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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Wolverine: 4
Deadpool: 0

Erin Harson vs. Jennifer Remming
Erin Harson: 2
Jennifer Remming: 0

Erin Hardesty vs. Heather Miller
Erin Hardesty: 3
Heather Miller: 0

Son Goku vs. Godzilla
Son Goku: 2
Godzilla: 3

Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
Teen Titans (2003 TV series): 1
Juggernaut: 3

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Peter Quill, clad in his trademark red jacket, stood center stage. He gripped a microphone and grinned broadly at the camera. Behind him was a sleek, high-tech studio adorned with blinking screens and a massive holographic neon logo that read “The Guardian Challenge”. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, sentient beings of all shapes, sizes, and dimensions, welcome to The Guardian Challenge! I’m your host, Peter Quill, aka Star-Lord, and tonight we’ve got a show that’s going to be out of this galaxy! Literally! With me are my co-hosts, the always fierce Gamora and the… perpetually unimpressed Nebula!”

Gamora managed a faint smile. “Happy to be here, Peter.”

Nebula crossed her arms. “Let’s get this over with.”

Peter ignored her. “Now, we all know about the rising threat of xenomorph infestations across dimensions. These face-hugging nightmares are leaving eggs in places they shouldn’t, and it’s becoming a real problem. So, as a public service, we’ve put together this game show to teach everyone cool tips and tricks for handling these slimy creeps! Because who doesn’t love learning with a side of fun, right?”

“People would be better off arming themselves and learning proper combat techniques,” Nebula interjected.

“Oh, come on. Where’s the fun in that?” Peter shot back. He turned to Gamora. “Gamora, why don’t you tell the audience about the layout of the game location and what our contestants need to do?”

Gamora nodded and stepped forward. “The challenge takes place on a derelict spacecraft drifting in the void. It is divided into three zones: the Hive, the Laboratory, and the Control Room. The contestants must survive the Hive, an area filled with nasty xenomorphs. Then they must retrieve critical data from the terminal in the adjacent Laboratory. Finally they will need to activate the self-destruct mechanism in the Control Room while avoiding or neutralizing a xenomorph queen. The first to complete these objectives without dying wins.”

Gamora hesitated and her tone briefly changed. “Unlike my own life experiences, where I was often… thrown into challenges like this by my father without consent, both of our competitors volunteered. Which is… different. They also both come in with great experience in battling xenomorphs. Now let’s learn more about our brave contestants from Drax.”

The screen shifted to Drax standing in front of a green screen. Behind him, images of Amanda Ripley and Linn Kurosawa appeared with their names highlighted in bold.

“Our first competitor is Amanda Ripley,” Drax began. “She is the daughter of Ellen Ripley, a renowned xenomorph slayer. Amanda is an engineer and survivalist who recently faced off with a xenomorph on Sevastopol Station. She excels in stealth and ingenuity but may be fragile in direct combat.”

He pointed to the next image. “Our second competitor is Lieutenant Linn Kurosawa. She is a soldier and martial artist who fought xenomorphs alongside Predator warriors. Unlike Amanda, she specializes in melee and ranged combat and has exceptional agility. She will definitely take the more direct approach and barrel her way through. My kind of woman.”

Drax smiled. “Both are worthy warriors. Now, let us see how they fare.” 

Peter chuckled. “Thanks, Drax! Let’s check in with both of our competitors through our sideline correspondents. Mantis, you’re up!”

Mantis stood beside Amanda Ripley. “Amanda, Hi! How are you? Are you nervous about living up to your mother’s legacy? We’ve even heard stories about her in our dimension!”

Amanda thought for a moment. “I wouldn’t say nervous, but… it’s a lot to live up to. This competition is dangerous, and I’m wondering if volunteering was the right choice. But then again, if it helps people, then it’s worth it.”

Mantis nodded earnestly. “That is very noble. I’ve seen many possible futures for this contest. Some turn out very well for you.” She paused. “Some turn out badly. And some… horrifically for everyone involved. But good luck!”

Mantis smiled brightly.

Peter winced as the camera returned to him. “Thanks, Mantis… I think. Moondragon, over to you!”

The camera panned to Moondragon standing next  to Linn Kurosawa, who exuded calm and confidence.

“Linn, do you think your experience fighting alongside Predators gives you a strategic edge?” Moondragon asked.

Linn smirked. “If this were just about killing aliens, maybe. But this is more than that. It’s a competition that requires some gameplanning. I’m just glad to be part of something like this. Sometimes, I worry my exploits are being… forgotten. Licensing issues, you know.”

Moondragon nodded sympathetically. “I know exactly what you mean. I wasn’t in the Guardians movies or the video game. A talking tree and a space dog get more recognition than I do. It weighs on you sometimes. But enough about that. Good luck up there.”

Finally, Rocket Raccoon appeared on the screen. He stood in a makeshift armory. 

“I know the question on everyone’s minds is what are these ladies packing? So let’s talk weapons! Amanda’s got a flamethrower, motion tracker, and some crafty gizmos like these smoke bombs and EMP mines. Good for sneaky stuff.”

Rocket lifted up each item as he listed them off. “Oh, she’s also got this bolt gun, good for silent kills and puncturing armor.”

Rocket then walked to the other side of the room to show off Linn’s inventory.  “Linn’s packing a pulse rifle customized with a grenade launcher, flash grenades, and a freakin’ katana.”

 Rocket returned to the center of the armory. “Solid choices all around for both challengers, though kinda basic if you ask me. I could’ve whipped up something much better, but hey, they didn’t ask.” Rocket shrugged. “Back to you, Quill.”

Peter grinned. “Thanks, Rocket! And remember, the first one to complete all objectives and not die, wins! Let’s get this game started!”

The camera zoomed in on Amanda and Linn as they climbed into their respective pods. Each one gave a determined nod before the hatches were sealed. The pods launched toward the derelict spaceship, streaking through the void as the studio erupted in cheers.

“Stay tuned, folks,” Peter quipped. “This is going to be epic.”

Learn More About
Amanda Ripley
Read more about Amanda Ripley at Wikipedia
Official Site: Sega Links: Wikipedia

Lt. Linn Kurosawa
Read more about Lt. Linn Kurosawa at Wikipedia
Official Site: Capcom Links: Wikipedia GiantBomb The Alien Vs. Predator Lair


Bumping this above some completed matches for its final day (and possibly avoid a Tyrion vs. Barney situation).


Nice to see Amanda in her first match. But I have to give this to Linn, as she can beat xenomorphs in hand-to-hand combat.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Venom 2009
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - Yazmal

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
15.00 Total Combined Score
15.00 / 3 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Amanda Ripley: 2
Lt. Linn Kurosawa: 3

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