organa, Fury signaled to her.
“Get out of here!” Fury ordered while turning his attention back toward their attacker. “I will save the others and take this thing down!”
“You will need help!” Leia pleaded.
“And you need to get to safety. This war is just beginning, and we need all the leadership we can get!” Fury roared out before leaning down to pick up the weapon from the fallen guard.
Reluctantly, Leia left with the small group of New Republic leaders. Fury looked over his weapons and then glanced out from behind the cover. He saw that the attacker was a larger individual. Even though he was nearly identical to a human, this creature was something else entirely. The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. saw a glimpse of the small group of Earth leaders that were pinned down and rushed to face off against the intergalactic criminal.
Thrawn has enacted Phase Two of his plan. In the aftermath of the titan attacks, he has now sent in a group of assassins to try and eliminate more of Earth’s and the New Republic’s leadership. With communications, air travel, and power grid still compromised; the survivors are still facing quite a bit of danger. Boris was given a couple targets in a group of survivors that was being led by Nick Fury and Leia Organa. Fury has ordered Leia to escape to safety while he stays behind to try and rescue the other leaders in their group.
Nick Fury is armed with one machine gun and pistol.
Boris the Animal is armed with his spike shooting Weasel and a blaster pistol.
Learn More About
Nick Fury
Read more about Nick Fury at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Entertainment Links: Wikipedia Marvel.com Comicvine

Boris the Animal
Read more about Boris the Animal at Wikipedia
Official Site: Sony Pictures Links: Wikipedia MIB Wiki Answers.com


Hope you all enjoy


I want to say Nick should have this, but I don't remember if Boris is affected by bullets. I could be mixing him up with some other MIB Villain, so correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't he get shot with a normal gun and nothing comes out of it? I'll withhold my vote until I get confirmation.

5 hours ago, Macklemore said:

I want to say Nick should have this, but I don't remember if Boris is affected by bullets. I could be mixing him up with some other MIB Villain, so correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't he get shot with a normal gun and nothing comes out of it? I'll withhold my vote until I get confirmation.

It's been a while since I've watched it. I think he had some durability though and was able to withstand some gunshots from military personnel, but I am a bit fuzzy


Boris has limited durability to bullets due to his alien physiology but can be killed by them nonetheless. In fact in MIB3 Boris loses an arm to gunfire. 


Great Job, Nick isn't armed well enough to take Boris out easily, but I think he is resourceful enough to come out on top in the end.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Yazmal
5.00 - Macklemore

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
15.00 Total Combined Score
15.00 / 3 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Nick Fury: 4
Boris the Animal: 3

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