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Tournament - Wolverine vs. Deadpool
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Teen Titans (2003 TV series) vs. Juggernaut
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Juggernaut: 3

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Chapter 44: Restoring the Grid

While the kaiju battled it out over the streets of London, the leaders of the free world and the New Republic tried to escape from the chaos. As a result of the ensuing battle of the titans, power grids and communications were down. Despite the power grid being compromised, the CTU Field Office that was stationed outside of London was able to work off of a couple backup generators. The Special Agent in charge of the London Office, Bill Buchanan, and the Director of Field Operations, Curtis Manning, scrambled as they tried to find out the current status of the President of the United States. Curtis and a team of tactical agents were preparing to head out into the streets to see who they could rescue. Meanwhile, as the analysts and other technical officers were struggling with what limited power they had, Bill went into his office. He opened a cabinet to one of the drawers in his office and pulled out several larger folders.

Heading back into the conference room, he gestured at Curtis and a couple other staff members to come with him. The senior agent opened up the folders and spread them across the large conference room table. Detailed maps of London were scattered around while Bill also placed a compass in the center of the table. As the older agent stood back with a look of accomplishment on his face, his eyes moved around the room at the others that were in there with him. Curtis, with his years of experience in the special forces, grinned as he understood what the Special Agent in Charge was trying to do, while some of the younger agents and analysts seemed confused. Knowing that most of the younger agents relied solely on technology, they did not know how to read a map or work a compass. As the younger agents and analysts started bickering amongst themselves, Bill put his thumb and index finger against his lips. A loud whistle shot across the conference room and everyone immediately went silent.

"We are under attack! Time is of the essence. Our President and the leaders of the free world are in danger. Leaders of this other galaxy are in danger. We do not know how many are still alive. Hell, we don't know if any of them are still alive. They are relying on us. Now, I know most of you have grown up with nothing but computers and cellphones. Today, that has been taken away from us. We are going to need to use maps and compasses to coordinate around the city. Curtis has had experience with this. He is going to take a team into to London to see who they can evacuate. Meanwhile, we need to find a way to take back control." Bill commanded.

"My team and I will be leaving in five minutes." Curtis added while reaching down for a map and a compass. 

"I may know of a way to get the power restored." The lead analysts, Chloe O'Brian, interjected.

"That's good, Chloe, what do you need from us?" Bill asked.

"I need to go to the power grid and get it rebooted." Chloe replied.

Bill replied, "I need you here, Chloe. We can send one of...."

"None of these agents or analysts know how to reboot the grid. You don't know how to restore it. I do! I have seen the power grid and I know what needs to be done! Jack would not have placed in charge of analytical operations if he did not trust my judgement." Chloe snapped.

"I understand Chloe, but you..." Bill said before being interrupted again.

"I am not asking! I am going." Chloe scowled before reaching down for one of the maps. "You said it yourself; time is not on our side. I am doing this!"

"Okay, Chloe." Bill sighed. "You will need to be careful. We do not have any field agents that can accompany you. They are all heading out to the rescue operations."

A small look of concern fell over Chloe's face before she regained her composure. "I can handle myself!" Chloe said. "I've been on enough missions with Jack. I will be in and out."

"I will see what I can do about getting a field operative to meet you there. It may be a while, though." Bill said with assurance. "But Chloe, get in and get out. I cannot afford to you lose you."

A half smile formed on Chloe's face before she turned her eyes to the armory. "I will be taking a gun with me." She said while nodding. "You know, just in case."


As Syndrome oversaw the titans being brought through the teleportation device, Mercy Graves walked down to another level of their facility. Passing the terrifying figure known as Juggernaut and the deadly assassin known as Durge, she could tell that the two were getting restless. 

"I don't like waiting very much!" Juggernaut growled. 

"Keep your chin up." Mercy said with a chilling grin. "It will not be long now until Phase 2 begins. Then you will have all the fun." 

Soon, the assistant of Lex Luthor walked down into another section of the facility. Walking into a room, she sauntered toward the curly blonde assassin known as Lori Quaid. Quaid was exercising with a holographic trainer while Mercy entered into sight. After seeing Mercy enter the room, Lori stopped and turned off the hologram. She stepped back and reached down for a towel. The assassin wiped away some sweat from her head while glancing back at Luthor's assistant.

"While I can say; this is the best paying job that I've ever had, it is quite boring." Lori said as she reached for a bottle of water.

"You are in luck, Ms. Quaid." Mercy said before handing a tablet to the assassin.

"What is this?" Lori asked while taking a sip of her water.

"A little assignment from Lex himself. Before Phase 1 comes to a close and Phase 2 begins, he needs assurance that the power is not restored to the grid." Mercy replied.

"Huh." Lori said with a smile. "I thought that is what those oversized stuffed animals were for."

