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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

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'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a living creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
There were not stockings hung by the chimney with care,
And there were certainly no hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
No, I am afraid the house that we are seeing belongs to a man with a disdain the Yuletide season. 
His hatred for the season was considered a myth, 
And he took away joy and good tidings without much reason. 
If you were to guess, this man was none other than Ebenezer Scrooge. 
This very tale takes place on the night before Christmas in the city that never sleeps. While you think you may know the story of the man who despised all things of joy and laughter, you may not know what all he did in that Christmas Eve night. The old cold-hearted miser cursed to himself for allowing that silly and bumbling Bob Cratchit for taking a day off. Oh, Bob would surely make up for the day that was lost. He would pay to make up for the money that Scrooge would not see on that lousy Christmas Day. He cursed and groaned until a cold wind blew into his home.
While he cursed and he pouted, his thoughts quickly moved to his dear ol' nephew named Fred. Oh, Fred was an optimistic young man full of joy and hope. He loved the Christmas season and sought to spread that joyous wonder to his old bitter uncle. Always a young fool, the old Scrooge thought of his young nephew. If only he would grow wise and learn what truly mattered in this world. Money was all that mattered to the greedy old miser. He felt money added to your power, and made you a bit wiser. 
Now the old Scrooge despised the Christmas season. He loathed all the lights and the songs. His hate for the season did not need a reason. He did not feel he had a need to right any wrongs. If he could, the old man would stop the holidays from coming. The old man knew all too well that there was no way to stop Christmas from coming. He was not a green furry Grinch with a heart two sizes too small. While Scrooge was a man that was cunning, he had no desire to go out after nightfall. Oh, Scrooge was going to stay alone and keep to himself on this cold winter's night. While others may have enjoyed the celebrations, he desired for this day to be kept out of sight. 
There were very few things that Scrooge hated more than the Yuletide celebration. As his television set blared to life, the old Scrooge flipped through the channels with much fury. Every channel had a song or two for Christmas on their station. He flipped through the channels in a hurry. Soon, the old man found a channel that he always enjoyed. It was the channel of the boring old stock market. He smiled from ear-to-ear while watching stocks rise and fall. As I said before, there were very few things that he hated more than the Christmas season, but there was one that was close to the same level of hatred. 
Scrooge screamed and he shouted when one commercial came on. It was a commercial that had found its way on his screen more than he cared to see. Three to four men that were dressed in the oddest attire and spoke of ghostly apparitions. Oh, Scrooge did not care for the Ghostbusters. He did not care for them one bit. In fact, he hated the fame that they had gained and wished only for the worst on those four men. Before the commercial could reach its end, the old man turned off the television set and threw remote across the room without much regret. 
With the Silent Night underway, the stingy and bitter Scrooge put on his battered old robes. He scurried to his room in hopes of sleeping through this dreadful night. It was not long until he felt a chill pulling on his earlobes. The old miser jumped out of his bed in a fright. He heard a sound that was as dreadful as the joyous songs that he came to hate. A ghostly figure appeared in his room that was only visible by the pale light of the winter's moon. Entwined in chains and money boxes, the ghostly figure arrived not a moment too late. Scrooge rubbed his cold dark eyes to have a clear sight.  He could not believe what visitor came into his room on that night of Christmas Eve. It was none other than the spirit of his old business partner, Jacob Marley. While the old miser was afraid of the spirit of his once close friend, he was far too petrified to leave. 
The ghost of Jacob Marley spoke with an agonizing voice. He was wrapped in chains of his own making from a life filled with greed. In life, he felt that he had no other choice. In death, he longed for the day that he could be out of these chains and finally be freed. He warned the old greedy Scrooge not to be selfish and cruel. Alas, the old man did not care for these warnings from his once close friend. Marley warned the old miser that nothing would be enough to break free from this curse, not even a jewel. There would no paradise to this suffering as it knew no end. On this very night, the ghost of Jacob Marley warned the old Scrooge,
“You will be haunted… by Three Spirits… Without their visits, you cannot hope to shun the path I tread”
Once the ghost of Jacob Marley departed from his sight, the old Scrooge found the strength in his legs. He walked down the hall and toward his study. The old miser sat back in his chair with the thought of drinking some kegs. His mind was astray while he felt a bit cruddy. He trembled and shook while turning on the television. Frightened by the warning of his old business partner, the old miser heard a sound that brought a promise of good tiding. With much reluctance, the old greedy man made a fateful decision. 
"Bah! Humbug!" The Old Scrooge yelled while dialing the number to New York's very own Ghostbusters.
Oh, the spirits outside are frightful
But the Ghostbusters are so delightful
Since we've got no one else to call
Let them bust, let them bust, let them bust
Sitting at her desk, Janine hoped and prayed that the phone would not ring. She did not understand why Egon insisted that they work on this Christmas Eve night. She would rather be anywhere but here in this old fire station. The night was slow and there was a promise that they would call it quits before the clock struck midnight. She rolled her eyes when the Ghostbuster with large spectacles said that not even spirits take holiday vacations. Even with his insistence to stay throughout the entire night, the others finally were able to make the compromise that if a call does not come in before Christmas, they would all leave for the holiday. Janine watched the clock while also keeping an eye out for the Ugly Little Spud known as Slimer.
Let us take a look at the Mean Green Ghost. He had an appetite like no other while causing mischief and mayhem everywhere he went. Slimer was loathed by many but became a mascot of sorts for the Ghostbusters of New York. With this cold Christmas season, he searched and searched for all the holiday treats that were left out for grabs. Venkman laughed as he watched Egon grow pink in the face after the Onionhead ghost took a bite out of his holiday delights. As I said before, Slimer was loathed by many, but he became part of the family for the team of Ghostbusters. 
