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Jackal (Gargoyles) vs. The Ferret
Jackal (Gargoyles): 2
The Ferret : 5

Rumble 21175 Mondo Gekko vs. The Hebrew Hammer vs. Janus (God)
Mondo Gekko: 0
The Hebrew Hammer: 0
Janus (God): 2

Tournament - The Thing vs. Hercules (Disney)
The Thing: 5
Hercules (Disney): 4

Asp vs. A.K.I.
Asp: 3
A.K.I.: 5

Tournament - Tarzan vs. The Deep Ones
Tarzan: 5
The Deep Ones: 6

Jackal (Gargoyles) vs. The Ferret
Jackal (Gargoyles): 2
The Ferret : 5

Rumble 21175 Mondo Gekko vs. The Hebrew Hammer vs. Janus (God)
Mondo Gekko: 0
The Hebrew Hammer: 0
Janus (God): 2

Tournament - The Thing vs. Hercules (Disney)
The Thing: 5
Hercules (Disney): 4

Asp vs. A.K.I.
Asp: 3
A.K.I.: 5

Tournament - Tarzan vs. The Deep Ones
Tarzan: 5
The Deep Ones: 6

There is an error being thrown on random matches which makes them impossible to vote/rate - the issue is being looked into.

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Megastory 3.29



Previously: The Masters of Evil went after the Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue team by killing their commander- Capatain Mitchell. Burning with the lust to avenge their leader, the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers walked into a Masters of Evil trap. The team separated, Carter- the Red Ranger- had to fight Cinder Block alone.



If he were honest with himself, Chad didn’t like being separated from the team. He was fairly comfortable filling in for Carter when the Red Ranger was away but he wasn’t fond of solo action.

After a few moments, he started to hear the sounds of battle. His teammates were being attacked. Before he could either run back to help someone or communicate with them, the trap laid for Chad sprung.

It was a woman. She was holding a scythe, the triangleish blade glowing as if it were not metal but some kind of solidified plasma.

More than that, she was beautiful. Stunningly beautiful.

“Whoa! Who are you?”

“Someone who wants to challenge you.” was Rain’s answer. “They say the Red Ranger is always the strongest so she set up something special for him. You are the best fighter of your team. Never having killed a Power Ranger I wanted to see just what kind of skills your kind have to offer.”

Chad just stared at her beauty while she talked. Why were the evil girls always so hot? Then he snapped out of it and responded.

“Your threats don’t intimidate me. And I’ll warn you, I’ll go through you get get back to my friends!”

An evil smirk on her gorgeous face, Rain snarled, “This is the end for you Blue Ranger.”


Fight Parameters:


Battle to the death. Or at least Rain is out to kill Chad.



I'm voting for boobs.


Plasma Sword is such an underrated fighting game. Have been wanting to put more of their characters in matches despite many probably being unfamiliar with the series. Given her position in the franchise and how strong she comes across, I'm going with Rain to defeat the blue ranger from Lightspeed Rescue.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - Yazmal
3.50 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Venom 2009

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
18.50 Total Combined Score
18.50 / 4 = 4.62 Final Rating on the match

Chad Lee: 0
Rain (Plasma Sword): 4

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