"Thrawn has predicted that there will be some that will try to restore power at the grid. You need to make sure that does not happen." 

"Well, it is about time that I get sent to do something. I was beginning to think Jessica Priest was going to get to have all the fun." Lori chuckled. 

"Ms. Priest is unfortunately no longer a part of our operations. I am afraid, she has taken a strong leave of absence." Mercy replied. 

Lori went silent for a moment as Mercy stepped out of the room. Knowing now what happened to Jessica, the assassin started to realized how dangerous this operation truly was. Lori headed to her quarters and looked over her closet. She realized that she had had to slip in and out without raising detection. After finding the right set of clothes, Lori started getting ready for her mission. She strapped a concealed knife above her ankle and placed a pistol in a holster on her lower back. The assassin soon made her way out of the facility and got into a car. 

After putting the coordinates for the power grid, Lori sat back while the vehicle transported her to the grid. Her eyes widened once she said the power slowly flickering to life. Knowing that she was late to stop the power from being turned backed on, Lori knew that she had to kill whoever was responsible and make sure that it was reversed.

Moments before,

Chloe saw the clouds of smoke rising up the skies. Her heart began to sink once she realized that London was in ruins. She hoped Curtis and his team could get in and rescue as many people as they could but with the sight of the devastation, her hopes started to slowly fade. Despite this, she knew that she had to restore power to the grid. She was confident in her abilities and knowledge over the power grid and its systems. The experienced analyst raced as fast as she could to her destination. 

After showing her credentials to Byron, the supervisor over the power grid, the CTU analyst was allowed inside the facility. She immediately headed to the lower levels in hopes to restore the basic and essential power to the city. Without hesitation, the experienced analyst went to work. Despite the pressure that she faced, she was able to get some of the power restored. Chloe had a quick moment of relief, but there was still much work that had to be done before she could consider this a victory. 

As she was about to head to the next station, she heard footsteps coming toward her. The analyst scoffed and rolled her eyes. With a scowl on her face, she looked down the dark corridor. Much to her surprise, she did not see what she expected. Coming toward her, she saw a blonde woman with curly hair. 

"I said that I wanted to be left alone!" Chloe growled with glaring at the woman.

"It's okay, I'm actually not with the power company." The woman said with a warm smile.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Chloe asked.

"My name is Lori. Bill sent me." Lori replied. 

Suspicious, Chloe squinted her eyes before looking over the woman. "That was quick. I haven't seen you before at CTU."

"I am not actually with CTU. Bill was able to get word to my agency and, well, here I am." Lori said while waving out her hands.

"What agency is that?!" Chloe snapped. 

"S.H.I.E.L.D." Lori replied.

Chloe thought for a moment as a strange feeling was lurking deep inside her chest. Something did not feel right as she stood before this strange woman. The analyst felt something was off as the woman started inching closer.

"Did you have problems getting in here with Morris? I know he can be a real pain in the ass. He takes his duties as supervisor a little too seriously." Chloe said while trying to test this woman.

"Of course. Morris was a pain but he let right me in after I showed him who I was." Lori chuckled. 

"And who are you?!" Chloe hissed while reaching for her pistol.

Lori replied, "I told yo...."

"I know what you told me. I also know that you are lying. The station's supervisor is named Byron not Morris!" Chloe snapped.

"Huh... You are a smart one, I will give you that." Lori chuckled before jumping behind a generator. "I was going to make it quick but, in your case, I may just have a little bit of fun with you before I kill you." 

"I've already got some of the power restored and there are reinforcements coming. You lost! You do not have a chance of getting out of here. If you surrender now then you may have a chance at a trial." Chloe said with a shaky voice. 

"Dear, I do not believe reinforcements are coming for a while and I can certainly turn off the lights again. As for you, you do not seem like much of anything to me." Lori mocked her while taking out her pistol. 


The battle is taking place in the power grid facility outside of London. Chloe was able to get basic electricity restored but she needs to get full power back to London. Lori has been sent in to stop that from happening.

Chloe O'Brian is armed with a pistol and a taser.

Lori Quaid is armed with a pistol and she has a concealed knife strapped on her lower leg. 

Learn More About
Chloe O'Brian
Read more about Chloe O'Brian at Wikipedia
Official Site: FOX Links: Wikipedia 24 Wiki 24 (TV Series)

Lori Quaid
Read more about Lori Quaid at Wikipedia
Official Site: TriStar Pictures Links: Wikipedia Villains Wiki Movievillains.com


Hope you all enjoy this continuation of my ongoing arc. 


Going with Lori. Good job.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - JohnnyChany

FPA Calculation:
1 Total Votes cast
5.00 Total Combined Score
5.00 / 1 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Chloe O'Brian: 0
Lori Quaid: 3

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