Winston sat back in his chair while listening to the jingles and the jangles of an old radio. He longed to be with his family during Christmas but knew that a job was a job at the end of the day. He closed his eyes and thought about that holiday dinner that would surely be waiting for him. He felt that his mother's cooking would surely make him feel like a winner. He enjoyed all the traditions that he had on Christmas Day and usually partook in singing carol or two. Winston closed his eyes and dreamed of the smell of that delicious pie that his mother was probably baking in the oven at this very moment.
Now ol' Venkman on the other hand was not one for the traditional Christmas routines. He hummed along with the songs that were played on Winston’s small radio. His mind and his thoughts were on the one that waited for him back at his home. Dana promised a gift that would bring out the spirit of the holidays. While Peter and Winston argued with Ray and Egon, they decided to come to compromise on that Christmas Eve night. Peter waited for that clock to strike midnight so that he could rush home to see what was waiting for him by his favorite gal, Dana.
Ray, on the other hand, quite enjoyed spending the holidays with his fellow Ghostbusters. He saw them as more than just friends as they were brothers in proton-packs. He hoped and wished that a call would come through so that he and his brothers would go out to see what ghost or ghoul would come out on this night. He looked over at Winston who was singing along with the old Christmas Carols and smiled while Venkman tried to hum alongside the old tunes.
As for Egon Spengler, well he was not much into the holiday traditions. He did not see the science or logic behind such nonsense. Ol’ Egon did not share the same interests that others had on this special day. His research and his work are what filled him the most. He felt that this night would bring the promise of a haunting or two. With the clock getting closer than ever to that midnight hour, Egon did not know what else to do. He glared at the clock as his mouth was about to sour. He looked over a collection of spores, molds, and fungus to keep his mind from wondering before the coming midnight hour.
Before the clock struck midnight, the phone rang with a screech. Janine scowled as she reached for that blasted old phone. “Ghostbusters, what do you want?” Janine answered in the most unenthusiastic tone. She could not believe her ears as she heard the cursing of a naughty old man. If it was not for the Christmas season, she would have been a little less kind. She gave the information to her fellow Ghostbusters. Ray smiled from ear to ear while Winston pouted with his fleeting holiday cheer. As for the others, Egon was relieved that there was a haunting on this Christmas Eve while Venkman was disappointed that he was not get to see the gift that Dana had promised he would receive. 
So, this was a cold winter's night with snow all around. Many had either stayed indoors to avoid the brisk cold air, or had gone to bed in hopes that they would not miss a visit from old Saint Nick as he stopped by without much of a sound. Decorations were hanging and lights were glistening. The skies were clear with stars that were bright and twinkling. It was a night that was soothing without much of a fright. The Ghostbusters were going to try to bust these ghosts with all of their might. 
The sirens on the Ecto-1 flashed along with the hanging Christmas lights. They drove through the empty streets and headed to the mansion of the greedy old Scrooge. Venkman’s wonderous gaze fell upon a nice neighborhood as his eyes widen with each passing home. He made a comment or two about wanting to move to one of these houses with the lovely Miss Dana. As they approached the mansion of Ebenezer Scrooge, Peter cleared his throat while looking over the large home. Ego pulled out the P.K.E. Meter and saw that the readings were off the charts. Winston on the other hand, he was hoping that they did not lose their wits and their smarts. 
“A minute or two more and this guy would have been Scrooged.” Peter said with a with a triumphant grin.
"How long did it take you to come up with that one?" Winston grumbled as he put his pack over his shoulders.
Peter thought to himself and nodded. "Ah, car ride over here." He replied with a smirk.
“Well, we are here now! Might as well make the most of it!” Ray said with a joyous smile.
“Don’t look too excited, Ray.” Winston groaned before shaking his head. “I just have to remember that a job is a job.”
“Keep your packs ready to go. Janine said that this Scrooge was going to be haunted by three spirits. This is not going to be a simple in and out.” Egon said before knocking on the door.
The large door squeaked opened with a cloud of dust in the air. It seemed as if this mansion had not seen a decent cleaning in quite some time. Emerging from the cloud of dust, the team of Ghostbusters saw a thin old man with a cane in his hands. The old bitter man glared upon the team that he absolutely despised. Scrooge scoffed before asking a question that he already knew the answer to, “Bah! Humbug! Are you those silly Ghostbusters that are always on my television?”
“Well, huh" Peter chuckled before giving off a mischievous grin. "That is who you called.” He said sarcastically.
"Let's get one thing straight, I do not care for any of you! Not one bit!" The old Scrooge growled as his lips curled over his stained yellow teeth.
"We can be on a merry little way then and you can call us back in a couple of days if you would like." Peter continued saying in that sarcastic tone. "Hopefully those naughty old ghosts do not give you too many problems."
"Wait!" Scrooge sighed before shaking his head. The man closed his piercing dark eyes before lowering head in humiliation. "There is no reason for you to go. I called you for a reason, now do what you fools do and get rid of the ghosts that are supposed to come!" Scrooge said while gritting his yellow-stained teeth.
"Very well then but with it being Christmas Eve and all, our normal rates will be a tad bit higher." Peter said with a slight nod. "Oh, and Ray here would love some hot cocoa with some extra whipped cream if you have any."
Ray’s eyes went blank as he shook his head at Venkman. Winston tried his best to hide his smile while Egon prepared to head inside the dusty old mansion.
"Just get on with it!" Scrooge growled and scoffed while the team sauntered into his mansion. 
There you have it! 
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Scrooge's house,
The Ghostbusters were stirring for the Three Ghosts of Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all, and Happy New Year to You!
Learn More About
Read more about Ghostbusters at Wikipedia
Official Site: Sony Pictures Links: "Ghostbusters" Wikipedia page "Ghostbusters" imdb page Ghostbusters.net archive

The Three Ghosts Of Christmas
Read more about The Three Ghosts Of Christmas at Wikipedia
Official Site: Charles Dickens Links: Wikipedia


Hope you all enjoy and hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!


They face these guy in the cartoon. But not this way.

Ghostbusters got this.

  • Like 1

This setup is excellent! A great use of the ghosts of Christmas, although I don't know if they can talk or show memories/visions enough to the Ghostbusters to delay their eventual capture. 

  • Like 1

Love it! A great combo which honestly should be done every Christmas. 

Giving it to Ghostbusters. 

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Culwych1 said:

Love it! A great combo which honestly should be done every Christmas. 

Giving it to Ghostbusters. 

I really appreciate that! I've been trying to do an annual Christmas match up the last several years. I had fun with this one.


I went ahead and did another Christmas set up this year as well with Dash Rendar vs. Wampa


Nice to see the Three Ghosts are finally in a match.

  • Like 1

Good to see one of your annual Christmas Matches, Boratz! :D Very good set-up and very plausible CBUB Match debut of the Christmas Ghosts. I was planning on getting to it much earlier, but my laptop's been pretty sluggish of late. 

Like leroy, I vaguely remember the Ghostbusters taking on these ghosts in an episode of their old cartoon, but I don't remember nearly enough about how it turned out. It feels like a pretty quirky case for the team, but they should be able to capture them.

I have a feeling that the guys would want to let the Ghosts teach their Christmas lesson to Scrooge first, though.  Either that or I'm starting to remember the episode. 😅


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.70 - DSkillz
5.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Culwych1
5.00 - Venom 2009

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.70 Total Combined Score
19.70 / 4 = 4.92 Final Rating on the match

Ghostbusters: 6
The Three Ghosts Of Christmas: 2

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